Location: [unknown]
In The Name of God amen the 16th day of February 1752
I John Flint of Wirksworth in the County of Derby being weak of body but of sound and perfect minde and memory For the which I Bless God Do Make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament in Manner & Forme Following that is to say
First and principally I Commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hopeing in and thro Jesus Christ to have a Ful & Free pardon For all my sins and Justification to Eternal Life and my body to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching such temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to Bless me with in the Life I Give Devise and Dispose of as Follows
First I will that all my just Debts and Funeral Expences be paid and Discharged
Item I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Grace Flint & my son Luke Flint at my Deseace all my Real and personal Estate During the term of my Wifes Life
excepting that House and Garden where my son William Flint Doath now inhabit & Dwell it being and Lying on Greenhill in Wirksworth which said house & Garden I Give unto my said son William Flint For and dureing the term of his natural Life and at his Death I Give and bequeath the aforesaid House & Garden to my Grandson William the son of William Flint and to his heires Forever
Also I Give & bequeath unto my son Matthew Flint at the Decease of my said Wife those two houses & two Gardens Which I purchased of Richard Brough Lying and being on Greenhill and to Enjoy the same Dureing the term of his natural Life and then after his Decease I Give & bequeath the Larger House & Garden unto my Grandson Joseph the son of Joseph Beardsley and the other house and Garden I Give unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Beardsley at the Dcease of my son Matthew Flint
Also I Give and bequeath unto my son Luke Flint at the Decease of my said Wife All that Houseing & Gardens Which I purchased of Esqr Rozel For and Dureing the term of his natural Life and at my son Lukes Decease I Give the said House where I now inhabit & Dwell unto my Grandson John the son of Joseph Beardsley
Also I Give & Bequeath unto my Grandson John Beardsley my House & Land lying and being near the Middle Miln at the Decease of my said Wife he paying the sum of thirty three pound to the persons hereafter named that is to say
three pounds to my son William Flint and ten pound to William and Rebecca the son & Daughter of my son Will Flint and twenty pound more to the Four Children of Joseph Beardsley that is to say five pound to Joseph Five pound to Sarah Five pound to Hannah and Five pound to Ann and to be paid at the end of Six months after he shall enjoy the said House and Land
Item I Give unto my Daughter Sarah at the Decease of my said Wife one Chest of Drawers & my Large Looking Glass
Also I Give unto my son Luke Flint all my part of parts of mine or mines and to have them at my Decease also I Give unto my son Luke all the Rest of my Househoold Goods at the Decease of my said Wife he paying the sum of two pound to my son Willia: Flint
Lastly I Do Nominate and appoint my Grandson John Beardsley Ful and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and testament and I Do hereby Revoke Disanul and make void all and every Former Will and testament by me at any time heretofore made
in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Day and year above written
John his X mark Flint
Signd Seald published and Declard as the Last Will and testament of the above named John Flint in the presence of us as Witnessess
Silvanus Griffin, Edward Griffin, William Higton
Derby 14 April 1752
Let a probat of this Will be granted to John Beardsley sole Executor named therein
The said Executor as duly sworn before me
Thos White Sur
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry viewed on Find My Past: "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860"
FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 14 January 2024)
John Flints probate in 1752. Residence Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England.
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