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Finding Enslaved Laborers at University of Virginia (UVA), 1829-1833

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Finding Enslaved Laborers at University of Virginia (UVA)

YearDateSlave OwnerIdentityStatusSource
182929-SepJoel ShifflettZebraEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills & Accounts July - December 1829.
18292-NovJoel ShifflettZebraEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Receipts 1829, November 2, 1829.
182929-DecJohn N. RoseTomEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 1: 1827-1830, np.
182918-JunEdmund BrownSamEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills & Accounts January - June 1829.
18299-JulSamuel AndrewsPeterEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. July 9, 1829, p46.
182912-FebNoneKeziah DavisFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills & Accounts January - June 1829.
182928-FebNoneKeziah DavisFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. February 28, 1829, p30.
182912-DecNoneJoseph FossettFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills & Accounts, July - December 1829.
182928-MayThomas BrockenbroughJohnEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Receipts 1829, May 28, 1829.
182928-FebLiman PeckHenry and TomEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. February 28, 1829, p30.
18299-MarJames BarbourAlfred, HenryEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8, Correspondence 1829. R. M. Patterson to A. S. Brockenbrough, March 9, 1829.
182910-AprJames BarbourAlfredEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Receipts 1829, April 10, 1829.
182929-JulJames BarbourAlfredEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Receipts 1829, July 29, 1829.
182927-JulCol. BramhamAlbertEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. July 27, 1829, p48.
183011-SepNoneWilliam SpinnerFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. September 11, 1830, p89.
183011-DecDabney Minor EstateLewisEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. December 11, 1830, p98.
183029-JanNoneKeziah DavisFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 29, 1830, p63.
183029-JanNoneKeziah DavisFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 29, 1830, p63.
18301-JulNoneKeziah DavisFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. July 1, 1830, p81.
183030-OctNoneKezia FortuneFreeJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 2: 1830-1831, p38.
183017-MarJohn DouglassJohnEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Bills, Accounts, Receipts, 1830, March 17, 1830.
18304-MayJohn S. MayJackEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19 Bills, Accounts, Receipts May - December 1831.
183023-JulGeorge TuckerAnthonyEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. July 23, 1830, p86.
183130-MarArthur S. BrockenbroughThornton, Albert, TrimpsonFree / EnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 2: 1830-1831, p108.
18316-JanDabney Minor EstateLewisEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 6, 1831, p100.
183123-DecDabney Minor EstateLewisEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. December 23, 1831, p130.
183129-JunNoneKeziah DavisFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills, Accounts & Receipts May - December 1831.
183131-MayNoneJoseph FossettFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills, Accounts & Receipts May - December 1831.
183114-JulNoneJoseph FossettFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Bills, Accounts & Receipts May - December 1831.
18319-JulDouglass, Garrett, WhittenJohn Edwards, Lewis Commodore, John Meads, Keziah DavisFree / EnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Estimates of Various Expenses, 1831, Labor Acct for the last year ending 9 July 1831, July 9, 1831.
183129-DecJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. December 29, 1831, p130.
183120-FebThomas BrockenbroughJohnEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 19, Accounts, Bills & Receipts January - April 1831.
183125-FebThomas BrockenbroughJohnEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. February 25, 1831, p105.
183130-MayThomas BrockenbroughJohnEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. May 30, 1831, p114.
18319-FebJohn DouglassJohnEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. February 9, 1831, p103.
183115-JanJohn M. PerryJacksonEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Corresponcence 1831, John M. Perry to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, January 15, 1831.
183110-MarStudentsBenUnknownJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 2: 1830-1831, p97.
183128-JanMrs. GrayAlbertEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 2: 1830-1831, p76.
183111-FebMrs. GrayAlbertEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 2: 1830-1831, p83.
183221-DecUniversity of Virginianegro manEnslavedFinancial Records of the University of Virginia Patron, RG-5/5/2.981 1832-1833.
183210-JulUniversity of VirginiaLewis CommodoreEnslavedMinutes of the Rector and Board of Visitors, RG-??. July 10, 1832.
18325-NovUniversity of VirginiaLewis CommodoreEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 4: 1832-1833, p20.
18323-DecUniversity of VirginiaLewis CommodoreEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 4: 1832-1833, p31.
18322-JanJohn A. Carr, John S. Davis, Robert M. PattersonLewis CommodoreEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 3: 1831-1832, p62.
183221-DecDabney Minor EstateLewis CommodoreEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. December 21, 1832, p31.
183227-SepJohn SmithLewisEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. September 27, 1832, p3.
