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Families from the Visitations of Dorset

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Families from the visitations, 1565,1623 plus addenda and 1677 visitations.

1565 1623 1623 Addenda1677
Abington Abington Anketel 1623 Arnold
Alye Alye Bingham 1565 Bampfield
AnketellAncketell Bowre c 1560 Bankes
Bingham Arney Browne 1627 Barber
Birt Arundel Buckler 1565 Baynard
Blount AwburyChamneys 1623 Bingham
Bucker Barkham Chubb 1625Bishop
Cherverell Barnes Clavelshey c 1560 Bisse
Coker Batescomb Dawe 1628 Bond
Crukern Beke Dichford Bowditch
Dackombe Benett Earle 1565 Bower
Elrington Bingham Ewens 1623 Bowman
Erle Bishop Filiol 1623Boyle
Fauntleroy Bond Foyle 1633 Brodepp
Filliol Bowdich Frampton 1565Browne
Fowke Bower Fulford 1623 Brune
Frampton Bowyer Glisson 1623 Burleigh
Galle Bradstock Grey 1565 Burwell
Grey Browne Hannam 1623 Butler
GunterBruneHilliard 1630 Chafe
Hannan BucklerHintonChafin
Hardy Chadwell Horsey 1623 Chaldecott
Hawles Chaldecot Huntley 1565 Churchill
Herbes Checkford James 1631 Coker
Howard Chichester Jessop 1626Culliford
Huddy ChildLarder 1565 Dackombe
Huntley Churchill Levet 1626 Delacourt
Hussey Clavell Lovell 1565 Devenish
Hyde Cockerham Martin 1565 Eastmont
Keilway Coker Meggs 1565 Egerton
Knight Collier Miche 1626 Estmond
Knoel Coplestone Morgan Etterick
Kymer Culliford Pelham c 1470 Every
Larder Daccomb Peverell Filliyoll
Leweston Dirdo Pomfret c 1525 Floyer
Lovell Dolling Reynolds 1628 Fownes
Martin (Martyn) Earle Sacheverell 1565 Frampton
Megges Eggerdon Sidney Freke
Mere Ernely Squibb Fry
Molineux Ettorick Turbeville 1565 Fulford
Morgan Filliol Uvidall 1565 Gollop
Peerce Frampton Walcot Hardey
Percy Freke Wyke 1525 Henville
Powlet Fry Hodges
Ryves Gallop Hoskyns
Samways Gardiner Hull
Stangman Gerard Hunt
Strangwayes Gibbs Hurding
Stroud Glisson Hussey
Sydenham Good Larder
Thornhull Gould Lawrence
Trenchard Grey Lewys
Tucker Grove Long
Turbeville Hannam Martyn
Tytherleigh Hardy Meggs
Uvedale Harvey Meller
Vaughan Hastings Michel
Watkins Hawles Minterne
Welburne Hayne Mohun
White Henning Mompresson
Williams Hill Moore
Willoughby Hooper Newburgh
Wodham Hoskins Nicholas
Humfrey Nicholls
Huntley Oxenbregge
Hussey Paulet
Joliffe Pitt
Kete Pope
Lane Randall
Larder Reymes
Lawrence Ryves
Lovell St Lo
Martin Savage
Mathew Still
Mere Strang(e)ways
Meggs Style
Meller Swayne
Minterne Thornhill
Mohun Thornhurst
Morgan Turbeville
Morton Twyniho
Napper Uvedale
Pelham Wake
Pesyng Whittaker
Phillipps White
Pomfret Williams

Families that appear in all Three Visitations

NameWikitree Comments
Coker Present, detail unknown
FilliolPresent, detail unknown
Framptonwikitree? important Dorset family lived Moreton. Involved in Swing, Tolpuddle Martyrs
Martin on wikitree (Martin Martyn) Athelhampton and Pale Park.Early dates need work. Some profiles need tidying. Family often gets odd emigrants linked to branches
Meggson wikitree but either did or still does link falsely to Churchill (Bradford Peverell
Ryves On wikitree, some important figures still need profiles(Bruno?) Watched closely by attentive member.
Strangways wikitree? v important family
Turbeville wikitree? quintissential Dorset gentry (see Hardy)
Williams wikitree? know of one female married a White of Poole

Families that appear in the 1565 and 1677 visitations

Name\wikitree Comments
Uvedale ?
White Descendants of 15th C Mayor of Poole, married Athelhampton heiress.

