
First Fleet to Australia, 1787-1788

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See also: Second Fleet, Australia, 1790, Third Fleet, Australia, 1791Convicts After the Third Fleet

The first European migration to Australia was the First Fleet consisting of eleven ships. They sailed from Spithead on 13 May 1787 and all the fleet had arrived at Botany Bay by 20 January 1788. The fleet sailed to nearby Sydney Cove in Port Jackson on 26 January 1788 where the colony was established:[1]

  • two war ships:
    1. HMS Sirius, Naval Flagship;
    2. HMS Supply, Naval Tender;
  • three store ships:
    1. Golden Grove;
    2. Borrowdale;
    3. Fishburn;
  • six convict ships:
    1. Scarborough;
    2. Lady Penrhyn;
    3. Prince of Wales;
    4. Alexander;
    5. Charlotte;
    6. Friendship;

Some Non-Convict First Fleeters and the positions held by them


List of First Fleet Convicts

In 1969 the Daily Mirror published an account which purported to be from a fictional newspaper article in the London Gazette said to have been published in 1788. It suggested it was a full list of all First Fleet convicts and was transcribed by Barbara Turner in 1992. Whilst the accuracy of the list cannot be relied upon, you can find it here. It appears to be based on a Public Record Office list which in 1969 was available on microform at Mitchell Library, Sydney and has now been digitised AJCP PRO HO 10/7

Sourced First Fleet Convict List

This list is a work in progress to source all First Fleet convicts and to exclude possible fictional convicts included in the Daily Mirror account in 1969.

Please add links to convict profiles on Wikitree and add an appropriate source. Feel free to add any missing 'sourced' First Fleeters to this list.

Those who do not appear in the First Fleet database and have no other reliable sources, should not have profiles created. Rather, please add their name to the Space:Australia,_Profile_Verification_-_First_Fleet Profile Verification Page so that further research can be undertaken by our specialist researchers.

