Location: Pendleton, Virginia, United States

Transcript: I'm not sure if there's an image available for this, though I suspect there is. This information came to me years ago, probably from my mother's sister who is still alive but doesn't remember where she got it. It's supported by a mention is "History of Pendleton County" (https://archive.org/details/historyofpendlet00mort/page/105/mode/1up): "On the settling of his estate in 1828, the 12 slaves were sold at auction for $2511.50." But that doesn't include their individual names.
SALE OF NEGROES BELONGING TO DANIEL CAPITO,DEC'D sold by virtue of a decree of the County Court of Pendleton, Aug 18, 1828.
Frank --------- Peter Capito 330.00
Bill --------- Thomas Parsons 350.00
Charlotte & her child Strother --------- James H. Cravens (Sophia Capito)360.00
Miles --------- same 100.00
Beck & her child Aaron --------- Andrew H. Byrd (Elizabeth Capito) 365.00
Lewis --------- Same 255.00
Prudence --------- Peter Capito 200.00
Pleasant --------- Andrew H. Byrd 110.00
Nance --------- Thomas Parsons 301.50
Mary --------- James H. Cravens 140.00
--------- 2511.50
The Hopkins Comm.
Thomas Parsons isn't linked because I don't know which of the men by that name is the correct one.
Daniel's estate inventory in the Pendleton County probate records (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G9KQ-QSYD), dated 20 Dec 1825, lists the following "Slaves" and their estimated monetary value:
- 1 Slave Old Mary 48 years old - - - $60.00
- 1 " Beck 20 years old and 2 children Lewis and Prudence - - - 475.00
- 1 Charlotte 18 years old & child Miles - - - 330.00
- 1 Nancy 11 years old - - - 175.00
- 1 Bill 12 years old - - - 300.00
- 1 Frank 13 " " - - - 355.00
- (total) 9 Slaves - - - 1695.00
I can only speculate why Strother, Aaron, and Pleasant were considered part of Daniel's estate in 1828 but were not listed in 1825.
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