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England Project Managed Profiles Team.
Profile standards page.
Managed Profiles in need of improvement
Once you have been confirmed as a member of the EPMP team, you will be sent the link to our working spreadsheet (Google Sheets) of the all the profiles which the EP manages.
The amount of work required varies with each profile, ranging from just minor tidying to a blank canvas needing the full works. Many profiles have contentious or disputed histories (one of the reasons that the EP manages profiles) and unpicking these when dealing with multiple profile managers can take time. An idea of the scope of work needed is in the notes section each profile.
Ideally each of these profiles should have at least their immediate family identified, a biography that describes any significant events/achievements and sources that provide evidence for the facts.
If you can add to the profiles of any family members that is even better!
You may need to create profiles but you do not need to keep them on your watchlist.
The sheet you will be using most is Form Responses 4 (the first sheet).
This is the sheet where all the referrals come to from the England Project Suggestion Form.
We can't do anything about the name of that sheet because apparently then the form submissions won't populate the cells correctly.
The profiles are arranged from most recently added to the spreadsheet to oldest.
The rows are coloured by where the EP is in the profile adoption process:
Blue = still in progress
Red = we are not going to adopt this one (a reason will be added)
Yellow = the EP has adopted the profile and it is now good to work on.
- Column P has the Era code (A, B or C)
- Column Q - is this a 5 Star profile?
- Column R tells you what needs doing for that profile
- Column S - add your name here if you wish to work on the profile. Also add a comment on the profile to signal your intentions to the other PMs if any. This is out of politeness and a good way of starting a good collaboration going.
- Column T - when you have improved the profile as far as you can, leave a message here and any further work that needs doing in future.
The other two sheets you will be using is:
The team members sheet - keep your details up to date, especially if you change the era you prefer to work in.
The England Project 5-Star profiles sheet - we will aim to update this once a month with new profiles.
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)