
Finding the parents of Samuel H Baty 1830 - 1912

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Newton, Iowamap
Surnames/tags: Baty Beaty
Profile manager: SJ Baty private message [send private message]
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Samuel H. Baty

This profile is part of the Baty Name Study.
This profile is part of the Beaty Name Study.
This profile is part of the Beatty Name Study.

By family tradition, Samuel H. Baty was an orphan and literally nothing is known about is parents. There are several family legends but many are conflicting as are the historical records. The various census records, Civil War draft records, marriage and death certificates place his place of birth in many different locations with as many conflicting dates.

This page is meant to be a centralized place to record and discuss the possible familial links for Samuel in an attempt to ascertain his ancestry.

The earliest record known that can positively be attributed to Samuel is the 1856 Iowa State Census in Lake Prairie, Marion, Iowa.[1] Samuel appears in the household of the family of William and Susannah George. One of the George daughters, Rebecca, who is listed at age 16 in the record will marry Samuel two years later on 11 July 1858.[2]

1856: Samuel Beaty (Baty) on the William and Susannah George farm


The follwing are all of the Samuel Baty/Beaty/Beatties that can be identified in 1850. In total, there are 15 distinct men with the given name Samuel and the surname as a derrivative of Beatty. Through the process of eliminating those who can be identified as not our Sam (they have records showing they are somewhere else in 1860 besides Newton, Iowa), we should be able to determine if any of these Sams are the same as our Samuel H. Baty.

Our Samuel H. Baty was born sometime between 1828 and 1834. By 1840 he would be too young to be listed as a head of household and the 1840 census does not list family members. The 1850 census lists all household members and if Sam was in America by 1850, he is likely listed in the 1850 census.

Naming Convention

All of the candidates will be listed numerically based on their placement in an search using only the surname Baty, Beaty, Beatty, and Beattie with a birth date of 1830 and residence in 1850 ("exact"). The search will start with Baty, then to Beaty, and then Beatty, duplicates will be omitted.

Candidates to research

#01 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1832, Pennsylvania

(member correction to Samuel Baty on Ancestry). Residence: Dist. 19, Clark, MO. Parents Leonard & Sarah H., siblings Jonathan, Leonard, Joseph, Sarah, Nancy, Elizabeth, & Angeline. Ancestry.

#04 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1830, Indiana

Residence: Center, Cedar, Iowa.
In household: (presumed) brother James 33, Elizabeth 32, Margaret A. 11, Amanda 8, Geo E 4, Alia D 1, Samuel 20. Ancestry.

#05 Samuel S Beattie, b. abt. 1829, New York

Residence: Ledyard, Cayuga, New York.
In household: James 46, Martha 42, Benj F 22, Samuel S 21, Martha A 11, Patrick Gray 33. Ancestry.

#06 Samuel Beaty, b. abt. 1831, (birth place not listed)

Residence: Red River, Texas.
In household: Ellen 47, John 20, Samuel 19, Robert 14, William 9, Robert 0. Ancestry.

#07 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1831, Pennsylvania

Residence: Black Lick, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
In household: Isabella 40, Samuel 19, Alvira 17, Franklin 14, Mary 12, Albert 10. Ancestry.

#08 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1829, Pennsylvania (family Green)

Residence: Prospect, Butler, PA.
In household: John Green* 32, Elizabeth Greer 29, Samuel Beatty 21, Josephine Greer 7. Ancestry.
*The name is recorded as "Greer" at The image viewed at Family Search shows that the correct name is Green.[3]
On 3 January 2021, Wikitree member and collaborator Karla Beatty forwarded a copy of an Orphan's Court ruling from Kitanning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania from 1831.[4] The Samuel Beatty Jr. in the court ruling matches all of the details of our Samuel and could be the same - further research is warranted. The court documents read:
Armstrong County, PA
At an orphan's court, held at Kittanning in and for the County of Armstrong, on Tuesday, the 21st day of December, 1831 before the Honorable the judges of the same court. Upon the petition of George J. Crawford Administrator of the estate of Samuel Beatty, late of said County deceased setting forth that the said Samuel Beatty left issue one son, Samuel Beatty. That the personal property of the said intestate is insufficient for the payment of his debts as by the account therewith presented appears and that the said Samuel, the intestate, died seized in his demesne as of fee of and in a certain tract of land situated in Allegheny Twp., in said County, containing 125 acres, more or less, called Beatty's Ferry, bounded by the Allegheny River on the North, by the lands of James Walker on the east, and by the land of ? heirs on the west and others on the south with a log house thereon erected - and praying the court grant him an order to make sale of the said tract of land with the appurtenances for the payment of the debts due by the said intestate - it is ordered by the court, upon due proof and consideration had of the premises, that the said George J. Crawford, administrator as aforesaid, does on Monday, the sixth day of February went between the hours of eleven in the forenoon and four in the afternoon of that day, ? the said ? seized do with the appurtenances to sale by public auction or outcry and sell the same for the purposes in the said ? mentioned - that due public and timely notice of the time and place of sale be given according to the law; and that he make report of his proceedings herein to the ? Orphan's Court to be held for said county, after such sale. By the court, Frederick Rohrer, clerk.
Kittanning is about 30 miles east of Prospect where this Samuel appears in the 1850 census living in the home of John Green and his family. The estimated birth year for this Samuel is 1829. Assuming that Samuel was orphaned in 1831 this would have made him about 2 years old when is father died. His mother must have died earlier, possibly even in childbirth. Samuel's parents would best know his year of birth; once orphaned (at such a young age) the ward might have guessed at his birth year and may have guessed incorrectly by several years. It is possible that this Samuel was born a year or two earlier. One of the many family legends is that Samuel was orphaned at the age of 4 - if this orphan is our Samuel, it would place his approximate year of birth in 1827. Guessing the age of an 8 year old as 6 is quite understandable, especially if the child was shy, small in size, or late in childhood development.
The direction of Prospect from Kittanning is the same direction as Iowa. It is possible that the orphan Samuel worked on the Green farm and saved some money and then pushed west to find his way. The path to Iowa leads through the other states that our Samuel has been reported as being born in: Ohio and Indiana. It is possible that he stopped and worked in Ohio and Indiana before continuing west to Iowa. Based on the 5 year gap between the 1850 and 1856 census records, if this is the correct Samuel he would have had 6 years to travel from Pennsylvania to Iowa.
Further work needs to be done to determine if this Samuel appears in later records and to see if it is possible to track the Green family and their possible movements.

#09 Samuel H. Beaty, b. abt. 1829, Kentucky

Residence: Simpson, KY.
In household: John 47, Charlotta 37, Samuel H 21, Henry 20, Nancy J 18, Patsey 16, Elvian Bogar 14 (adoptee?). Ancestry.

#10 Samuel Beaty, b. abt. 1832, Pennsylvania

Residence: Shirley, Huntingdon, PA.
In household: Joseph 40, Mary 38, Samuel 18, Peter 15, William 13, Cath 11, Isaac 5, & Thomas 2. Ancestry.

#11 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1832, England

Residence: Norristown Upper Ward, Montgomery, Pennsylvania.
In household: William 46, Mary 45, Elizabeth 22, Samuel 18, Charles 15, Ann 13. Ancestry.

#12 Samuel Beatty, b. abt. 1832, Pennsylvania

  • marked as excluded
Residence: Scioto, Jackson, Ohio.
In household: James 49, Elizabeth 45, Lydia A 23, Lee 21, Samuel 18, Ruth 16, Richard 13, Hetty J 11, Alpheus 7, John 4. Ancestry. (Note: don't remember why this was marked as excluded - need to keep better notes and update this once determined).

#14 Samuel H Beattie, b. abt. 1828, Kentucky

Residence: District 90, Saline, MO.
In household: Nottey Hall 53, William L Beatie 24, Samuel H Beattie 22, John Beattie 20. Ancestry.

#15 Saml Beatty, b. abt. 1832 in New York

Residence: New York Ward 18, NY, NY.
In household: Catharine Beatty 50, Chas Turner 30, Rosannah Turner 29, Thos Beatty 25, Andw Beatty 22, Saml Beatty 18, Margett Beatty 16. Ancestry.

Samuel Beaty, b. abt. 1823, b. in Washington, NY

Wikitree profile Samuel Beaty
Son of Samuel Beaty and Elizabeth Beaty, 4 siblings including John H. Beaty
About 7-9 years too old but still warrants investigating

No match (not Baty/Beaty/Beatty)

Samuel Bath (Bash) excluded. Ancestry.
Samuel Batt/Batts excluded. Ancestry
Samuel Batt excluded (surname is clearly "Batt" on the census record). Ancestry.

Possible candidates

Excluded candidates

The following leads have been disproved as ancestors of Samuel Baty. Each is retained here to refute the many online sites that still show these as valid connections:

#02 Samuel Baty, b. 1832, Maryland

1850 census[5] @ Ancestry.

Residence: Jefferson, Adams, Ohio.
In household: Mother: Mary Baty 57, Samuel 18, Sarah 27, and Mary Jane 10.
Mary Baty 57
Samuel Baty 18
Sarah Baty 27
Mary Jane Baty 10

Mary and her husband Robert appear in Jefferson, Ohio in the 1830 census.[6] According to the many trees at,[7] Robert was born 4 May 1781 in Virginia, the son of:

Colonel Henry Beatty, b. 23 Sep 1760 in Frederick, Maryland, the son of:
Colonel William Beatty, b. 17 Jan 1739 in Frederick, Maryland, the son of:
William Beatty, b. 9 Jun 1695 in Marbletown, New York, the son of:
John Beatty, b. 2 Oct 1672 in Ayrshire, Scotland.

In the last few years, many online trees are now linking our Samuel Baty as son to this lineage. Unfortunately (for us), this lineage has already been DNA tested and represents Lineage 1 at the Beatty Project and has been disproved as the same family as our Samuel.[8]

#03 Samuel Beatie, b. abt. 1830, Pennsylvania

(member corrected to Samuel Beatty).
Residence: Perry, Fayette, Pennsylvania.
In household: father John 52, mother Isabella 55, Samuel 20, Mary Jane 23, Joseph 18, Joseph Ann 14. Ancestry.

Known ancestor of Wikitreer Karla Beatty - the descendants don't match to our Sam Baty.

#13 Samuel Beatie, b. abt. 1832, Kentucky

Residence: District 2, Owen, KY.
In household: Nancy 49, Samuel 18, George 9, Charles 5. Ancestry.
  • By the 1860 census, Samuel had moved out and only Nancy, George, & Charles remain in the household.
  • No Samuel Beatie appears in a search of 1860 in Owen, KY or even in all of KY.
  • Upon further research, it appears that the census taker typo'd the name - this Samuel is really "Lemuel." He appears on the family trees and records of the Beaty/Beatty family in Owen, Kentucky and is in his own household there in the 1860 census.

Samuel Beatty, b. 1832, of Scioto, Ohio

Samuel Beatty, born about 1832 in Pennsylvania and living in the home of his parents James and Elizabeth Beatty and their children in 1850 in Scioto, Jackson, Ohio in the 1850 census.[9]

James Beatty 49
Elizabeth Beatty 45
Lydia A Beatty 23
Lee Beatty 21
Samuel Beatty 18
Ruth Beatty 16
Richard Beatty 13
Hetty J Beatty 11
Alpheus Beatty 7
John Beatty 4

Samuel Beatty was later married to Lydia Bradshaw in 1852[10] and they can both be found living in Washington, Scioto, Ohio, in the 1870 census:[11]

Samuel Beatty 38
Lydia Beatty 37
Garnett Beatty 13
Ida Beatty 9

Descendants of John Beatty 1587 - 1625

In March 2018, on Samuel's profile were listed several Scots-Irish candidates as the parents of Samuel. All were descendants of John Beatty (b. abt. 1587 - d. aft. 1625). A year later, these candidates have been ruled out:

Samuel Beatty, born 1826 in county Down, Ireland
Samuel Beatty
Older brother's Joseph, b. 1821, & William, b. 1822, migrated to America. Records indicate that William came to America in 1849 when this Samuel would have been about 23 years old. Samuel H. Baty's first "appearance" in America is in Marion County, Iowa in 1856, about 6-7 years after Willam came to America.
Samuel Beatty, born 1832 in county Down, Ireland
Samuel Beatty
This Samuel fits most closely with family legend (that Sam's parents died when he was 4 years old and he was adopted): was born in 1832, in county Down, Ireland. His mother died the same year as his birth (possibly in childbirth or complications thereof?) and his father died in 1836 when he would have been 4 years old. The family records have no mention of 3 of the 4 siblings after their birth. It is possible that they some or all of them may have immigrated to America, or that their adoptive parents (most likely an uncle & aunt or grandparents) migrated to America.
Samuel Baty represents Lineage #500 at the Beatty Project 2000. A DNA test submitted from one of his male patrilineal descendants was compared against a known descendant of John Beatty (Lineage #5). The DNA tests did not match.[12]

Research Notes

George Beaty, b. 1775, Virginia

DNA match to descendant of Rebecca Emily Beaty and her father George Beaty. (2nd to 4th cousin) - sent email to descendant Baty-260 17:24, 18 August 2019 (UTC)
  • No match with any other surnames on descendan'ts list
  • George Beaty does not appear in the BP2000 tested lineages
  • Emily Beaty has a son, born 1845 (about the time our Samuel went missing) named Samuel
a different tree has Emily's father as James Beaty, b. before 1800, living in DeKalb, Alabama

Another DNA match, descendant lists William Robert Beaty, b. 1818 in TN, son of James Beaty of North Carolina. (5th to remote cousin) - sent email to descendant Baty-260 17:24, 18 August 2019 (UTC)

Robert Beaty was remarried in 1841, the whole family came out from Ohio and in 1850 were living in Fulton County, ILL, just east of Newton.

In Furcuff's tree, James Beatty, b. abt 1798 has four sons who moved out between 1840 and 1850, one was born about 1830.


  1. 1856 Iowa State Census. Iowa State Census Collection, 1836-1925 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Microfilm of Iowa State Censuses, 1856, 1885, 1895, 1905, 1915, 1925 as well various special censuses from 1836-1897 obtained from the State Historical Society of Iowa via Heritage Quest. Accessed on 24 March 2008 by SJ Baty at Ancestry.
    Local file:
  2. Samuel Baty & Rebecca George marriage index: Iowa, Compiled Marriages, 1851-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000. Accessed 4 July 2018 by SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  3. "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 December 2020), Samuel Beatty in household of John Green, Prospect, Butler, Pennsylvania, United States; citing family , NARA microfilm publication (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
  4. Other Court: Samuel Beatty, 1831: Armstrong County, PA. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Linda Mockenhaupt. / USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. Accessed on 4 January 2021 by SJ Baty; the copy was forwarded by Wikitree member Karla Beatty.
  5. Year: 1850; Census Place: Jefferson, Adams, Ohio; Roll: M432_657; Page: 209B; Image: 422. Accessed 22 April 2019 SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  6. 1830; Census Place: Jefferson, Adams, Ohio; Series: M19; Roll: 126; Page: 27; Family History Library Film: 0337937. Accessed 22 April 2019 SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  7. Ancestry profile for Robert Beatty.
  8. "Lineages 1 - 72," The Beatty Notebook: Genealogy Archives and Related Information from The Beatty Project 2000. Accessed 23 April 2019 SJ Baty.
  9. 1850; Census Place: Scioto, Jackson, Ohio; Roll: M432_698; Page: 348A; Image: 250. Accessed 21 April 2019 SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  10. Shoemaker, Caryn R. F., and Betty J. Sisler Rudity, compilers. Marriage Records of Scioto County, Ohio, 1803–1860. 1987. Reprint, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co Inc., 2003. Accessed 21 April 2019 SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  11. 1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publication M593, 1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Accessed 22 April 2019 SJ Baty at Ancestry.
  12. The DNA markers for lineages 5 and 500 are represented Table I as participants #50 (lineage 5) and #148 (lineage 500).

Images: 1
Samuel H. Baty
Samuel H. Baty


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I kept remembering something that I had come across about an orphan Samuel Beatty. I kept wracking my brain to remember and then I searched and found what I had copied from a Pennsylvania archive. It is an account of the orphan's court for a Samuel Beatty 1831. Trying to figure out how I can get the pdf file to you.
posted by Karla Beatty
Candidate #03 appears to be my ancestor, Samuel Beatty, born (either 1829 or 1834) in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Samuel is the son of John Beatty and Isabella Hyndman. Beatty-3195
posted by Karla Beatty
Thanks Karla! I can strike him off of our list. Thanks (distant) cousin!
posted by SJ Baty