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Surname/tag: Crawford
Reeves-4890 20:39, 16 April 2018 (UTC)
From profile of Peter Crawford
Estate of Peter Crawford Probate Court, February Term AD1855 In the matter of the Estate of Peter Crawford, deceased On reading and filing the report of William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews executors of the last will and testament of Peter Crawford, deceased, this day returned wherein they report that in pursuance and under the direction of said last will and testament, directing a sale of the personal and real estate of said deceased, not otherwise disposed of by terms of the last will and testament of said decedent, they have made said sale and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court on examination of its proofs and exhibits accompanying and filed with said report, that the said executors have in all things complied with the requirements of the said last will and testament, and that the said sale has been legally made, conducted and concluded, it is therefore ordered that the same be in all things approved and confirmed, and that said report and exhibits be filed and recorded. An inventory of the sale of the personal estate of Peter Crawford dec'd Nov 15th & 16, 1854 Daniel McCanOne hand saw.371/2I. H. W. Edwards1 Frow.50 H. C. L. Hendricks1 Auger & Chisel.25 H. C. L. H.Auger.121/2F. Mullins2 augers shears 35 paid.371/2W. C. Snow1 aug.75 E. Barron Sr.One auger.871/2J. H. EdwardsSheep Shears & Frow.50 H. C. L. HendricksOne auger 2 chisels.20 W. A. Patterson1 Hatchet, Sheep paid.10 E. Barron1 lot Trunplow.25 L. Edwards Sr.1 Broad Axe paid3.00 J. B. Lantrip1 Cross Cut Saw paid5.00 E. Barrow Sr.1 Lot plow gear1.371/2Transcribers' Note:Please note that the symbol "DO" was used to indicate "ditto" in the inventory of the sale. L. M. Nabors1 DO DO DO.80 E. Barron Sr.1 DO DO DO.25 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO DO.50 N. Turkynett1 DO DO DO.621/2J. P. Shaw1 DO DO DO.50 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO DO.67 J. H. Edwards1 DO DO DO1.50 Sam'l Lowery1 DO DO DO1.121/2C. White1 DO DO DO paid1.25 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO DO.55 E. Barron Sr.2 Plow Stocks.10 George M. Hunt2 DO DO paid.75 Jo. Crawford2 DO DO.75 Jo. Crawford2 DO DO 8 plow1.75 A. Catlege2 plow stocks paid.50 Jo. Crawford 2 plow stocks.70 E. Barron Sr.2 DO DO.62 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.51 J. P. Shaw2 Weeding hoes.50 J. P. Shaw2 DO DO1.121/2Jo. Crawford2 DO DO1.00 J. P. Shaw2 DO DO.121/2J. P. Shaw2 DO DO.65 Jo. Crawford1 Weeding Hoe.121/2A. Catlege4 DO DO paid.35 Henry Bagwell2 DO DO1.10 Wm. A. Patterson2 grubing Hoes1.271/2S. Lowery2 DO DO.801/4N. D. House1 Mattock & Grubing Hoe.871/2A. Catlege1 DO paid1.50 Jo. Crawford2 falling Axes 1 Wedge.16 C. White2 Iron wedges paid.621/2C. White2 Falling Ax 2 Spades.371/2Allen Crosby1 pair Stretchers1.12 C. White2 Single Trees & Clivises.371/2J. P. Shaw2 DO DO1.86 Jo. Crawford2 DO DO.36 Jo. Crawford2 DO DO.40 J. P. Shaw1 Lot Blk. Smith Tools25.12 Jo. Crawford1 Lot Plows.75 H. C. Hendricks1 DO DO.35 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.45 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.95 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO1.00 L. M. Nabors1 DO DO.81 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.76 Jo. Crawford1 Lot Plows1.20 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.70 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.50 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO1.00 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.45 L. M. Nabors1 DO DO.20 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.52 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO.50 Wm. A. Patterson1 D! O DO.87 L. M. Nabors1 DO DO.99 Martin Oswalt1 DO DO 30 paid.31 E. Barron, Sr1 DO DO.65 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO.95 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.75 E. Barron Jr1 DO DO.50 L. M. Nabors1 DO DO.81 E. Barron Jr1 plow and Axe.30 Jo. Crawford1 Lot Plows.74 Jas. Lowery1 DO DO paid.45 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO.21 J. P. Shaw1 ox ring & Steple.51 Jo. Crawford1 Turning Plow.50 L. M. Nabors1 DO DO1.36 E. Barron Sr1 Lot Sundries1.00 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO1.121/2L. Edwards Jr.1 Barl. of Iron 790 lb.6.30 L. Edwards Jr.1 DO DO 646 lb.2.76 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO Barl. 5 1/4.45 Charles Ivy1 Lot of Potatoes4.35 Wm. Roach1 DO DO9.121/2A. Crosby1 DO DO9.871/2Charles Lewis1 Lot potatoes7.371/2James Wiley1 DO DO7.50 Nathan Turkenette1 DO DO7.00 R. D. Brown1 Lot Coal3.00 Jackson Brown1 Bell cow & calf8.00 N. Woodward1 Blk Sided cow & calf7.10 N. Woodward1 Brindle cow & calf6.60 James Lankston transferred to Brown1 Yellow cow & calf10.121/2N. Woodward1 Red cow & calf6.60 James Lankston transferred to Brown1 Red cow & calf9.00 Jackson Brown1 cow & calf8.121/2N. Woodward1 cow named Amanda7.05 L. G. Roberts1 cow7.75 N. Woodward1 Brindled cow6.35 L. B. Sealy1 White cow, p. by note7.60 L. B. Sealy1 Black cow, p. by note10.00 Jo. Cado1 Pided cow9.40 Jno. Nelson1 Red Cow10.00 Jo. Cado1 Red Cow ? horn8.10 Jo. Cado1 White Cow9.25 John Nelson1 Bobtailed Cow9.871/2J. H. Edwards transferred to Cado1 Frosty Col. Cow11.70 Jo. Cado1 Blk Sided Cow7.40 Jo. Cado1 Crumpley horned cow9.50 Wm. Shaw1 1 Brindled cow Star9.05 Wm. A. Patterson1 Speckled cow6.40 Jo. Cado1 S. Brindled cow7.25 Jo. Cado1 White Cow brindled7.50 L. W. Adams1 White with Blk H.8.50 Wm. A. Patterson1 Sls Heifer6.121/2J. W. Sharp1 Small Heifer6.50 Jessee Fulcher1 Brindle cow5.00 Wiley Quinn1 Large Bull7.00 D. M. Sims1 Small Yearling1.05 D. M. Sims1 Stear8.00 D. M. Sims1 Small Bull3.00 D. M. Sims2 White Stears17.00 D. M. Sims2 Steers16.00 D. M. Sims2 Steers Red & White19.00 John Childress2 Large Steers35.00 D. M. Sims2 Yearlings9.95 Richard Lang2 White Faced Steers15.50 Jesse Flucher2 Yearlings10.00 W. Quinn1 Spotted Stear12.50 D. M. Sims6 Yearlings22.00 B. P. Snow1 Yoke Oxen61.00 B. P. Snow1 DO DO45.00 Richard Lang1 DO DO45.00 J. J. Adams1 DO DO58.25 John W. Martin1 Odd Stear16.25 J. H. Edwards Bro5 Hogs first choice 1 pen 5.00 each25.00 J. H. Edwards Bro5 Second DO 3.12 1/2 DO15.621/2J. M icon5 Third DO 2.50 DO12.50 J. Micon5 Fourth DO 2.00 DO10.00 J. L. Edwards transferred 2 hogs to Brown5 First 2 pen 5.00 2 Brown25.00 J. H. Edwards5 Second Choice 3.3516.75 J. H. Edwards5 Third DO 4.0020.00 J. H. Edwards5 Fourth DO 2.0510.25 Richard LongNo 3. 