18326-OctNoneKitty FosterFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Bills and Accounts October 1832, October 6, 1832.
183225-JanThomas BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 25, 1832, p132.
183225-JanThomas BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 25, 1832, p132.
183230-JanThomas BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, January 1833, January 30, 1832.
18321-SepThomas BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. September 1, 1832, p2.
18324-JanJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, January 1833, January 4, 1832.
18324-JanJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 4, 1832, p132.
183225-JanJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 3: 1828-1832. January 25, 1832, p132.
18321-SepJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. September 1, 1832, p2.
18321-AugArthur S. BrockenbroughJackEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 20, Bills & Accounts january - September 1832.
18323-JanWilliam WhittonIshmanEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, January 1833, January 3, 1832.
18321-SepWilliam WhittonIshmaelEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. September 1, 1832, p2.
183228-DecJohn S. MayIsaiah [alias Jack Davis]EnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Correspondence 1832, John S. May to William G. Pendleton, December 28, 1832.
18325-OctJohn N. RoseEdmondEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 8. Bills and Accounts October 1832, October 5, 1832.
183223-NovNoneDanielUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, November 1833, November 22-23, 1832.
183229-JunMrs. GrayAlbertEnslavedJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 3: 1831-1832, p134.
183310-JanNoneThomas SturrsFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, January 1833, January 10, 1833.
183324-FebNoneThomas SturrsFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, February 1833, Feburary 24, 1833.
183320-MarNoneThomas SturrsFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 20, 1833
18337-JunNoneThomas SturrsFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, June 19, 1833.
183314-OctThomas WoodSpencerEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, October 1833, October 14, 1833.
183321-OctThomas WoodSpencerEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. October 21, 1833, p85.
183331-DecThomas WoodSpencerEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. December 31, 1833, p107.
183312-JulNoneRichard SpinnerFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. July 12, 1833, p77.
183319-JanNoneLucyFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, January 1833, January 19, 1833.
1833JulyUniversity of VirginiaLewis CommodoreEnslavedPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, July 1833, July 1833.
18336-JulNoneKeziah DavisFreeJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. July 6, 1833, p75.
183319-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 19, 1833
183319-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 19, 1833
183319-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 19, 1833
183319-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 19, 1833
183319-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 16, Letters & Receipts, n.d., John B. Minor order to pay John, March 19, [1833]
183320-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 20, 1833
183320-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 20, 1833
183320-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 20, 1833
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, n.d.
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, n.d.
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, n.d.
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, n.d.
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, n.d.
1833Edwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, July 1833, n.d.
183323-MarEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 23, 1833.
183319-JunEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, June 19, 1833.
183320-JunEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, June 20, 1833.
183320-JunEdwin ConwayJohn TaylorUnknownPapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, June 20, 1833.
18338-JanThomas BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. January 8, 1833, p37.
1833JanuaryArthur S. BrockenbroughJohn MeadsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. n.d., p30.
18337-JanJohn DouglassJohn EdwardsEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. January 7, 1833, p37.
18336-MayNoneJack KennedyFreeJournals of the Chairman of the Faculty, 1827-1864, RG-19/1/2.041. Vol. 4: 1832-1833, p66.
183331-DecArthur S. BrockenbroughJackEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. December 31, 1833, p84.
1833JanuaryWilliam WhittonIshmaelEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. n.d., p30.
183311-JunNoneEston HemmingsFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 10. Bills and Accounts, June 1833, June 19, 1833.
183330-NovJames WidderfieldCatoEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. November 30, 1833, p83.
183331-DecJames WidderfieldCatoEnslavedJournals of Business Transactions of Central College, Vol 4: 1832-1844. December 31, 1833, p107.
18334-MarNoneAlexander SpeersFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, March 4, 1833
18331-AprNoneAlexander SpeersFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, April 1, 1833
183323-AprNoneAlexander SpeersFreePapers of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, RG-5/3/1.111. Box 9. Bills and Accounts, March 1833, April 23, 1833

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