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To Do List William Rice No. 68 Has big problems!!!! Profiles Complete but never Finished Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
1 L21B-GY3Joseph Rice2A56,
2 L5BQ-G6RPhyllis Mary Maton1#78,
3 L5BG-NZ3Ronald Garfield Manuell4B910,
4 L5BG-JZGMargaret Rosemary Carter3#1112,

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
5 L21B-2V3John William Rice16AA1415,
6 L21Y-2XYAgnes Dymond15AAB1617
7 L5BQ-LFBWilfred Francis Maton28E1819,
8 KVRL-RY2Olive Mary Springett27F2021,
9 L5B5-KZFThomas Henry Manuell310G2223,
10 L5BG-K99Chrissie Wills39 & 11#2425,
11 LR9H-VJCRichard G Potter#10K2627,
12 L5BR-H9GLeslie Carter413H2829Africa?
13 L5BR-Z5PLauna May Stephens412J3031Africa?

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
14 L21B-PSCFrancis Rice515AB3233,
15 L21B-PQ9Rachel Maria Prewer514.3435Working On
16 LL7F-HXGGeorge Dymond617,3637,
17 LTRQ-YNBMary Dooley616,3839,
=Maton Family=
18 9VHG-T1GFrancis Lodge Maton719,4041,
19 LZPS-98SJessie Saunders718,4243,
20 KVRL-RYGGeorge Springett821,4445,
21 KVRL-RYPCharlotte Baker820,4647,
=Manuell Family=
22 LRM8-SVGFrederick John Manuell923,4849,
23 LRM8-S23Mabel Annie Bastian9225051,
24 LD5G-ND8John Thomas Wills1025,5253,
25 LD5G-N9TLucy Richards1024,5455,
26 LR9H-VJCRichard James Potter1127,5657,
27 LT1Z-JRCEmma Jane Hicks1126,5859,
=Carter Family=
28 9J8V-63PThomas Henry Carter1229,6061,
29 9C1Q-N3XLaura Goldsworthy1228,6263
30 L5BB-STH ​ William Stephens1331,6465,
31 L5BB-SZQMartha Webb1330,6667,

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Great Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
32 L285-RXTJohn Rice1433.6869,
33 KLFQ-DMKHannah Maria Hellier1432.7071,
34 L514-S2MWilliam Prewer1535.7273,
35 LV6Z-K2TEmily Louisa Drewe1534,7475,
36 LHCS-2N7George Dymond1637,7677,
37 M77J-XNXMaria Fewings1636,7879,
38 LTRW-WJ7Darby Dooley1739,8081Ireland ?
39 LTRW-HWQMary White1738,8283Ireland ?
=Maton Family=
40 K2YX-3HFWilliam Maton1841,8485,
41 K2YX-3ZXSophia Willis1840,8687,
42 LZPS-9L1William Saunders1943,8889,
43 LZPS-9LXMaria Langdon1942,9091,
44 LCC5-PZVSamuel Springett2045,9293,
45 MSQJ-ZBRMary Butler2044,9495,
46 MMW7-87NGeorge Baker2147,9697,
47 MMW7-8HVJane Eliza Randall2146,9899,
=Manuell Family=
48 LR9M-6BNThomas Henry Manuell2249,100101,
49 LR9M-H4TCaroline Manley2248,102103,
50 LR9Q-9Q5Thomas Henry Bastian2351104105,
51 LR93-B8RCharlotte Ann Harvey2350106107,
52 LRMS-FQ8John Wills2453,108109,
53 LRMS-VF9Mary Hanna Harris2452,110111End
54 LD57-245James Henry Richards2555,112113,
55 LD57-L84Grace Roberts2554,114115,
56 L426-T3TFrederick Potter2657,116117
57 L426-TQMEliza Rowe2656,118119
58 L4NX-NDXThomas Henry Hicks2759,120121,
59 K2P1-4FHEmma Jane Adams2758,122123,
=Carter Family=
60 KN9L-N5BHenry Carter2861,124125,
61 KNMM-75WAnn Thomas Laity2860,126127,
62 KCY9-Q9HHenry Goldsworthy2963,128129,
63 KH7D-DKWSophia Rickard2962,130131,
64 L51T-HJYThomas Stephens3065,132133,
65 L51T-CS8Hannah Robins3064,134135,
66 L511-YSF ​ William G Webb3167,136137,
67 M4SB-PSHEmily Penberthy3166,,,Note A