Sortable table
NAME Where sentenced Term
ABEL, Robert [42] London 7
ABRAMS aka ABRAHAMS, Henry Chelmsford 7
ABRAHAMS, Esther [43] London 7
ABELL aka ABEL, Mary, alias Tilley Worcester 7
ACRES Thomas (abt.1758-1824) Exeter 7
ADAMS, John London 7
ADAMS, Mary London 7
AGLEY aka HAGLEY, Richard Winchester 7
ALLEN, John Hertford 7
ALLEN, William Ormskirk 7
ALLEN, Charles London 7
ALLEN, Susannah London 7
ALLEN, Mary London 7
ALLEN, aka BODDINGTON, Tamasin London 7
ALLEN, Mary, alias Conner London 7
ANDERSON, John Exeter 7
ANDERSON, Elizabeth London 7
ANDERSON, John London 7
ANDERSON, Fanny aka Francis Winchester 7
ARCHER, John aka Forrester London 7
ARSCOTT, John Bodmin 7
ATKINSON, George London 7
AULT, Sarah London 7
AYNERS aka AGNEW, John London 7
AYRES, John London 7
BAILS, Robert Reading Life
BANNISTER, George, [44] London 7
BARTLETT, James pardoned and released before the First Fleet departed Winchester 7
BARSBY, George Winchester Life
BARNETT, Henry, alias Barnard, alias Burton Warwick 7
BARNES, Stephen York 7
BARFERD aka BARFORD, John London 7
BARLAND, George London 7
BALDING aka BALDWIN, James, alias William London 7
BASON, Elizabeth, wife of William Bason New Sarum 7
BAYLEY, James New Sarum 7
BAZLEY aka BASELY, John Exeter 7
BAKER, Thomas Exeter 7
BARRETT, Thomas : Tried London Life, then Exeter life (Mercury mutineer) Exeter Life
BATLEY, Oten : Tried London 7, then Exeter 7 (Mercury mutineer) Exeter 7
BARSBY, Samuel Exeter 7
BALL, John Exeter 7
BARRY aka BERRY, John Bristol 7
BARRET aka BARNETT, Daniel Winchester 7
BARRER aka BARBER, Elizabeth London 7
BALDWIN, Ruth, alias Bowyer London 7
BAKER, Martha London 7
BELL, William London 7
BENEAR, Samuel London 7
BELLET aka BILLET, Jacob London 7
BEARDSLEY, Ann Derby 5
BENNETT, John Shrewsbury 7
BEST, John London 7
BECKFORD, Elizabeth died 12 July 1787 London 7
BELLAMY, Sarah Worcester 7
BIRD, James Croydon 7
BIRD, Samuel Croydon 7
BISHOP, Joseph London 7
BINGHAM aka BOUGHAN, John Oxford 7
BINGHAM aka MOORING, Elizabeth London- 7
BIRD, Elizabeth, aka Winifred Maidstone 7
BLACKHALL, William Abingdon 7
BLUNT, William London 7
BLAKE, Francis London 7
BLATHERHORN aka BEANS, FISHER William : Tried London 7, then London life (Swift mutineer) then Exeter life (Mercury mutineer) Exeter Life
BLANCHETT, Susannah Kingston 7
BOND, Peter London 7
BOYLE, John London 7
BOGGIS, William Southwark 7
BOND, William Exeter 7
BOND, Mary, "wife of John Bond", although listed as embarked on the Charlotte, was NOT embarked on the First Fleet, possibly due to illness. She was on the Neptune, one of the Second Fleet ships. Wells 7
BOULTON, Rebecca Lincoln 7
BONNER, Jane : died 30 July 1787 at sea London 7
BOLTON, Mary Shrewsbury 7
BROWN, James Hertford 7
BROWN, William French Southwark 7
BRINDLEY, John Warwick 7
BROWN, Richard Abington 7
BROUGH, William : died 19 May 1787 at sea Stafford 7
BRADLEY, James London 7
BRADLEY James : died 12 February 1787 on the Alexander London 7
BRAUND (BROAD), Mary Exeter 7
BROWN, Thomas : Tried London 7, then Exeter 7 (Mercury mutineer) Exeter 7
BRADBURY, William London 7
BRYANT, Thomas Maidstone 7
BRYANT, William Launceston 7
BROWN, Thomas aka John Brown London 7
BRADFORD, John Exeter 7
BRANNEGAN, James : Transported to Norfolk Island 1790, went missing 1791 (after lighting a fire on board the Sirius during transport to NI). (Mercury Mutineer) Exeter 7
BRUCE, Robert went missing from NI after lighting a fire aboard the Sirius. Survived by a daughter born in Sydney. (Mercury Mutineer) Exeter 7
BROWN, William : Drowned 19 September 1787 Exeter 7
BRYANT, John : Killed by a falling tree in 1789 at Norfolk Island. Married - no known children. Exeter 7
BREWER, William : died in March 1788, shortly after arrival. Exeter 7
BRICE, William : convicted age 14. death details unknown. Bristol 7
BRAND, Curtis : died in 1800 after marrying Elizabeth Sully and receiving a land grant. Bequeathed his estate to a blind child, and leaving his wife a shilling. (Mercury Mutineer) Maidstone 7
BRYANT, Michael  : Death details unknown. (Mercury Mutineer). London 14
BRAND aka WOOD, Lucy London 7
BRANHAM, Mary London 7
BRUCE, Elizabeth London 7
BURLEIGH, James London 7
BURN/BOURNE, Peter  : Peter went missing in May 1788, his torn and bloodied clothes were found, along with spears. Convict William Ayres testified that he saw Burns being dragged away by Aborigines. London 7
BURNE, James  : James served his time and is believed to have either left the colony or died in about 1792. London 7
BUTLER, William Living Descendants: matched through DNA. Passed away in 1837. London 7
BUCKLEY, Joseph Dorchester 7
BURRIDGE, Samuel Dorchester 7
BURN, Patrick Exeter 7
BURN, Simon Exeter 7
BAYLISS aka BUSLEY, John London 7
BUNN aka BURN, Margaret London 7
BURKITT, Martha, aka Patience, Pacence London 7
BURDO, Sarah London 7
CARVER, Joseph Maidstone 7
CASTLE, James aka John London 7
CAMPBELL, James, alias George London 7
CAMPBELL, James Guildford 7
CARNEY, John Exeter 7
CARTY, Francis : unknown what happened to him, possibly lost overboard. Strangely, his prayer book was found in the stomach of a shark in the South Atlantic four and a half years later Bodmin 7
CAREY, Ann Taunton 7
CARTER, Richard, alias Michael Cartwright Shrewsbury 7
CABLE aka KABLE, Henry [45] Thetford 7
CARROLL, Mary, nee Randall, wife of James Carroll London 7
CAESAR aka CESAR, John Maidstone 7
CHILDS, William Southwark 7
CHADWICK aka CHADDICK, Thomas London 7
CHURCH, William Dorchester 7
CHAAF, William Exeter 7
CHINERY, Samuel Exeter 7
CHANIN, Edward : died 8 January 1788 Exeter 7
CLOUGH aka CLEUGH, Richard Durham 7
CLEMENTS, Thomas London 7
CLARK, James/John/Charles, alias Hosier, a veteran of the British navy, and had fought in the Battle of Flamborough Head in 1779 London 7
