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Four Generations of Strangeman Hutchins Crider and Crider 1935

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surnames/tags: Hutchins Southern Pioneers Quakers
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Page 1

To the Hutchins

We are presenting this booklet showing what is known to us of the first four generations of the family of Strangeman Hutchins.

You will find many gaps, that can be filled, and probably errors that can be corrected if each one helps. We hope we may be able in a couple of years to print a more complete record of these generations.

This data is selected from a vast amount of material secured by intensive research and thousands of miles of travel during the past few years.

This lineage now containing over five thousand names, together with what we may find, will be placed in a permanent record, and finally placed in the D. A. R. Library at Washington, D. C.

As far as we have positive proof, Nicholas Hutchins is the forbear of this family. There are several traditions concerning the family, most of them based on the peculiar name, Strangeman. The most pleasing one is that some Hutchins previous to Nicholas married a Polly Strangeman.

Tradition gives the birth of Nicholas as 1645. Nicholas was married twice. We do not know the name of the first wife, or if there were any children by this marriage.

There were Hutchins early in Massachusetts, in Pennsylvania, in Maryland, in the Bermudas, in Norfolk County, Virginia. Our Hutchins were along the James River. These Hutchins of the various locations, may have had a common ancestry back some time in the British Isles, but nrelationship is known among them in the colonies.

Nicholas Hutchins land grant was located about twelve miles by paved road down the James from the present site of Richmond.

It was about three miles below Dutch Gap.

Strangeman Hutchins lived in Goochland County, on Genito Creek about twenty miles up the James from Richmond.

A distance of fifty miles along the James, with Richmond as center, would approximately locate the family the fiirst hundred years in the Colony.

Nicholas Hutchins had one son and four grand sons. These five moved to Surry County, N. C. This move together with the Quaker records makes it possible to keep our Hutchins line separate from the others.

When you remember that Strangeman Hutchins was born two hundred and twenty-tight years ago, you will not be surprised that much we would like to know, can not be found.

We thank those who have helped, to mention a few who have assisted beyond their immediate families.

Mrs. James T. Johnson, Colorado, Texas.
Mrs. John W. Waymire, San Diego, Calif.
Mrs. Emma Sullivan and Mrs. Ella Whisler, Wabash, Ind.
Mrs. Helen P. Schmidt, West Milton, Ohio.
Mrs. Mary Ann Holmes, Sheridan, Ind., who had an old, old Hutchins Bible with most valuable data written one hundred and forty years ago by Benjamin Hutchins, Sen.
Gurney Hutchins, East Bend, N. C.
Dr. Wm. M. Reser, Lafayette, Ind.

We hope this booklet will be an incentive to help. Please send in your family records. A good record always has dates of births, marriages and deaths. But names without dates are acceptable.

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Ancestral Lines

Besides the Hutchins, who possibly came to the Virginia Colony as early as 1625, there are several Immigrant Ancestral Lines in allied families, the Watkins, the Cox, the Stanley, the Barnett, the McGehee, the Harding, the Harris and the Trent families.

The Cox Family

Elizabeth Cox, who married Strangeman Hutchins, was a daughter of Richard Cox and his wife, Mary. Richard Cox made his will in Henrico County, Va., July 13, 1734. In this he names his heirs, John Cox, Henry Cox, Mary Ford, Elizabeth Hutchins, Richard Cox, Obedience Perkins, Edith Whitloe, a grand son, Hickerson Cox, and his wife Mary. A deed made previous to the will shows that he had a daughter, Martha Ferguson.

Mary Cox, wife of Richard, was before her marriage Mary Trent, daughter of Henry Trent and his wife, Elizabeth. Henry Trent in his will made in Henrico County, Jan. 8, 1700, named as his heirs, Alexander Trent, Henry Trent, John Trent, William Trent, Mary Cox, wife of Richard Cox, Rebecca Trent, Susanna Trent, and his wife, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Trent, born about 1657, wife of Henry Trent, was before her marriage Elizabeth Sherman, daughter of Henry and Cisly Sherman. And Cisly Sherman be¬ fore her marriage to Henry Sherman, was the wife of Isaac Hutchins, whose will made in Henrico County, Feb. 23, 1656, named as his heirs, his minor son, Robert Hutchins, and his wife, Sisely.

John Cox was the father of Richard Cox. His will made in Henrico County, Feb. 10, 1691, named as his heirs his six sons, John Cox, William Cox, Bartholomew Cox, Richard Cox, Henry Cox, George Cox, and wife, Mary.