5 First DO 5.5027.50 Richard Long5 Second DO 3.5517.75 Roberts5 Third DO 2.9814.90 N. Quinn5 Fourth DO 2.0010.00 J. T. ShawNo. 4. 5 Head hogs 6.0530.25 L. M. Nabors Transferred to J. Brown5 DODO 4.7023.50 J. P. Shaw5 DODO 3.00 J. H. EdwardsNo. 5. 6 DO 1st DO 3.60 J. H. Edwards6 DO 2nd DO 2.50 John Micon6 DO 3rd DO 2.00 N. WoodwardOne large boar hog5.00 H. C. L. Hendricks5 Sows with pig 2.00 per H. Thomas Crawford & Hendricks11 head Hogs22.121/2H. C. L. Hendricks3 Sows with Pig 2.00 per H. Thos. Crawford & J. H. EdwardsFirst 4 Head Hogs 2.25 each H. C. L. Hendricks4 DO DO 2.00 J. H. Edwards3 DO DO 1.10 N. Quinn10 DO First Choice 3.00 each L. M. Nabors10 DO 2nd 2.0520.50 L. M. Nabors10 DO 3rd 1.30 Samuel Lowery6 First Choice 2.87 1/217.25 J. H. Edwards6 2nd DO 1.30 J. H. Edwards7 3rd DO 1.25 E. Barron SrOne grindstone2.50 J. W. SharpeOne sythe and cradle.84 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO.25 J. W. Sharpe1 DO DO.371/2N. D. House1 DO DO.76 J. W. Sharpe1 Whipsaw A. Hood1 DO paid.30 D. A. Sims50 lb. Bacon 10c per lb.55 J. C. Curis50 DO 10 D. A. Sims50 DO 10 1/2 J. H. Edwards50 DO 10 J. H. Edwards50 DO 10 N. A. Potter50 DO 10 N. Tabor50 DO 10 per lb. N. Tabor50 DO 10 N. Tabor50 lbs. Lard more of less 10 per lb N. Tabor50 DO DO 10 N. Tabor50 DO DO 10 J. H. Edwards1 Jar Honey1.50 W. C. Matthews1 DO DO1.20 J. H. Edwards2 Bushels Salt2.50 J. Savage2 " " more or less2.621/2W. ShawBarrel & Tar paid.50 J. H. Edwards1 Barrel Soap4.00 J. P. Shaw1 Barrel Molasses5.25 L . M. Nabors2 Empty Boxes.10 J. P. Shaw2 DO.10 J. W. Sharpe2 Barrels.25 J. W. Sharpe3 S. Barrels.15 J. W. Sharpe1 L. Barrel.16 N. D. House2 L. Barrels DO.30 E. Barron Sr.1 Rat trap & Hatchet.50 D. McCarr1 Loom6.00 Wiley Shaw1 pair W. Bars & cowhide paid1.121/2Henry Bagwell1 Bee hive No. 1.871/2H. C. Hendricks3 DO DO No. 2, 3 and 41.00 E. Barron Sr.1 DO No. 51.35 J. H. Edwards1 DO No. 6.75 Wm. Patterson1 DO No. 7.25 H. Bagwell1 DO No. 81.871/2Wm. Patterson2 DO 9 & 10.20 F. Bagwell1 Log chain1.75 R. Long1 DO1.60 R. Long1 DO2.00 H. C. L. Hendricks1 Road Waggon50.00 A. Catlege1 Turning Plow pd.1.00 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO1.60 J. P. Shaw1 DO DO1.52 J. Savage1 DO DO1.62 E. Barron Sen.1 Shovel.75 D. Mullins1 DO- - paid.50 John Dailey1 Carriage & harness88.50 Thomas Butler1 Rawhide.10 J. P. Shaw6 Head Sheep 1st choice12.00 J. P. Shaw6 DO DO 2nd DO11.40 J. P. Shaw5 DO DO 3rd DO9.75 J. H. Edwards1 Bay more40.00 L. Edwards Jr.1 Gray colt80.00 J. Savage1 Small Mule Colt50.25 J. P. Shaw1 Cnadia n Pony150.00 Jo. Wragg1 Bay horse158.00 A. Catlege1 Sorrel M! ule Named Jack95.50 F. Bagwell1 Mule Jim140.00 J. P. Shaw1 DO John140.00 J. H. Edwards1 DO Beck150.00 Jack Brown1 DO Fill154.50 Charles Lenon1 DO Cit83.00 L. Edwards Jr.1 DO Fanny151.00 J. H. Edwards1 DO Jenny140.00 Frank Turner1 DO Ned125.00 Robt. Smith1 DO Pegg43.00 J. H. Edwards1 Lot Lumber3.75 J. H. Edwards1 DO DO4.75 H. C. Hendricks1 Waggon frame2.25 D. S. Thompson1 ox cart8.55 A. Porter5 bushels wheat7.50 J. C. Curis10 DO DO15.00 C. Lennon50 DO DO7.50 A. Porter5 DO DO7.50 J. C. Curis10 DO DO15.00 J. Nelson5 DO DO7.50 Isaac Calaway5 DO DO6.75 N. Woodward10 DO 1.35 per B. Isaac Calaway10 more or less 1.35 per B.12.82 A. Porter10 Bushels Oats 62 1/2 per B.6.25 J. Edwards10 DO DO 62 1/26.25 R. Long10 DO DO 62 1/26.25 Isaac Calaway10 DO DO 636.30 R. Long10 DO DO 62 1/26.25 N. Turknett10 DO more or less 62 1/2 N. Quinn10 DO spring DO 452.25 N. Quinn10 DO DO 452.25 L. Edwards10 DO DO 50 J. P. Shaw2 B. Rye 84 1/21.75 L. M. Nabors transferred 1 bu. Edwards2 DO 84 1/21.75 J. Savage2 DO 84 1/21.75 R. Long2 DO 881.75 J. Bagwell2 DO 84 1/21.75 Jack Brown2 DO 84 1/21.75 J. P. Shaw2 Bushels Rye 87 1/2 per B.1.75 N. Turknett2 DO more or less 84 1/2 A. Porter1 Wheat Fan6.50 J. H. Edwards1 Lot Chaff1.00 H. C. L. Hendricks45 Bushels Cotton Seed 5 per B. E. Barron Sr.45 DO DO 53.75 E. Barron Sr.45 Bushels C. S. 43.00 E. Barron Sr.45 " " 417.38 A. Porter100 DO DO 5 A. Porter1 Lot of Straw5.00 J. P. Shaw1 Gin Head125.0 J. C. Barron1 Mill50.00 A. Porter1 Thrasher5.00 H. C. L. Hendricks1 Sickle & Square.121/2A. Porter1 Gin Band7.75 E. Barron Sr.Part of gin band1.25 J. W. Lowery2 Padlocks & awl.40 D. C. Snow1 pair Balance5.00 J. H. Edwards1 Lot ginwheel timber4.00 E. Barron Jr.1 Lot Plank5.00 J. C. Hall50 Bushels Corn 93 per B. Saml. Green50 DO DO 90 " J. P. Shaw100 DO DO 95 " D. C. Snow100 DO DO 90 "90.00 D. C. Snow100 DO DO 80 "80. J. H. Edwards50 DO DO 77 " S. M. Field50 DO DO 77 " W. C. S now100 DO DO 76 " J. P. Shaw100 DO DO 70 " J. P. Shaw50 DO DO 70 " John Kennedy900 DO DO 70 " J. H. Edwards50 DO DO 68 " John Castillo50 DO DO 90 " E. Barron Sr.2 Stacks Fodder 75 per H. A. Porter2 DO DO 76 " " A. Porter2 DO DO 75 " " R. Long2 DO DO 75 " " R. Long2 Stacks Fodder 75 per h. R. Long2 DO DO 75 " " John Kennedy2 DO DO 62 1/2 " " N. Tabor2 DO DO 62 1/2 " " W. Quinn2 DO DO 50 " " John Kennedy2 DO DO 62 1/2 " " John Kennedy2 DO DO 62 1/2 " " W. Quinn2 DO DO 63 " " N. Tabor2 DO DO 65 " " W. Cades1 DO DO 65 " " Richard Long3 Stacks fodder 75 per h. J. P. Shaw2 DO DO 62 1/2 W. Quinn2 DO DO 62 1/2 N. Woodward2 DO DO 55 N. Woodward2 DO DO 55 N. Tabor2 DO DO 55 J. P. Shaw1 Road Waggon100.00 John Kennedy100 B. Old Corn 58 per B. John Childress2 Hogs7.00 W. A. Patterson1 Sow & 8 pigs6.25 W. A. Patterson5 pigs1.371/2R. Lang1 Sow & 4 pigs5.25 J. H. Edwards1 Skillet & Lid1.75 Saml. Lowery1 Oven & Skillet.50 J. Childress1 Stew pa n2.00 Jack Brown1 Small Skillet.50 W. A. Patterson1 DO DO.45! C. Ivy1 Pot1.40 L. M. Nabors1 Large Pot3.50 W. A. Patterson1 DO DO1.121/2Mrs. Oswalt1 Oven paid1.50 C. Ivy1 Pot2.00 R. D. Brown1 pair cards of Spin. W.2.10 W. Quinn1 DO DO2.85 J. H. Edwards1 Real2.121/2W. A. Patterson1 Tub.15 W. Crawford1 set plates1.121/2J. H. Edwards1 Dish & 2 Boles.50 W. Crawford1 DO2.121/2J. H. Edwards1 Set Knives forks & Dis.2.50 L. Edwards Jr.1 Pitcher.50 W. A. Patterson1 Jair & contents1.121/2L. M. Nabors2 Decanters1.00 W. A. Patterson1 Castor1.121/2J. H. Edwards1 Pitcher.841/2W. Crawford1 DO.50 J. H. Edwards1 Bottle.10 W. Crawford1 Dish & plates.341/2L. Edwards Jr.1 Butter Dish & C..841/2L. Edwards Jr.1 Strainer & Tumblers1.871/2W. CrawfordCream pot & Su Dish.60 Saml. Lowery1 Set Cups & Saucers.76 W. Crawford1 DO DO DO.65 W. Crawford2 Cups & 2 Cup plates.65 Saml. Lowery1 Strainer 2 wash pans.371/2W. Crawford1 pail.35 L. M. Nabors1 Bucket.35 W. Crawford1 DO painted.25 C. Ivy1 Large Jair.621/2C. Ivy1 DO DO1.00 E. Barron Jr.1 DO DO1.371/2W. Crawford1 C offee Mill.121/2W. A. Patterson1 Churn.75 W. CrawfordOne Folding Table8.00 W. CrawfordOne Beaurs15.00 J. H. Edwards1 Looking Glass1.00 J. W. Lowery1 Clock2.25 W. Crawford1 Lot Sundries.20 Jo. Crawford1 Box of Syringe1.50 A. Catlege3 Volumes Bunions Works1.40 Jo. Crawford3 Books.15 Jo. Crawford1 Testament & Him Book1.75 Thos. Crawford2 Patent office reports.121/2W. Crawford2 Books.50 L. Edwards Jr.2 DO.20 J. H. Edwards2 DO.10 J. H. Edwards1 Lot Sundries.10 W. Crawford1 Door Bolt.25 C. Ivy1 pair Shears.45 Thos. Barron1 Set of brace bits.50 W. Crawford1 Small Table1.50 L. Edwards Jr.1 Oil Stove1.50 L. Edwards Jr.1 Center Table2.00 J. P. Shaw2 Brass Candle Stands.45 L. Edwards Jr.1 Bole.371/2J. W. Lowery1 Pitcher.20 J. H. Edwards1 Lot Bottles.05 C. Ivy1 DO DO.05 W. Crawford1 Smoothing Iron.121/2L. M. Nabors1 DO DO.25 J. W. Lowery2 Jugs.25 W. C. Oswalt2 DO paid.40 W. Crawford2 DO.75 Mrs. ColinsCandle Mole C Pot.25 L. Edwards Jr.1 Jair.25 L. Edwards Jr.1 Press10.871/2Samuel Lowe ry1 Bed & Bedsted24.45 L. Edwards Jr.7 lb. Nales 6 3/4 per G! rosshr W! . Crawford50 DO 6 1/2 per lb. J. H. Edwards50 lb. Coffee 14 1/2 per lb. L. M. Nabors50 lb. Sugar 7 " " L. Edwards1 Side Leather2.94 W. Crawford1 Lot Tobacco1.121/2L. M. Nabors transferred to Brown1 Trunk2.621/2L. Edwards Jr.1 Trunk3.50 J. W. Lowery1 Gun, Powder flask13.50 R. D. Brown2 Sleyo.371/2John Oswalt1 Jug paid.20 J. H. Edwards1 lot leather.55 W. Crawford1 Tray & Sifter.50 R. Long1 Lot wool 20 lb. 37 1/2 per lb. Jack Brown1 DO DO 354.55 Martin Oswalt2 Kegs & Contents paid.40 G. M. Hunt1 lot of Boxes & Barrels p.10 Mrs. Bagwell1 Wool Harness paid.20 R. Ladd1 Set Bridle leathers.10 R. Ladd1 Lot Wool.45 W. Crawford1 Lot Sundries.05 N. Woodward1 Lot Tallow 10 1/2 per lb. C. Ivy2 Barrels & Tray.05 W. Crawford1 Pot rack.25 House1 Old Table.10 Mrs. Collier1 DO DO.30 John Childris1 Bed Bedsted & Bedding4.00 J. H. Edwards1 DO DO DO45.00 Jack Brown1 Bed Bedsted & Bedding28.50 L. M. Nabors1 Bedsted & Cord.20 Jack Brown1 Chest.35 A. Catlege1 Bedsted B. & Bedding8. 00 Jo. Crawford1 DO DO6.75 Thomas Crawford1 Box large.55 W. Crawford2 Waggon Shorls1.00 L. M. Nabors1 Table3.25 J. B. Crawford1 Set Chairs3.75 E. Barron Sr.6 DO Split bottom DO5.25 John Childris5 DO3.75 John Childris1 Bell & Collar3.00 R. Long1 DO & Bridle bit1.00 H. Bagwell1 Mans Saddle12.00 James Wiley1 pair waltets & bridle2.121/2L. Edwards Jr.1 Side Saddle8.371/2J. H. Edwards1 Saddle Blanket1.25 W. Crawford1 Side Saddle3.00 J. Brown1 Cone1.50 John Crawford1 pair Steelyards - paid1.00 L. M. Nabors1 Brassed Bucket1.70 W. Matthews1 Pail.05 5 pair brick Moles.00 W. Crawford1 Lot waggon gear4.00 R. Long1 White Spotted Sow & 3 pigs1.50 R. Long1 Black Sow 2 pigs2.00 J. H. Edwards1 Waggon frame.50 John Childris1 DO.75 Thomas Crawford1 Hog1.00 W. Crawford9 yards Lincey 50 per yd4.50 J. H. Edwards7 yards Lincey 20 per yd.60 Jack Brown3 yards cloth 15 " ".45 Jackson Brown100 lb of bacon 10 cents10.00 W. Crawford34 lb. bacon H. C. L. HendricksCotton Seed 90 Bu3.70 H. C. L. Hend ricks3 1/2 Bu Rye 57 1/23.10 W. C. Matthews1 pr fire Irons.! 25 W. C. ! MatthewsTongs & Shovel.40 W. H. Crawford1 half bu.25 W. H. Crawford2 boxes.07 L. M. Nabors1 Weleys notes.36 W. C. Matthews1 Lot bottles.10 W. H. CrawfordAll hogs not before Sold20.00 A. PorterAll of Sec. 6 T16 Range 12E. Except S1/2, SE1/4 of Said Section. Also NW1/4 Sec 7 Same Township & Range, and SW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 5 & NW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 5 in T16. R12E & NE1/4 of Sec 1. in T16. R11E for1500.00 L. NaborsSW1/4 Sec 7. and NW1/4 of NW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 8. T16. R12E for275.00 N. D. HouseNE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 5. T16 R12E & SE1/4 of SE1/4 Sec.36 T17. R11E. for106.50 John B. CrawfordE1/2, NW1/4 Sec1. T16. R11E for12.00 James LoweryNW1/4 of SE1/4 Sec 35. T17 R11E for77.00 W. C. MatthewsSW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 28. T17 R11E for60.00 That said sale was fairly attended and conducted in good faith and order, and the property sold at its fair value. All of which is respectfully submitted, prayed to be received, allowed confirmed and recorded. The State of Mississipi Winston County Before me William G. Hudson Clerk of the Probate Court of said county L. T. Turner, and stated upon oath that he acted as clerk at the sale of the personal and real estate of Peter Crawford deceased, at his late residence in said county on the 16th day of November AD1854 and that the foregoing schedule contains a correct and accurate account of said sale. J. T. Turner Sworn to and subscribed before me in open court this 19th day of February William G. Hudson clerk Report of Sale The State of Mississippi Winston County Probate Court February Term 1855 To the Honorable Robert Washington Judge of Said Court. The undersigned executors of the last will and testament of Peter Crawford, late of Said State and County deceased respectfully Show unto your Honor that pursuant to the powers in them vested by the last will and testament of the Said testator they did on the 15th 16th and 17th days of November AD1854 at the late residence of the Said testator in Said County, and between the hours of 12 Oclock M. and 5 Oclock P. M. of Said days, expose to Sale and Sell to the highest bidder the following real and personal estate of the said testator, the land on a credit of one, two and three years, and the ballance of the property on a credit of twelve months in that said sale was duly advertised by advertisements up at three public places in said county, to wit: New Prospect; court house door in Louisville, for 30 days prior to said sale, a copy of which advertisements is here with filed and marked Exhibit A, and prayed to be made a p art of this report, and which said advertisements they believe remained posted as aforesaid up to the time of said