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Surname/tag: Patch
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Work toward a Genealogical Proof
There are two Essex County contemporaries, both Thomas Patch--one of Salem and Beverly, and one of Ipswich and Wenham. Both were born about the same time and married women named Mary, about the same time.
While the two Thomas' are frequently confused in print, only one of them can be the son by that name mentioned in the probate record of Nicholas1 Patch. Nicholas' estate was divided between his surviving sons by their agreement. See John and Thomas Patch agreement regarding estate of Nicholas Patch.
The historical notes and records that follow support a simple argument that Nicholas' son was Thomas Patch (c1638-1711) of Salem and Beverly in 1668, 1670, 1671, 1673, 1677, 1678, 1686 and 1707, who died there 1711. Thomas2 Patch married Mary Lovett, the daughter of John1 and Mary Lovett of the same.
Nicholas Patch's 1639 Salem land grant ("40 acres of land to him neere Macrell Coue") was on the Bass River side of Salem. Nicholas and sons John and Thomas, were all of that area in 1667-1668 when the church was formed and the area set off to become Beverly. It was but a few years later that Nicholas died, surely in Beverly, before 16 November 1673.
Thomas2 and Mary (Lovett) Patch had three children baptized Beverly--William (1668), Thomas (1668) and James (1678). These are the same three children who in 1707 deeded or were deeded property Mary (Lovett) Patch inherited from her father, John Lovett.
Conversely, the other contemporary, Thomas Patch (1638-1721) of Ipswich and Wenham, had children born in Wenham as early as 1666 and 1669. He is said to have built a large home there about 1700. He married, probably Ipswich, Mary Scott of Ispwich. No attempt has been made to place Thomas Patch of Ipswich and Wenham in a larger Patch descendancy. (There are likewise no known serious attempts to place James^1 Patch--he too was once thought to have been Nicholas' son.)
Salem and Beverly historical records in support of the above--
1639 (town records). 25th day of the 5th moneth 1639. [Town records of Salem … 1:89-90.]
- Nicholas Patch is receaued to be an Inhabitant within this towne. & there is graunted 40 acres of land to him neere Macrell Coue.
- John Louett is recaued to be an Inhabitant within this Jurisdiction. & there is graunted vnto him 10 acres of land neere Macrell Coue.
1647 (court record). Court held at Salem, 6 : 5: 1647. "Nicholas Patch. sr. and Willia Woodbery & Company, inhabitants of Makerell Cove, petition to be exempted from watching. Referred to General Court." [Records and Files … 1:118.]
1650 (church records).
- Nicho Patch and Mary Lovett were among 20 admitted to the Salem church in 1650, [Records of the First Church of Salem, 213 ("Browse images of this content," then navigate to page).]
- 8 : 7 : 1650, baptisms at the Salem church included, "Simon, Joseph & Mary chs of Sister Levett." [Records of the First Church of Salem, 144 ("Browse images of this content," then navigate to page).]
1667 (church records).
- On 20 September 1667, the "Church of Christ att Bass River in Salem" was founded; its first registrant was Robert Morgan, followed by pastor John Hale. [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 1.]
- "Nicholas Patch" and "Mary Louitt" were among the many "brethren & sisters belonging to Basse Riuer" who "doe present our desires to the rest of the Church of Salem that with their consent wee and our children may be a church of our selues." [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 2-3.]
- "Nickolas Patch" and "Mary Lovett" were among the 50 who first subscribed to the Beverly church covenant. [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 7.]
1668 (church record) 10 : 3 mo. [1668]. "Thomas Patch wth other children of ye Church were dismissed from under ye watch of Salem Church to this ... in this manner following. Viz These are to signifie yt T. Patch, J. Lovet & goody Wood comeing to me shewing their desire to joyne with ye Church on Bass River Side enquirering whether they had need of any particular Letters of Dismission from this Church ... Salem ... John Higginson." [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 11.]
1668 (church records/admittance and baptisms)
- 12 : 5mo [1668] "Thomas Patch & Mary his wife having been first privately examined in their knowledge & good affections & desires by ye Pastor ... upon their publick laying hold of ye Covenant &c. as above had their children baptized." [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 11.]
