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Descendants of Mathilda and Geoffrey of Anjou

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Date: 5 May 2017 [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: euroaristo pre-1500 conqueror
This page has been accessed 656 times.

This page is one line of continuation of the William the Conqueror project.

  • It continues from the first page: Space:EuroAristo-Descendants_of_William_I_the_Conqueror
  • It starts with William's grand-daughter Mathilda (or Maud) who was the designated heiress of William's son King Henry I.
  • As shown in the first table below, all lines of continuing descent so far appear go through Mathilda's son King Henry II, whose line is known as the Plantagenet or Angevin dynasty, named after his father Geoffrey "Plantagenet, Count of Anjou.
  • Generation numbers start at William the Conqueror as Generation Zero. Mathilda is generation 2, Henry II is generation 3.


The start of the Plantagenet dynasty

Generation Profile Notes Team Member Quality Review
2 Matilda, Lady of the English DNB. Henry II project
Spouse m1. Heinrich V, Emperor, 1st husband of Mathilda No issue
Spousem2. Geoffrey d'Anjou, 2nd husband of MatildaHenry II project 3 sons only one with issue (all sources: RA, H2, DNB)
3 King Henry II Henry II project . Check proper description of Rosamund de Clifford relationship
Spousem. Alienor of Aquitaine mother of 8 legit children
4 William Died young. No issue.
4 Young King Henry Wife and son in Wikitree as per RA. Son died as baby
4 Mathilda See [ table below]
4 King Richard I, Lionheart m. but no legit issue. Check issue. RA names 1 illegit son Philip not in Wikitree, and Wikipedia says he was the only acknowledged child. But Wikitree has an illegitimate daughter not explained in text
4 Geoffrey, Duke of BritannyIssue RA says 1s 2d like Wikitree. No grandchildren though
4 Eleanor See [ table below]
4 Joan RA says m1. King William II of Sicily 1s (Wikipedia indicates he must have died young); m2. Count Raymond VI of Toulouse 1s whose daughter died without issue. Wikipedia says also 1d, and MEDLANDS discusses her descendants. no children in wikitree
4 King John LacklandSee [ table below]
Illegitimate children. RA and H2 agree on 4 as most sure:
Mistress Ykenai or Hikenai only named by Walter Map, whose credibility is challenged because he was one of Geoffrey's enemies who was really suggesting he wasn't the son of King Henry II.
4 Geoffrey Archbishop of York. No issue?Kirk Hess
MistressIda de Toeniwife of Roger de Bigod (RA believes proven), (see [1], surname de Tony), DNB names her de Tosny, da. of Roger de Tosny
4 William Longespée See [ table below]
MistressName unknown
4 MathildaAbbess. No issue?
MistressNest, not in wikitree, daughter of Iorwerth ap Owain, possibly Ap_Owain-50
4 Morgan Not in Wikitree Provost of Beverley. No issue?
3 Geoffrey VI d'Anjou, Count of Nantes no issue
3 William Longespée no issue? Wikitree names a wife and daughter not appearing in the named sources, apparently from Banks but he was talking about a son of Henry II not a brother Reconnect wife and daughter Do not confuse with his nephew!!

Work to do:

  • Joan's daughter in Toulouse needs to be added to Wikitree if she existed.

Mathilda m Duke of Saxony and Bavaria

Generation Profile Notes Team Member Quality Review
4 Mathilda RA says 4s 2d and wikitree agrees
SpouseHeinrich III-XII (Welf) Sachsen V m Duke of Saxony and Bavaria.
5Heinrich (Saxony) Sachsen VI -I
5Richenza (Sachsen) du Perche
5Lothar (Saxony) Sachsen
5Otto IV (Welf) Schwaben
5Wilhelm (Welf) von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
5Eleanore UNKNOWN

King John

Generation Profile Notes Team Member Quality Review
4 King John Lackland Jack Day
Spouse[[]] Jack Day
5John (Plantagenet) FitzRoy Jack Day
5Isabel (FitzRoy) FitzIves Jack Day
5Richard (FitzRoy) FitzJohn Jack Day
5Oliver (Plantagenet) FitzRoy Jack Day
5Joan FitzJohn Jack Day
5Eudo (Plantagenet) FitzRoy Jack Day
5Geofrey (Plantagenet) FitzRoy Jack Day
5Ivo (Plantagenet) FitzRoy Jack Day
5Osbert (Plantagenet) Gifford Jack Day
5Henry FitzRoy Jack Day
5Henry (Plantagenet) of England Jack Day
5Richard (Plantagenet) of England Jack Day
5Joan (Plantagenet) of Scotland Jack Day
5Johanna (Plantagenet) Colepepper Jack Day
5Isabella (Plantagenet) Hohenstaufen Jack Day
5Eleanor (Plantagenet) Montfort Jack Day

William Longespée

Generation Profile Notes Team Member Quality Review
4 William Longespée Earl of Salisbury Issue
SpouseEla of Salisbury
5Isabel (Longespée) Vescy
5Ida (Longespée) de Beauchamp
5William (Longespée) de Longespée
5Petronella Longespée
5Ela (Longespée) Bassett
5Richard Longespee LNAB has no accent in wikitree, unlike siblings
5Stephen (Longespée) de Longespée
5Nicholas Longespée
5Ida (Longespée) FitzRobert
5Lora Longespée

Eleanor, Queen of Castile

Generation Profile Notes Team Member Quality Review
4 Eleanor Queen of Castile. Issue RA follows under CASTILE
SpouseAlfonso Sánchez (Castilla) de Castilla
5Berenguela Alfónsez (Bourgogne) de Castilla
5Sancho (Bourgogne) Castilla
5Sancha (Bourgogne) Castilla
5Urraca (Castilla) de Portugal
5Blanca (Castilla) de France
5Fernando (Bourgogne) Castilla
5Constanza (Bourgogne) Castilla
5Matilda (Bourgogne) Castilla
5Leonor de Castilla
5Enrique (Castilla) de Castilla

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Comments: 2

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I believe John Lackland had two wives both named Isabella: Isabella, Countess of Gloucester (c.1173-1217) no issue, marriage annulled; Isabella of Angoulème (either 1186 or 1188, sources vary)-1246.
posted by Jeff Kee
Should the LNAB have an accent mark in their wikitree ID? If your key board does not have the accent mark you can not pull up the profile.

Stephen (Longespée) de Longespée

Thank you!