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Founders of Danbury, Connecticut

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Founders
Profile manager: Rick Pierpont private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 951 times.

Other: Connecticut Sources


Founders of Danbury

"Danbury was settled in 1684." (Hill: Page 1) "The eight originals came here in the spring of that years. The families of a part came with them and remained here. The others returned to their homes and came back to Danbury with their families in the spring following." (Hill: Page 39) Here is a list of the Original eight families that settled what was to become Danbury, Connecticut. The mother of some of these children died before the move to Danbury.

  1. Francis Bushnell - your relationship.
    1. Hannah (Bushnell) Knapp
    2. Mary (Bushnell) Taylor
    3. Lydia (Bushnell) Fitch
    4. Abigail (Bushnell) Shove, b. Danbury
    5. Mercy (Bushnell) Lockwood, b. Danbury
    6. Rebekah (Bushnell) Starr, b. Danbury
    7. Judith Bushnell, b. Danbury
  2. Thomas Barnum - your relationship.
    1. Thomas Barnum
    2. Sarah (Barnum) Hayes
    3. Esther (Barnum) Abbit/Abbott
    4. Abigail (Barnum) Stevens
    5. Francis Barnum
    6. Richard Barnum
    7. John Barnum
    8. Hannah Barnum
    9. Ebenezer Barnum Sr.
    10. Ruth Barnum
  3. John Hoyt - your relationship.
    1. Nathaniel Hoyt
    2. John Hoyt
    3. Samuel Hoyt
    4. Joshua Hoyt
    5. Thomas Hoyt
    6. Mary Hoyt
    7. Deborah (Hoyt) Barnum
    8. Benjamin Hoyt
  4. Judah Gregory - your relationship.
    1. Hannah Gregory
    2. John Gregory
    3. Persis (Gregory) Crofut
    4. Joseph Gregory
    5. Lydia (Gregory) Wildman
    6. Josiah Gregory
    7. Benjamin Gregory
  5. Thomas Taylor - your relationship.
    1. Thomas Taylor
    2. Phebe Taylor
    3. Deborah (Taylor) Betts
    4. John Taylor
    5. Joseph Taylor
    6. Daniel Taylor
    7. Timothy Taylor
    8. Nathan Taylor
    9. Rebecca (Taylor) Benedict
    10. Theophilus Taylor, b. Danbury
    11. Eunice (Taylor) Starr, b. Danbury
  6. Capt. James Beebe - your relationship.
    1. Mary Beebe
    2. James Beebe
    3. Rebecca Beebe
    4. Samuel Beebe
    5. Mary (Beebe) Chapman
    1. James Beebe
    2. Joseph Beebe
    3. Sarah Beebe
  7. James Benedict - your relationship.
  8. Samuel Benedict - your relationship.


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