Note A: For Penberthy Family Tree see Free Profile My Penberthy Family Tree [1]

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Great Great Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
68 LRMQ-QCKWilliam Rice3269.140141,
69 LRMQ-WJ7Anna Hutchins3268.142143,
70 ,??3371.144145End
71 ,??3370.146147End
72 ,??3473.148149End
73 L514-7KHAnn Prowes3472.150151,
74 M6DV-X86David Drewe3575,152153,
75 M6DV-X8RMatilda Baker3574,154155,
76 LHCS-KX4Robert Dymond3677,156157,
77 LBB1-441Mary Hammet3676,158159,
78 2Z3J-8J8John Fewings3779,160161,
79 2Z3J-8NPElizabeth Parsons3778,,162163,
80 ,??3881,164165End
81 ,??3880.166167End
82 ,??3983.168169End
83 ,??3982.170171End
=Maton Family=
84 LK3H-KW8William Maton4085,172173,
85 MK5C-87CDeborah Moyle4084,174175,
86 MV59-55KRichard Willis4187,176177,
87 27GH-PZQHarriet Hale4186,178179,
88 LC86-1DYThomas Saunders4289,180181,
89 LZPS-SWLAnn Jolliffe4288,182183,
90 ,??4391,184185End
91 ,??4390.186187End
92 LCC5-PB4Stephen Springett4493,188189,
93 LCC5-PLPLouisa Amey4492,190191,
94 LCC5-5CNJohn Butler4595,192193,
95 LCC5-5ZGMary Butler4594,194195,
96 LTWZ-LS5Jesse Baker4697,196197,
97 KLKN-Z5TMary Sayers4696,198199,
98 LRWP-98NJohn Randall4799,200201,
99 K4NY-ZXFMary Ann House4798,202203,
=Manuell Family=
100 LR93-R3SPhilip Manuell48101,204205,
101 KG8B-JMBAnn Maria Gray48100,206207,
102 K69B-ZLTJames Manley49103,208209,
103 K64J-J75Caroline Eslick49102,210211,
104 LR96-451James Bastian50105212213,
105 LR96-4RFMatilda Jane Gilbert50104214215,
106 LR96-CQ5Thomas Harvey51107216217,
107 MWHN-HDKCharlotte Whitford51106218219,
108 ??52109,220221End
109 ??52108,222223End
110 ??53111,224225End
111 ??53110,226227End
112 LD57-V5TJohn Richards54113,228229,
113 LD57-VB7Grace Bowden54112,230231,
114 9C1Q-N65Henry Roberts55115,232233,
115 9C1Q-N6RMartha Tripcony55114,234235,
116 ,??56117,236237End
117 ,??56116,238239End
118 ,??57119,240241End
119 ,??57118,242243End
120 L4NX-NDNRichard Hicks58121,244245,
121 4NX-NDJJane Truran58120,246247,
122 ,??59123,248249End
123 ,??59122,250251End
=Carter Family=
124 K242-4BTThomas Carter60125,252253,
125 K24C-PBNJennifer Ellis60124,254255,
126 LQR5-9DQThomas Laity61127,256257,
127 LWYZ-218Rebecca Osborn61126,258259,
128 ,??62129,260261End
129 ,??62128,262263End
130 ,??63131,264265End
131 ,??63130,266267End
132 M42P-382John Stephens64133,268269,
133 M42P-3DMJane Uren64132,270271,
134 LRL1-3DWWilliam Robins65135,272273,
135 L51T-GB9Mary Ann Richards64134,274275,
136 KCGP-X5KJohn Webb66137,276277,
137 KH8Y-595Ann Herring66136,278279,