sale, that they also advertised said sale in Choctaw County, to wit: at Springfield, Dido and French Camps, three public places in said county, by advertisements posted as aforesaid for thirty days previous to said sale, a a copy of which is already made exhibit A of this report, and which they believe remained posted as aforesaid until the day of sale that they sold the following property at the sale and in the manner aforesaid when and where the following named persons became the purchasers of the following named property, for the following sums, they being the best and highest bidders therefor at the prices stated. William H. Crawford W. C. Matthews Sworn to and Subscribed before me in open court this 19th day of February AD1855 William G. Hudson Clk The State of Mississippi Winston County I William G. Hudson Clerk of the Probate Court of Said County, do hereby certify that the last foregoing order, inventory of Sale and report were duly recorded on the 22nd day of February AD1855 William G. Hudson Clk Exhibit B Executors Sale The undersigned, Executors of the last will and testament of Peter Crawford deceased will on Wednesday the 15th of November next, between the hours prescribed by law, at the late residence of Said decedent in Winston County, and State of Mississippi will expose for Sale at public auction to the highest bidders, on a credit of one, two and three years from the day of Sale, all of the lands of Said decedent situate, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid to wit: The NE1/4, NE1/4 & SW1/4 of NW1/4 & NW1/4, SW1/4 Section 5 & SW1/4, of SE1/4 of Section 6 and the W1/2 & NE1/4 of Section 7, and the NW1/4 of NE1/4 Section 8 all in Township 16 Range 11E and will at the Same time and place Sell on a credit of twelve months from the day of Sale, all the personal Estate of Said decedent, consisting of a Stock of Cattle, horses, mules, hogs, farming utensils, house hold and kitchen furniture etc. The sale will continue from day to day until all of said property is sold. The p urchases of said real and personal estate will be required to give Bonds with good and Ample Security for the purchase money Oct 16, 1854 William H. Crawford W. C. Matthews Executors This is to certify that I acted as one of the clerks at the sale of the estate of Peter Crawford deceased on the 15th 16th & 17th days of Novr. 1854 and that said estate was sold according to the above advertisement. L. T. Turner February 21st 1855 The State of Mississippi Winston County I William G. Hudson clerk of the Probate Court of Said County, do hereby certify that the last foregoing Exhibit was duly recorded on the 23rd day of February AD1855 William G. Hudson Clk Peter Crawford Bio Posted 30 Jan 2015 by AbyssWriter Winston County Biographies Peter Crawford Peter Crawford was born November 17, 1785 in Virginia. In the late 1700's, he moved with his family to South Carolina where he met and married Elizabeth Loveless in Greenville County. Peter and Elizabeth moved to Georgia before 1817 and appeared on the 1820 census in Clarke County, Georgia. He was a farmer in Clarke County. He bought and sold property there between 1822 and 1824. He resided between 1824 and 1846 in Jefferson County, Alabama. Peter and Elizabeth had eight known children - Davis Terry, Eliza, Parthenia, Caroline, William H., Elizabeth, Catherine and Sarah Ann. They also adopted Mary Elizabeth prior to 1850. By the 1840 census, the Peter Crawford household had moved to Winston County, Mississippi where Elizabeth died October 13, 1853. Peter died a short time later on September 15, 1854. Peter and Elizabeth are both buried at the Blackwood Cemetery in Winston County. Peter Crawford at his death owned 1400 acres in Winston and adjoining Choctaw Counties. The 1850 census indicates that he owned 38 slaves. In his will, he referred to his holdings as "my plantation". Peter Crawford's will and the probate of his estate are included in the probate section of this web site. These documents provide a view of an early Winston County plantation. Research Notes This biography was written by Jerry L. Butler based on his personal research and that of C. Maxwell. There is much more to the life of Peter Crawford that is not known to the author. If you can contribute to the Peter Crawford biography, please contact me.
Will of Peter Crawford Posted 30 Jan 2015 by AbyssWriter Will of Peter Crawford The State of Mississippi Winston County Probate Court October Term AD1854 To the Honorable Robert Washington, Sole and presiding judge of the court aforesaid, for the county aforesaid. The petition of William C. Crawford and W. C. Matthews, citizens of Said State, respectfully Shows unto your Honor that Peter Crawford late of Said County and State departed this life at his late residence in Said County (Where he had been domiciled for Several years, last next before his death) on the 15th day of September AD1854, That he made and published in his lifetime his last will and testament bearing the 6th day of July 1854, and attested by W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown and J. S. Hafner, is now here to the court shown, and prayed to be Probated, Established and recorded and recorded in this Court in common form, that your petitioners are appointed Executors of the Said last will and testament by the Said Testator and are willing to accept Said office and trust and to qualify as Such, Your petitioners therefore pray your Honor to grant unto them letters testame ntary of Said last will and testament upon their qualifying as Such and your petitioners as in duly bound will ever pray be. Sworn to and subscribed before me in the matter of a certain instrument of writing purported to be the last will and testament of Peter Crawford, deceased. Probate Court October Term 1854 Upon reading and filing the petition duly verified of William C. Crawford and W. C. Matthews for Probate of a certain instrument of writing, purporting and alleged to be the last will and testament of Peter Crawford deceased late a resident of this county and for letters testamentary thereupon and on taking and reading the testimony of W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown and J. S. Hafner subscribing witnesses thereto in the court after hearing all and singular the proofs