William Cox was the father of John Cox. Virginia descendants of the family, people of education and high standing concur in that statement. Mrs. Ella Foy O’Gorman, Washington, D. C., a descendant of Richard Cox through his son, Henry Cox, after years of patient investigation, says that Wililam Cox was the Immigrant Ancestor. As does Judge Edwin P. Cox, South Richmond, Va., a student for years of the family records, a descendant of John Cox through his son, George Cox.

William Cox, born 1598, died previous to 1656, came from England to Virginia,

1610—in the ship, “Godspeed”
1628—Sept. 20, had a grant of 100 acres in Elizabeth City County.
1636—Nov. 29, had a grant of 150 acres in Henrico County, on the James, two and one-half miles above Harroe Addocks. Wife, Elizabeth.
1642—Sept. 1, bought 250 acres in partnership with Isaac Hutchins at the mouth of Falling Creek, along the James.
1665—Aug. 5, Thomas Cox, son and heir of William Cox, sold half of this 250 acres.
1685—Apr. 1, John Cox, Sen. of Harroe Addocks, made a deed of land to his son, William Cox.

Harroe Addocks, or Arrohateck, was five or six miles above Dutch Gap. The William Cox grant, 1636, was possibly not far from the Mouth of Falling Creek.

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The Hutchins Family

Nicholas Hutchins was the forbear of this Hutchins family. He was a Quaker living in Henrico County, Virginia, and belonging to the Henrico Monthly Meeting at Curies, and later to the White Oak Swamp Meeting. There are few items known concerning him. In the records of the Henrico Meetings, 1699 to 1756, page one, we find this first item.

7- 8-1699—Nicholas Hutchins did condemn his marriage by priest to the satisfaction of the Friends.
12- 9-1699—Nicholas donated 40 pounds of tobacco for building a church at Curies.
6- 8-1701—Nicholas Hutchins and Mary Watkins, daughter of Henry, propose intentions of marriage. The usual committee was appointed. Henry Watkins, father of the young woman, consenting thereunto, saying he would not be their hindrance.
8- 9-1701—Nicholas Hutchins and Mary Watkins were married at a public meeting of the Friends, in Henrico County, Va.
4- 2-1702—Nicholas received a grant of 230 acres along ye north bank of James River and on ye west side of ye Four Mile Creek. This is near Dutch Gap.
4-17-1710—Nicholas was on committee to consider a marriage. Nicholas reported that he thought first cousins should not marry.
Oct. 1711—Nicholas, one of several who were paid for working on the Battery at Jamestown.
11- 7-1714—Nicholas was chosen representative.
3- 3-1718—Nicholas was chosen to inquire about a marriage, at White Oak Swamp Meeting.
4- 6-1719—Meeting held at the home of Nicholas Hutchins.
2- 7-1724—Nicholas signed the marriage record of William More and Martha Odum.
2- 6-1728—James Stanley, son of Thomas of Hanover County, and Catherine Hutchins, daughters of Nicholas of Henrico County, declare their intentions to marry.
3- 5-1728—James Stanley and Catherine Hutchins married.
10- 14-1729—Daniel Harris, son of John of Hanover County, and Mary Hutchins, daughter of Nicholas, declare their intentions to marry. This announcement said Nicholas, deceased.
11- 3-1729—Strangeman Hutchins sold and deeded the above grant made to Nicholas, and fortunately in the deed said that Nicholas was his father.
4- 5-1730—Daniel Harris and Mary Hutchins married.
10-11-1743—Martha Hutchins, married John Stanley, son of Thomas. James Stanley and John Stanley were brothers, and as far as we are able to judge, Catherine and Martha were sisters. Martha was the second wife of John Stanley.

* 8- 2-1736—There is mention of Mary Holmes, mother-in-law of James Stanley. Indicating a second marriage for Mary Watkins Hutchins.

We consider this summary the most important data we have found. In the past two years, we have sent this to many with whom we have been in correspondence. We are glad to make it available now to all.

The Spelling of the Name

The Quaker Records of Virginia spelled the name, Hutchins. Many of the later families spell the name, Hutchens. Either is correct.

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The Watkins Family

Mary Watkins, who married Nicholas Hutchins, was the daughters of Henry Watkins. But on the Quaker Records of that time are found Henry Watkins, Sen., and Henry Watkins, Jun., father and son.

