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Location: Coleman, Texas, United States
Surnames/tags: May Mobley
Sarah Mobley and Felix May, Family Bible Records, 1852-1967, The Holy Bible (publication unknown), "Marriages, Births and Deaths", Privately held by Karen D. Tumbleson, [Felix Morgan May K8GJ-F6G, FamilySearch.org, 2014]. [Bible was a given to her by her grandmother, Chloris May Kincaid. On a trip from California back to Coleman, she told her mother, Nota Mae Barmore, that she was taking the family bible back to Coleman! Four pdf files of pages.]
Page 1
- Felix Morgan May Family Bible
- facsimile
- Marriage Certificate
- This is to Certify
- That Felix M. May and Sarah Mobley
- were united by me in the bonds of
- Holy Matrimony
- At Home in Sharp Co. Ark on the 18th day of October in the year of our Lord 1874 in
- Presence of Friends.
- Signed William McCloud, Justice of the piece [sic].
Page 2
- Births
- Felix M. May was born Sept. 15, 1852.
- Sarah May was born June 19, 1852.
- Jesse H. May was born June 29, 1876.
- Felix A. May was born Feb. 20, 1878.
- David P. May was born Sept. 5, 1880.
- Joseph L. May was born Feb. 17, 1882.
- Sarah V. May was born Nov. 17, 1884.
- Alfred C. May was born Feb. 20, 1887.
- Elizabeth P. and John E. May was born September 25, 1891.
- [in another hand]
- (Twins) were born in Coleman, Co. The other four were born in Marion Co. Ark.
Page 3
- Deaths
- Jesse H. May, Died Apr 29, 1877.
- D P May, Died Oct. 18, 1881.
- [in another ink]
- Felix M May Died Jan 24, 1931.
- [in another hand]
- Sarah May Died Feb. 21, 1935
- Albert May
- Lee May Died Oct 2, 1959
- Alfred May Died May 5, 1967
Page 4
- Marriages
- Felix M. May And
- Sarah Mobley was married
- October the 18, A. D. 1874.
- [in another hand]
- Albert and Ollie Marcus married Nov. 16, 1902
- Lee and Annie Close married Nov. -- 1907.
- Alfred and Nota Baremore " Dec. 22, 1912.
- Verluna and Clitus Jones " Dec. 21, 1902.
- John and Myrtle Baremore " Dec. -- 1913.
- Pearl and Floyd Titsworth " Sept. 12, 1920.
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