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Farmville Plantation, Iredell County, North Carolina

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Iredell, North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Chambers Slavery Black_Heritage
This page has been accessed 1,419 times.

Plantation Index



See also: Chambers Plantation

Joseph Chambers was a businessman in Salisbury, N.C., before his father's death, but moved home and continued the planting operation after his father died. He built the family home, called Farmville, around 1820. In the Chambers family papers the first page states "This day my father died and I became the proprietor of the plantation. This day my wife and self moved from Salisbury to father's old house. 1818[1]

Joseph's son, Pinckney Brown Chambers (1821-1905) also planted at Farmville. During the Civil War, he raised a company from Iredell and Rowan counties and served as major with the 49th North Carolina Regiment. He was wounded at the Battle of Malvern Hill. After the war, he struggled to continue farming operations at Farmville with little help. Old and infirm, Pinckney and his wife, Justina Avery Chambers, sold the farm and moved into Statesville in 1898. After his wife's death, Pinckney moved to the Charlotte home of his eldest son, Joseph Lenoir Chambers (1854-1925), where he died in 1905.[1]


The Chambers family had many slaves, most of which lived on the Farmville Plantation. Joseph Chambers, and then his son, Pinckney B. Chambers, kept plantation records. They recorded the names, birth dates, and death dates of the enslaved, as well as how they were related to one another.[1]

In the Chambers family papers there are a number of enslaved who were sent to "the Mississippi plantation" about 1835-1836 (aka Chambers Plantation). This plantation was jointly owned between Joseph Chambers and his nephew, Joseph F. Chambers, the son of Maxwell Chambers Joseph's brother. The Mississippi Plantation, located in Lowndes Co, MS, was sold to Mr. John and Joseph Toland, along with some of the enslaved.[2][3][1]

Pinckney B. Chambers purchased another plantation that he called the River Plantation just before the Civil War. It was on the Yadkin River in NC. It is unknown how many enslaved were on that plantation. His plantation notes reveal that some of the enslaved had children born there. (see heading below for those born at the River Plantation)[1]