CLARK, William London 7
CLARKE, John : died 6 June 1787 on the voyage Exeter 7
CLEAVER, Mary Bristol 7
CLARE aka CLEAR, George London 7
CLARK, Elizabeth Derby 7
COFFIN, John Exeter 7
CONNELLY, William Bristol 7
CORMICK aka CORBET, Edward Hertford 7
CORDEN aka CORDEL, CALDWELL, James Warwick 7
COLLINS aka COLLING, Joseph London 7
COLE, William London 7
COX, John Matthew London 7
COLLIER aka CULLY, Richard Kingston 7
CONNOLLY, William Bodmin 7
CONELLY, Cornelius Exeter 7
COLMAN, Ishmael : died 29 May 1787 Dorchester 7
COLE, Elizabeth Exeter 7
COX, James Exeter Life
COPP, James Exeter 7
COOMBES, Ann : married John Briant and widowed within 12 months. Taunton 7
COLE, Elizabeth London 7
COLLEY, Elizabeth London 14
COOKE, Charlotte London 7
COOPER, Mary Worcester 7
COLPITTS, Ann Durham 7
CROSS, John New Sarum 7
CROPPER, John London 7
CROSS, William Coventry 7
CROWDER, Thomas Restell aka Risdale : Mercury Mutineer under the name of Risdale as surname. Assumption in record keepign the name was an alias however it is recorded on his baptismal records, and at some point (the mercury passenger list?) they captured his middle name as his surname. Bristol Life
CREAMER, John joined the New South Wales Corps in 1797 Exeter 7
CREEK, Jane London 7
CUNNINGHAM, Edward London 7
CULLEN, James Bryen London 7
CULLYHORN, John : received an extra sentence in the colony - 600 lashes, death details not known. Exeter 7
CUDLIP, Jacob, alias Norris Bodmin 7
CUSS, John, aka Hannaboy New Sarum 7
CUCKOW aka COOK, William Maidstone 7
DAVIS, Aaron :returned to England a free man, petitioned to return to the colony as a free settler but passed away. Financial assets left to step daughter. Bristol 7
DAY, Richard : died 8 December 1787 Reading 7
DAVIES, Edward : died 8 March 1787 Stafford 7
DAY, Samuel Gloucester 14
DAVIS, Samuel : died 30 May 1788 found speared to death believed to be a reprisal for taking a canoe belonging to the Aboriginals. Gloucester 7
William Davis (1730-): Death details unknown. Shrewsbury 7
DAVIS, James London 7
"'DANIELS, Daniel"' London 7
DALEY, James"': executed by hanging for robbing huts. London 7
DAVIDSON, John London 7
DAVIS, William (abt.1764-1830)' : worked as a Baker, married twice including to Sarah Michell/Michael convict of the second fleet (Lady Juliana) Brecknock Life
DAVIS, Richard London 7
DALEY aka WARBURTON, Ann, wife of Gore Daley Nether Knutsford 7
DARNELL, Margaret London 7
DAVIS, Ann London 7
DALTON, Elizabeth alias Burleigh, Burley London 7
DAVIDSON, Rebecca, wife of Robert Davidson London 7
DAWSON, Margaret London 7
DAVIS, Frances Chelmsford 14
DAVIES, Sarah Worcester 7
DAVIES, Mary aka Davis Shrewsbury 7
DENNISON, Michael Poole 7
DENISON, Barnaby Bristol 7
DELANY, Patrick : died 23 June 1787 York 7
DICKSON, aka DIXON Thomas, alias Ralph Raw Durham 7
DISCALL, Timothy Bodmin 7
DIXON, Mary London 7
DICKENSON, Mary Southwark 7
DOUGLAS, William Lincoln 7
DOWLAND aka DOLAND, Ferdinand London 7
DODDING aka DORIN, DORREN, DORAN, James convicted at Old Bailey for theft, Mercury mutineer, farmed at Norfolk Island then Tasmania, became Under Gaoler at Hobart. No known children. London 7
DRING, William, [46] Kingston upon Hull 7
DUNNAGE, Joseph London Life
DUDGENS aka DUDGEON, Elizabeth London 7
DUNDASS, Jane London 7
DUTTON, Ann London 7
DEYER, Leonard Southwark 7
DYKES, Mary London 7
EARLE, William New Sarum 7
EAGLETON, William, alias Bones Kingston 7
EARLY, Rachel Reading 7
EATON aka Beddingfield, Martha Trial place unknown, married First Fleeter Edward Jones. Their son John married Elizabeth Stubbs, daughter of Third Fleeters. London 7
ECCLES, Thomas Guildford Life
EDMUNDS, William Monmouth 7
EDWARDS, William Westminster 7
EGGLESTON, George Maidstone 7
ELLAM, Peter Ormskirk 7
ELLIOT, William aka Edward Croydon 7
ELLIOT aka TRIMBY, Joseph Bristol 7
ELAM aka ELLAM, ELIAS, Deborah Chester 7
ENGLISH, Nicholas London 7
EVANS, Williams Shrewsbury 7
EVANS, Elizabeth London 7
EVERETT, John : died 9 April 1787 Hertford 7
EVERINGHAM, Matthew, [47] London 7
FARRELL, Phillip London 7
FARLEY, William Bristol 7
FARMER, Ann London 7
FENTUM, Benjamin London 7
FERGUSON, John Exeter 7
FIELD, William Winchester 7
FILLESEY, Thomas Bristol 7
FINLOW, John, alias Hervey London 7
FIELD, Jane London 7
FITZGERALD, Jane, alias Phillips Bristol 7
FITZGERALD, Elizabeth London 7
FLARTY, Phebe London 7
FLYNN, Edward London 7
FORBES, Ann,[48],[49] Kingston 7
FORRESTER, Robert, [50],[51] London 7
FOYLE, William New Sarum 7
FOWKES, Francis London 7
FOWLES, Ann London 7
FOWNES, Margaret Shrewsbury 7
FRANCIS, William Croydon 7
FRANCISCO, George London 7
FRASER, William Manchester 7
FRASER aka REDCHESTER, Ellen Manchester 7
FREEMAN, James Hertford 7
FREEMAN, Robert London 7
FRY, George Exeter 7
FRYER aka PRIOR, Catherine Exeter 7
FULLER, John Maidstone 7
GABEL, Mary Southwark 7
GARDNER, Francis London 7
GARLAND, Francis Exeter 7
GARTH, Edward London 7
GARTH, Susannah, alias Grath London 7
GASCOYGNE, Olive Worcester 7
GEARING, Thomas Died at sea 3 June 1787 Oxford Life
GESS aka GUEST, George Gloucester 7
GEORGE, Anne London 7
GLENTON, Thomas Northallerton 7
GLOSTER, William London 7
GOODWIN, Edward London 7
GOODWIN,Andrew London 7
GORDON, Daniel Winchester 7
GOULD, John Exeter 7
GRAY, Charles aka Patrick Southwark 7
GRIFFITHS, Samuel, alias Briscow, alias Butcher Gloucester 7
GREENWELL, Nicholas : Pardoned and released from the Alexander 12 May 1787 London 7
GREEN, John : died 8 May 1787 Abingdon 7
GRIFFITHS, Thomas London 7
GRANGER, Charles Plymouth 7
GRACE, James London 7
GREEN, Hannah London 7
GROVES, Mary Lincoln 7
GREEN, Mary London 7
