
England Orphan Trail, accessing and using Rootsearch

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England Project | England Orphaned Profiles Team | England Project Orphan Trail One | England Orphan Trail Resources 1838-1957 | England Orphan Trail, accessing and using Rootsearch

Rootsearch, what is it?

Rootsearch is a handy online tool which can be accessed from any public Wikitree profile (or a private profile if you are on the trusted list ). The easiest way to access Rootsearch is by hovering over the Wikitree ID found in the top right-hand corner of the profile as shown below:

When you hover over the WikiTree ID a drop-down menu will appear.
From here click on "Research" which will take you to the Rootsearch page.
You may be asked to log in with your Wikitree ID.
You will notice several sites listed below the Search section and a little cog in the bottom right of the page "More Sites":

Clicking on the cog will take you to the settings page where you can choose various sites to search. You can disable the ones you won't use.
When you are finished click the back button on your browser to return to the search page.

From the Search section, each site has a clickable button with a magnifying glass.
Clicking on any of these site buttons will open up a new tab for that site with the information for that profile already entered. This saves you from having to keep typing in the same information.

You may need to sign in to some of these external sites (for example, FamilySearch which is a free site but requires an account to use).

Married names: The Rootsearch app will have the LNAB (Last Name At Birth) entered into the search page.
You can change this on the Rootsearch page before clicking search, so as to locate Census information for a woman in her married name.

You can also change or add any of the other details on the Rootsearch page before searching, since the page stays open you can repeat the search with the name as it was and again with the name change.

Give Rootsearch a try from your own profile, it is very quick and super easy to use!

England Project | England Orphaned Profiles Team | England Orphan Trail Part One | England Orphan Trail Resources 1838-1957 | England Orphan Trail, accessing and using Rootsearch

Images: 1
Orphan Trail
Orphan Trail



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