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Fire Disasters Team

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Worldwide Disasters | Fire Disasters Team

Welcome to the Fire Disasters Team!
If you are interested in helping with the Fire Disasters Team and not a member of the Worldwide Disasters Project, please read the Project Page to learn more about the project and how to join us.


Welcome to the Fire Disasters Team!

Team Leader - TBC
Team Members


N.B. Industrial Fires and Explosions are looked after by the Industrial Disasters Team. Wildfires are cared for by the Natural Disasters Team. Fires on board transport are governed by the Transportation Disasters Team

This Team covers any Disaster that involves a structural fire. These include building fires as well as fires affecting other structures. This team is divided into groups governed under their various countries. The goal of the Team is to raise the standards of related Free Space pages and profiles, and to devise topics to work on which will increase the presence of profiles on WikiTree for victims and those involved. We also provide resources and assistance to those working on Disaster related profiles.

What we do

  • We are responsible for improving the free space pages and profiles of people involved in structural fires. This includes sourcing, connecting, merging duplicates, correcting database errors, and writing biographies. We clean up Disaster related profiles and untangle family errors.
  • We create profiles for those who lost their lives and others involved in the disasters and connect them to our global tree.
  • We oversee related categories to ensure that our information is up to date and is consistent with the other Disaster Teams. This includes the revision of our categories, adding correct categories and deleting incorrect or unnecessary categories as needed. It also includes monitoring to ensure that all profiles are placed into the most accurate sub-category possible and not into any of the parent categories.
  • We maintain a list of resources, by adding new information, checking hyperlinks are not broken and removing information that is no longer relevant.
  • We create free space pages related disasters that involve fires, making them relevant to genealogy, by naming significant people involved, and providing sources for the information provided.
  • When we can, we help and advise others who are working on disaster related profiles. This includes answering questions asked on G2G.

Structural Fires by Country

France Fires
New Zealand Fires
United States Fires

See Category: Structure Fires


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I have entered the 167 victims of the Circus Fire in Hartford, Connecticut who were killed in 1944.
posted by Deena (Smith) Cross

Categories: Disasters Project