Location: Scotland U.K.
Surname/tag: Hamilton
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I think she has been entered to the incorrect parents in Scotland. They should be , Sir William Hamilton and Jean Lockhart, and not William Hamilton and Janet Pollock of Stonehouse, Lanark , Scotland. My Sources, are from the National Records of Scotland.
- PROCLAMATIONS: 11/05/1800 HAMILTON, WILLIAM (Old Parish Registers Marriage 647/30 440 Hamilton) Page440 of 523.
Mr. William Hamilton, Writer and Ms. Jean Lockhart, both in this Parish for 3 days,
- Marriage: 20/ 05/ 1800 HAMILTON , WILLIAM (Old Parish Registers Marriages 685/1 520 330 Edinburgh) Page 330 of 332.
William Hamilton ,writer,New Grayfrias Parish,and Jean Lockhart , same Parish, natural daughter of the Deceased Sir William Dunholm of Westfield ,Barr.
- BIRTH: 08/ 03/ 1802 HAMILTON, JANE ( Old Parish Registers Births 647 204 Hamilton)Page 204 of 523
Jane ,daughter of Mr.Wm.Hamilton and Jean Lockhart, spouse.
William, from "Crofthead Farm" Stonehouse, Lanark, Married Janet Pollock from Blantyre, and had 3 recorded daughter that I can find. Janet, Mary and Martha. Where Sir William, a Solicitor in Hamilton, Lanark, U.K. Married Jean Lockhart the daughter of Sir William Denholm, on the 20/ 05 / 1800, in Edinburgh. They had a girl , Jane, born on the 08/ 03 / 1802, at Hamilton, Lanark, U.K.