Possible descendants 19th C coopers. Have info from 1677 and wills but needs inputting ||

Paulet/Powlet Important family. Branches spread across other West Country counties

Families that appear on the 1565 and 1623 Visitations

Name\wikitree Comments
Cherverell/ SacheverelYes, think some dates need work
Erle? wikitree, Important family, parliamentarian in civil war (involved siege Corfe)
Grey Yes,till end of line when Lora Grey, heiress marries Pitt (might need first known generation(s)
Trenchard Yes, quite extensive, early profiles need work (lots of c and p)
Willoughby think Leonard Willoughby has a profile, family?

Families that appear on the 1623 and 1677 Visitations

Name\wikitree Comments
Bond Yes but needs further work, daughter involved with Churchill muddle
BruneYes (marries an Athelhampton heiress and next generations buried there detail unknown
Churchill A mix, some generations muddled with known false Churchill pedigree for the D of Malborough. The 'correct' one is supported by several wills and 20th C articles in Dorset Procedings. .V hard to disentangle! Doesn't help that Hutchins has both correct and incorrect versions(as pointed out by his editors) Some modern works also include the false one.
FrekeYes, quite extensive tree
Meller Yes, but problem with earliest generations : mother (Cockerham/Wolley).A place where visitation may be incorrect.
Mohun Yes , certainly some early profiles, (Moone of Bridport)

Families known to have extensive pedigrees that only appear on one Visitation

Name Notes
Tregonwell 16th C lawyer to 19 C founder of Bournemouth,think that much of this is on wikitree but some profiles have no bio
Pitt 16th C merchant to Prime Ministers, to Pitt Rivers still in County. Again quite a lot on wikitree but some profiles have no bio
Gould Goes back on wikitree to 'crusader (in Devon Visitation but ?? ) John Gould in 1195 From John 1372 sourced for a couple of generations then gap. There is one profile John Gould of Upway m Sarah Hussey with a linked son Robert (emigrant ) Robert does not exist in Hutchins, will check will of father. This is an important branch of a local family involved in running 17th C Dorchester Abranch of the family becameBaring Gould and produced the writer of Onward Christian Soldiers .There maybe Gould descendants still living locally (Goulds have a department store in Dorchester and a garden centre at Upway. A Robert Gould is the leader of Dorset council ...might just be a coincidence

Families from the 1565 Visitation, wiki id numbers .Brief note on Hutchins Pedigree for Family

Name wikitree Hutchinsnotes
Abington noVol 4 p 448 ,pedigre
Alye, Gussage St Andrew Margaret Alye1550Vol 3 p 546 short pedigree ends 1631
Anketell, ShaftesburyJohn Anketell 1555 Vol 3 p 62Hutchins; detailed ped to 19th c. wikitree just one generation in Dorset
Ashley, Wimborne St GIles Benedict 1260 John 1360 Hutchins no pedigree Hutchins many ref and epitaphs, early wikitree profiles lacking sources and detail
Bingham, Bingham's Melcombe Robert 1197 to Robert 1507 Vol 4 374 Hutchins detailed pedigree, Wikitree after Bingham-179 diverts to a Sheffield predecessor of emigrant
Birt Caundle Marshnono
Blount of Mountjoy Robert 1025 Charles 1516vol 3, 296 aristo.many counties, ? Charles first d Dorset
Browne of Framptonnot found Vol 2-298, Vol 1 165 Hutchins reasonably extensive pedigrees also John Brown HOP wikitree hard to find!
Buckler of CausewayJohn 1480Vol 2 p 479Hutchins just 2 gen. wikitree links to son then his daughters line
Cheverell of ChauntmarellJohn 1380Vol 1 p 414 Unsourced on wiki tree Hutchins scarce on dates and sources for this pedigree.On wikitree, grandson and wife of John have IPMs and are sourced
Chuddelegh of StroudJames 1445 Vol 4 p 4 (much later) Seems to be more from Devon, example profile in visitation but ancestors not identical!
Coker of Ashbosam not foundVol 1 p 310 Hutchins totally derived from visitations but does have additional info dotted around
Coker of Mapowder Thomas 1455 Vol 3 724Hutchins extensive pedigree, dated 1618, /later supplemented with bapt and burials.Wiki tree, lacking sources and includes a cuckoo John Corker 1598
Crukernnot found 2 ref no pedigree
Dackombe of Stepleton no but Edward Dackombe of Corfe Vol 1 299, vol 1 50 (Corfe) Corfe line not in this visitation
Elrington of Woolcombe Maltravers nono Woolcombe Maltravers is a deserted and 'lost' village part of Melbury Bubb
Erle of Charleborough Honor 1554 Walter1584Vol3 502 Hutchins Extensive tree ,wikitree fragmentary, Erle 11 is aunt of Erle 16 but not yet linked have informed pm

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Excellent work Helen
posted by Vivienne Caldwell