Location: Västerbotten, Sweden

Surnames/tags: finnish_war Västerbotten timeline
A brief timeline of events of the Finnish War that might have affected the daily life of the people of Västerbotten. Focus is on timeline and locations.
1808 Autumn Swedish troops retreat from Österbotten. Appr 3000 wounded soldiers arrive to Umeå and surrounding villages for housing and care.
1809-03-13 Swedish king Gustav IV is dethroned.
1809-03-20 Russian troops marches over the frozen Kvarken and arrives at Holmön.
1809-03-21 Russian troops seize Umeå.
1809-03-27 Russian troops in Umeå leaves and returns to Österbotten over Kvarken.
1809-03-28 Svedish commander in Kalix yields.
1809-05-15 Battle of Lejonströmsbron. Russian troops seize Skellefteå and occupies the surroundings.
Umeå is evacuated.
1809-06-01 Umeå is seized by the Russian troops.
1809-07 A Swedish counteroffensive from the south is prepared.
1809-07-05 Battle of Hörnefors. Hörnefors Bruk is looted and burned. The Swedish troops falls back to Öre to regroup.
1809-08-19 Battle of Sävar. Swedish troops falls back to Djäkneböle and then to Ratan where new Swedish naval troops has arrived.
1809-08-20 Battle of Ratan.
1809-08-23 Last Russian troops leaves Umeå and retreats to the north.
Wikipedia (Swedish, Russian), other online sources.
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