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Date: 15 Mar 1893 to Jun 1912
Location: Quebec, Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Migneault_dit _Labrie Dakota_Territory
This page has been accessed 148 times.

This family history was written by Joseph E. LaBrie Sr. Mar 15, 1893 and translated by A.F. Labrie in 1901 was published in "Francois Marcelle LaBrie & Marie Constance Lemieux, Their Ancestors and Heirs" in 1998 by Mary Gentle. It is now out of print.

--Translated by A. F. LaBrie, June 1912. Given to Grace LaBrie, Redfield, SD

"My ancestors had the name and signed -Migneault dit (or said) LaBrie. I was born at Cape St. Ignace, August 20, 1822. My father, Francois Marcelle Migneault dit Labrie was born at Cape St. Ignace, June 1,1781. Died April 7, 1844. My grandfather, Francois Migneault dit Labrie was born at St. Anne in May 1745, died November 1, 1882 aged 77 years and 6 months. He had two wives, the first named Marie-Claire Bernier (granddaughter of Grandma St. Aubin.) Two children were born from this marriage: Joseph and Claire. Of the second marriage to Julie Durand, were born two children: Francois Marcelle (my father) and Marie Anne who died at age 4 months. He was married a second time to Marie Rose Methotte, daughter of Soupirant Methotte and Rose Dion, to whom were born 15 children, Damase, Liza, Flavie, Boniface, Jean-Baptiste, Joseph Eusebe, Alix, Thonile, Edward, Pierre, Ferdinand, Genevieve, Adelle, Drasime, and Emelie. My mother died September 7, 1836 at "Pointe a la mule" and was buried at St. Valentine on September 9, 1836.Today, March 15, 1893, six of my brothers and sisters are alive: Liza, aged 78; Flavie, Joseph Eusebe 71; Thonile, 67; Drasime, 59. I was 8 years old when my father sold the old home at Cape Ignace and moved to Pierre de la river du Sud. In 1836 he sold his property at St. Pierre and moved to George Henriville, in the Duseau road, where I resided from November 7 1836 to August 30 1847. My father died April 7, 1844 and is buried in the cemetery of the parish of George Henriville, April 9,1844. On May 8, 1844, I married Marie-Louise Brosseau, daughter of Antoine Brosseau and Louise Moreau, of the parish of St. George Henriville. She was born in said parish of St. George Henriville, Aug 20, 1825. Of this marriage were born 15 children. I sold the land I owned in Duseau Road in June 1847 and emigrated to the United States, August 30, 1847 and on September 7, 1847 I landed at Chicago, with my wife and two children and two of my brothers Marcelle and Drasime and three of sisters, Flavie, Genevieve and Adelle. I located near Aurora, Kane County, Illinois. On October 25, 1851 I left Aurora and emigrated to Bourbonais in Will County on the left bank of the Kankakee River where Kankakee City now is located. Our daughter, Louise was born there soon after on October 27,1851. On June 7, 1852, my wife's father died , mile and a half north of the village of Bourbonais and a few days after his death I went to reside with my wife's mother where we lived two years. On August 16. 1853 my wife came to Manteno, where I had gone in March 1853. We lived at Manteno 26 years. On January 20, 1879 I left Manteno to go to the Pacific Coast, where I lived till March 1, 1882. I arrived in Sumner, Spink County, Dakota Territory March 24, 1882 where part of my family was located and the family of my brother Marcelle. The two families and their families formed the "Labrie tribe". My wife, Lucille and Anatole were at Joe's and we lived there all summer. I filed on a tree claim and a homestead and made improvements required by law, including a house on the homestead. November 18, 1882 we moved to Frankfort where we passed the winter and remained at Frankfort until fall. I bought two yoke of oxen and a plow and we broke 115 acres, in the fall plowed them back (backset). We lived on the homestead five years and on July 15, Armand and Lucille left to go to reside at at George, Illinois. On November 27, my wife and I moved to Doland where we passed the winter. On February 28, 1890, Lucille died and was buried at St. George. On March 31, 1880 we moved to Sumner in our house, on our homestead and resided there to November 1895. My wife began to have rheumatism and on September 14, 1895 we sold the horses and cattle and household goods and moved to Doland for the winter and on the 18th of June we left Dakota to reside with Armand. We visited our relatives and friends in Kankakee County and on September 29, 1895 we moved to Momence, in the priest house where we lived 4 years. On September 4, 1900, my wife died at 5:00 a.m. and was buried at Manteno. Her death was rheumatism caused by kidney disease. Her sickness lasted 5 years. On May 7, 1894 we celebrated our golden wedding. Our married life lasted 54 years and 4 months. I continue to live at Momence with Armand."

Note: Joseph Eusabe LaBrie Sr. died at Momence, Illinois at the priest house November 29, 1902 and was buried at Manteno, Illinois.

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