Location: Licking, Ohio, United States

Surname/tag: Hankinson
“HANKINSON - Family Reunion Was Held On Wednesday August 22 - On Wednesday, Aug, 22 a pleasant reunion occurred at the residence of Mr. Simeon L. Hankinson on Welsh Hills, of his brothers and sisters. His parents emigrated from New Jersey to Ohio many years ago, first settling in Perry county, later in Licking county, about one mile northeast of the Welsh Hills Baptist church. To these parents were born nine sons and two daughters. All are still living and in reasonable health, except one daughter. Of these there were present at the reunion eight of the sons, Samuel, William, George, Joseph, David, Simeon, Joshua and Titus, and the one living sister Margaret Ann. John, now living at Junction City, Perry county, being absent on account of an invalid wife. It is doubted if many families can show a more successful career from the results of continued earnest farm work than this one, and posibly not one in the county or state, at present a more remarkable soldiers’ record. Each of the four older brothers, in fact all who were old enough to bear arms at that time enlisted in the civil war. Each remained to the close of the war, each in various engagements, and none were wounded, and today thirty-five years later, each is enjoying life with his family. Besides the brothers and sister there were present at this reunion 27 grandchildren and two great grandchildren and others closely related by marriage and prospective marriages. The day was spent in recalling incidents of the past, in games of various nature, in a bountiful dinner, and before separating in securing photographs of family groups. It was a day that will be long and pleasantly recalled by all who were present.” “Newark Daily Advocate” (Newark, Ohio) 30 Aug 1900 Page 7
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