GREEN aka COWLEY, Ann had children with William Cropton Sever, and Dennis Considen, and married third fleet convict William Blady/Bladdy. Has descendents. London 7
GREENWOOD, Mary London 7
GUNTER aka GUNTER, William Bristol 7
HANDFORD, William Winchester 7
HATCHER, John Winchester 7
HATFIELD, William Maidstone 7
HAWKES, Richard Reading 7
HARRIS, William Maidstone 7
HATCH, John : died 17 April 1787 Reading 7
HARTLEY, John : died 5 August 1787 Oxford 7
HART, John : died 6 May 1787 Stafford 7
HAINES, Joseph Gloucester 14
HATHAWAY, Henry Gloucester 7
HAYES, Dennis London 7
HALL, Samuel : he is in Cobley, ship Alexander HO 11/1 but he did not come in the First Fleet -see Gillen p.414 : He was to be transported on the Alexander but then he was offered a full pardon on the proviso that he serve in the navy, which he accepted.TO REMOVE.[52] London 7
HARBINE aka HARBEN, Joseph London 7
HARPER, Joshua London 7
HAYTON aka CLAYTON, KAYTON , George He was referred to George Kayton in his trial, and known as George Clayton in the colony; however in the transportation records, he was referred to as George 'Hayton'. London 7
HARRISON, Joseph London 7
HART, John London 7
HARRIS, John London Life
HAYES, John Guildford 7
HATTON, Joseph York 7
HARRISON, Joseph Kingston 7
HAMLIN, William Exeter 7
HALL, Joseph Exeter Life
HALL, John Exeter 7
HADON aka HAYDON, John Exeter 7
HARES aka AYRES, EYRES, HAYES, William : married convict Mary Potton and returned to England about 1791 after time served. (Mercury Mutineer). Winchester 7
HANDY aka HENLEY, HANDLEY, Cooper Salisbury 7
HAYNES aka HAINES, William London 7
HERVEY, Elizabeth Bury 14
HALL, Margaret London 7
HART, Frances London 14
HARRISON, Mary Lincoln 7
HEADING, James Chelmsford Life
HEADINGTON, Thomas Abingdon 7
HERBERT, John London 7
HART, Catherine London 7
HERBERT , John Exeter 7
HANDLAND, Dorothy, alias Gray London 7
HALL aka HAMMOND, Sarah London 7
HAMILTON, Maria London 7
HARRISON, Mary London 7
HARWOOD, Ester, alias Howard London 7
HAYWARD, Elizabeth London 7
HALL, Elizabeth Newcastle 7
HERBERT, Jane, alias Rose, alias Jenny Russell London 7
HENRY, Catherine London 7
HILL, John Maidstone Life
HINDLE aka INGLE, Otawel aka Otaway, Ottiwell Preston 7
HILL, John London 7
HILL, Thomas London 7
HILT, William Exeter Life
HILL, Thomas Dorchester 7
HIPSLEY aka HIPPESLEY, Eliabeth London 7
HILL, Mary London 7
HOLLISTER, Job Bristol 7
HAWELL aka HOWELL, Thomas Stafford 7
HOLMES, William London 7
HOLLOWAY, James London 7
HOGG, William London 14
HOWARD, John London 7
HOWARD Thomas, London 7
HORTOP aka HORTOPP, James Exeter 7
HOLLAND, William Exeter 7
HOLMES, Susannah Thetford 14
HOLLOGIN aka HOLLIGIN, Elizabeth London 7
HUGHES, Hugh had the skills of a wheelwright. His son Hugh Hughes married Elizabeth Ashby and had children. Southwark 7
HUMPHREY, Edward London 7
HUBBARD, William died in Parramatta in 1792 London 7
HUGHES, John Maidstone 7
HUBBARD, William died in 1843 at the Sydney Benevolent Asylum Southwark 7
HUMPHREYS, Henry Exeter 7
HUGHES, Thomas London 7
HUDSON, John London 7
HUSSEY, Samuel Oxford 7
HUGHES, Frances Ann Lancaster 7
HUFFNELL, Susannah Worcester 7
HUMPHRIES, Mary London 14
HURLEY, Jeremiah Exeter 7
HYLIDS, Thomas Guildford 7
INETT, Ann Worcester 7
INGRAM aka INGRAHAM, Benjamin London 7
IRVINE, John, alias Anderson, alias Law, surgeon Lincoln 7
JACKSON, William : died 3 May 1787 Durham 7
JACOBS, David London 7
JACOBS, John London 7
JACKSON, Hannah Bristol 7
JAGET aka PAGET, Joseph Exeter 7
JAMESON aka JEMMISON, JAMISON , James aka John Maidstone 7
JACKSON, Jane, alias Esther Roberts London 7
JACKSON, Mary London 7
JEFFRIES, Robert : Died 13 May 1787 Devizes 7
JEFFERIES, John Maidstone 7
JENKINS, Robert, alias George Brown Maidstone 7
JEPP, John London 7
JENKINS, William Exeter 7
JONES, Francis Winchester 7
JONES, Thomas Warwick 7
JOHNSON, Charles : died 31 May 1787 Manchester 7
JONES, Edward married First Fleeter Martha Eaton, died at Benevolent Asylum 1842. Their son John married Elizabeth Stubbs, daughter of Third Fleeters. London 7
JOSEPHS, Thomas London 7
JOHNSON, William Kingston 7
JOHNS, Stephen Launceston 7
JONES, Margaret Salisbury 14
JOHNSON, Edward Dorcester 7
JONES, John Exeter 14
JONES, William Shewsbury 7
JONES, Richard Shewsbury 7
JONES, Thomas Bristol 14
JOHNSON, Catherine London 7
JOHNSON, Mary aka Sarah Hughes London 7
KELLY, Thomas Pontefract 7
KELLAN, John, alias Herbert Keeling London Life
KENNEDY, Martha Kingston 7
KIDNEY aka KIDDER, Thomas Bristol 7
KILBY, William Abingdon 7
KING, John London 7
KILLPACK, David : London 7 then London life (Swift mutineer) London Life
KIMBERLEY, Edward Coventry 7
KNOWLER aka NOWLAND, John Maidstone 7
LANKEY, David London 7
LANE aka LYNE, Richard Winchester 7
LAWRELL, John Bodmin 7
LANE, William Chelmsford 7
LAMBETH, John Bristol 7
LAVELL aka LOVELL, Henry London Life
LARA aka LARAH, Flora aka Laura London 7
LAYCOCK aka HAYCOCK, HAYLOCK, Caroline aka Carolina London 7
LANGLEY, Jane London 7
LAWRENCE, Mary, wife of John Lawrence London 7
LEMON, Isaac : died 11 March 1787 Chelmsford 7
LEVY, Joseph London 7
LEARY, John Winchester 7
LEGG aka LEASE, George Dorchester 7
LEARY, Jeremiah Bristol 14
LEGROVE aka LE GROVE, Stephen London 7
LEE, Elizabeth London 7
LEWIS, Sophia London 7
LEONARD aka LEONELL, Elizabeth London 7
LEVY, Amelia Southwark 7
LISK, George London 7
LIMEBURNER, John New Sarum 7
LIMPUS, Thomas Exeter Life
LIGHTFOOT, Samuel Exeter 7
LONGSTREET, Joseph : died 19 July 1787 Marlborough 7
LONG, Joseph Gloucester 14
LOCKLEY, John London 7
LOVE, Mary Maidstone 7
LOCK, Elizabeth Gloucester 7
LUCAS, Nathaniel London 7
LYNCH, Humphry New Sarum 7
LYNCH, Ann Bristol 14
LYDE aka LLOYD, LOYD, John London 7
MAY, Richard New Sarun 7
MARTIN, Stephen Bristol 7
MANSFIELD, John Chelmsford 7
M'LEAN, Francis Guildford 7
M'LEAN, Thomas Guildford 7
MATON aka MATSON, Thomas Maidstone 7
M'DONNAUGH, James Maidstone 7
MARINER, William Oxford 7
MARROTT, John Gloucester 7
MACINTIRE, John Durham 7
MARTIN John London 7
M'DONALD, Alexander London 7
MARNEY aka MARRINER, William London 7
MARSHALL, Joseph London 14
M'LEAN, Edward Maidstone 7
MARTIN, Abraham New Sarum 7
MARTIN, Thomas Exeter 7
MARTYN aka MARTIN, James "Memorandoms" written by James Martin is the only extant first-hand account of the escape with the Bryants in 1791. It is the earliest Australian convict narrative Exeter 7
McCORMICK, Sarah Manchester 7
McCORMACK, Mary Liverpool 7
MASON, Betty Gloucester 14
McGRAH aka MCGRATH, Redman aka Redmund, Redmond London 7
McDEED aka MCDALE, MCDEED, DADE, DEANE, Richard London 7
McNAMAR aka MCNAMARA, William London 7
MACKIE aka MACKEY, James London 7
MARRIOTT, Jane London 7
MATHER, Ann London 7
MATHER aka MARTIN, Mary London 7
MASON, Susannah, alias Gibbs London 7
McCABE, Eleanor London 7
MARSHALL, Mary London Life
MARSHALL, Mary London 7
MARTIN, Ann Southwark 7
MEYNELL, John, alias William RADFORD Nottingham 7
MESSIAH aka MASSIAS, Jacob London 7
MEECH, Jane, wife of William Meech Exeter 7
MILTON, Charles Maidstone 7
MIDGLEY, Samuel Lancaster 7
MIDDLETON, Richard London 7
MITCHELL, Nathaniel Dorchester 7
MILLS aka MILLS, HILL, Matthew aka JOHN Oxford 7
MITCHELL, Mary Kingston 7
MORRIS, Peter Bristol 7
MOWBRAY, John : died 24 December 1787 Lincoln 7
MORGAN, Richard Gloucester 7
MORRISBY, James London 7
MOORE, William London 7
MORLEY, John NOT IN GILLEN OR FFFV. Cobley has alias Shore, so he is the same as John Shore – TO REMOVE London 7
MORAN aka MOORIN, John London 7
MORGAN, Robert London 7
MOBBS, Samuel London 7
MORGAN, William London 7
MOULD, William Guildford 7
MOLLANDS, John Launceston 7
MOYLE aka MILES, Edward Launceston 7
MOOD aka MILLER, Charles Maidstone 7
MORTIMORE, Noah Exeter 7
MORLEY, Joseph Winchester 7
MORTON, Mary London 7
MUNROE, John, alias NURSE London 7
MULLIS, Stephen Exeter 7
MURPHY, James Exeter, Devon 7
MURPHY, William Liverpool 7
MUNRO,Lydia Kingston 14
MULLENS, Hannah London Life
NEWLAND aka NOWLAND, John London 7
NETTLETON, Robert Kingston upon Hull 7
NEAL, John London 7
NEAL, James Bristol 7
NEEDHAM, Elizabeth London 7
NICHOLLS, John, [53] London 7
NORTON, Phebe married first fleeter William Parish and they had 3 children London 7
NUNN, Robert London 7
O'CRAFT, John Exeter 7
OGDEN, James Manchester 7
OKEY, William Gloucester 7
OLDFIELD, Thomas Manchester 7
OLDFIELD, Isabella Manchester 7
OPLEY, Peter Maidstone 7
ORFORD, Thomas London 7
OSBORNE, Thomas London 7
OSBORNE, Elizabeth, alias Jones London 7
OWLES, John Croydon 7
OWEN, John London 7
OWEN, Joseph Shewsbury 14
PAGE, Paul Lincoln 7
PANE aka PARE, William Nottingham 7
PARRY, Edward : died 8 March 1787 Stafford 7
PARR, William Liverpool 7
PALMER, John Henry : died 12 January 1788 London Life
PARKER, John London 7
PARISH, William married first fleeter Phebe Norton and they had 3 children London 7
PARTRIDGE, Richard London Life
PARRIS, Peter Exeter 7
PARKINSON, Jane, alias Partington, alias Ann Marsden : died November 1787 Manchester 7
PARKER, Elizabeth Gloucester 7
PARSLEY, Ann London 7
PARKER, Mary London 7
PARTRIDGE, Sarah, alias Roberts London 7
PARRY, Sarah London Life
PERROT, Edward Bearcroft Bristol 7
PETRIE, John London 7
PEYTON, Samuel London 7
PERCIVAL, Richard London 7
PETTITT, John London 7
PEAULET, James London 7
PEAT, Charles London Life
PECK, Joshua Exeter 7
PERKINS, Edward Plymouth 7
PETHERICK, John Plymouth 7
PENNY, John London 7
PHILLIMORE, William aka Richard London 7
PHILLIPS, Richard London 7
PHILLIPS, Mary Taunton 7
PHYFIELD, Roger, alias Twyfield married Letitia, daughter of William Cropton Sever and Ann Green Shrewsbury 7
PHYN aka FINN, Mary London 7
PICKETT aka PIGOTT, Samuel Exeter 7
PINDER, Mary Lincoln 7
PIPKIN, Elizabeth London 7
PILES, Mary London 7
POPE, David Southwark 7
POWER, John London 7
PONTIE, John London Life
POOLE, Jane[54] Wells 7
POWER aka POOR, POORE, William Dorchester 7
POWLEY aka PULLEY, POOLEY, Elizabeth Thetford 7
POWELL, Ann London 7
PRICE, John Southwark 7
PRIOR, Thomas Reading 7
PRICE, James Gloucester 7
PRITCHARD, Thomas London 7
PUGH, Edward Gloucester 7
RANDALL, John Manchester 7
REYMOND, George London 7
RAMSEY, John aka RAMSAY Kingston 7
REPEAT, Charles Warwick 7
READ, William Croydon 7
REARDON, Bartholomew Winchester 7
READ, Ann London Life
RICHARDS, James East Grinstead 7
RICHARDSON, James Maidstone 7
RISBY, Edward Gloucester 7
RICHARDSON, William London 7
RICHARDSON, Hardwicke London 7
RICHARDSON, John London 7
RICHARDS, David London 7
RICHARDSON, Samuel London 7
RICKSON, William Chelmsford 7
RICHARDS, John, alias Williams Winchester 7
RICHARDS, James Launceston 7
RICE, John Exeter 7
ROPE, Anthony Chelmsford 7
ROGERS, Daniel Croydon 7
ROBINSON, George Lincoln 7
ROGERS, Isaac : died 22 July 1787 Gloucester 14
ROBINSON, Joseph Kingston upon Hull 7
ROBERTS, John Liverpool 7
ROBINSON, George London 7
ROMAIN aka ROMAINE, John London 7
ROWE, John Launceston 7
ROWE, William Launceston 7
ROBERTS, William Bodmin 7
ROBINSON, William Exeter 7
ROACH, Henry Exeter 7
ROBINS, John, alias Major Exeter 7
ROUS, Walton, alias BATLEY London 7
ROLT, Mary London 7
ROSSON, Isabella London 7
RUSSELL, John London 7
RUGLASS, John London Life
RUSSLER aka RUFFLER, John London Life
RUSE aks RUCE, James Bodmin 7
RUTH, Robert Exeter 7
RYAN aka BRYANT, John London 7
SALTMARSH, William Kingston 7
SANDERSON aka SAUNDERSON, Thomas Lincoln 7
SANDS, William : died 17 February 1787 Lincoln 7
SAMPSON, Peter London 7
SANDLIN, Ann, alias Lynes, alias Pattens London 7
