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Fielding Green Census Records

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1850 to 1900
Location: Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Green
This page has been accessed 24 times.

Census Records for Fielding Green Jr (abt.1813-1905)

  • 1850 US Census: Name: Fielding Green Jr; Sex: Male; Age: 30; Event Place (Original): Fleming county, Fleming, Kentucky, United States; Birth Year (Estimated): 1820; Birthplace: Kentucky; Race: White
Fielding Green Jr M 30 Kentucky
Elizabeth Green F 26 Kentucky
Melvina Green F 4 Kentucky
Clarissa Green F 0 Kentucky
William Green M 79 Virginia[1]
  • 1860 US Census: Name: Fielding Green; Sex: Male; Age: 40; Event Place (Original): , Bath, Kentucky, United States; Birth Year (Estimated): 1820; Birthplace: Kentucky; Race: White
Fielding Green M 40 Kentucky
Elizabeth Green F 37 Kentucky
Melvina Green F 14 Kentucky
Clarissa Green F 10 Kentucky
John Green M 5 Kentucky[2]
  • 1870 US Census: Name: Fielding Green; Sex: Male; Age: 50; Event Place (Original): White Sulphur, Bath, Kentucky, United States; Birth Year (Estimated): 1820; Birthplace: Kentucky; Race: White
Fielding Green M 50 Kentucky
Elizabeth Green F 47 Kentucky
Clarrissa Green F 20 Kentucky
Jno D Green M 16 Kentucky
Jno R Click M 14 Kentucky[3]
  • 1880 US Census: Name: Fielding Green; Sex: Male; Age: 60; Event Place (Original): White Sulphur, ED 5, Bath, KY, United States; Birth Year (Estimated): 1820; Birthplace: Kentucky, United States; Marital Status: Married; Occupation: Farmer; Race: White; Relationship to Head of Household: Self
Fielding Green Head M 60 Kentucky, United States
Elizabeth Green Wife F 56 Kentucky, United States[4]
  • 1900 US Census: Name: Filden Green; Sex: Male; Age: 84; Event Place (Original): Magisterial District 4, White Sulphur, ED 5, Bath, Kentucky, United States; Birth Date: May 1816; Birthplace: Kentucky; Marital Status: Married; Race: White; Years Married: 55; Relationship to Head of Household: Father-in-law; Father's Birthplace: Virginia; Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky
Filden Green Father-in-law F 84 Kentucky
Betsy Green Mother-in-law F 77 Kentucky
Clara Cassity Wife F 50 Kentucky
Luther Cassity Head M 47 Kentucky
Nora Cassity Daughter F 26 Kentucky
Willie Green Nephew M 10 Kentucky[5]


  1. "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M65S-77J : 19 December 2020), Fielding Green Jr, Fleming, Kentucky, United States; citing family , NARA microfilm publication (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  2. "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MZY1-2SB : 18 February 2021), Fielding Green, 1860.
  3. "United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MX7V-1T1 : 29 May 2021), Fielding Green, 1870.
  4. "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MCCM-VS1 : 14 January 2022), Fielding Green, Magisterial District 4 White Sulphur, Bath, Kentucky, United States; citing enumeration district , sheet , NARA microfilm publication T9 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), FHL microfilm .
  5. "United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M9W8-LKC : 9 March 2022), Filden Green in entry for Luther Cassity, 1900.

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