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Forest Hill Cemetery, Fredericton, York Co., New Brunswick

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Date: 25 Jan 2019
Location: 325 Forest Hill Rd, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4K4map
Surnames/tags: new_brunswick cemeteries
This page has been accessed 414 times.

This page is part of the New Brunswick Cemeteries Team.

See the Forest Hill Cemetery Category for WikiTree profiles of people buried in this cemetery.

Cemetery Name: Forest Hill Cemetery

Address: 325 Forest Hill Rd, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4K4

Forest Hill Cemetery, located on the south side of Forest Hill Road, is situated upon a hillside about 3 km from the downtown Fredericton area. It is bounded on the north by the Fredericton Bypass (Route 8), on the east by Forest Hill Road and associated exits from the highway and on the west and south by residential areas. A steep driveway leads up from the street.

The heritage value of the Forest Hill Cemetery resides in its non-denominational organization and in its location. During the 1870’s, concern about the possibility of contagious diseases being spread from the Old Burial Ground in the centre of town prompted discussion of a new cemetery. In 1876, prominent citizens from different Protestant sects organized the Fredericton Cemetery Company, later known as the Forest Hill Cemetery Company, to establish a non-denominational burial ground. The first recorded burial took place nearly one year after a suitable site was selected and the property purchased.

The conditions required of a site suitable for burial purposes included close proximity to the centre of town, good drainage and easily worked soil. The land purchased at Hawthorne Hill, later known as Forest Hill, met all requirements set by the Company. The Forest Hill Cemetery, by its situation upon a hill, overlooks the city and the St. John River.

The main front gate is an interesting feature. The former green wooden sign has been replaced with an engraved rock. The cemetery is noteworthy for its variety of tombstone styles, including flat stones, obelisks, crosses, rounded tombstones and monuments.

Source: City of Fredericton, Historic Places File, "325 Forest Hill Road, Forest Hill Cemetery", modified from the entry in Historic Places.

Find A Grave: Memorials at Forest Hill Cemetery can be found online at Find A Grave; currently about 24% (2,424 memorials) of the cemetery have been photographed. Find A Grave Cemetery: #1759114.

BillionGraves: Forest Hill is also on Billion Graves, which indicates that photo coverage is xx%. 115 records are covered, with 54 images.

Notable people buried at Forest Hill Cemetery: Poet Bliss Carman ( 1861-1929), journalist and author Alden Nowlan (1933-1983), New Brunswick Premier Charles Dow Richards (1879-1956) and poet and writer Sir Charles G.D. Roberts (1860-1943).

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Great Information you added here Chris
posted by Darren Kellett
Hi Chris

Have you seen the Page at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:How_to_Create_a_Cemetery_Free_Space_Page and the example template at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Shenleybury_Churchyard%2C_Shenley%2C_Hertfordshire

Are you able to add any information for this cemetery?

Thank You Darren

posted by Darren Kellett