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Great Great Great Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
140 LR73-D2DJohn Rice68141.284285,
141 2ZS4-JLTAnn Howard68140.286287,
142 MRRW-D6WThomas Hutchins69143.288289,
143 MRRW-D6VAnn Unknown69142.290291,
144 ,??70145.292293End
- ,??,,.,,End
151 ,??73150.306307End
152 L514-BCQJohn Drewe74153,308309,
153 L51H-9RMMary Adams74152,310311,
154 ,??75155,312313End
155 ,??75154,314315End
156 LHCS-K3JJames Dymond76157,316317,
157 LHCS-KQZMary Hake76156,318319,
158 ,??77159,320321End
159 ,??77158,322323End
160 9WT1-72WJohn Fewings78161,324325,
161 2Z3J-8J8Sarah Southwood78160,326327,
162 ,??79163,328329End
=Maton Family=
- ,??,,,,,End
181 ,??88180,366367End
182 LW6H-KKNRobert Jolliffe89183,368369,
183 LCW2-JC1Mary Heale89182,370371,
184 ,??90185,372373End
- ,??,,,,,End
187 ,??91186.378379End
188 M693-Y9XJames Springett92189,380381,
189 M693-Y9BSarah92188,382383,
190 MD1B-T4BJohn Amey93191,384385,
191 MD1B-TH4Ann93190,386387,
192 ,??94193,388389End
- ,??,,,,,End
195 ,??95194,394395End
196 LTW8-3QSJohn Baker96197,396397,
197 LTWZ-B4CHannah96196,398399,
198 ,??97199,400401End
199 ,??97198,402403End
200 LRZD-19QRichard Randal98201,404405,
201 ML9V-HFRSarah98200,406407,
202 ,??99203,408409End
203 ,??99202,410411End
=Manuell Family=
204 LR97-G6QWilliam Manuel100205,412413,
205 M7GQ-1HWDrusilla Woolcock100204,414415,
206 KG8B-JM1John Gray101207,416417,
207 KPQY-GYWMaria Carbis101206,418419,
208 LCT9-YHHJohn Manley102209,420421,
209 L4QT-99J ​ Eleanor Manuel102208,422423,
210 KG8B-43RWilliam Eslick103211,424425,
211 KG8B-43Y ​ Johanna103210,426427,
212 ,??104213428429End
- ,??,,,,End
217 ,??106216438439End
218 LHBY-HGNJohn Whitford107219440441,
219 K6QX-WZSElizabeth Penberthy107218442443Note A
220 ??108221,444445End
- ??,,,,,End
231 ,??113230,466467End
232 MDJ1-X5YRichard Roberts114233,468469,
233 K4VM-PNKGrace Seccomb114232,470471,
234 LCXP-6F7Anthony Tripcony115235,472473,
235 MMZ4-3L4Mary Roberts115234,474475,
236 ,??116237,476477End
- ,??,,,,,End
251 ,??123250,506507End
=Carter Family=
252 KZVC-1NKThomas Carter124253,508509,
253 LHCQ-BM7Margaret Richards124252,510511,
254 M431-9K6Robert Ellis125255,512513,
255 M431-92GClara125254,514515,
256 LWGF-RQJGeorge Laity126257,516517,
257 LWGR-KBJGrace Laity126256,518519,
258 M43T-FVHJoseph Osborn127259,520521,
259 M43T-FK9Jane127258,522523,
260 ,??128261,524525End
- ,??,,,,,End
267 ,??131266,538539End
268 MWX6-36FJohn Stephens132269,540541,
269 MWX6-3XHMartha Edwards132268,542543,
270 MWV4-HCTSampson Uren133271,544545,
271 MWV4-HZZMary Moyle133270,546547,
272 ,??134273,548549End
273 ,??134272,550551End
274 M42T-4J1James Richards135275,552553,
275 LHP4-FH1Grace Polkinghorne135274,554555,
276 ,??136277,556557End
- ,??,,,,,End
279 ,??137278,562563End