- Also as 19 : 5 mo. [1668]. Ye 19 : 5: 1668 were baptized William & Thomas sons of Thomas Patch by Mary … his wife. [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 86; annotation removed.]
1670 (court record) "Certificate dated May 11 1670 that John Galley, John Blake, Henry Bayly, Thomas West, John Woodbery and Thomas Patch of Beverly were admitted freeman by the General Court, signed by Edw. Rawson,* secretary." [Records and Files … 4:347.]
1671 (court record) -- Court held at Salem, 27 : 4 : 1671. "John Gally, John Black, Hen. Baily, John Woodberye, Thomas Patch and Tristrum Coffin took the oath of freemen." [Records and Files … 4:410.]
1673 (court record/probate) -- Court held at Salem, 26 : 9 : 1673. "Administration upon the estate of Nicholas Patch to John and Thomas Patch, sons of deceased, who died intestate, and the sons presenting an agreement of the division of the estate, it was allowed." [Records and Files … 5:255.]
See "John and Thomas Patch agreement regarding estate of Nicholas Patch," for the agreement, witnessed by "John Lovet Senr," especially for "Thomas Patch shall have … forty acres of upland with fower acres of meddow … which sd forty acres of upland is lying in a place called 'the old houses,' where ye sd Thomas now lives." [Essex County, Massachusetts, Deeds, 4:47.]
1677 (court record) -- 27 : 9 mo. [27 November 1677] --Thomas Patch, aged about thirty-nine years, testifies in Woodbery v Stackhouse; matter involves a length of sail. Other witnesses/deponents seem mostly Beverly folks. (This record suggests Thomas Patch of Salem and Beverly was born about 1638.) [Records and Files … 6:349.]
1678 (church record) -- [31 March 1678]. James son of Thomas Patch by his wife […] baptized 31. 1. 78. [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 94; annotation removed.]
1686 (probate) -- 8 November 1686. From her father, Mary (Lovett) Patch inherits "ten Acres of ground adjoyning [the Patch] dwelling house." (This land is mentioned in 1707 Patch deeds.) The Patch dwelling house otherwise presumed reasonably close to the Lovett home, as John Lovett willed further that "sonnes Jno and Joseph Lovet Thomas Patch and George Standley" should deliver wood to his widow during her widowhood. [See John Lovett 1686 Will]
- Mary (Lovett) Patch in her father's will. John included in the will some terminology that is deserving of comment here. In the absence of this particular language (below), the 10 acres would have vested in Mary's husband Thomas Patch. Instead, Mary's interest in the 10 acres, known as a "fee tail," ensured that the acreage would descend to Mary's surviving sons in equal shares unless none survived her. This acreage was conveyed in 1707 by two of Mary's sons to a third son.
It. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Patch ten Acres of ground adjoyning to their now dwelling house to her and the male heirs lawfully begotten of her body ----- and in failure of such heirs to return to ye next heirsess and the fifteen Pounds delivered at ye day of marriage
1707 (deeds) --
- Thomas Patch Sr (yeoman) to James Patch, deed dated 28 March 1707, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch (image 92 of 605), otherwise Essex County, Massachusetts, Deeds 38:84, recorded 17 May 1718; refers "Land Lying … in ye Township of Beverly … Containing about one Acre … one which my Dwellilng House now Standeth … bounded Westerly with ye Town Highway & Southerly by ye meadow formerly Ensign John Patch's now in possession of his Son Benjamin Patch & Easterly by ye ten acres of Land given to my late wife Mary by her father Lovits Last Will and Testament."
- Thomas Patch Junr & William Patch to James Patch, deed dated 28 March 1707, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch (image 93 of 605), otherwise Essex County, Massachusetts, Deeds 38:84, recorded 17 May 1718; refers to "Land ... given to our Hon'd Mother Mary Patch of Beverly ... Deceast as by our sd Grandfathrs Last will & Testament."
1711 (church record) "An acct. of deaths &c from 1711 …," including "Tho: Patch Senr Sept. 28 [1711]." [Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts …, 39.]
Research Notes
Trace about Thomas Patch of Wenham. An interesting item appears in the old Beverly town clerk family entries. See FamilySearch for "Thomas Patch from Somersetshire Eng. settled at Wenham & had Thomas, Isaac .....
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