The following is mostly quotation from various sources.

One of the most interesting families of Virginia is the distinguished Watkins Family, whose earliest positive indentified family is Henry Watkins, born 1637, at Malvern Hills. There were earlier Watkins.

In the General Court Records, a Henry Watkins is mentioned 1623, 1624, 1627 as overseer of the plantation of Lady Dale, not far distant from Malvern Hills.

In 1634, a deed mentions a Henry Watkins owning land in such position that we have a Henry Watkins living in 1634, not more than ten miles from Malvern Hills, where Henry Watkins was born 1637. It has been impossible so far to connect Henry Watkins, 1637, to the other Watkins of that time.

This family distinguished socially and politically has been an object of research for many years.

The great Statesman, Henry Clay, was a descendant of this family.

Henry Watkins, senior, who died 1717, did not leave a will. He had previously deeded his land to his sons, William, Joseph, Edward, Henry, and Thomas. Court records show that he had a daughter, Elizabeth.

Henry Watkins, junior, born 1660, in his will 1714, left his small estate to his wife, Mary, and his sons, John, Benjamin, Joseph, Henry, and Stephen.

The most we can say is that Mary Watkins Hutchins was a daughter or a grand daughter of Henry Watkins, 1637.

Strangeman Hutchins

Strangeman Hutchins, son of Nicholas, was born in Virginia, 1707, and died in Surry County, (now Yadkin County), North Carolina, Feb. 10, 1792. Strangeman probably lived in Henrico County until his marriage about 1731 to Elizabeth Cox, daughter of Richard and Mary Cox.

Elizabeth Cox was born Feb. 25, 1713 in Virginia, and died, according to Thomas W. Barnett, in North Carolina at the age of 103 years.

Some time after his marriage, Strangeman moved up the James River to Goochland County, along Genito Creek. Here he bought and occasionally sold land. In 1782 to 1785, when preparing to move to North Carolina, Strangeman disposed of land showing that he owned about 750 acres of which his son, John, had an interest in 250 acres.

Strangeman was a very prominent member of the Friends Church. There was a small meeting at Genito Creek, but his principal activity was at the great central meeting at Cedar Creek, in Hanover County. His name is first found on the Cedar Creek records in 1741. From that time until 1786, when he moved to North Carolina, his name is continually on the records as witness, on committees, as representative, as overseer, as clerk, as elder.

In 1782, Strangeman freed twelve slaves by a deed of Manumission.

As you read between the lines of the record, you realize that Strangeman was a man of amazing vitality, and of remarkable ability.

Strangeman had eleven children, Mary Brooks, Edith Stanley, John Hutchins, Nicholas Hutchins, Elizabeth Barnett, Obedience Harding, Thomas Hutchins, Jane Barnett, Milla Hutchins, Lydia Johnson and Benjamin Hutchins.

The family of each, so far as is known, is given on the following pages.

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b. 10-17-1733, Va. d. 1804, Va, m. 5-8-1762, at Cedar Creek Meeting, Samuel Robert Brooks
...1. Elizabeth Brooks b. 3-5-1763, Va. d. m. 7-4-1786, Va. Isaac Stanley.
......1. Jackson Stanley.
......2. Gulielma Stanley.
......3. Mary Stanley.
......4. Elizabeth Stanley.

Mary Brooks’ will was made March 21, 1804, and probated in Goochland County, Va., June 18, 1804. The Brand children are named in the will. Samuel Robert Brooks was disowned, 1-26-1766, by Cedar Creek Meeting for following the corrupt ways of the world.


b. 11-15-1736, Va. d. 6-22-1796, N. C. m. 10-16-1754, John Stanley, d. 1795, N. C.

The records of this family are very meager. There were four children, but we do not have dates of births and deaths. What we know is from the Quaker records.

1. John Hutchins Stanley At Deep Creek Meeting, 5-4-1796, complaint against Hutchins Stanley for going out in marriage. This meeting therefore disowns him to be a member of this society, married 7-13-1795, Ann Hoppis.

2. Mary Stanley married 12-6-1787, at Deep Creek Meeting, Jesse Stanley, son of Archelaus. Deep River record.
3. Elizabeth Stanley Deep River Record, 9-1-1788. Complaint against Elizabeth McCollum, formerly Stanley, for marrying contrary to the discipline.
4. Milicent Stanley Deep River Record, 9-6-1790. Complaint against Milla Airs, formerly Stanley, married out by Justice of Peace.

John Stanley’s will made 2-24-1793, was probated May Term of Court, 1795. It mentions his daughters, Mary Stanley and Millicent Airs. His son, John Hutchins Stanley, is to receive his plantation, but his mother, Edith Stanley, and his grand mother, Elizabeth Hutchins, are to have a life interest in the land.


The members of the Nicholas Hutchins family were birth right Quakers. To understand their lives and affairs, one should study the Friends Church of that early period.

To the Quakers, religion was a serious matter to be taken into their daily lives. Church rules and discipline were strictly maintained. To them marriage was a church affair. No hasty marriages for them.

The parties must declare their Intentions at a monthly meeting. A committee was appointed to investigate the clearness of the parties and report to the next monthly meeting. If a Quaker married a non-member, he was said to have “Married Out of Unity”, for which he or she was disowned unless the fault was condemned.

Complaint was made against members for unseemly conduct, dressing too gaily, swearing, lying, frivolous talk, military service, gambling, drinking, not paying debts, holding slaves, absence from church, fighting, and for more serious offenses. And for any of these might be disowned. A member was not allowed to go to Law, without the consent of the meeting.

But always the church appointed a committee to visit the erring member, to help him see the error of his way.

A disowned member ceased to exist as far as the church was concerned. Often parents did not allow a disowned heir to inherit.

The older Hutchins belonged to four meetings. In Henrico County, Virginia, several meetings were grouped under the name Henrico Meetings.

In upper Hanover County, near Montpelier, was located Cedar Creek Meeting, one of the most prominent in Virginia. A number of small meetings were located in its territory. It was a Monthly Meeting, a Quarterly Meeting and a Yearly Meeting.

When the Hutchins moved to Surry County, North Carolina, and settled on the branches of Forbush Creek, they placed their membership at Deep River Meeting, about thirty miles away. Soon services were held near at Deep Creek. In 1793, Deep Creek became a separate meeting, with the Hutchins leading members.

Cedar Creek Meeting was abandoned long years ago. Deep Creek is still a strong, prosperous meeting. And recently, 1933, Charles Hutchins was its minister.

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The records of this family are very incomplete. In Surry County, N. C. four of the sons, Jonathan. Thomas, William, and Patrick, early married, had large families that can not be gotten exactly. A * indicates that the person belongs, but has not been definitely located. b. 12-23-1738, Va. d. 1825, N. C.
.........m1. 12-11-1757, Va. Alice Stanley.
.........m2. 3-26-1792, N. C. Jane Brasswell. d. 1832.
...1. Nancy Hutchins
.........m. 6-7-1775. Va. Anslem George.
.............1. Susanah George. b. Va. b. 2-17-1776, Va. d.
.............2. Robert George, b. 1-20-1780, Va.
...2. Jonathan Hutchins b. 2-28-1763, Va d. perhaps Indiana Soldier at capture of Yorktown.
.........m. "Out” disowned at Cedar Creek, 2-21-1783.
............1.Susanah Hutchins b. 8-23-1784 ; d. 9-6-1866
................m. 1806 Thomas Hutchins 1787-1855 children 7
............2. Joseph Hutchins b. 1785;
............... m1. 1811 Hannah Stanley.
................m2. 1819 Susanah Meckle 1800 children 5
............3. Ann Hutchins*
..................m. 1810 William Davis.
...........4. William Hutchins* b. 1790.
...........5. Elizabeth Hutchins b. 1793; d. 9-19-1861
................m. 1813 Thomas Davis 1791-1881 children 9
...........6. Strangeman Hutchins b. 1801 ; d.
................m. 1831 Polly Rhodes .1810- children 6
...3. Agatha Hutchins b. 1-21-1764, Va. Deep River Meeting, 1-11-1784. Agatha Hudspeth, formely Hutchins, disowned, M. O. U.
...4. Susanah Hutchins b. 1-15-1769, Va d. after 1850, Tenn
............m. 5-4-1786, N. C. William Bills b. 5-13-1765
.........1. Daniel G. Bills b. 1790*
............m. Rachel Summers b. 1793 children 5 (5)
.........2. John H. Bills* b. 1794;
.............m. Elizabeth 1795- d. after 1850, Tenn
.........3. Thomns Bills* m. Mary A. 1815-
.........4. Jonathan Bills b. 1803 m. Nancy 1803- 4 b. 1803; children 4

  • In 1850, was living in Marshall County, Tenn.

