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Football Administrators, Agents, Broadcasters, Referees etc

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Index page for people who made a career out of football but are primarily not known as players or managers (and may not be associated with any particular club).

Who is the Jules Rimet Trophy named after? Who refereed the 1970 European Cup Final? Who created the North American Soccer League? Who was the first super-agent? Who is the Voice of Football?

Perhaps you will find the answers to some of these questions on this page.

People associated with particular clubs (eg chairmen, owners, directors, coaches and staff) should be indexed at Football Clubs.

There will inevitably be Anglo/Euro bias as this page is built up but people from any country can be added by any contributor.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_FIFA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_UEFA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Football_Association https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Soccer_Federation

  • Gerhard Aigner (wiki) former referee and General Secretary of UEFA
  • Charles W. Alcock FA Secretary and FA Cup Final referee
  • Ted Croker (wiki) FA Secretary
  • Arthur Drewry (wiki) FIFA President, FA Chairman
  • Robert Guérin (wiki) FRA 1st FIFA President/founder
  • Alan Hardaker (wiki) Football League Secretary
  • João Havelange (wiki) BRA FIFA President
  • Lennart Johansson (wiki) SVE UEFA Chairman
  • Arthur Kinnaird FA Treasurer and President
  • Peter Middleton Football League Chairman
  • Bert Millichip (wiki) FA Chairman
  • Gordon McKeag President of the Football League
  • Jules Rimet (wiki) FRA FIFA President
  • Stanley Rous FIFA President, FA secretary, international referee
  • Ebbe Schwartz (wiki) DAN UEFA President
  • Lord Westwood SCO President of the Football League 1974

Referees and match officials


World Cup Final Referees and Linesmen (to 1990)

Year Host Country Official (role) Nationality Connected to the tree
Connected or N/C
1930UruguayJohn Langenus (ref)BelgiumN/C
1930UruguayUlises SaucedoBoliviaN/C
1930UruguayHenri ChristopheBelgiumN/C
1934ItalyIvan Eklind (ref)SwedenN/C
1934ItalyLouis BaertBelgiumN/C
1934ItalyMihály IváncsicsHungaryN/C
1938FranceGeorges Capdeville (ref)FranceN/C
1938FranceHans WüthrichSwitzerlandN/C
1938FranceAugustin KristBelgiumN/C
1950BrazilNo single Final
1954SwitzerlandWilliam Ling (ref)EnglandN/C
1954SwitzerlandVincenzo OrlandiniItalyN/C
1954SwitzerlandSandy Griffiths (wiki)WalesN/C
1958SwedenMaurice Guigue (ref)FranceN/C
1958SwedenAlbert DuschWest GermanyN/C
1958SwedenJuan Gardeazábal GaraySpainN/C
1962ChileNikolay Latyshev (ref)Soviet UnionN/C
1962ChileLeo HornNetherlandsN/C
1962ChileBobby Davidson ScotlandN/C
1966EnglandGottfried Dienst (ref) (wiki)SwitzerlandN/C
1966EnglandTofiq Bahramov (wiki)Soviet UnionN/C
1966EnglandKarol GalbaCzechoslovakiaN/C
1970MexicoRudi Glöckner (ref)East GermanyN/C
1970MexicoRudolf ScheurerSwitzerlandN/C
1970MexicoÁngel Coerezza ArgentinaN/C
1974West GermanyJack Taylor (ref) (wiki)EnglandN/C
1974West GermanyAlfonso González Archundía MexicoN/C
1974West GermanyRamón Barreto Ruiz UruguayN/C
1978ArgentinaSergio Gonella (ref)ItalyN/C
1978ArgentinaRamón Barreto RuizUruguayN/C
1978ArgentinaErich LinemayrAustriaN/C
1982SpainArnaldo Cézar Coelho (ref)BrazilN/C
1982SpainAbraham KleinIsraelN/C
1982SpainVojtech ChristovCzechoslovakiaN/C
1986MexicoRomualdo Arppi Filho (ref)BrazilN/C
1986MexicoErik FredrikssonSwedenN/C
1986MexicoBerny Ulloa MoreraCosta RicaN/C
1990ItalyEdgardo Codesal MéndezN/C
1990ItalyArmando Pérez HoyosColombiaN/C
1990ItalyMichał ListkiewiczPolandN/C

Other notable referees


(See also Category: Sports Broadcasters)


  • Eric Hall "monster monster"
  • Mino Raiola (NED/ITA) super-agent

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