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England Profile Improvement Team - Polite Message examples

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Send a Message to the Profile Manager

It is not always necessary to do all the work yourself. Profile managers share the responsibility. Sometime a simple message to the Profile Manage can be enough to encourage them to do some work on a profile. Many Profile Manages do not have much knowledge of how wikitree works and what standards are expected. Some do not realise that there is something wrong with a profile, and even if they do they may not know how to correct it. This is especially true of new members. We were all new once and we all made mistakes.

As a Data Doctor you are if an ideal position to help to educate other wikitree members. You can leave polite messages for Profile Managers telling them that something needs doing, or even telling them how to do what is needed.

Always remember that our community's Honor Code is about courtesy. Make an extra effort to sound polite and friendly and remember that when mistakes are made we assume that they're unintentional. Always try and add a :), so the PM knows you are not being anything but nice and helpful :)

CAUTION: One thing to watch for is the date the profile was created. If it is within 2 months, let it be, the PM might just be getting back to doing something about it him/herself.

Below are some messages that could be used or adapted. If you had a favorite message that you leave, please share it below.

Problem Message
If you have added a maintenance category. e.g. Unsourced I have added a category (or categories) to aid other dedicated people to assist in sourcing this profile. :)
If you happen to find a source for an uneditable profile I have come across this source which might be useful to you. [ Include the source ] When you have a moment maybe you would like to check it out. :)
If you find a name error on an uneditable profile, and can provide a source for the correct name. There is a name error suggestion on this profile. I think it refers to Xxxxx's middle name. I have looked in the UK General Registration Index and the name Xxxxx was not part of Xxxxx’s name when his birth was registered. Xxxxx is, however his mother’s maiden name. [Include the source]. When you have time could you look at it please and then go to suggestions (top right hand corner under MyWikitree) and remove the error report. :)
When you find the name of someone who is unknown, but cannot add the correct name because you are not the Profile Manager. Xxxxx maiden name was Xxxxx. Perhaps when you have time you could add it please. I found it on the Birth Registration of her children. I have added the sources of the children’s profiles. :)
When there is a birth date error. "The birthdate of the father needs a closer look. There is a database error showing the child born 10 years after he died. If you need help correcting this please let me know. Thank you."

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  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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