and attestations adduced, professed and submitted, and maturely considering the same, being now satisfied that said instrument is fully and legally established as the true and original last will and testament of the said Peter Crawford deceased and that the said Peter Crawford was on the day of the date of said Will, that is to say on the 6th day of July in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four, of lawful age to devise, and of sound disposing mind and memory and understanding and of right and in la w entitled to make said will. It is the thereupon considered, ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that the said instrument of writing be admitted to probate and recorded as the true and original last will and testament of the said Peter Crawford, deceased. And it is further considered ordered and decreed, on motion of the Said William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews, that letters testamentary of Said last will and testament be granted to them the said William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews on their taking the oath prescribed by law and entering into bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars. The State of Mississippi Winston County Probate Court October Term AD1854 To the Honorable Robert Washington, Sole and presiding Judge of the court aforesaid for the county aforesaid. The petition of William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews, citizens of Said State respectfully shows unto your Honor that Peter Crawford late of Said County and State departed this life at his late residence in Said County (Where he had been domiciled for several years, last next before his death) on 15th day of September AD1854, that he made a published in his lifetime his last will and testament bearing the 6th day of July 1854, and attested by W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown and J. S. Hafner, is now here to the court shown, and prayed to be probated, Established and recorded and recorded in this court in common form, that your petitioners are appointed executors of the said last will and testament by the said testator, and are willing to accept said office and trust and to qualify as such, your petitioners therefore pray your Honor to grant unto them letters testamentary o f said last will and testament upon their qualifying as such and your petitioners as is duly bound will ever pray be. Wm. H. Crawford W. C. Matthews Sworn to and subscribed before me in open court this 16th day of October AD1854. William G. Hudson, Clerk Will page 1 In the name of God, amen. I Peter Crawford of the County of Winston and State of Mississippi, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish the following as my last will and testament. First. It is my will and desire that all my just debts funeral expenses and expenses of administration shall be paid out of funds herein after specified. Second. I will and bequeath to my son William H. Crawford the following Negro slaves, to wit, Prince, Patsey, Harriet, Betty and Lewis, with the future increase of the females after the execution of this Will, to him and his heirs forever. Third. I will and bequeath to my daughter Eliza Nabors, wife of Linsey M. Nabors, the following slaves, to wit, House, Rachael, Isaac, Jim and Maria with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will to her & her heirs, but should she die without leaving any body heirs, then and in that case her husband Linsey M. Nabors, if living to have one half of her property & the balance is to be equally divided between all my children, my grand children who parents is or may be dead, having the share of its or their parents part, share and share alike, and in case that my son-in-law Linsey M. Nabors is not living at the time my daughter dies, then the whole of her estate is to be divided among my children as above directed. Fourth. I will and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Ann Barrons, wife of James Barrons, the following salves, to wit, Damon, May, Crump, Charles, and Charlotte, with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will to her, W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hafner. Peter Crawford Page 2 and her heirs forever. Fifth. I will and bequeath to my daughter, Parthenia Edwards, wife of James H. W. Edwards the following slaves, to wit, Washington, Emeline, Moses and Aaron with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will to her and her heirs forever. Sixth. I will and bequeath to my daughter Caroline Brown wife of Jackson Brown, the following slaves to wit: Dick, Phebe, Jack and Bob with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will, to her and her heirs forever. Seventh. I will and bequeath to the children of my deceased son, Davis T. Crawford, the following slaves, to wit, Henry, Mealy, Joe and Ephraim with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will, to them and their heirs forever, and it is further my will and desire that the guardian or guardians, who I may here after appoint in this will for their children, shall take charge of the above named slaves and work them or hire them out annually as may seem best to them til the children become of the full age of twenty one years or marry that the annual profits arising from the hire or as much there of as is necessary shall be used for the maintenance and education of the children and that the balance if any shall be put out at interest and as the children respectively become of the age of twenty one or marry that my executors shall select, there my executors shall select, three respectable men who shall appraise all the negroes and allot to the child that is of age or married the portion and in case an equal allotment cannot be made, then it shall be done as near as. W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, John S. Hafner Peter Crawford 3. can be and my executors are required to make the lot equal either by paying to the child the deficiency in money, if his lot fall short or by retaining out of any money in their hands belonging to the children enough to make it equal and this shall be done successively as each child becomes of age or marries. Eight. I will and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Matthews