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- In the early 1970s, P. H. Bogaard wrote a piece about Everardus called "Dutch Ancestry of Domine Everardus Bogardus" for the Holland Society of New York's de Halve Maen. Apparently Bogaard gave Everardus' parents as Willem Bogaert and Susanna van Ruyteveld. That information has been determined to be false. The current authority on Everardus' ancestry is Willem Th. M. Frijhoff, Professor of Cultural History, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Frijhoff identifies Everardus' known family relationships in his works, [1] of which the lastest is Fulfilling God's Mission: The Two Worlds of Dominie Everardus Bogardus, 1607-1647. Frijhoff's work has been incorporated into William Bogardus' Dear "cousin...".
"Rev. Everardus Bogardus' father is thought to have been a Willem Cornelis [Bogart] who was a cabinetmaker in the town of Woerden who died about 1609. Everardus' mother is thought to have been...Niesgen Pietersdr. After Willem Bogart's death, his widow is thought to have married a man with the surname of Muysevoet. Niesgen Pietersdr. Bogart Muysevoet and her second husband had two sons. By her first marriage to Willem Bogart, Niesgen also had two sons -- Pieter and Evert (the future Domine). There was an epidemic of the plague in the area around Woerden in 1617 and 1618. Both Niesgen and her second husband may have died in the plague. At any rate, by 1623 all four boys had been placed in the Woerden orphanage. At that time, Evert was 15 years old. In 1629 Evert won a scholarship to attend the Theological Seminary at Leiden University. He was ordained in 1632 and Latinized his name to Everardus Bogardus. He was sent to New Netherland and arrived there in April 1633." [2]
- Bogardus, William B. Dear "cousin": A Charted Genealogy of the Descendants of Anneke Jans Bogardus (1605-1663) to the 5th Generation, and of Her Sister, Marritje Jans. Wilmington, OH: Anneke Jans and Everardus Bogardus Descendants Association, 1996. Print.
- Bogardus, William. "Most Frequent Errors and Incorrect or Unproven Lines of Descent from Anneke Jans." Accessed 05 Sep 2017.
See also
- Everardus Bogardus
- New Netherland settler disconnection: Bogardus-5
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