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England - Project Managed and Project Protected Profiles

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Englandmap
Surnames/tags: England PPP
This page has been accessed 4,225 times.

See also:

Managed Profiles Team
Managed Profiles that need work
Profile Standards


England : Project Managed Profiles (PMP) and Project Protected Profiles (PPP)

The England Project manages profiles of notable English people who are important to our English history, and who either were born or died in England or spent a large proportion of their life in England.
Guides to notablility are the Wikitree Notabability test or inclusion in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

We honour these people by:

  • adopting the profile if they are a Wikitree orphan
  • becoming a co-manager if the profile is not managed by another Project.
  • improving the profile with a splendid biography, sources and links
  • maintaining the integrity of the profile

The England Project protects the profile of an English person (whether or not they are notable) if:

  • aspects of their history are contentious, unproven or speculative. The biography or comments indicate that there has been dispute about:
the identity of the person,
key details of the person’s life, or their descendants or ancestors
or there has been G2G discussion requesting that the profile be locked
  • the profile is prone to duplication.
  • the Last Name at Birth (LNAB) is unstable.

The England Project protects a profile by:

  • either adopting an orphaned profile or becoming a co-manager if the profile is not already managed by a Project.
  • applying PPP status, which locks the LNAB and the parents, spouses and children of the profile person.
  • researching the profile history using reliable sources and improving the biography if required.
  • encouraging and leading discussion about the profile person and their family on G2G
  • maintaining the integrity of the finished profile by keeping it on our watchlist.

Only a small proportion of the England Project's Managed Profiles will need Project Protection.

The England Project follows the Wikitree guidelines for Project Protection and Project Managed Profiles.

Legacy PPP

There are a large number of profiles with legacy Project Protection which are not managed by any project.
If the England Project decides to adopt any of these profiles, we will post a comment on the profile to notify the current profile managers that the England Project wishes to become a co-manager.
If the England Project Managed Profiles team decides that the legacy PPP can safely be removed from any English profile, then we will consult with the current manager.

Suggest a profile for the England Project to manage

To suggest a profile for England Project management (including how it meets the Project Management and or Project Protection criteria), please complete this e-form:
Form for PMP and PPP Suggestions

Project Administration and Team Structure

Profiles currently managed by the England Project

Top level: England, Project Managed Profiles

England Managed Profiles, Pre-1500
England Managed Profiles, Pre-1500 PPP
England Managed Profiles, Pre-1700
England Managed Profiles, Pre-1700 PPP
England Managed Profiles, Post-1700
England Managed Profiles, Post-1700 PPP
England, Authors Managed Profiles and PPPs
England, Members of Parliament Managed Profiles and PPPs


Comments: 3

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The project maybe interested in Wm Austen 1587- 16 Jan 1633 profile

I read his burial entry ...while searching page by page for my ancestor James Prince...

posted by Beryl Meehan
Thanks Beryl - Elizabeth Viney is working on him as there may be a link to her Gloucestershire Smyths. We have categorised him under English Authors, but we won't be adopting him for the England Project. Jo
posted by Jo Fitz-Henry

Hi! A merge combined profiles for William Mallory that were managed by different projects - Magna Carta and England projects.

I switched England Project to a sticker, since the project account wasn't on the trusted list.

If England Project would like to co-manage the profile, please switch the sticker back to a project box & add the project account.

Thanks! Liz (co-leader, Magna Carta Project)

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett