Location: Maryland
There are several John Browne's of the 1600 Maryland and Virginia areas. I want to find the one who may have killed Sarah Blagdon. in 1687,
Contents |
John Browne #1 the oldest
William Heath, who was born in 1611 in Surry, England, and was sponsored by John Browne of the Eastern Shore in 1650, was the founder of the Heath families of Surry, Sussex and Prince George Counties. His descendents migrated throughout Southside Virginia, into the Carolinas, and beyond. He also was a member of the Heath families on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland. It would seem that William arrived with the money needed to purchase land, as Johne Browne received the headrights for William. This means he did not pay his passage; Johne Browne either purchased the headrights from the ship’s captain or sponsored William’s transport. https://geesnmore.wordpress.com/william-heath/
Toby a Negro boy Servant to Jno. Browne is adjudged six yeares old. This was after 1688 and before 1691. Surry Co. Virginia. https://freeafricanamericans.com/free_Indians.htm
Sept 1694: "Nicholas Sessums haveing caused Roger Squire to be arrested to this Court & set Forth that notwithstanding his wife Catherine hath alwaies demeaned and behaved herselfe Civilly Orderly & Modestly & never was accounted a Whore nor ever gave the least occasion to be subjected, but hath lived in good name & reputation all her days, yet ye sd. Squire ye. deFdt. hath made it his endeavour to take away her good Name Fame & reputation & to cause her to be disesteemed & slighted & to Effect his Malicious Intentions had at divers places before several p:sons as he more P:ticularly did at the house oF John Browne in Lawnes Creeke P:ish the beginning of August last before a great many people there mett on an Invitation utter publish & declare these Malicious Falce & scandilous Words Vizt: that shee was a Whore & he would prove her a Whore & he would prove her a Whore & to make the same as publick as he could thereby to render her as Odious as possible very often said Kate (speaking to ye. plts. sd. wife) you are a Whore & I will prove you a Whore which was to his damage at least one hundred pds. Sterl. For which he prayed Judgment with Costs to which the Oefdt. appeared & pleaded not Guilty a Jury was therefore sworne to try the same, who Vizt: Walter Flood, Tho.Warren, Tho. Orew, Jno. Browne. Robert Hart, Jos. Wall, Augt Hunicutt, Roger Potter, Edwd. Rowell, Robt. Lancaster & Cha. Savage returne for Virdt. we findefFor the defdt. upon ye. defdts. motion the Jurys Virdt. is Confirmed and an Nonsuite granted him agt. the plt. It is therefore Ordered that the plt. pay damage according to Law with Costs als. exon."
A John Browne died intestate, administration requested by Bridget Bown, his relict. D. Feb. 4,1665 . R. March 26,1666. Security,Mr. Arthur Smith, Edward Gibbs.
Land grant 3 June 1642
John Browne
- Accomack County
- 200 acres at Nuswattooks Creeke beg.g at the land of Leving Duewoods.
Browne, John. 1655 Northampton County,Virginia Will pro. 25 Mar. 1655 Estate division rec. 7 Jan. 1662 Northampton County Wills and Administrations (1632-1800)
Browne, John 1661 Isle of Wight,Virginia 2nd pagination Adms. bond rec. 9 Oct. 1661 Record of Wills, Deeds, Etc., Vol. 2, 1661-1719 (Reel 23) Part of index to Isle of Wight County Wills and Administrations (1628-1800)
Browne, John. 1665 Estate administration records. Isle of Wight,Virginia 2nd pagination Adms. bond rec. 9 Feb. 1665 Part of index to Isle of Wight County Wills and Administrations (1628-1800)
John Browne #2
Source for land granted to 40 transportees of Hugh Lee:
Patent to Hugh Lee, dated April 8, 1654, for 2000 acres, named Aberconaway, Charles City County, for transportation of 40 persons, including Richrd, Sparkes, Hen. Neale, Jno. Crew, Andr. Crew, Richd. Dennis, Wm. Marsh, Morris Joyce, Hen. Allaman, Jno. Browne, Wm. Bernard, Tho. Clark, Tomasin Harris, Jno. Browne, Phill. Pledge, Mary Browne, Jno. Cox, Richd. Warren, Tho. Michell, Jno. Drennett, Barbara Petingall, Cha. Bartlett, Wm. Taylor, Jno. Floyd, Tho. Stanley, Joan Liswell, Sara King, Rebecka Love?, Sara Swetland, Jocabus Jonson, Eliz. Cooper, Tho. Woods, Tho. Dance, Jno. Burges, Tho. Ory?, Addam Bradshaw, Robt. Hyme?, Martha Gibbs, Robt. Hicks, Jno. Allen, and Tho. Alford, on South Side Appomattock River, on North side the 3rd branch of the Black Water; nigh Warrick Path. Virginia Patent Book 6, page 510.
Personally Came and appeared Jno Browne aged sixty eight yeares or thereabouts who on his Oath on ye holy evangelist taken saith that in the year 1659 or 60 he this Deponent came into Virginia and lived in Henrico County some years and then came to live on Blackwater River”
born: 1639 or thereabouts
1707 deposition-
Land grant 1 March 1666.
- John Browne
- Surry County
- 600 acres beginning and extending on the East side the main Black water swamp; thence along Thomas Gaultneyes line.
Land grant 13 June 1655
John Browne
Northumberland County
1262 acres l000 acres part thereof Easterly on the Seaboard side, Northerly upon the Southermost branch of a small creek called Robins creek the residue at the Seaboard side as aforesd. near the river of Mathepungo.
personally Came and appeared Richd Booth aged sixty three years or thereabouts who on his Oath on the Holy Evangelists taken saith that in or about the year 1661 this Deponent came into Virginia and served Major Merritt six years… And this Deponent further saith that in the year 1667 he being employed by one William West to go in a Canoe with Certain goods &c to the Maherine Indian Towns one Jno Browne and a certain Weyanoake Indian called Tom Frusman being in the Canoe with him as they went down Blackwater River”
BROWN, JOHN John Brown -1667 employed by Wm West as Indian Trader on Blackwater near Kingsale area. participated in Bacon's rebellion in 1676.
1688 Walter RUTTER and wife, Martha, sell to Daniel LONGE, 30 acres, part of a patent of 150 acres granted to RUTTER, 30 Oct. 1686. Dated 29 Oct. 1688. Teste: John BROWNE, Wm. WEST, Jr
. This reference lends more credibility to his “business” relationship with William West… a William West acquires property at the “mouth” of Kingsale Sw in 1705. My thought is that this is the son of the “rebel”.)
WEST, WILLIAM and REBECCA BRASWELL, daughter of Robert Braswell
1688… acquires 600 acres
John Brown
To all &c Whereas &c Now Know ye… give & grant unto John Brown six hundred acres of land lying in ye Isle of Wight County, beginning at a Live oake on ye south side of Kingsaile Swamp & runing thence South East Eighty chaines to a pine, then South West two hundred thirty seven chaines, then Northwest sixty six chains to a pine, then North ten deg. west twenty eight chaines to ye swamp aforesd, then along ye sd Swamp to ye first Station…. trans. twelve psons… 20 Oct 1688
1690… sells the 600 acres
9 Feb 1690…. John Browne…. 200 acres to William Scott and 100 acres to Richard Showell and 200 acres to Thomas Rives (being a patent granted said Browne in 1688).
Wit: Robert Scott and Richard Scott
9 Feb 1690…. John Browne and wife, Mary Browne to ??…. 200 acres adjoining Wolf Pit Branch and Richard Howell. Wit: Robert Scott, Richard Scott and Thomas (X) Reeves.
(Herein lies a quandary…is this the son of John Browne or Browne Sr and his wife? I’ve seen no proof of father/son relationship… more later…)
3 Jun 1690…. John Browne, the Elder, to Richard Shewll…. 100 acres (being part of 600 acres) on Broadneck Swamp adjoining Wolf Pit Branch.
Wit: Edward (X) Floid, Henry Baker and Thomas (X) Wickins.
This is the final parcel of the 600 acre patent of 1688)
1692… acquires 220 acres
John Browne IOW, 1692
To All &c Whereas &c Now Know yee…give and grant unto John Browne of Isle of Wight County two hundred and twenty acres of land situate on ye South Side of Kingsale Swamp in ye Lower parish …beginning at a maple in ye sd swamp & Lower Corner tree of ye land of Jonathan Robinson & thence by their line south two hundred and sixteen pole to a white oak in their said line then west by north a hundred seventy six pole to a great pine Then north twenty six degrees east a hundred twenty four pole to a pine a corner tree of ye said Brownes former Land then by ye line of thar Land northwest a hundred and sixty pole to a small live oak in Kingsale Swamp abovesaid and soe up ye run of ye sd swamp to ye first station…trans. five psons… 29 Apr 1692
2 Dec 1692…. John Browne, Sr. appoints John Browne as his attorney in the difference with Capt. Hugh Campbell.
Wit: Daniel Leigh and Mary (X) Browne
(Again, is this his son?)
John (X) Browne
(Evidently, Browne lives on this property for the next 14 years…)
1695… This deed associates several people…
(p.169) 23 Jul 169-… [other deeds suggest 1695] Elizabeth Booth, wife of Richard Booth of Blackwater, appoints Mr. Jeremiah Exum as her attorney to acknowledge a Deed of Sale.
Wit: William Brown and John Rogawes
Richard Booth and John Browne were both Indian Traders and associates… just after 1700 they both relocate to Wicocon Creek in NC… (Browne seems to remarry about this time).
John Rogers and Thomas Browne were neighbors… each had property several miles south of the John Browne property at Kingsale… both Rogers and Thomas Browne later relocated to Potecasi Creek in NC, Rogers married the sister of Booth (Mary).
The first mention of William Browne getting property of his own is in 1702, about 8 or 10 miles west of the Kingsale land of John Browne… it was in modern Southampton County (old Isle of Wight). To me this begs the question of perhaps William Browne was living with his father John Browne?… there is no “smoking gun” proof…
1673…witnesses deed of gift of Hodges Council On 20 Dec 1673 Hodges Council made a gift of land as follows: “I Hodges Councill of the Lower Parish do give…. to Joseph Vick of ye said Parish, 50 acres on Beaver Dam Swamp, adjacent to Robert Lawrence… and furthermore it is agreed that if the said Joseph Vicks have any other child beside this his present daughter, going by and bearing the name of Lucy, she shall after the decease of her father enjoy the land for her and her heirs, but if the aforesaid Jos. Vicks shall have any more children by this, his present wife, sonne or daughter, neverthe less the above Lucy shall enjoy ye land, but if the said Lucy shall decease without heirs, then the said land shall fall to either brother or sister, but if the said Joseph Vicks and his daughter Lucy shall both decease without heirs, then the aforesaid shall fall unto ye said Hodges Councill and his heirs again.” Signed Hodges Council Witnesses: John Brown, Rowland Buckley, & Richard Booth This deed was recorded on 9 March 1681
1676 Bacon’s Rebellion
...and did not willingly and readily surrender up themselves when they were summoned thereto by captain Thomas Powell, nor to Richard Thomson, Dominick Rice, John Bagwell, William Potts, John Richens, Arther Long, Thomas Lushington, Robert Weekes, Charles Death, John Lawson, John Browne and Mathew Sadler, who were all notorious actors in the said rebellion, but that they and every of them shall suffer and undergo such paines, penalties and punishments not extending to life, as by an act or severall acts of the said present grand assembly, or by order or orders, awards or judgments of the right honourable the governour and councell already hath passed, or shall for that purpose passe, nor to James Lanquester who being an active rebell, was taken in armes and committed to prison in the height of the rebellion, and upon his submission and takeing the oath of allegiance, was by the right honourable the governour pardoned and released, and after that entered himselfe a souldier under the command of major Robert Beverley, and soone after run a way from his coullers and became an active rebell, and is since fled and escaped not daring to abide a legall tryall.
“Matthew STRICKLAND appears to have settled about 1678 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, where he passed the rest of his life. On June 6, 1687, Matthew (M) STRICKLAND gave a power of attorney to John BROWN to execute a deed to William EVANS “by reason of my nonability to travel to court held for this County the 9th of this Instant June” in Isle of Wight County, witnessed by Richard (RB) BOOTH and Elizabeth (S) STRICKLAND.”
Susanna Brown & Sylvester Brown to William Evans Nov 22, 1729. 5 pds for 100 A. On Horse swamp. Adj. John Thomas, Lazarus Thomas. Wit: Richard Williford, Mary Luden (Laden?). Feb Court 1729. Thomas Crew D. C/C.Did this William Evans hail from Kingsale Swamp in Nansemond near the immigrant John Brown? And could there be old family ties? On July 27, 1682, Robert Lawrence, William Scott, Robert Couger, and Francis Hutchins witnessed the will of Peter Edwards of Isle of Wight Co. On November 6, 1682, Robert Lawrence, Richard Booth, and John Brown, witnessed a deed of Mathew Strickland and his wife Eliz. of Lower Parish to William Evans of Upper Parish 800 acres on the main swamp of King Sale for 4,000 bls. of tobacco.. http://vagenweb.org/hening/vol02-18.htm#page_371
I don’t know for sure this is the same Browne, however, his association with William West makes him a logical candidate to be with the rebels. William West was sentenced to hang for his involvement… a petition was written in his defense and he eventually returned to IOW.)
(Where was John Browne living since his arrival until his first “known” property I’m 1688?… I don’t know?) 1681… deposition
Bateman, William: Nuncupative, proven by Elizabeth Goldwin, age 31 years, saayeth said Bateman being at the house of the deponent’s sister, declared his brother and sister were unhuman to him— whole estate to him or her at whose house he should decease etc. Further proof by Thomas Hutchins, age 24 years; that the said Bateman was at the house of Mr. Thomas Giles etc. deposition of Richard Read, age 27 years and of John Brown, age 44 years. (born 1637…”or thereabouts”) Probate is therefore granted Mr. Thomas Gyles on the said William Bateman’s estate. R. October 11, 1681. I’m pretty sure the folks mentioned above are in the “Kingsale” area….but I am guessing)
1682…witnesses deed for Kingsale Sw area
On November 6, 1682, Robert Lawrence , Richard Booth, and John Brown, witnessed a deed of Mathew Strickland and his wife Eliz. of Lower Parish to William Evans of Upper Parish 800 acres on the main swamp of King Sale for 4,000 lbs. of tobacco.
Mathew Strickland had a large chunk of property just north of John Browne in Kingsale . His grandson married who I suspect is a granddaughter of John Browne. Mathew Strickland Sr. had two large tracts of land… along with the Kingsale property was another some miles north along the Blackwater River in (modern) Isle of Wight proper. Thomas Boon lived there (and I surmise William Boon). This property in Kingsale could be the logical tie-in with the Braswells, Boons and Brownes… many of whom resettle to the Roanoke River area of North Carolina around 1712…
On June 6, 1687, Mathew (x) and Elizabeth (E) STRICKLAND of the Lower Parish deeded to William EVANS of the Upper Parish for 4,000 pounds of tobacco in cask 800 acres in the Lower Parish between the Main Swamp of King Sail and Beaver Dam Branch adjoining William COLLINS (from a tract of 902 acres patented by the said STRICKLAND on September 26, 1678, of which 102 acres had been leased to Thomas JONES for ninety-nine years on November 6, 1682, witnessed by John BROWN, Richard (RB) BOOTH, and Robert LAWRENCE. Richard Boorth and John Brown had nearby property at Kingsale Swamp. This is just north of the Nansemond County line. The UPPER patent on the Blackwater River is where Thomas Boon was located. I have no idea WHEN he settled there? https://andersonnc.com/mathew-strickland-thomas-boon-iow/
Thomas Joyner, Jr and Bridgeman Joyner each signed the petition for the pardon of William West in 1677 after Bacon’s Rebellion. Whether or not they participated is open to debate. John Rogers Sr was found guilty of carrying away property belonging to Mr. Robert Caufield “during the late horrid rebellion”, (Order Bk. 1671-90, p. 165), and on the same date John Rogers, Sr. was found guilty of seizing Arthur Allen’s house, etc. (p. 167, Boddie). All these “horrid” accounts are written from the “winners” perspective of course… the “rebels” point of view would have been different I am sure. This John Rogers appears to relocate from Surry County to Nansemond. John Rogers (Sr or Jr?) is purported to marry Mary, the sister of Richard Booth who devises property to Rogers in 1681. All of these gents are of the same generation. Thomas Joyner Jr. and Bridgeman Joyner settle near the Kingsale Swamp area of IOW. Another neighbor, Thomas Mann married Elizabeth, another sister of Richard Booth. Also nearby, in Kingsale, is John Browne. In 1690 Hodges Councell, “the younger” and Thomas Man Jr. patent 200 acres “beg. at a marked gum John Brown’s corner tree in Kingsale swamp”. Same to acknowledge deed to James Peake, of Boston, Executed by my husband Charles Merritt for 130 acres on south side of Chowan River, at ye mouth of Deep Branch; Apl. 16, 1715. Test, Peter Evans, Richard Barefield (NCHGR 138).
A deed associated with William Strickland is Aug. 5, 1723 which proves that Martha Brown was the husband of this William Strickland, son of Matthew Strickland, Jr. and Ann Braswell.
Barnabe McKinnie & Wife Mary to Joseph Joyner, 150 acre deed of gift made by
William Brown deceased by his last will did give to his daughter Martha,
which is to say Martha Brown which land was laps before the aforesaid
Brown’s death and is now come due to me by virture of a relapsed patent
bearing the date November 22, 1723 and now being exchanged by WILLIAM
STRICKLAND the husband of said Martha Brown with Joseph Joyner we do for
this reason bargain and confirm to Joseph Joyner, SS Moratuck River, part of
survey called Walnut Gut Fork. Wit: Isaac Ricks & William Humphrey .
Will reference in Bertie County Deed Book B, Page 8 (Aug. Court 1725
…from will of James Peake 1728…
“Item my will is that my executors hereafter mentioned do grant & give to
John Warren of the precinct a good and lawfull deed for one hundred acres of
land that he now lives on he paying at his ens__ling the said deed Tenn
pounds currant mony of North Carolina not withstanding not withstanding
(sic) any thing that is before mentioned to the contrary.”
Charles Merrit was an old croney Indian Trader with John Brown and Richard Booth. After Booth moved to North Carolina Charles Merritt located near by.
Note; William Evans was the son of John evans and brother of Winnifred Evans Hicks. Wife of Robert Hicks mention here. John Evans,William Evans,Winnifred Evans
William Evans:Leg. son Thomas all my land at Kingsale;son Robert; wife and Children. Wife Extx. Her father , Mr. Robert Flake my overseer. D. July 12,1689. R. Aug.9,1689. Witt: henry Baker,Thomas Moore,Robert Flake.
By vertue of the Coroner's inquest 29 July 1688, Paul Williams, Robert Palford and John Browne were suposed guiltie of the murther of Sarah Blagden. The Court order that the Sherriff or his deputies take Paul Williams and Robert Palford (Browne being dead) and them safely convey to James Cittie by the fourth day of the next Generall Court, alsoe that you take the bodies of William Booth and Abraham Parker and convey them downe to the Generall Court as evedences concerning the rnurther of Sarah Blagden.(This Sarah Blagdon was the mother of Sarah Blagdon that married Lawrence Abbington Jr. Son of Lydia Kimball) https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I136827&tree=Tree1
"The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Second Series, Volume VII entitled Records of the Executive Council on page 416 has a deposition given by Richard Booth in which he states that in the year 1667 he took a canoe with trade goods to the Meherrin Indian Town down the Blackwater River. On his right the Weyanoake River joined in about 13 miles north of the Meherrin River. Accompanying him on this journey was “a Certain Weyanoake Indian Called Tom Frusman.” Also accompanying him was a man named John Browne. The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Second Series, Volume VII entitled Records of the Executive Council on page 416
24 Nov 1722…. John Rogers, Jr., Yeoman, and wife, Bridgett Rogers, of North Carolina to James Councill, Yeoman, of the lower parish of Isle of Wight…. 100 acres in the lower parish adjoining William Daughter, Jr., Hodges Council, Daniell Davis and Abraham Rixs (Ricks) (being land formerly in the possession of Richard Booth who devised it to Mary Rogers the Mother of the said John Rogers, Jr. in a deed dated 8 Nov 1681…. mention of “John Rogers, Jr. and his father John Rogers, Sr.).
Wit. Robert Lawrence, Richard (X) Beale and James Holland.
Rec: 26 Nov 1722 John (X) Rogers, Jr.
Bridgett Rogers
Remember that Richard Booth and John Browne Sr were associates (Traders) in the early days.
IOW Great Book, vol 2, Hopkins, p 140
John Rogers (son of the immigrant or the old man?) had a bit too much fun during Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676… “Mr. Robert Caufield and Mr. Arthur Allen charged certain inidividuals named John Rutherford, John Rogers, Robert Burges, John Clements and John Ironmonger for destroying certain livestock and household items during the ‘most Horrid Rebellion.'”
William Rogers & Joshua Proctor were mentioned in 1685. http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/jame1/moretti-langholtz/chap10a.htm The immigrant John Rogers appears to be an old man by 1674. So I’m seriously curious if he or his son married the sister of Richard Booth. 7 Jul 1674–John Rodgers, being an old impotent man upon his petition is discharged from paying public levys”
Surry Bk 3 pg 59
1706… sells the 220 acres
9 Aug 1706…. John Browne and wife, Bridgett Browne, to Samuel Canidy…. 220 acres (being a patent dated 29 Apr 1692 in the lower parish on the south side of Kingsale Swamp and bounded by Jonathan Robinson and William Stott (Scott?).
Wit: Richard Exum and William Murray.
John (X) Browne
Rec: 10 Jun 1706
(this John Browne is alive in 1707, from his deposition…aged 68.
In 1710 Philip Ludwell did his own depositions of most of the same people in1710 that Edward Moseley had deposed in 1707…
John Brown was deposed somewhere between Wiccacon Creek and the Maherrin Indian Town. Now the Money Question… Where was John Brown living? He was 71 or 73 yrs of age in 1710 (per another deposition in IOW) . Ludwell says he “came up Chowan River almost from Wicocon Creek by water..to Nansemond Town” … that implies that John Brown was living very near to Wiccacon Creek as Ludwell left the next day after deposing Brown. Brown left no property records in Chowan that I can find. But there is no doubt this is the Indian Trader of Kingsale Swamp, VA, born 1639. This has moved from theory to Fact.
An Aside…. Some have speculated that the John Browne (son in law of William Boddie/Body of Isle of Wight) was the father of the William and Thomas Browne that I discuss in this compilation… I disagree. Below is a deed witnessed in 1708/9 in IOW which discusses a sale to one Mr. Sawyer. The land in question was originally granted to Mr. Boddie in 1668. This land is clearly in Newport Parish, IOW and is considerably further north than the Kingsale property that I mention and map. I purport that the John Browne mentioned in this deed is indeed the son in law of Mr. Boddie. This begs the question… how to explain one John Browne in IOW and another in North Carolina? This is clearly two different men. I also propose that the body of circumstantial evidence I detail leans to the John Browne of Kingsale as the father of William and Thomas Browne of North Carolina.
John Browne #3
1677 John Drayton transported a John Browne and 19 others. Charles city , Virginia court. https://archive.org/details/charlescitycount00ayrerich/page/24/mode/2up?view=theater
July 17,1677, Chales City County court, Judgement granted to Richard Hill plt. against LT. Coll. Daniel Clark,Sheriff for 400 lbs. tobacco for non apperence of John Browne deft. in an action for debt..Viod if Sheriff produces deft. Attachment granted sheriff on John Browne.(See page 21.) https://archive.org/details/charlescitycount00ayrerich/page/20/mode/2up?view=theater
John Browne #4
John Browne ,Charles City,Virginia will=Nov.2,1666. To wife Elizabeth100 acres. Son John and brother Gerrard Browne residue of lands jointly. In the event that of son's death before majority,brother Gerrard to inherit said son's share. Overseers: brother Gerrard,steven Montague,and JohnWheeler. http://mdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msaref09/pdf/baldwin_vol01.pdf
july 30,1679 John Taylor married Elizabeth Relic of John Brown, was granted admin, on the estate of John Brown surities William Bridges and Edward Washington . https://www.jstor.org/stable/1923200
Elizabeth relic of first john Browne and the John Taylor married Henry Bonner Sep. 1,1674. , Maryland, https://msa.maryland.gov/msa/stagser/s1500/s1527/html/ssi1527bl.html
1 Sep 1674 Charles Maryland; Deed of Gift from Henry Bonner, Gent, and Elizabeth his wife, to her natural born sons, John Taylor and Thomas Taylor; a parcel of land surveyed for John Taylor, father of the sons, and granted by patent to Elizabeth Taylor, relict of John, 21 Aug 1658; lying on the north side of Petit's Creek which flows into the Potomac River, Weeke's Branch, and Taylor's Bite; laid out for 450 acres; signed Henry Bonner, Elisabeth Bonner; wit. Robert Doyne, Matthew Stone, Joseph Bullot
John Browne #5
Richard Brown, m. Elizabeth Hicks, 23 Dec. 1690, Compton Martin. Richard Brown, bapt. 10 Jan 1692. Richard Browne (probably m. Frances Sexton) (Reffer to this.) Richard Browne (probably m. Frances Sexton), and Wm. Eaton of Prince Georges Co., 455 a., adj. Henry Bates, John Duke, Adam Tapley, Wm. Hough, John Brown. Wit:JOHN BROWNE, Noah Browne, FRACES BROWNE WIFE OF RICHARD, concurs to sale. Apr. 4, 1737. B. I, p. 325. Major Pryor and Anne, his wife of Brunswick Co., VA to Richard Brown of Northampton County, N.C. 350 acres on south side of Nottoway River southside of Rocky Run on lines of John Taylor Duke, James Loftin and others.
John Browne #6
Estate of John Brown, deceased, 6 September 1684, to Temperance Brown one Indian boy valued at 2,500 pounds
Baley, Temperance - A405; born 1617, died ca.1652, Henrico: (Muster of 1624/5); wife of John Browne and Richard Cocke.
William Nicholson patent
Given granted .. unto William Nicholson of the County of------- on the south ward side of the east branch of Elizabeth river in Norfolk County formerly called Lower Norfolk... 300 acres ,"therefore being land found within the bounds of two patents the one of them granted to John Browne for two hundred acres dated June 19th, 1659 and by the virtue of power of attorney to the Brother Thomas Brown sold& made over two hundred acres before granted William Nicholson Sr. as by deed dated April15,1656. https://andersonnc.com/john-browne-of-kingsale-1639-1713-indian-trader/
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