
Creating Inline Citations - a visual guide

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England Project | England Orphaned Profiles Team | England Orphan Trail: Creating Inline Citations - a visual guide

How to add inline citations step by step

Step 1. This image assumes that someone has added an inline source already as an example. Note that if you have sources that already include ref tags, you just go to step 3 and simply paste them after the full stop of your latest fact, much easier!

Step 1.

Step 2. Add a paragraph space after the last ref tag by hitting Return or Enter twice. Add the sentence for the next fact that you have a source for marriage, burial, etc.

Step 2.

Step 3. Select the source that you already have below the sources heading (excluding the *) and copy.

Step 3.

Step 4. Place your cursor at the end of the line where you want to add the source, then add the reference tags by clicking on the button marked C.

Step 4.

Step 5. Paste your source between the ref tags as shown.

Step 5.

Step 6. Before you've finished, it's important to check that your profile has the Sources heading and references tag under the Biography (and Research Notes section if you have them), otherwise the sources won't show up at all in preview or profile view.

Sources heading and references tag.

What the profile looks like after it's saved.

Saved profile.

Using the same source more than once

When your profile starts getting more complicated, you may want to refer to a source citation more than once, as shown below in Profile view.

Two references to the same source..

To do this you create a reference tag that includes a name as shown below (in Edit view)
The first time you use it, the citation is formatted in the normal way as shown in "How to add inline citations step by step" above, except that the first or opening <ref> tag has a name added to it, in this case "1939 register".
The only spaces inside this tag are before the word name <ref name="1939 register"> , and between any names you give your tag if you use more than one word.
The " are quotation marks and not apostrophes.

Citation highlighted with the altered tag shown darker.

Every following repeat of the reference uses the same tag which is formatted slightly differently, with a space after the name and a / like this <ref name="1939 register" />. There is no need to repeat the whole citation, this tag is all you need.

Each repeated use of the tag looks like this.

How it should look under the Sources heading in Profile view when you've finished.

How it looks in Profile view after saving..

Useful Links

England Project | England Orphaned Profiles Team | England Orphan Trail: Creating Inline Citations - a visual guide


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This is so helpful! I was confused about intext citations. Thank you so much!
posted by Toni Boone
Hopefully, it will all become clearer now! :)
posted by Gill Whitehouse
Thanks for creating this guidance Gill Whitehouse and for allowing us to use it for the Orphan Trail.
posted by Susie (Potter) Officer