  1. Cate was born Feb 1772, died about 12 o'clock on Wednesday 8 Jul 1829
  2. Fillis was born Sept 1773 and died on Wednesday 5 Sept 1855 aged 82 years
  3. Jack was born about 1777 and died on Tuesday A. M. 3 o'clock 9 Jan 1844
  4. Hanable was born 27 Jun 1793, sold him to Adam Lintz
  5. Sal was born 13 May 1790.
  6. Jonathan was born 29 Feb 1796 and died of Pneumonia 29 Dec 1853
  7. Priss was born 22 Feb 1796 and died Saturday about 12 o'clock 15 Mar 1856
  8. Ceasar was born 21st Sept 1804 and died 22 Sept 1851
  9. Tom was born 28th Dec 1806 on Sunday A M and died Friday night 10 o'clock 13 Dec 1833#
  10. Miles born 13 Aug 1810
  11. Bets Salls daughter was born 19 Jan 1808 died 19 Jul 1877
  12. Rose Salls daughter born 22 Dec 1811 on 25 Jan 1834 swapped to M E Mathews for Nancy & fine boy child William and Wm died 14 Mar 1834
  13. Nancy Fillis daughter was born on Sat 6 Jul 1811 died 9 Aug 1849
  14. Hannah was born Wednesday 15 Feb 1809 and died Saturday night at 9 o'clock in child bed her first child
  15. Lucindy was born 4 Mar 1814 died about 1892
  16. Isham was born Tuesday 23 April 1816 died Mar 1895
  17. Tilly was born 22 Dec 1816
  18. Harriet's first daughter Priss was born 25 Dec 1818.
  19. Alfred Salls 2nd son born Tuesday morning 20 Jul 1819 and died Monday morning about 5 o'clock 19 Feb 1849 wanting 5 mos of 30 years old his lungs was darkened to be ??
  20. Eliza Priss 2nd daughter was born on Wednesday 31 May 1820 about 12 o'clock in the morning
  21. Margaret Salls daughter was born about 10 o'clock Wednesday 7 Nov 1821 she died 12 o'clock A. M. Thursday 25 Nov 1841
  22. Luke Hezekiah was born on Friday A. M. about 4 o'clock 21 Dec 1821
  23. Benjamin Curtis born Thursday night at 4 o'clock 22 Apr 1824 Married Thomas Murdock's girl 22 Dec 1849
  24. Nancy I bought from Doct Saterwhite 15 Apr 1820 she was born about the year 1802 she died 3 Jun 1826 about 3 o'clock P. M. She left 4 children 3 of which were sent to Mississippi & Rachel left here as well more fully appear here after in this book
  25. Nancy's only daughter Rachel was born Thursday about 5 o'clock 7 Oct 1823 she died Jul 1858 with typhoid fever
  26. Michael, Nance Satterwhite first son was born 1 Jan? 1818. Sold half of him to J F C who carried him to Mississippi
  27. William Nancy S 2 son was born 25 Jul 1821 he was also sent to Mississippi
  28. Nancy's 3 son Jerry was born Tuesday morning 13 Oct 1825 - sent to Mississippi
  29. Betty bot from Alex Hogan of Randolph Co NC 24 Mar 1826 he says she was born in the winter of 1811 she says she was born in winter 1808 Hogan bot her from Tuzzey Lexington she was raised by Jn Miller
  30. Commilla Betty's first daughter born Saturday A. M. 11 o'clock 7 Jul 1827 and died 1 o'clock Pm 14 Aug 1829 being 2 years 1 mo & 7 days old
  31. Adeline Betty's 2 daughter born Thursday 7 Apr 1831
  32. David Philo Betty's first son born Monday Am at 7 o'clock 20 Aug 1832
  33. Betty's 2 son not named born Friday 23 May 1834 & died ?Saturday 25 May 1834 2 days old
  34. Robert James Betty's 3 son born 10 o'clock Am Thursday 27 Aug 1835
  35. Elie Betty 4 son born Wednesday 12 o'clock Am 20 Sept 1837
  36. Thomas Washington Betty's 5 son born 18 Dec 1840 and died 15 Oct 1844 aged 3 years 9 mos & 27 days
  37. Milton Betty's son 8 child born Sunday Am abt 6 o'clock 5 Feb 1843 died on Apr 1865
  38. Robt Petre Big of Robt Simonton sale on day of 1826 sold Nov 1829 to Hugh R. Hall
  39. Bot (bought) Jordon molatto boy from William Foster's merch Statesville on day 1826 he was born about the year 1814 Jordan died 22 Feb 1892 aged 78 years
  40. Ann Maria (Priss 3 daughter) born Tuesday Pm 7 o'clock 14 Nov 1826 Married to O. Ford's boy Bob 25 Dec 1845 and died 22 Nov 1851 about 12 o'clock Pm with pneumonia or plursey leaving a boy child one week old
  41. Nelly smothered or overlayed one of her children not named