Note A: For Penberthy Family Tree see Free Profile My Penberthy Family Tree [2]

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Five X Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
284 MD3W-573James Rice140285.572573,
285 MD3W-9M5Sarah140284.574575,
286 MDXF-HRQGeorge Howard141287.576577,
287 MDXF-HRFMary141286.578579,
288 ,??142289.580581End
- ,??,,.,,End
315 ,??155314,634635End
316 M84Q-Y33Joseph Dymond156317,636637,
317 M847-FSKSarah Pidgeon156316,638639,
318 ,??157319,640641End
=Maton Family=
- ,??,,,,,End
367 ,??181366,736737End
368 L4QZ-WKPThomas Jolliffe182369,742743,
369 L4QZ-WG2Elizabeth Wills182368,744745,
370 ,??183371,746747End
- ,??,,,,,End
411 ,??203410,826827End
=Manuell Family=
412 LWXT-FTMPhillip Manuel204413,828829,
413 9X3W-NCPElizabeth Landeira 204412,830831,
414 M7GQ-1CQJohn Woolcock205415,832833,
415 M7GQ-1CRMary205414,834835,
416 ,??206417836837End
417 ,??206416838839End
418 KHTS-WXJThomas Carbis207419,840841,
419 KPQY-NBXGrace Pascoe207418,842843,
420 ,??208421844845End
421 ,??208420846847End
422 LHHS-TS2Richard Manuel209423,848849,
423 LHXR-TGSElizabeth Hambley209422,850851,
424 ,??210425,852853End
- ,??,,,,,End
485 ,??231484,974975End
486 K23K-XTSWilliam Roberts232487,976977,
487 KJCB-1DRDinah Gay232486,978979,
488 ,??233489,980981End
489 ,??233488,982983End
490 LH16-M4VAnthony Tripcony234491,984985,
491 K26R-CPCMargaret Champion234490,986987,
492 ,??235493,988989End
- ,??,,,,,End
507 ,??251506,10181019End
=Carter Family=
508 LWB1-927Robert Carter252509,10201021,
509 LWB1-92WJenifred Champion252508,10221023,
510 ,??253511,10241025End
539 ,??267538,10821083End
540 MWX6-SZCJohn Stephens268541,10841085,
541 MWX6-S8MCatherine268540,10861087,
542 ,??269543,10881089End
545 ,??270545,10941095End
546 MWJW-XJ7Sampson Uren270547,10961097,
547 MWJW-XVBMary Dunstone270546,10981099,
548 ,??271549,,,End
- ,??,,,,,End
553 ,??274552,,,End
554 KLT1-5SHEdward Polkinghorne275555,11121113,
555 KLT1Grace Pearce275554,11141115,
556 ,??276557,,,End
- ,??,,,,,End
571 ,??278570,,,End