the following slaves, to wit; Wilson, Reuben, Andy and Carolina with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will, to her and to her heirs forever. Ninth. I will and bequeath to my grand daughter, Catharine Wragg, the following slaves, to wit, Ranson, Lyddia, Frank and Jane with the future increase of the females after the execution of this will and said negroes to be held in trust by my executors for her use and benefit the annual profits arising from them to be used for her maintainance and education and the surplus, if any to be put at interest for her benefit and when she arrives at the age of twenty one years or marries then she is to receive the whole of her property, but in case she shall die without leaving body heirs living at the time of her death, then in that case her portion is to return to my estate and be divided among all my children, share and share alike; my grand children in all cases receiving their parents share if their parents are dead. Tenth. I will and bequeath to my adopted daughter Mary Elizabeth Crawford, two slaves, N. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, John S. Hafner Peter Crawford 4. to wit, Ann, child of Phebe and Sara child of Mealy, with their increase, after the execution of this will, to be held in trust by my executors for her use and benefit and the annual profits arising from them to be used for her maintainance and education and the surplus, if any, to be put at interest for her and when she marries or becomes of the full age of twenty one years, then she is to receive the negroes and money, if any, and is to have the use of them during her natural life and should she die leaving body heirs, then to her children forever, but should she die without leaving body heirs, then the above named slaves with their increase to return to my estate and be divided among my children, share and share alike, allowing my grand children whose parents are dead to receive their parents share. Eleventh. It is further my will and desire that my old and faithful servants, to wit, Jim, Edmund, Fanny and Frances shall be by my executors, sold at public action to any of my legatees, whoever will give the most for them or either of them, that they shall be sold separately and that no person shall be allowed to bid, who is not a legatee and should they or either of them not be bid for, being considered worthless, then my executors are authorized to put him or her to the lowest bidder, confining the bids to my legatees, and shall sell to the one, who will take W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hafner Peter Crawford 5. him or her as the case may be for the least amount if the buyer shall be bound to maintain and support him or her for his or her natural life & then have them decently buried and my executors are hereby authorized to take any money belonging to my estate to pay the purchaser the amount bid off at for the maintainance of each or all of the above Negroes and my executors are required to notify all my legatees that are of full age, of the time and place of selling the above named Jim, Edmund, Fanny and Francis. Twelfth. It is further my will and desire that immediately after my death my executors here in after mentioned shall take charge of my whole estate that they either of them may superintend the business personally until the crop is made & gathered and that they shall receive such compensation for his or their trouble as any three of my neighbors may consider just and such men shall be selected as will be satisfactory to a majority of my legatees, but in case it does not suit either of my executors to give their personal attention to the plantation, then they may hire any man they deem worthy to attend to the business, till the crop can be gathered and disposed of and they are authorised to pay him out of any money not otherwise disposed of. Thirteenth. It is further my will and desire that all the rest of my estate, both W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, John S. Hafner Peter Crawford 6. real and personal not herein before disposed of by some preceeding clause of this will, shall be vested in my executors to raised a fund first for the payment of my debts, funeral expenses and expenses of administration, and also for the payment of such debts as my executors may be compelled to contract in order to have the plantation properly attended to, till the growing crop is attended and prepared for or sent to market. Fourteenth. It is further my will and desire that in the month of January or December next after my death, my executors shall proceed to sell all my estate not here in by some clause of this will disposed of at public out cry to the highest bidder (Except my cotton and my land) on a credit of twelve months and the purchaser or purchasers shall be required to give note with two good securities for the payment of the same and my executors may either send my cotton to market and sell it privately or sell it at the same time and place that they sell the rest of my estate and on the same terms as they think best, and it is the true intent and meaning of this clause that all my household and kitchen furniture, all my plantation tools of every kind and description, and all my stock of horses, mules, cattle, hogs and all & every kind of property belonging to my estate not here in before disposed of except my cotton and my land shall be subject to and sold under this clause and my ex ecutors are required to give public notice of the time W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, John S. Hafner Peter Crawford 7. and place of the sale by advertisement posted up at not less than three public places in this county. Fifteenth. It is further my will and desire and my executors are here by authorised to sell all my land at public out cry at any time within twelve months after my death, having advertised the time and place of the sale for at least thirty days at not less than three public places in this county and they are hereby required to sell the land on a credit of one, two and three years, that is, that one third of the purchase money shall be paid annually and the purchasers shall be required to give his notes with two good and approved securities for the faithful payment of the purchase money. Sixteenth. It is my wish to be buried by the side of my departed wife and my executors are authorised to purchase a suitable Tomb Stone to put over my grave. Seventeenth. It is further my will and desire that all the proceeds arising from the sale of any and all my estate after paying all my debts, funeral expenses and expenses of administration and all expenses necessarily incurred in the management and settlement of my estate, shall be equally divided among all my children, share and share alike, that is to say, one eight part of my son William H. Crawford, one eighth part to my daughter Eliza Nabors, one eighth part to my N. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hafner Peter Crawford 8. daughter Sarah Ann Barrons, one eighth part to my daughters, Parthenia Edwards, one eighth part to my daughter Caroline Brown, one eighth part to my grand children, the children of my son Davis T. Crawford, one eighth part to my daughter Elizabeth Matthews, and one eighth part to my grand daughter Catherine Wragg. The part belonging to my grand daughter Catherine Wragg to be held in trust by my executors for her use and benefit, and to be paid to her when she becomes of the full age of twenty one years or marries but if she dies before she arrives at the age of twenty one or marries but if she dies before she arrives at the age of twenty owe or marries, then it is be equally divided among my other children share and share alike, my grand children whose parents are dead representing & receiving their parents part. Eighteenth. I do nominate and appointment my executors hereinafter named as guardians of all my grand children whose parents are dead, namely, the children of my son Davis T. Crawford and my grand daughter Catharine Wragg and also my adopted daughter Mary Elizabeth Crawford. Nineteenth. It is further my will and desire that as soon after my death as practical my last will & testament shall be properly probated and recorded and that my executors here in after named shall take charge of my estate that they (my executors) shall not be required to give bond and security, neither shall they be required to make any return of any part W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, John S. Hafner Peter Crawford 9. of my estate to the court at any time or under any circumstances, but shall proceed to settle all my business and divide out and deliver my estate in all respects according to the terms and limitation so this my last will and testament and thereby executing my designs and purposes in the same way that I would do it were I living. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my son William H. Crawford and my son-in-law W. C. Matthews executors to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made by me and publishing this my last will and testament. Given under my hand & seal this the sixth day of July AD1854. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the Testator as his last will and testament in our presence as attesting witnesses and severally signed by us as such in his presence and in the presence of each other and in order to verify this and the annexed sheets of paper as containing his said last will & testament the Testator has signed his name in the margin of each annexed sheet & we have attested his signature. Having omitted to name a Negro boy named John Rachaels child, I do now will & bequeath the said boy John to the children of W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hafner Peter Crawford 10. My son, Davis T. Crawford on the same terms as those already mentioned and it is further my desire that in addition to what I have already given my adopted daughter, Mary Elizabeth Crawford that She shall have one bed & the necessary furniture belonging to it. It is further my will & desire that the Fourteenth section of this will shall be so altered as to give my executors power to divide my Negroes & sell my property at any time after my death that they may think is best for the interest of my estate. W. P. Stroud, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hafner Peter Crawford The State of Mississippi Winston County In the probate court of said county at the October Term AD1854 In the matter of a certain instrument of writing purporting to the last will and testament of Peter Crawford deceased. Be it remembered, that at a term of the Probate Court of the County of Winston, in the State of Mississippi, begun and held at the court house for said county, on the third Monday in October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty four, personally appeared in open court N. P. Stroud, J. S. Hafner two of the subscribing witnesses to a certain instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter Crawford, late of said county deceased bearing date the 6th day of July 1854 who having first been duly sworn, deposed and said that said Peter Crawford signed, sealed and published and declared said instrument as his last will and testament in the presence of these witnesses and also in the presence of J. P. Brown one of the subscribing witnesses to said last will and testament on the day of the date thereof, that said testator was then of sound disposing mind and memory and more than twenty one years of age and that these deponents subscribed said ins trument as witness thereto at the instance and request and in the forever of said Testator and in the presence of J. P. Brown one of the subscribing witnesses to said instrument and also in the presence of each other on the day and year aforesaid. W. P. Stroud J. S. Hafner