  42. Nelly's daughter Sarah Caroline was born 31 Jan 1827 about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. This ?? sold part to J. F. Chambers and sent in fall "36 to Mississippi plantation
  43. Betsey's eldest daughter Zeepha was born on Friday morning about 4 o'clock 3 Aug 1827
  44. Holly's first daughter Easter was born on Wednesday morning 4 o'clock 12 Dec 1827 died Thursday morning about daylight 27 Oct 1831.
  45. bot Honor at a Sheriff sale by Solomon Hall for $200 Salisbury 20 Aug 1827. She is sold as the property of Eliza Marling and as born about the year 1814. Sold Honor 9 May 1833 to Robt L Gracy for $390
  46. Old Ben departed this life on Wednesday evening 3 Dec 1828 at half past 6 o'clock
  47. Philip 3 son Hial Alexander was born Tuesday evening 26 Aug 1828
  48. Holly's 2 daughter born 12 o'clock Saturday 7 Nov 1829. This child was smothered by its mother 15 Dec 1829
  49. Betsy's 2 daughter Sarah Luiza born on Friday morning about 6 o'clock 13 Nov 1829 and died 5 Sept 1848 about 3 o'clock
  50. Betsey's 2 son Leroy was born on Sunday night 11 o'clock 26 Jul 1846. Leroy died Thursday 17 Jun 1847
  51. John (old) was born about the year 1770 - Sent him to Mississippi plantation
  52. Milly (old) was born about 1775 - sent her to Mississippi plantation
  53. Nathan was born sometime in the year 1800 died 25 Oct 1870
  54. Jefferson was born in the year 1805 - sent him to the Mississippi plantation in '36
  55. Moses as born 1808 - sent him to Mississippi
  56. Caswell was born 1809 died 1894
  57. Nelson was born in 1812 (or 1810) and died 1849
  58. King Jorden born 1812 died 5 Oct 1823 at 10 o'clock Pm
  59. Evaline born 1814
  60. Peter Brown was born Aug 1816. Sold half of Peter to Jos F. Chambers in the fall of '36 who carried him to our Mississippi plantation. Afterwards sold him with plantation to Mr. Toland
  61. Nelly born 1790 sent her to Mississippi
  62. Clarisey born 1816 sent to Mississippi plantation 1836
  63. Andy Nelly's son born Tuesday morning 27 Aug 1822 - sent to Miss
  64. bot Holly from Joel Hudgins of Gates Co, NC at A. J. Wonks sale on 18 Feb 1826 he said she was born about 1809 - sent her to Mississippi plantation in 1836
  65. Lucindy's 1 son Benj Albert was born on Friday morning 2 o'clock 19 Dec 1830
  66. Nancy (Fillis') lost her first son at its birth her second child 1st daughter Sophia Clementine born 8 May 1831
  67. Evaline's 1 son Abner born Tuesday 26 May 1831 died 27 Jun 1831 being 4 weeks and 1 day old.
  68. Salls daughter Ellen was born Thursday morning 27 Oct 1831
  69. Eveline's 2 son not named born in 3 Jul 1832 died 10 Jul 1832 being 1 week old
  70. Priss 4 daughter Charlotte Sophia born Monday 10 Sept 1832
  71. Holly's 3 daughter Mary born Saturday morning 27 Oct 1832 sent to Mississippi
  72. Betsy's 1 son Jo Stanhope born Jan 1833 died of pneumonia 28 Mar 1860 near Morganton NC. Was hired to Mr. Hunt to work on the R Road W extension
  73. Nancy's (Fillis) son Calvin born Tuesday 18 Apr 1833 and died 15 Aug 1833
  74. Eveline's 1 daughter Catherine was born 19 May 1833
  75. Sally's son Maxwell was born Tuesday 19 Nov 1833 Max was found dead lying with his face in the ditch in big bottom & his feet in the spring which was near the ditch it was supposed he had an appoplectic fit & fell on the ditch on 29 Jul 1851
  76. Nancy I got from M. E. Matthews with her son William the former was born abt the year 1815 and the latter in Nov 1833 the child Wm died 14 Mar 1834
  77. Nancy (M) lost her boy child about last of Jan 1845 it was born dead
  78. Holly's first son John was born on Sunday morning 24 Aug 1834
  79. Eveline 3 son Tom on Friday 9 Jan 1835
  80. bot (bought) Eliza & her girl child Jane from Thos Wood at Mr Solomon's Halls 12 Feb 1835 Eliza was born 1816 & her child Jane in 1832 Eliza died Sept 1849 she was an excellent servant and her death was much regretted, not only by myself & my negroes but all who knew her
  81. Priss had a stillborn boy child 23 Mar 1835
