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Ethelbert Diedrich Halfmann Newspaper Articles

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Date: 1871 to 1883
Location: Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Halfmann Montgomery_Alabama
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Ethelbert D. Halfmann was a florist in Montgomery, Alabama. The newspapers in the area often advertised his business. I will include those articles here.

1. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sat, Apr 15, 1871

"A Beautiful Bouquet - We are indebted to our good friend Mr. Halfman for a splendid boquet of rare and fragrant flowers, gathered from his conservatory at the corner of Monroe and Decatur streets. All persons who may wish to procure seeds, plants, and flowers of the choicest description can be amply accommodated at his establishment."

2. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Mar 30, 1873

A few days ago we called at Mr. Halfmann's residence, corner of Monroe and Decatur streets, and in company with that tasteful gentleman took a short exploring expedition through the manifold and suggestive beauties of his green house. It is but fair to presume that the ladies, whose affinities are so purely floral, have already seen and appreciated all that we saw, but as there are certain male bipeds whose susceptibilities have been cultivated to a degree of refinement sufficiently delicate to enable them to love the glorious works of beauty with which God has adorned the world, we propose to say a few words about this green house for their exclusive benefit. We shall do this because the tendency of the times is so directly opposed to any thing that is not 'of the earth earthy' that a word or two now and then in behalf of matters and things which are without a sordid alloy, may do good. Fine precepts and eloquent sermons may be beneficial in their place, but we fear that the case-hardening process through which most men have gone enables tom to shed such customary means of improvement as a fine roof sheds the rain from the interior of the building. They simply patter on and patter off the heart without leaving a trace behind them. Ear Gate, as good old Bunyan called it, is closed - not against Diabolus because it is he who holds possession, but against all that is good. There are other gates however not so often attacked. Prominent among these is Eye Gate, the entrance to the soul through that portal is not yet hopeless. And among all the enemies of Diabolus there are none more insidious or dangerous than the spirit of Song and the influences of Flowers. The latter of these abound in the favored place of which we now speak. And they attack in massed battalion; because they are all brought together in a circumscribed area, and are therefore all seen and felt at once. We shall attempt no formal catalogue of the thousand and one varieties to be found there; it is enough to know that the scene is one of surpassing beauty and interest. No man can look upon that splendid collection without feeling impressed with the benevolence of that great Being whose care and love for the human family find expression in such delicate and lovely forms. Hence it was that we said there are subtle essences in flowers which steal into the soul, infusing an odor that may out-last time itself. This green house is to be one of the tributaries to the approaching Floral exhibition heretofore mentioned in these columns. Various other fountains will also contribute their supply, so that our readers need fear no want of success on the part of the energetic and deserving gentlemen who have taken that enterprise in hand. We shall have more to say on the subject hereafter. Meanwhile we advise all our lady friends who expect to be present at the various spring openings in the city to go from the store house to the green house that they may contrast the finest workmanship of man with the least of the works of nature."

3. Eufaula Weekly Times - Eufaula, Alabama - Thu, Apr 24, 1873

"There will be exhibited at the Montgomery floral exhibition, to be given April the 30th, and May the 1st and 2d, several hundred birds, under the special care of Mr. Halfman."

4. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Tue, Nov 24, 1874

"Mr. E. D. Halfmann has been appointed by the Committee of Arrangements to decorate the stand in front of the capitol."

5. The Times-Picayne - New Orleans, Louisiana - Tue, Feb 23, 1875

"We had yesterday the pleasure of inspecting a miniature square of exotics and rare flowers - embracing camelias, azaleas, etc., resting on beds of garden moss hedged in with violets. This exquisite specimen of horticultural work is from the conservatory of Ethelbert Halfman, Esq., of Montgomery, Ala., and was sent as a present to a lady of our city."

6. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sat, Dec 11, 1875

"One of the handsomest and most attractive spots in this community, is Mr. Halfman's flower yards, corner of Monroe and Decatur streets. The flowers, procured from all quarters of the country, are blooming in his yards and hot houses, like roses in the Spring time. It is a great resort for strangers visiting the city."

7. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Wed, Feb 23, 1876

"Mr. E. D. Halfman, whose taste as a florist is generally acknowledged, has one of the prettiest gardens in the South. It is filled with rare flowers. Mr. Halfman is prepared to fill orders for laying out flower gardens, furnishing flowers, plants, fruit trees, etc. See advertisement."

8. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Wed, Mar 1, 1876

"E. D. Halfmann, Montgomery Floral Depot, Fruits, Flowers. FRUITS a Specialty. Have on hand a large Stock of No. 1 Apple Trees, which I will sell at Ten dollars per hundred. Other fruits at comparatively low rates. Also, prepared to prune fruit and other Trees, Shrubbery, &c. Cemetery lots and other grounds kept in order. Orders sollicited."

9. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Mar 26, 1876

"We cannot close, this hasty and imperfect notice without a remark upon the magnificent floral display - chiefly from the garden of Mr. Halfman. It elicitated universal admiration. The oranges and bananas on the table were the production of his own garden in this city."

10. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Thu, Oct 26, 1876

Mr. Halfman also occupies considerable space with his choice and varied collection of flowers and plants. His taste and skill as a florist and landscape gardener has long been thoroughly established."

11. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Thu, Nov 2, 1876

"Mr. Halfman, the florist of this city had a magnificent display of flowers, bulbs, fruits &c., he deserves great credit for his untiring exertions in our community, to build up this branch of industry and his success is not only gratifying to himself, but also to his many friends."

12. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Nov 18, 1877

"E D Halfman, best collection of cut flowers, $5.00."

13. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sat, Mar 2, 1878

"We are indebted to Mr. E. D. Halfman, proprietor of the Floral depot, corner of Monroe and Decatur streets, for one of the most exquisitely beautiful and fragrant boquets we have ever seen at this season of the year. It is always spring time and beautiful within his elegant flower yards."

14. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Mar 24, 1878

"Mr. E. Halfmann's floral depot, corner of Monroe and Decatur streets, is one of the attractions of the city, and is daily visited by those who have admiration for beautiful and choice flowers. Mr. Halfmann's taste in making a beautiful boquet, cannot be excelled, even in the land of flowers, where spring time is perpetual."

15. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Mar 31, 1878

"Halfmann's flower yards are the beauties of the city. Send to him for a bouquet, if you wish to see how many beautiful flowers this fair land can produce in the early month of March."

16. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sat, Apr 20, 1878

"The flower yards and gardens were never known to look as bright and fresh at this season of the year as they do at present; and the quantities of flowers were never so great; Halfmann's yard could not be improved upon."

17. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Fri, Oct 31, 1879

"Alabama State Fair! - Department E - Class 4, Flower Gardens. The first premium of $25.00 will be competed for by non-resident (of Montgomery) professional cultivators, and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th premiums will be competed for by amateurs in this department. The Executive Committee having arranged with Mr. Halfman of this city to make one of his grandest displays of FLOWERS and ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN POTS, he not making any entry for premiums, but to be present, taking charge of, and giving attentioin and care to all contributions in this class."

18. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Tue, Nov 11, 1879

"The fair opened yesterday under the most promising auspices. The weather was all that could have been desired, notwithstanding there were indications of rain, and the grounds were alive with exhibitors, workmen and visitors. The exhibition hall is a very attractive and commodious building, and occupies a commanding position on the grounds. The first floor was the scene of the greatest activity yesterday, exhibitors preparing their articles for display to the public. On entering this floor the first thing that greets the eye is a wilderness of green, rising like a thing of life. This beautiful sight is the display of Mr. Halfman, the Florist. It embraces a wide variety of hot house and other plants and all who saw them were struck with the splendor of the display, which, being in the centre of the floor, is easily seen from all directions. But few of the exhibits were in position on this floor yesterday until late in the evening, but all will be ready this morning for general display."

19. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sat, Jul 24, 1880

"The banana plant, to those who have never watched one during the fruiting season, is an interesting study. Its fruit is developed in a manner entirely different from any other tree that we have ever seen. Those in Mr. Halfman's yard on Monroe street, have attracted the attention of many passers, who have never before seen the unique plan by which bananas are manufactured."

20. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Sun, Feb 12, 1882

"E. D. Halfman; full and choice assortment of plants, flowers and evergreens."

21. The Montgomery Advertiser - Montgomery, Alabama - Thu, Oct 11, 1883

"Flowers. It doesn't rain, but the flower gardens of Mr. Halfman and Mr. Caldwell, bloom with perennial freshness. No sort of weather can keep the flowers from blooming in this favored spot."

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