
England Orphan Trail: Templates - Stickers, Project boxes and Research note boxes

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What are templates?

You have probably already seen and used templates.
There are three types:

  1. Stickers
  2. Project boxes
  3. Research note boxes

Templates are short codes which you type into the Edit Text box when you are editing a profile. Wikitree translates this into a fixed visual appearance.
The final result may include an image, a coloured background and some text.

A template is composed of one or two words in a pair of {{Curly Brackets}}

The wording within the curly brackets has to be exact to get the sticker to display properly.
The wording is also case sensitive.
If you haven't got the formatting quite right, such as {{This isn't right}}, it will display like this: Template:This isn't right

Let's have a look at the different types


You will be most familiar with the Sticker template type. These produce a small box with an image and some words which tell you something about that person.
You can use stickers on ancestor profiles (for instance indicating where they were born, if they emigrated, what religion they were) and also on your own profile (participation in the Thons, completing the Orphan Trail!)

The template text for a sticker goes below the ==Biography== heading.

Stickers always line up on the right hand side of the profile - there is nothing you can do to change this. Text will wrap round the sticker(s) on the left side of the page.

The most common one used on English profiles is the {{England Sticker}}. This translates into:
Cross of St George
... ... ... was born in England.

With the England Sticker, if you add a | after the words "England Sticker" and then the name of one of the Counties, {{England Sticker|Essex}} you get this:
Flag of Essex (historic flag)
... ... ... was born in Essex, England.

Here is a list of all of the variants of the England Stickers and their county flags

And here is a list of stickers available for England Military Veterans Military and War Stickers: Examples for England Profiles

This page gives you to the complete list of Wikitree approved stickers. It's worth exploring for the types of stickers you may wish to use in future profile development such as for a One-Name or One-Place study. When you have found the code for a sticker you may want to use regularly, it is worth saving it in your Trail Log or on the scratch pad on your profile navigation page.

There should be a maximum of five stickers on a profile. If the profile manager objects to a sticker you have added, you should remove it immediately. You should only be putting stickers on profiles where you have made a significant contribution to the profile development. With your own profile, of course you can do what you want!

Project Boxes

These templates show which Project is managing a profile.

Profiles managed by the England Project have the {{England}} Project Box. This translates into:
English flag
... ... ... is managed by the England Project.
Join: England Project
Discuss: england

Take care not to use {{England}} when you mean to use {{England Sticker}} !

Generally, only Project Leaders add Project Boxes to profiles. If you think that a profile should be managed by a Project, contact the Project Leader(s) to check that they wish to manage that profile. Don't add a Project Box without discussion.

Research Note Boxes

These templates emphasise that work that is being done or needs to be done on a profile. Not only are they are strong visual reminder, but they also create a maintenance category so that England Project teams and Data Doctors can locate and work on them.

The {{Unsourced}} template is one of the most common Research Note Boxes. It translates to this:

This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.

You can also add a county to the Unsourced template to alert that county's team to that specific profile, by inserting a | and then the name of the county, for example {{Unsourced|Cornwall}}.
It doesn't make a difference to wording in the banner, but it does create a maintenance category box [[Category:Unsourced Profiles|Cornwall]] which in this instance the Cornwall team can pick up on.

Another commonly used Research Note Box is the {{Estimated Date}} template. This is for where you don't know the exact date, but you can work out a rough estimate, for example a birth year from age at marriage. You should always put a Research Note saying how you calculated it. It will add a maintenance category, and looks like this:

The Birth Date is a rough estimate. See the text for details.

Here is a full list of the approved Wikitree Research Notes Boxes and how they work. If you find one that you find useful, copy the code to your Trail Log or scratch pad on your profile navigation.

Where do I put the code?

Research Notes Boxes and Project Boxes go immediately above the ==Biography== heading (no blank lines in between), but under any category boxes which may be there. Categories are always right at the top.

Stickers go immediately below the ==Biography== heading

[[Category:Anytown, Anycounty]]
{{England}} managed by the England Project
{{England Sticker}} was born in England

Images: 1
Orphan Trail
Orphan Trail



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