  82. Salls son Julius was born 20 Dec 1828
  83. Telly's 1 daughter Martha Jane was born 30 Mar 1836
  84. Nancy Mathews 3 son Abner born 24 Mar 1836
  85. Eliza Wood's 2 daughter Leutitia born Tuesday morning 5 April 1836
  86. Clarissy's 1 son Anderson on Saturday in July 1836 Sold half my interest on this girl to J F C
  87. bot Isaac from Jacob Johnston & sold half him to Jo F Chambers
  88. Everline 2 daughter Milly was born on Sunday morning about 8 o'clock Nov 20 1836 died Saturday 16 Dec 1837
  89. Priss daughter Emeline born Friday morning abt 4 o'clock 27 Oct 1837
  90. Eliza Wood's 3 daughter Henrietta born Wednesday 7 Mar 1838 died 3 Dec 1857 Typhoid fever
  91. Nance's (Phillis) daughter Caroline night 22 May 1838
  92. Telly son Andrew 26 Jun 1838 died 20 Jun 1839
  93. Eveline's son Janus born Monday morning 5 o'clock 2 Jul 1838
  94. Nance Matthews 4 son Agustus born Saturday morning about 2 o'clock 8 Sept 1838 died Friday night 29 Mar 1839
  95. Eliza Priss daughter had a daughter called Liddie on Sunday evening about 6 o'clock 17 Feb 1839 she died Friday night 10 1/2 o'clock 2 Jul 1847
  96. Haneths 1 daughter Sarah Ann born 7 Oct 1839
  97. Tilly's 1 son Sandy born 2 o'clock 26 Dec 1839 died 14 Aug 1840
  98. Cindy Sals daughter had a daughter 30 Dec 1839 Mary E died 12 May 1840 about dark.
  99. Eveline son Lawson born Monday morning 11 May 1840 died 1 Sept 1840
  100. bot Cindy (Jonathan's wife) from Robt Gellispie winter 1840 she was born 23 Feb 1802
  101. Cindy's son Torse born 18 Nov 1828
  102. Cindy (Jonathans) son Rufus born Nov 30 1832
  103. Angeline (Cindy's d) born 31 Jan 1835 died 5 Mar 1858 with Typhoid fever
  104. John (Cindys) born 8 Jan 1840 Jno died 29 Jul 1856
  105. Cindy's daughter Fanny 24 Apr 1843 died 20 Oct following
  106. Rachel 1 son William Scott born daybreak Thursday 7 Jan 1841
  107. Cindy's (Sals daughter) daughter 2 daughter 3rd child Laura born Saturday 13 Mar 1841
  108. Eliza (Priss's daughter) son born Stokes on Saturday morning 10 o'clock 1 May 1841
  109. Nancy (Milus wife) son Pinckney Thursday night 12 o'clock 6 May 1841
  110. Eliza (Jorden's wife) son Thomas Henry Friday evening 6 o'clock 25 May 1841 Henry died 27 Feb 1858 of Typhoid Fever
  111. Telly daughter Isabella born Monday night 5 Jul 1841
  112. Eveline's son Robert Burton Wednesday Am about 4 o'clock 10 Nov 1841
  113. Nance Mathews Naby wife daughter Mary Wednesday Am 6 o'clock 1 Feb 1843
  114. Eliza (Jorden's wife) son Otho Tuesday 10 o'clock Pm 18 Jul 1843
  115. Tilly son David Sanford born 17 Aug 1843 11 o'clock Am died of Typhoid fever 26 Feb 1858
  116. Eliza Priss daughter had son Hial born 14 Dec 1843
  117. Caroline had daughter Margaret born 22 Dec 1843
  118. Nance had son Anderson 18 Nov 1844 died 25 Jun 1847
  119. Maria had daughter born 27 Jul 1845 lived about 1/2 hr & died
  120. Eliza Jordan's wife had son Wm M. Clay born 30 Sept 1845
  121. bot 4 negroes from Alex Beard for $650 on 25 May 1843 :
  122. 1.Prissy born 1821
  123. 2.Amanda born 28 Jul 1837
  124. 3.Alfred born 18 Feb 1841
  125. 4.Lawton 23 Sept 1842
  126. Prissy Beard had son Benjamin born 14 Oct 1845 died 4 Mar 1846
  127. Prissy Beard had a daughter Vina Sunday night 15 Nov 1846
  128. Prissy Beard daughter Mry Friday 3 Aug 1849 died 16 Oct 1850
  129. Prissy Beard had son Wednesday night 1 Oct 1851 died 22 Dec 1852
  130. Prissy Beard daughter 20 Sept 1853 Rosa
  131. Prissy Beard had son born 5 Oct 1857 this child died 22 Jan 1858
  132. Prissy Beard had daughter born 5 Dec 1858 named Sally
  133. Prissy Beard had a daughter Laura born 1860
  134. Tilly's son Mike Cornelius born 2 o'clock Pm 10 May 1846
  135. Rachel's son Mitchell born 8 Nov 1845 died Sept 1857
  136. Nancy (Miles wife) daughter Terressa born Tuesday morning 29 Jun 1847
  137. Maria had son Luek 14 Sept 1846