SCATTERGOOD, Robert : died 6 May 1787 Stafford 7
SCOTT, Elizabeth London 7
SELSHIRE, Samuel London 7
SEYMOUR, John Sherborne 7
SHEARMAN aka SHERMAN, William Reading 7
SHAW, Joseph Stafford 7
SHEPHERD, Robert Durham 7
SHARPE aka SHARP, George : died 24 September 1787 Durham 7
SHORE, William Lancaster 7
SHORE aka MOSELEY, John London Life
SHEERS, James London Life
SILVERTHORN, John New Sarum 7
SIDEWAY aka SIDAWAY, Robert London Life
SLATER, Sarah London 7
SMALL, John Exeter 7
SMART, Richard : died 24 May 1787 Gloucester 7
SMART, Daniel Gloucester 7
SMITH, Thomas : died 4 July 1787 Lancaster 7
SMITH, William Oxford 14
SMITH, Edward, aka BECKFORD London 7
SMITH, William London 7
SMITH, Thomas, alias Haynes, Haines London 7
SMITH, James London 7
SMITH, John Guildford 7
SMITH, William Bodmin 7
SMITH, Ann, wife of John Smith Winchester 7
SMITH, Hannah Winchester 7
SMITH, William Dorchester 7
SMITH, Edward Exeter 7
SMITH, John Exeter 7
SMITH, Ann London 7
SMITH, Catherine transported on Prince of Wales London 7
SMITH, Ann London 7
SMITH, Catherine transported on Lady Penrhyn London 7
SMITH, Mary London 7
SNALEHAM aka SNAILHAM, William London 7
SPARKS aka SPARKES, Henry aka Thomas Exeter Life
SPENCER, Daniel Dorchester 14
SPENCER aka SPENCE, John, alias Pearce London 7
SPENCE aka SPENCER, Mary Wigan 5
SPRIGMORE, Charlotte London 7
SPRINGHAM, Mary London 7
SQUIRES, James[55] Kingston 7
STANLEY, William New Sarum 7
STRONG, James Dorchester 7
STOW, James Lincoln 7
STONE, Martin : died 17 February 1787 Warwick 7
STOKEE aka STOKOE, John Durham 7
STONE, Charles London 7
STONE aka HORNE, Henry London 7
STOGDELL, John London 14
STUART aka STEWART, James London 7
STANTON, Thomas, alias Ebden Launceston 7
STEPHENS aka MORRIS, John Dorchester 7
STEWART, Margaret Exeter 7
STRECH aka STRETCH, Thomas Shrewsbury 7
SUMMERS, John Gloucester 7
TAYLOR, Joshua Manchester 7
TAYLOR, Henry London 7
TAYLOR, Sarah Kingston 7
TENANT/TENNANT, Thomas Hilton, alias Phillip DIVINE/DEVINE lived with Ann Doyle, a convict who had arrived on Lady Juliana. They had four children Chelmsford 7
TEAGUE, Cornelius Bodmin 7
TENCHALL aka TENHEL, TENNINGHILL, TINNY, James, alias James DANIEL, Thomas HILL London 7
THACKERY, Elizabeth Claimed to be 'the first white woman to set foot in Australia', at her death in 1856, she was probably the last survivor of the First Fleet.[56] Manchester 7
THOMPSON, William Durham 7
THOMAS, James London 7
THOMPSON, James London 7
THOMAS, James London 7
THOMAS, John London 7
THOMPSON, William London 7
THOUDY aka THODIE, IVES, James London 7
THOMAS, Elizabeth Home Office records incorrectly have her trial place as Wigan. Preston 7
THORNTON, Ann London 7
TILLEY, Thomas Stafford 7
TILL, Thomas London 7
TODD, Nicholas London 7
TROTTER, Joseph Maidstone 7
TRACE, John Exeter 7
TRIPPETT, Susannah London 7
TUCKER, Moses Plymouth 7
TUNMINS aka TIMMINS, Thomas Warwick 7
TURNER, John Maidstone 7
TURNER, Ralph : died 24 March 1787 Manchester 7
TURNER, Thomas Oxford 7
TURNER, John York 7
TURNER, Mary alias Mary Wilks Worcester 7
TUSO, Joseph London Life
TWYFIELD, Ann : PRO HO 10/7: "since said to be married to William Dawley, a convict" Shrewsbury 7
TWYNEHAM aka TWINEHAM, TWYMAN, William : died 13 March 1787 Reading 7
TYRRELL, William Winchester 7
VANDELL aka VARNDELL, Edward East Grinstead 7
VICKERY, William Exeter 7
VINCENT, Henry London 7
UNDERWOOD, James New Sarum 14
USHER, John Maidstone 7
WADDICOMB aka WIDDICOMBE, Richard Exeter 7
WADE, Mary, alias COCKLANE, COCKRAN London 14
WAGER, Benjamin London 7
WAINWRIGHT, Ellen, alias Esther Eccles Preston 7
WALL, William Oxford 7
WARD, Ann London 7
WARD, John : died 29 June 1787 Louth 7
WARE, Charlotte London 7
WALSH, William London 7
WALKER, John London 7
WALBOURNE, James London 7
WATERHOUSE, William Kingston 7
WATKINS, Mary Cowbridge 7
WATSAN aka WATSON, John Maidstone 7
WATSON, Thomas Exeter 7
WELCH aka WELSH, James Maidstone 7
WELCH, John Durham 7
WEST, George (wrongly listed by the contractor as Benjamin) died 13 January 1788 London 7
WESTWOOD, John London 7
WELCH aka WELCH, WALSH, John Coen London Life
WELSH, John London 7
WESTLAKE, Edward Exeter 7
WHEELER, Samuel Croydon 7
WHITAKER, George Maidstone 7
WHITE, James Maidstone 7
WHITING, William Gloucester 7
WHITTON, Edward Maidstone Life
WICKHAM, Mary New Sarum 14
WILCOCKS, Samuel Dorcester 7
WILCOCKS, Richard Exeter 7
WILDING, John, alias Warren TO REMOVE He died on hulk 26 March, however there is a link to his profile which has death in May on Scarborough! TO CHECK (checked FFFV and FFFN) Bury 7
WILLIAMS, Charles London 7
WILLIAMS, James alias Black Jemmy London 7
John Williams (1769-1830)alias Black Jack Maidstone 7
WILLIAMS, Robert Launceston 7
WILLIAMS, John, alias Floyd Bodmin 7
WILLIAMS, Peter, alias Flaggett, alias Creamer : Tried London 7 then Exeter 7 (Mercury mutineer) Exeter 7
WILLIAMS, John Exeter 7
WILLIAMS, Frances Mold 7
WILLIAMS, Mary London 7
WILTON, William : died 28 March 1787 Bristol 7
WILSON, Charles London Life
WILSON, Peter Manchester 7
WILSON, John (he is in PRO HO 10/7 but not in 1969 list) Wigan 7
WILSON, Mary (not in PRO HO 10/7) London 7
WISEHAMMER, John Bristol 7
WOOD, George London 7
WOOD, Mark London 7
WOODCOCK, Peter London 7
WOODCOCK, Francis Shrewsbury 7
WOODHAM, Samuel London Life
WOOLCOT aka WOOLCOTT, John Exeter Life
WORSDELL, William Launceston 7
WRIGHT, Thomas Reading 7
WRIGHT, Benjamin London 7
WRIGHT, Joseph London 7
WRIGHT, William London 7
WRIGHT, James Maidstone 7
WRIGHT, Ann : died 4 April 1787 London 7
YARDSLEY aka YARSLEY, Thomas Shrewsbury 7
YATES aka YEATS, Nancy York 7
YOUNG, John London 7
YOUNG, Simon, [57] London 7
YOUNGSON, Elizabeth, [58] Lancaster 7
YOUNGSON, George, [59] Lancaster 7

Profiles under category but not listed above

Rosanna (Abrahams) Stewart (1787-1837) travelled as a baby in the First Fleet with her mother Esther Abrahams
William Ayres (abt.1762-) see William Hares above

Marines - not listed above

Marine Alexander McDonald
Marine William Standley
Marine Thomas Chipp
Marine Elias Bishop
Marine William Baker
Marine Samuel King
Marines Richard Asky, James Baker, James Brown, Richard Dukes, Luke Haynes, Thomas Jones were executed on 27 March 1789 for the crime of theft. Joseph Hunt was pardoned for the same crime.
Marine sergeant Isaac Knight returned to NSW, has descendants
Marine Michael Murphy (1758-1823) settled in NSW, has descendants
Marine Stephen Gilbert (-1799) settled in NSW, has descendants


  1. Cobley, John. Sydney Cove. First published: London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962 (v. 1.)
  2. Wikipedia entry on Augustus Alt, [1]
  3. Thomas Arndell, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [2]
  4. Henry Lidgbird Ball, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [3]
  5. William Balmain, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [4]
  6. William Bradley, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [5]
  7. Henry Brewer, Dictionary of Australian Artists Online, [6]
  8. Ralph Clark, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [7]
  9. David Collins, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [8]
  10. Dennis Considen, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [9]
  11. William Dawes, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [10]
  12. William Dawes, Wikipedia entry, [11]
  13. John Easty, Wikipedia entry, [12]
  14. James Furzer, People Australia,[13]
  15. Henry Hacking, article on Rootsweb, [14]
  16. Peter Hibbs, External web site link, [15]
  17. John Hunter, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [16]
  18. John Hunter, Wikipedia entry, [17]
  19. Thomas Jamison, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [18]
  20. Thomas Jamison, Wikipedia entry, [19]
  21. Richard Johnson, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [20]
  22. George Johnston, Australian Dictionary of Biography[21]
  23. Philip King, Wikipedia entry, [22]
  24. 'Lee, James ', People Australia, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, [23]
  25. John Long, Fellowship of First Fleeters,[24]
  26. THOMAS LUCAS, NSW Fellowship of First Fleeters Website, [25]
  27. FIRST FLEET FELLOWSHIP VICTORIA INC Website, THOMAS LUCAS : ZACHARY CLARK, June 10, 2014 by Cheryl Timbury [26]
  28. FIRST FLEET FELLOWSHIP VICTORIA INC Website, Marines, June 8, 2012 by Cheryl Timbury [27]
  29. Frederick Meredith, External family tree web link, [28]
  30. Andrew Miller, Australian Dictionary of Biography,[29]
  31. They came from many lands, Blacks, First Fleet Fellowship [30]
  32. Arthur Phillip, Wikipedia entry, [31]
  33. George Raper, Wikipedia entry, [32]
  34. Robert Ross, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [33]
  35. John Shortland, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [34]
  36. "James Smith, eccentric tourist on Australia's First Fleet: a tentative identification" by Ged Martin, [35]
  37. Arthur Smyth, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [36]
  38. Watkin Tench, Wikipedia entry, [37]
  39. William Tunks, Official Tunks Descendants Association Website, [38]
  40. John White, Australian Dictionary of Biography, [39]
  41. George Worgan, Wikipedia entry, [40]
  42. Robert Abel, London Lives website article, [41]
  43. Esther Abrams, Wikipedia entry, [42]
  44. George Bannister, First Fleet online, external web site [43]
  45. Henry Kable, Wikipedia article, [44]
  46. Australian Royalty webpage on William Dring [45]
  47. Wikipedia entry on Matthew Everingham [46]
  48. Ann Forbes external web site [47]
  49. Ann Forbes Bulletin board [48]
  50. Robert Forrester, Biography by Louise Wilson, external web site [49]
  51. Potts family tree web site [50]
  52. University of Wollongong database[51]
  53. John Nichols, Rootsweb entry, external web site [52]
  54. Jane McManus Biography, St John's Cemetery Parramatta Project [53]
  55. James Squire, Wikipedia entry, [54]
  56. Wikipedia entry of Elizabeth Thackery [55]
  57. Simon Young, First Fleet Online, [56]
  58. Elizabeth Youngson, Convict Stockade Wikisite reference, [57]
  59. George Youngson, Convict Stockade Wikisite reference, [58]

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Comments: 17

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Slight question of grammar, in regards to the line listing "two men-o-war ships", should it be "two man-o-war ships" as the word ships takes the plural or is it correct as is?

In my mind if it only said "two men-o-war" it would be correct but as it is written each ship is a man-o-war and "ships" indicates there are several individual ships each one a man-o-war. Sorry for being pedantic. :/

posted by Corey Bissell
Hi Corey. The plural of man-of-war is men-of-war.
posted by [Living Ford]
Cheers, while thats correct when used without the word ships at the end, I'm not certain in the current context as using a double noun "ship" and "man-o-war" complicates the grammar. Usually in the case that two nouns are combined only one gets pluralised i.e. men-o-war ships is two plural nouns. Think car keys, even if you're referring to keys for multiple cars it remains car keys despite there being multiple cars.

Like I said, in my mind this makes it either "men-o-wars" without ships after it or "man-o-war ships". Trouble is there is no plural usage examples in the dictionaries I've searched.

posted by Corey Bissell
edited by Corey Bissell
Ok so from what I can find with regards to double or compound nouns as in this case the second noun takes the plural i.e. in this case it should be "man-o-war ships"

"With compound nouns made of [noun + noun] the second noun takes an -s for plural. The first noun acts like an adjective and as you know, adjectives in English are invariable."

posted by Corey Bissell
The only problem Grammarly found was men-o-war should be men-of-war. However, in the interests of reducing stress, I have amended it to 'two war ships'.
posted by [Living Ford]
Anthony Rope was on the first fleet, as was his wife Elizabeth. See: "The Australian Genealogist" October 1936, vol.II, part 5, p.21, "Some Pedigrees from the NSW Census for 1828", where "Anthony Rope, of Evan [near Penrith], farmer, aged 65 years, who came on the ship 'Alexander 1788'". is listed with his wife and four of their eight children.
posted by Gregory Lauder-Frost
Hi Gregory

Anthony Rope is listed, but is out of order. Elizabeth is listed under "Powley".

posted by Heather Stevens
Elizabeth Pulley was a female convict who left England in the First Fleet aboard the "Friendship" but was transferred at Cape Town to the "Prince of Wales" arriving in New South Wales on 26th January 1788. Her name appears in the lists as Pulley (in one as Pully).

Anthony and Elizabeth had a son Robert who was said to be the first European child to be born in Australia, see: "The Australian Genealogist" vol.ii, part 3, July 1936; and "The Pioneers of Sydney Cove" by Herbert John Rumsey, 1936, p.87. The first publication quotes Robert's birth date as 5th September 1788 whilst the second states 5th November 1788. Burial entry suggests September.

This family are well-recorded.

posted by Gregory Lauder-Frost
A report in The Age of Scott Morrison in search of his Cornish forebears. Apparently he is descended from this man - ROBERTS, William Bodmin 7 - no profile yet

“ On the last day of the G7 in Carbis Bay, Morrison spoke to world leaders about climate change and rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific before the summit wrapped up around lunchtime. He was then driven under police escort to St Keverne, where his fifth great-grandfather, William Roberts, was born. Roberts was sent to Australia as part of the First Fleet for stealing five-and-a-half pounds of yarn in 1786. Morrison met Karen Richards from the St-Keverne Local History Society, who had been commissioned to research the Prime Minister’s family history and locate graves of relatives. Richards said Morrison had made it known weeks earlier that he wanted to find the graves of his sixth-great grandparents John and Jane Roberts. Their headstones could not be found, so the Prime Minister instead laid fresh flowers at the grave of a more distant relative. Morrison also visited the church where his ancestors were married and inspected the font where they were baptised. He wrote in the visitor book: “It has been wonderful to return ‘home’ in memory of William Roberts.”“ From Scott Morrison’s secret G7 side trip to explore his family history Bevan Shields By Bevan Shields June 21, 2021 — 5.16am

The image of the 'Supply' is here twice! Maybe someone could remove one of them?
posted by Heather Stevens
Removed one of the pictures


Loved your reply Doug, thanks. Only an expert waffler would have thought to remind me of the obvious. I still want to know if WikiTree has a platform where members talk about ancestors. I need a break through! Frederick Meredith’s life is well documented from the time in 1787 when he set foot on the Scarborough of the First Fleet bound for the new colony which became Australia but his earlier life is a mystery. Nan Bosler, [email address removed]
posted by Nancy (Murray) Bosler
[Comment Deleted]
posted by Heather Stevens
deleted by Heather Stevens
I can only say "Poor Barbara!" As you ask, who is she? The only reason I can think of for not recognizing Molly's group, is that their info is second-hand, what a lawyer calls "hearsay evidence." Strictly, Lesley Uebel's database is no different. It is a "source" until you find something better.
posted by Doug Laidlaw
I am a direct descendant from Frederick Meredith. How do I link with others who are also descended from Frederick Meredith. [email address removed]
posted by Nancy (Murray) Bosler
I forgot. This is a women's site, and I need to waffle. "You need a common ancestor" wasn't waffly enough.
posted by Doug Laidlaw