
FindAGrave Suggestions

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Surnames/tags: data_doctors suggestions
This page has been accessed 1,834 times.


FindaGrave Suggestions Group

Some WikiTree profiles match with a memorial on Find-A-Grave.com. These suggestions point to differences between WikiTree profiles and the findagrave.com memorials.

When working on these suggestions, please keep in mind that FindaGrave is not a primary source. Research all differences to determine which entry contains the most accurate data.

Often FindaGrave memorials have family listings, obituaries, gravestone photos, etc., that could be clues to finding primary sources.


  • The abbreviation for FindaGrave to use in comments or in emails is FAGM or FAM and more recently FG . The shorter acronym is offensive to many members and should not be used, or changed if it appears in a profile you work on.

Creating the FindAGrave Memorial Citation and Template

  • If you find the FindAGrave memorial on an external site, such as Ancestry.com or FamilySearch.org, copy the citation directly from FindAGrave.
  • Go to the record's link and on the FindAGrave Memorial, click on "View Source."
  • Make sure you replace the memorial number from the citation to the WikiTree FindAGrave Template.
Example: (pasting the FindAGrave Memorial "View Source" entire citation into the profile's edit box):
(https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/150395221/gladys-blodwyn-arthur : accessed 16 October 2021), memorial page for Gladys Blodwyn Jackett Arthur (unknown–Jun 1975), Find a Grave Memorial ID 150395221, citing Centennial Park Cemetery, Pasadena, Mitcham City, South Australia, Australia ; Maintained by Dwight Baker (contributor 47306645) .
  • Edit the bold portion in the above citation in the edit box using the FindAGrave Memorial WikiTree template. Change the bold section above to appear as this:
  • Save the profile (you must leave a comment). Data Doctors Project members (badged Data Doctors) : if you are working on FindAGrave suggestions, identify yourself as a Data Doctor, copy the suggestion number and name, and explain what you changed or added).
  • The citation should appear in the profile's private or public view as this: (Find a Grave citation with the FindAGrave Memorial Template)
(https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/150395221/gladys-blodwyn-arthur : accessed 16 October 2021), memorial page for Gladys Blodwyn Jackett Arthur (unknown–Jun 1975), Find A Grave: Memorial #150395221 citing Centennial Park Cemetery, Pasadena, Mitcham City, South Australia, Australia ; Maintained by Dwight Baker (contributor 47306645) .
In the EDIT tab, the citation will appear like this:
(https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/150395221/gladys-blodwyn-arthur : accessed 16 October 2021), memorial page for Gladys Blodwyn Jackett Arthur (unknown–Jun 1975), {{FindAGrave|150395221}} citing Centennial Park Cemetery, Pasadena, Mitcham City, South Australia, Australia ; Maintained by Dwight Baker (contributor 47306645) .
  • Regarding video instructions, some FindAGrave suggestion videos mention to remove the initial URL, which was decided against recently. This page gives the current guidelines above.

For more help with creating the link fromFindAGrave, see FindAGrave Links in source citations, and for the individual suggestions listed, click on the page or video link.

FindAGrave Suggestions

Click on the image for the library of Suggestions Videos.
Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave
Play the Mr E Figures Out Find A Grave.

Suggestions videos linked below.
Type & Link Name & Description
(links to the suggestion page)
Difficulty Level
Play the .
571 FindAGrave - Link without Grave ID: The WikiTree profile has a link to a FindAGrave memorial, but the Find A Grave memorial number is missing. Intermediate
Play the .
572 FindAGrave - Link without matching Grave: The WikiTree profile is linked to a non-existent FindAGrave Memorial. The memorial may have been deleted, merged, or may have never existed. Intermediate
Play the .
573 FindAGrave - Empty birth date: The WikiTree profile has a link to a FindAGrave Memorial with a birth date set but the corresponding WikiTree profile has no birth date entered. Intermediate
Play the .
574 FindAGrave - Imprecise birth date: The WikiTree profile has a birth date entered, and the birth date on the linked FindAGrave Memorial is more exact. Intermediate
Play the .
575 FindAGrave - Different birth date: The birth date recorded on the Wikitree profile is different from the birth date recorded on the linked FindAGrave Memorial. Intermediate
Play the .
576 FindAGrave - Empty death date: The WikiTree profile has a link to a FindAGrave Memorial that has a death date set, but the WikiTree profile has no death date entered. Intermediate
Play the .
577 FindAGrave - Imprecise death date: The WikiTree profile has a death date, and the death date in the FindAGrave Memorial is more exact.
Play the .
578 FindAGrave - Different death date: The WikiTree profile linked to the FindAGrave Memorial with the death date set, but the WikiTree profile has no death date entered. Intermediate
Play the .
579 FindAGrave - Missing birth location: There is no birth location on the Wikitree profile, and there is a suggested birth location on the linked FindAGrave Memorial. Intermediate
Play the .
581 FindAGrave - Missing death location: There is no death location on the Wikitree profile, and there is a suggested death location on the linked FindAGrave Memorial. Intermediate
Play the .
585 FindAGrave - Multiple profiles link to same grave ID: Different WikiTree profiles are linked to the same FindAGrave Memorial. This might indicate family members connected to one Memorial or duplicate WikiTree profiles connected to the same Memorial.Intermediate
Play the .
586 FindAGrave - Link to merged Grave ID: The WikiTree profile has a link to FindAGrave Memorial, but the FindAGrave Memorial was merged into another Memorial. Intermediate
Play the .
587 FindAGrave - Link to nonexistent Grave ID: The WikiTree profile has a link to a FindAGrave Memorial which has been deleted, merged or is the incorrect FindAGrave Memorial. Intermediate
Hint 591 FindAGrave - Possible father: Some WikiTree profiles are matched with a memorial on FindAGrave. If a memorial of the father is linked from WikiTree it is proposed as a possible father. The father relationship is missing in WikiTree. Intermediate
Hint 592 FindAGrave - Possible mother: Some WikiTree profiles are matched with a memorial on FindAGrave. If a memorial of the mother is linked from WikiTree it is proposed as a possible mother. The mother relationship is missing in WikiTree. Intermediate
Hint 593 FindAGrave - Possible spouse: Some WikiTree profiles are matched with a memorial on FindAGrave. If a memorial of the spouse is linked from WikiTree it is proposed as a possible spouse. The spouse relationship is missing in WikiTree. Intermediate

This page is part of the Data Doctors Project.
Latest report: September 8th 2024.
Data Doctors Challenge: Orphaned_Profiles_XLVIII and .
Custom reports by: Suggestion lists, Unsourced lists, Unconnected lists.
See for custom reports and statistics and our Video Collection.
Latest ProjectBox Report: Project Report
Latest Categories Report: Categories Suggestions Report


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Categories: DD Suggestions Help