  138. Eliza (Maria elder sister) had daughter same day 14 Sept 1846 named Susan both sisters lived in same house both born under same roof and only 7 hours between these births Luek died
  139. Everline girl child born 1 Feb 1847 named Filles Lavinia
  140. bot Stephen at Mr Cowans sale 23 Feb 1847 for $301 12 mos credit Stephen was born Feb 1790
  141. Cindy Sal's was delivered of a child by Dr Johnston by disection 26 Apr 1847 Dr Luek assisting
  142. Harriets (Press daughter) 2 child named Adlaid born 23 May 1847
  143. Zilpha (daughter of Cook Betty's) had daughter called Julia Ann 6 Sept 1847 6 o'clock Pm
  144. Maria had daughter Clara Elizabeth on Saturday 29 Apr 1848 this was the first child born on the place after the death of my father P.B.C.
  145. Eliza Jordan's wife had daughter Margaret Elizabeth 18 Sept 1847
  146. Luiza (Bette 2) had first child Benjamin Leonidas on Sunday night about dark 11 Jun 1848 2nd child on the hill since the death of my father Ben died 1858
  147. Bitty had a daughter 22 Jun 1848 named Agnes
  148. Adeline had her first child daughter 16 Sept 1848 named Amy or Emma father is said to be John Trance?
  149. Tilly had son 8 Oct 1848 named Ezekial died 12 Feb 1858 Typhoid fever
  150. Evaline had a daughter 10 o'clock Pm 15 Dec 1848 child died a few minutes after birth (Dr Wood in attendance)
  151. Nancy (Phils) had born twins 1 a daughter 2 o'clock Pm 27 Apr 1849 named Nancy and the other a son named Samuel born the next day 28th April 1849 about 9 o'clock in the morning being about 17 hours difference in their births Samuel was choked to death with a bean in his wind pipe. Dr Wood made a Post mortem examination & found the bean above he dead in 2 hours which was on the 3 Aug 1852
  152. Eliza Jorden's wife a son Tuesday abt 11 o'clock Am 23 Jul 1849 died Wed about 3 o'clock Am
  153. Bets (Big) had son Isaac Lewis 20 Aug 1849 this child died 16 Sept 1853
  154. Everline had a girl Tuesday 14 Dec 1849 named Leuiza
  155. Priss daughter Eliza had a son named Seth 16 Dec 1849
  156. Rachel daughter 19 Jun 1850 Fanny
  157. Clemmtine had first child 25 Jul 1850 named Thomas Lincoln Corn/Cown
  158. 7 Jan 1850 Maria had a son named Robert
  159. Nancy (Miles wife) son 16 Jul 1850 not named at Cross Road this child died 7 Aug 1850
  160. Ellen (Sals daughter) had son Calvin 27 Dec 1850
  161. Adeline had son 29 Dec 1850 James Lafayette
  162. Tilly had born twins both boys Friday 7 Mar 1851 Thomas Pason and Maxwell Edward. Thomas Pason died 24 Oct 1851
  163. Maria had son born Friday 14 Nov 1851 about 2 o'clock in the afternoon named Franklin
  164. Eliza Prissy daughter had son Anderson Monday morning about 10 o'clock 16 Jan 1852
  165. Evaline had a child born dead 7 Feb 1852
  166. Nancy Matthews had a son Friday 13 Feb 1852
  167. Betty (Cook) had son on Tuesday morning 4 May 1852 this child died morning of 22 Jul 1852
  168. bot Harriett & her 2 children Maria Elizabeth & Prisilla Harriett was born 29 Nov 1825 Maria Elizabeth born 6 Sept 1846 Priscilla born 17 Mar 1852
  169. Adeline had 3 child 2nd son named Burton 9 Mar 1853
  170. Ellen (Sals daughter) had daughter named Synthie 7 Apr 1853 this child died 31 Jul 1854
  171. Charlotte (Prissy's daughter) had first child boy named Cornelius 2 May 1853 this child died with dropsy Jul 1858
  172. Tilly had daughter 17 Aug 1853 named Philes
  173. Henrietta Foard had son 1 Oct 1853 Oscar this child died pneumonia 6 May 1857
  174. Angeline (Davis wife) had son Wait her first child 8 Feb 1854
  175. Zepha had daughter 6 Jul 1854 Commella
  176. Amanda (Ishans daughter) had daughter first child named Francis 22 Jul 1854
  177. Jr born 28 Feb 1824
  178. Anna (wife of Jo) was born 23 Mar 1823
  179. Hardy (Anny's son) born 22 May 1844
  180. Nelson (Anny's son) born 15 Nov 1846
  181. Mima born 30 Apr 1842
  182. Mira born 13 Jan 1833 she died 2 Dec 1861
  183. Zilpha had son named Leroy Ahas Moose 2 May 1852 --
  184. Eliza's child son was born 12 Aug 1854 named Washington
