
Ernest Graham Bigamy Page

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Date: 1910 [unknown]
Location: Sioux Falls, Lincoln, South Dakota, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Graham
Profile manager: Coral Parks private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 212 times.

A page to note down anything which might be connected to a possible bigamy of Ernest Graham.

Possible identities:

Ernest Ethwold Graham (abt.1875-)
Ernest Alfred Graham (1875-1948)

Newspaper Excerpts

“With his sentence of one year in the Sioux Falls penitentiary suspended during good behavior, Ernest F. Graham, a resident of Stanley county, had been furnished with a set of rules which the court will require him to follow.
Graham entered a plea of guilty before Judge Hughes of the state circuit court to the charge of bigamy. The sentence of one year was suspended by the court on condition that the defendant supports his first wife and child, refrains from the use of intoxicating liquor and does not attempt any more affinity “stunts” with women. Any infraction of the rules prescribed for him will result in Graham being placed in the penitentiary to serve his term.
During the suspension of the sentence Graham must keep the clerk of courts of Stanley county informed as to his whereabouts, occupation, the amount of remuneration he is receiving, change of address and the address of his wife, so that the judgment of the court may be properly carried out. While his wife and baby were living at Mitchell, Graham took a young woman to Stanley county and made her his wife without the formality of securing a divorce from his lawful wife. The ceremony was performed by Justice Conway of Port Pierre, who had no way of knowing that Graham already had a wife. Graham has since maintained that his second marriage was a joke, perpetrated while he was intoxicated, but nevertheless he committed a serious infraction of the state laws.” Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota) 27 Mar 1913 Page 7.


  • 5 Feb 1910: date of signed mortgage of Elizabeth Troxler for NE 1/4 of section 25 in Township 3 North, Range 20 E of Black Hills Meridian from Ernest E. Graham, post office address Old Trail, Stanley County.
  • 7 Feb 1910 10 a.m.: mortgage recorded for Elizabeth Troxler, single, of Stanley County, South Dakota, at the Office of the Register of Deeds, Stanley County, Book 42, page 73.
  • 17 Feb 1910 notice of sale "Ernest E Graham and wf to Elizabeth Trexler, w d, ne 25 en 203. $2000."[1]
  • 10 Jun 1911 Ernest Ethwold Graham marries Ivy Kennedy in Belle Fourche, Butte County, South Dakota
  • 14 Sep 1911: Newspaper notice of mortgage foreclosure sale by Ernest E. Graham (attorney C. A. Bennett) due to default by Elizabeth Troxler. $1000 principal was due, plus 6% interest from 5 Feb 1910 ($92), plus $21.02 taxes and $25 attorney fees. Mortgage sale scheduled for 30 Sep 1911 at the courthouse in Fort Pierre.[2]
  • 17 Jan 1913: Ernest F. Grim was married to Lydia M. Downer by J.D. Conway, JP in St. Pierre, Stanley County, SD.[3]
  • 27 Mar 1913: Bigamy judgement
  • 13 Jun 1918: real estate transfer from Ernest E. Graham and wife to Will R. Walpole ne 25-3-10 1.00 (note same as the 1910 mortgage)[4]


  1. "Real Estate Transfers." Philip weekly review (Philip, SD), Feb 17, 1910, page 7. GenealogyBank.
  2. "Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale." Philip weekly review (Philip, SD), Thursday, Sep 14, 1911, page 7. GenealogyBank.
  3. South Dakota Department of Health; Pierre, South Dakota; South Dakota Marriage Records, 1905-2016
  4. "Real Estate Transfers." Philip weekly review (Philip, SD), Thursday, Jun 13, 1918, page 2. GenealogyBank.

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