Sworn to and subscribed before me in open court this the 16th day of October AD1854 William G. Hudson Clerk The State of Mississippi Winston County In the Probate Court of Said County at the October Term AD1854 In the matter of a certain instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter Crawford, deceased. Be it remembered, that at a term of the Probate Court of the county of Winston in the state aforesaid, begun and held at the court house in and for said county, on the third Monday in October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four personally appeared in open court J. P. Brown who having been duly sworn deposed and said that the said Peter Crawford, signed, published and declared said instrument as his last will and testament on the 6th day of July 1854 the day of the date of said instrument, in the presence of this deposed and N. P. Stroud and J. S. Hafner the other subscribing witnesses to the said instrument, that said testator was then of sound and disposing mind and memory and twenty one years and upwards of age and that the said deposment and the said W. P. Stroud and J. S. Hafner subscribed and attested said instrument as witnesses to the signature and publication thereof at the instance and request and in the presence of the said Testator, and in the presence of each other, on the day and year of the date thereof. John P. Brown Sworn to and subscribed before me in open court this 16th day of October AD1854 William G. Hudson Clerk The State of Mississippi Winston County I William G. Hudson Clerk of the Probate Court of said county do hereby certify that the last foregoing last will & testament of Peter Crawford and the proofs thereunto attached and order them duly recorded on the 15th day of Nov. AD1854 William G. Hudson Clerk Bond The State of Mississippi Winston County Know all men by these presents that one William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews are held and firmly bound unto the State of Mississippi in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars for the payment whereof will and truly to be made and done we bind ourselves, one and each of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Signed by us and sealed with our seals and dated this 16th day of October AD1854 The condition of this obligation is that if the said Wm. H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews executors of the last will and testament of Peter Crawford deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattles and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of William H. Crawford and W. C. Mathews the said executors or into the hands or possession of any other person of persons for them, and the same so made, do exhibit to the Probate Court of Winston County, at such time as they shall be thereto required by the said court and the same goods, chattles and credits, do well and truly administer, according to law, and make a just and true account of their actings and doings therein, when there unto required by the said court, and further do well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said will, as far as the said goods, chattles and credits will extend according to the valu e thereof and as the law shall charge them, then this obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force. Witness our hands and seals the day and year above written. Wm. H. Crawford (seal) W. C. Matthews (seal) The State of Mississippi Winston County Personally appeared before me William G. Hudson Clerk of the Probate Court of said county William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews who severally acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the within and foregoing bond on the day and year therein mentioned as their own respective act and deed and for the uses and purposes herein named. Given under my hand and seal of said county at office in Louisville this 16th day of October AD1854 William G. Hudson Clerk The State of Mississippi Winston County I William G. Hudson clerk of the Probate Court of said county do hereby certify that the above and foregoing bond was received and filed in my office for record on the 16th of October 1854, and that the same has been duly recorded on the 15th day of November AD1854. William G. Hudson Clerk Testamentary Letters The State of Mississippi Winston County By the Probate Court of said county, whereas Peter Crawford, deceased, late of said county, made in his lifetime, his last will and testament, which at a term of said court, begun and held at the court house of said county on the 3rd Monday of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four was proved, approved, and admitted record in said court, and probate thereof granted to William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews the executors thereof and therein appointed: and the said William H. Crawford and W. C. Mathews having complied with the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided. Therefore, to the interest that the said will may be well and truly performed, we do give grant and commit unto the said William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews the administration of all and Singular, the goods, chattles and credits of, and belonging to the estate of said testator, with full power to take the same into his hands and possession and to ask, levy, receive and recover the same wherever they may be in this State, hereby requiring and enjoining upon the said William H. Crawford and W. C. Matthews to make a true and perfect inventory, of all and singular, the said goods, chattles and credits which have or shall come to their hands, possession or knowledge, or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them, or to exticted the said inventory to our said court within the times limited by law to well and truly administer the said goods, chattles and credits according to law, to make a just and true account of this actings and doings therein when thereof required by our said court, and to well and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said will, so far as the said goods chattles and credits will extend and the law charge them, hereby confining the said executors with full and ample authority to dispose of all and singular the said goods, chattles and credits according to t he terms of the said last will and testament, and the true i! ntent and meaning of the said testator, by virtue of these presents. Witness the Honorable Robert Washington, Judge of Probate of said county, at the court house thereof on the 3rd Monday of October AD1854 Issued the 15th day of November AD1854 William G. Hudson Clerk The State of Mississippi Winston County I William G. Hudson Clerk of the Probate Court of said county, do hereby certify that the last foregoing testamentary Letters were received and filed in my office for record and that the the same has been duly recorded on the 15th day of November AD1854. William G. Hudson Clerk
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