  185. Mira (Avery's) son first child 18 Aug 1854 named James Turner
  186. Adeline & Alexander married Saturday 30 Dec 1854 on Monday morning between 12 & 1 o'clock the 1 Jan 1855 Adeline born him a fine son named Sumter dead 1858
  187. 14 Mar 1855 Clementine had daughter named Pheby her second child
  188. 21 Sept 1855 Harriett Foard son named Clem
  189. 19 Oct 1855 Charlotte had son Agustus
  190. Louiza (Davis wife) had second child a girl Lucinda Jr. 16 Nov 1855
  191. Jane had first child a girl on Monday morning 14 Jan 1856 Euginia
  192. Telly had daughter 5 Mar 1856 Molly Mahlda
  193. Emma's first child daughter named Mary Ann Lucella 16 Mar 1856
  194. Adline daughter 22 Jul 1856 child died 8 Aug 1856
  195. 1 Sept 1856 Prissy (Isham wife) born twins a boy the other a girl the boy died 5 Sept 56 the girl died 12 Sept 56
  196. Amanda had her second child a girl Jane Adline 3 Sept 1856
  197. Isabella (Fellis daughter) had first child girl Catharine 8 Oct 1856
  198. Eliza had a son Giles Webb 14 Oct 1856 he died Jun 1859
  199. Clem had daughter 30 Jan 1857 named Susanna Pumpely Lilly Pompelly died Jun 1859
  200. Zelpha had son 21 Apr 1857 named John --
  201. Rachel son born 7 May 1857 named Milus died 19 Jun 1859
  202. Adline child still born May 1857 died soon after birth
  203. Mira had daughter 1 Jun 1857 named Fanny Angeline child died of whooping cough 18 Jun 1859
  204. Martha (Telly's oldest child) had first child boy 19 Aug 1857 was born dead or died soon after
  205. Angeline (Davis wife) had daughter 23 Nov 1857 named Luiza
  206. Adeline had daughter 16 Apr 1858 child died 1 Nov 1858
  207. Amanda daughter 30 Jul 1858 named Elsa Cornelia died Jun 1859 of whooping cough
  208. Bella (Telly's daughter) had a fine son Sunday 1 Aug 1858 named Dave this child died 29 Sept 1860
  209. Martha had son 6 Sept 1858 named Ezekael this child died 10 May 1859
  210. Charlotte had daughter born 9 Sept 1858 named Mary died June 1859
  211. Emma had daughter 9 Sept 1858 named Rebecca
  212. Caroline had first child Nov 1858 boy named Joseph Alphonso this child died 30 Jun 1859
  213. Sally had first child daughter named Margaret Catherine Aug 1858
  214. Clementine had son born 31 Dec 1858 named Ceasor Lafayette died Jun 1859
  215. Tilly had a son 25 Jan 1859 named Daniel
  216. Eliza had a daughter born 8 Mar 1859 died Jun 1859
  217. Adeline had son born 10 Sept 1859 died 29 Mar 1860
  218. Harriette Mills had daughter named Mary Eliza 26 Sept 1859
  219. Bella had daughter named Emma 7 Dec 1859
  220. Jane had a daughter 2nd child 22 Dec 1859 Julia Emma
  221. Zelpha had daughter born 17 Jul 1860 named Leza Hester
  222. Tishy had a fine son her first child born 13 Aug 1860 named Henry Henry died 7 Jan 1864 of Diptheria
  223. Mima had her first child 27 Aug 1860 son named Albert
  224. Caroline had a son born 30 Aug 1860 Samuel
  225. Eliza had son named Stephen 1 Sept 1860
  226. Adline had girl born dead 17 Jan 1861
  227. Sall had son born on Mar 1861 named Milton Morehead
  228. Bella had daughter Jun 1861 named Martha
  229. Harriet Mills had daughter born 15 Oct 1861 named Louanna Lou
  230. Caroline had daughter named Clemantine May 1862
  231. Adline had son Feb 1862 this child died 26 Apr 1862
  232. Laura first child died 30 Apr 1862
  233. Emma had daughter named Cornelia 30 Oct 1862
  234. Zilpha had son Joseph 30 Nov 1862
  235. Jones Della's son was born Jul 1862
  236. Minny? had a daughter 20 Dec 1862
  237. Laura had still born child 27 Sept 1863 who died 2 hours after
  238. Adelaid had her first child boy 23 Oct 1863 lived for a day
  239. Tishy had second child March 1863
  240. Adeline had son died 14 Sept 1864
  241. Eliza had son born Nov 1864
  242. Mima had a son Dec 1864
  243. Susan had her first child a son 1 Feb 1865 this child died 23 Feb 1865
  244. Bella had a child last of Mar 1865 died abut a week after
  245. Cementine Caroline's daughter born 1862

