Burcham, Stoneman
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Sally (Burcham) Stoneman and her daughters owned a Bible with recorded births, deaths, and marriages.
A note in the front of the Bible reads, "Joshua Stoneman gives this book to his wife Sally Stoneman and her daughters...this 18 day of the 3rd month 1836."
Another page in the Bible reads, "Charlotte Stoneman, her Bible a Present from her mother Sally Stoneman." Below that note is written "Emily Stoneman," and "Emily Burcham." It's likely the Bible was used by both sisters at different times. It records events for the family of Joshua and Sally Stoneman, and the family of their daughter, Emily Stoneman with her husband Samuel Burcham.
Early entries recording the marriage of Joshua and Sally and the lives of their children are in one person's handwriting. They may have been recorded by Sally in the late 1830s. Most entries - including the ones that occurred after Sally's death - are in another person's handwriting and many appear to have been written at the same time, likely between 1860 and 1864. These were likely written by Emily (Stoneman) Burcham.
A typewritten note at the front of digital images says that the Bible was purchased by Ed Dighton at the sale of F. Burcham. A handwritten note adds that it was sent to Alice Marrietta (Stonesfield) Herzberg in 1996. According to the handwritten note, Alice was the great-great-granddaughter of Emily (Stoneman) Burcham.
Sally (Burcham) Stoneman Family Bible Records, 1772-1872, The Holy Bible (Philadelphia, Bible Association of Friends in America), 1831); digital images, Ed Griffith, posting to the Stoneman Family Reunion Facebook group, 10 September 2016 ( : accessed 10 September 2016).