Bold is completed, but also see Notes 'Six X Great Grand Parents':-

Our RefF,S RefNameChildMarriedSiblingFatherMotherTo Do
=Rice Family=
572 M88X-T4FWalter Rice284573.11481149,
573 M88X-T41Mary284572.11501151,
574 ,??285575.11521153,
575 ,??285574.11541155,
576 MDX6-K52George Howard286577.11561157,
577 MDX6Margaret286576.11581159,
578 ,??287579.11601161End
- ,??,,.,,End
637 ,??316636,12761277End
638 M84Q-RRPJames Pidgeon317639,12781279,
639 L83M-F6HBetty Drummet317638,12801281,
640 ,??318641,12821283End
=Maton Family=
- ,??,,,,,End
737 ,??367736,14781479End
738 M687-ZN7John Jollieff368739,14801481,
739 M687-ZNVAmay Remor368738,1482,
740 MQY5-2KCHumphry Wills369741,14841485,
741 MQY5-2KBMargret369740,14861487,
742 ,??370743,14881489End
- ,??,,,,,End
827 ,??411826,16581659End
=Manuell Family=
828 2WMB-N41Jacob Manuel412829,16601661,
829 LWXT-FRXElizabeth Jacob412828,16621663,
830 ,??413831.16641665End
- ,??,,.,,End
847 ,??421846,16981699End
848 LHHS-TMBRichard Manuel422849,17001701,
849 LHHS-T9Q ​ Martha422848,17021703,
850 L4QT-WQVThomas Hambley423851,17041705,
851 LHT9-P69Elianour Jeffery423850,17061707,
852 ,??425853,17081709End
- ,??,,,,,End
975 ,??485974,19541955End
976 LCVX-X2VMicheal Roberts486977,19561957,
977 LZCR-SBJMary Tresize486976,19581959,
978 MW9Z-N31Abraham Gay487979,19601961,
979 M42D-1HBDinah Eddy487978,19621963,
980 ,??488981,19641965End
983 ,??489982,19701971End
984 LHF5-J4RAnthony Tripcony490985,19721973,
985 LHGX-V4TElizabeth490984,19741975,
986 K26R-ZVBGeorge Champion491987,19761977,
987 LH1D-BSDJane George491986,19781979,
988 ,??492989,19801981End
- ,??,,,,,End
=Carter Family=

Siblings must have at least One source


Our RefF,S RefNameFatherMotherMarriedChildrenTo Do
A1 L21B-GJY Florence May Rice56Yes?,
A2 L21B-G27Annie Rice56No,,
A3 LT2W-P91Agnes Rice56YesYes,
A4 LT2W-RGV ​ John Henry Rice56Yes?,
A5 L21B-GP2 ​ Frederick Rice56YesYes,
B1 LRMD-MGH ​ Thomas Trevor Manuell910YesYes
B2 LRMD-MLWNancy Mable Manuell910Yes?
B3 LR9H-V3MDavid Manuell#10??
B4 NoCarol Mandell9#Note B1
B5 NoJoan Mandell9#Note B1
C1 L5B4-M3SLouisa Rice1415
C2 L5BW-1SZAnnie Rice1415
C3 L5B4-SRDJoeseph H Rice1415
C4 L5B4-SYWEmily Rice1415
C5 L5BC-Y4TFrancis Rice1415
C6 L5BC-YHXEllen Rice1415
C7 L5BC-YCSBertha Rice1415
C8 L5BC-T52Albert Rice1415
C9 L5BC-RPQ Fanny Rice1415
C10 L5BC-TCSEdith Rice1415Check Email sent by Lorna
C11 L5BC-Y1KFrederick Rice1415
C12 L5BC-Y1TBessie Rice1415
D1 Ida Mary Dymond1617
D2 George Dymond1617
D3 Robert Dymond1617
D4 William Henry Dymond1617
D5 John Thomas Dymond1617
E1 Elsie Louisa Maton,,Unsourced
E2 Amelia Emily Maton,,Unsourced
E3 Dora Maton,,Unsourced
F1 Frank Springett,,
F2 Harry Springett,,
F3 Doris Springett,,Unsourced
G1 Doris Ivy Manuell,,
G2 Frederick John Manuell,,
G3 Enid M Manuell,,
G4 John Verdun Manuell,,
H1 Mary Carter,,Unsourced
H2 Thomas Henry Carter,,
H3 Clarice Irene Carter,,
H4 Madeline Carter,,
J1 Lewis Norman Stephens,,
J2 Willie Stephens,,
J3 Percy Stephens,,
J4 Olive Irene Stephens,,
J5 Harold Stephens,,
J6 Pearl Stephens,,Unsourced
K1 L1W8-XD4Frederick Potter2627??
K2 L1NB-KWZKathleen Potter2627??
K3 L1W8-LWZEdwin J Potter2627??

Notes B1. Can not find any Canadian Records Sources

  • First-hand information. Entered by Geoffrey Rice at registration.

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