River Plantation

This plantation was purchased from the maternal uncle of Pickney B. Chambers, Michael Brown. Located north of Salisbury on the Yadkin River.[4]

  1. Mira (at the River) had fine daughter 25 Feb 1860 first child born at River Plantation [NOTE:this might be a different Mira than the Mira above with a created profile. Unless she was sent to River.]
  2. Amanda at the River plantation had daughter April 1860
  3. Martha had a son 20 May 1860 at the River died 7 Jul 1861
  4. Amanda (River) had a son born 4 Jun 1864
  5. Elizabeth (River) had son 30 Jul 1864 dead
  6. Mary (Nance Mathews daughter) had her first child Sept 1864 at River


1810 census[5]

1820 census[6]

1830 census[7]

1840 census[8]

1850 Census[9]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Chambers Family Papers, 1816-1918 The Louis Round Wilson Library Special Collections https://finding-aids.lib.unc.edu/02828/#folder_13#1
    • Folder 13 Vol 3 List of Negroes starts p.126 scan 87
  2. Deed: "Deed records, 1830-1903 (Lowndes County, Mississippi)"
    Catalog: Deed records, 1830-1903 (Lowndes County, Mississippi) Deed records, v. 13-14, 1839-1840
    Film number: 008567189 > image 417 of 546
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 25 January 2022)
    • 1840 Deed of sale to John Toland in MS, Bk 14 p.378-389
  3. North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979: "North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979"
    Catalog: Iredell County, North Carolina estate records Estate records 1790-1970 Carson, Henry - Chambers, Otho
    Image path: North Carolina Estate Files, 1663-1979 > Iredell County > C > Chambers, Maxwell (1855) > image 1 of 13
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 25 January 2022)
    • papers about the plantation
  4. https://finding-aids.lib.unc.edu/02828/#folder_13#1
    • the River plantation purchased from Michael Brown,
    Folder 13: Volume 3: Family record book, 180 pp.: Scan 66
  5. "United States Census, 1810," database with images, FamilySearch (Link: accessed 25 August 2017), Joseph Chambers, Iredell, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 142, NARA microfilm publication M252 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 40; FHL microfilm 337,913.
    • 1810 census
  6. "United States Census, 1820," database with images, FamilySearch (Link: accessed 25 August 2017), Joseph Chambers, Iredell, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 245, NARA microfilm publication M33, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 80; FHL microfilm 1820 census
  7. "United States Census, 1830," database with images, FamilySearch (Link: 29 July 2017), Joseph Chambers, Iredell, North Carolina, United States; citing 35, NARA microfilm publication M19, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 122; FHL microfilm 18,088.
    • 1830 census
  8. "United States Census, 1840," database with images, FamilySearch (Link: 20 August 2017), Joseph Chambers, Iredell, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 172, NARA microfilm publication M704, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 363; FHL microfilm 18,094.
    • 1840 Census
  9. United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 : "United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850"
    Image path: United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 > North Carolina > Iredell > Iredell county > image 32 of 50; Citing NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
    FamilySearch Image (accessed 25 January 2022)
    • 1850 Census p.32-33

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Category created and added -Gina
posted by Gina (Pocock) Jarvi