
Explanation of the Plauche Family Name

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Francemap
Surnames/tags: Plauche Plossee, Plosse, Selam, Selamme
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Explanation of the Plauche Family Name

This explanation concerns the spelling of our family name and, in particular, relates to Etienne Henri Plauché who was the first Plauche to come to Louisiana from France.

Exhibit #1: On the first line, his name is given as Etienne Henry Plosse. At the bottom, it states: also 'Plauche', native of 'Senes', diocese of Toulon.

Exhibit #2 and #3: At the top, his name is given as Henri Etienne Plauche. In the body of the paragraph, his name is given as Etienne Henri Plossee, native of Senes of the diocese of Toulon.

The copy of the Plauche family line that I have, states that our family line began in the Northern part of France known then as La Provience Sein Manger but now referred to as La Provience Sein Quen Inferiur. This family record also states that the first Plauche was born in Sene (LaSeyne?) --- a shipbuilding village and suburb of the French Mediterranean Naval Base of Toulon.

The Big Question: Since our family line began in Northern France, how was it possible that the first Plauche was born in Southern France.

The clue is in the spelling of our family name.

Apparantly, our family name originally was PLOSSEE. This would have been when our ancestors were domiciled in Northern France.

The change from PLOSSEE to PLAUCHE occurred in Southern France --- at least, this name change occurred to Etienne Henri.

The family, or part thereof, moved from Northern to Southern France. Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 offers proof of this move in that the 3 exhibits each state that Etienne Henri was a native of the diocese of Toulon. To have been a native of the diocese, Etienne Henri had to be born in the diocese of Toulon.

Since Etienne Henri was born in Southern France and his family name was changed PLAUCHE, this would explain why our family name, as PLAUCHE, first began in Southern France. This change does not remove the identity of our family line (as PLOSSEE) as having begun in Northern France.

Etienne PLOSSEE was the father of Etienne Henri PLAUCHE. As shown in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, Etienne Henri's father retained the family spelling as PLOSSEE.

It is impossible to know why Etienne Henri's family name was changed from PLOSSEE to PLAUCHE. There could have been a different dialect between Northern and Southern France and possibly, PLAUCHE was the Southern France way of spelling PLOSSEE. A clerical error could have resulted in the name change. There could have been many reasons for the name change --- in any case, we will never know the real reason why Etienne Henri's last name was changed.

Since Etienne Henri PLAUCHE, our family name has remained as PLAUCHE.

Another Question: Why were both last names (PLOSSEE and PLAUCHE) recorded on the marriage certificates as shown on Exhibits 1, 2 and 3. Here again, we will never know.

Perhaps the church and/or the family used this method to establish positive identification that Etienne Henri PLAUCHE and Etienne Henri PLOSSEE were one and the same person. Perhaps this dual listing was to honor the origianl name of PLOSSEE. Who knows the reason.

Marguerite SELAM: As shown in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, Marguerite SELAM married Etienne Henri PLAUCHE. (his last name is also shown as PLOSSEE and PLOSSE)

Exhibit #1: On the third line, her name is shown as Marguerite SELAM. At the bottom, it states: Also 'SELAMME', a native of this parish (this is the parish we know as Orleans Parish).

Exhibits #2 and #3: At the top, her name is shown as Marguerite SELAM. In the body of the paragraph, her family name is shown as SELAMME.

My records indicate that Marguerite Selam apparently came from England with her parents. However, this must be in error, because Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, state that she was a native of this parish (Orleans Parish). Since she was born in this parish, that means she was born in this parish and, therefore, she could not have come from England with her parents. This does not mean that she was not of English descent. Her parents could have come to Louisiana from England.

Was SELAM or SELAMME the correct spelling of Marguerite's family name. I tend to think that SELAM was the correct way to spell her family name.

My reason for this thinking is based on the information indicated in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3. Especially on Exhibits 2 and 3. Below the dotted line, it states that Marguerite SELAM signed in her own handwriting and that she signed her family name as SELAM. It seems to me that she would have known the correct way to spell her family name.

Above the dotted line, on Exhibits 2 and 3, you will note the name of LA SELAM which is Mrs. SELAM. This could have been Marguerite's mother and, if so, her mother could have been attendance at her daughters wedding. If it was her mother who signed as a witness, then, I am led to believe that her mother knew the correct way to spell their family name.

Was Marguerite's family name SELAM or SELAMME. Considering the foregoing, I tend to think that SELAMME was the French spelling of the name SELAM.

One More Thing: My Plauche family history record states that Etienne Henri PLAUCHE and Marguerite SELAM were married on 2-8-1765. However, this date must in error.

As per Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, these official records of the St Louis Cathedral, which are on file in the Archives of The Archdiocese of New Orleans, state that Etienne Henri PLAUCHE and Marguerite SELAM were married on 2-12-1765.

If you have a copy of the PLAUCHE family line and/or a PLAUCHE chart, you may wish to correct their date of marriage from 2-8-1765 to 2-12-1765.

Marguerite SELAM was born on 11-6-1750 and married Etienne Henri PLAUCHE on 2-12-1765. This means she was 14 years, 3 months and 6 days of age when she married Etienne. She and Etienne had 10 children. She died on 6-8-1818 at the age of 67 years, 7 months and 2 days.

Please remember that some of the foregoing, in the explanation of the PLAUCHE family name, are facts taken from official records.

My personal opinions, thoughts, assumptions and/or conclusions, as expressed in this writing, are not offered, nor should they be accepted or interpreted, as absolutes.

Researched and written by:
Hansell Anthony Plauche, Sr
October, 1990

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