...5. Mary Hutchins b. 1-20-1771. Va.
.......m. disowned 9-1-1788 Gersham Bills b. 10-17-1767.
........1. William Bills b. June 1804
............ m. Martha b. 1802 children 6
........2. Amos I. Bills b. July, 1807 d. 1- 4-1843
............m. 1834 Mary A. Dysart 1806-1883 children 4
........3. Mary D. Bills
............m. Gideon Dysart children 1

  • Both these Bills families probably much larger.

...6. Elizabeth Hutchins b. 1-12-1772, Va. Deep River Meeting, 2-17-1791, Elizabeth Cain, formerly Hutchins, disowned. M. O. U.
...7. Thomas Hutchins b. 11-23-1774, Va. d.
.......m. 12-18-1795, N. C. Rachel Wells. Deep River Meeting, 4-1-1797, complaint against Thomas Hutchins, M. O. U.
...8. Strangeman Hutchins b. 9-15-1776, Va
.......m. 7-17-1799. N. C. Charity Williams d. after 1850 this family to Arkansas
........1. Polly Hutchins m. Calvin Kelly
........2. Aquilla Hutchins b. 12-18-1804; d. 1900.
............m. Winnie Winn children 7
........3. Anderson Hutchins b. 1806
............m. Jennie Winn b,1814 children 10
........4. Caroline Hutchins
...........m. James Dodd.
........5. Charity Hutchins
.......... m.1 Robertson
...........m2. Moore
...........m3. Woolsey.
.......6. Elizabeth Hutchins
...........m. William Shores.
.......7. William Hutchins
............m. Gilmore children 4 .......8. Alice Hutchins
............m. Henry Heaton
...9. William Hutchins b. 8-14-1778, Va. d. 1833 (?)
.......m. 7-11-1799, N. C. Elizabeth King.
Deep Creek Meeting, Dec. 1800 complaint against Strangeman, William, and Patrick Hutchins, M. O. U
...10. Patrick Hutchins b. 3-10-1781, Va. d. after 1850.
......... m. “Out" disowned.
.........1. Nancy Hutchins * b. 1801; d.
.......... m. Allen Willard 1790 children 6
.........2. Samuel Hutchins b. 1805; d.
.......... m. 1830 Lettie Algood 1810 children 13
.........3. Allie Hutchins b. 4-14-1811; d. 4-16-1896
......... m. 1824 Samuel Spillman 1808-1867 children 1 (15)
.........4. Temperance Hutchins b. 1814; d. m. 1846 Isaac Michael .........5. Patrick Hutchins * b. 1815; d.
..........m. Nancy children 6
.........6. Berry Hutchins b. 1816; d.
...........m. 1846 Charity Borum b. 1826 children 8
.........7. Isaac Hutchins b. 1822; d.
......... m. Cata children 6
.........8. James Hutchins b. 1828; d.
..........m. Jane children 8

Page 7

...11. John Hutchins b. about 1793. N. C.
........ m. 1-21-1814, N. C. Elizabeth McCollum
...12. Jesse Hutchins b. d.
.........m. 6-25-1813. N. C. Lydia Clarke
...13. Alexander Balis Hutchins b. d. 1827, N. C.
.........m. 10-28-1814, N. C. Margaret Pruett
.........1. Marion Hutchins b. d. .............m1.Foster children 2 (20)
.............m2. Julia Cranfield children 3
.........2. Giles Hutchins b. 1822; d. 6-22-1912
............m1. Rebecca Shelton b.1823 children 6
............m2. Sarah Warren b,1852 chldren 3
..........3. Jesse Hutchins
............m1. Steelman children 5
............m2. Horton children 2
..........4. Milly Hutchins b. 1825
...........m. John H. Reavis 1819- children 4 (25)
...14. Quintilla Hutchins
..........m. 7-1-1816. George C. Branson. Is said to have moved to Indiana.
...15. Elkanah Hutchins b. 11-20-1803, N. C. d. 8-16-1891, Kan.
..........m. 4-10-1822. N. C. Frances Pilcher, b. 11-14-1803. d. 7-7-1886.
Moved to Green Co., Ill.
...........1. John Hutchins b. 6-23-1824 ; d. 6-5-1825.
...........2. Gideon Hutchins b. 8-30-1826 d. 6-10-1900
...............m. 1849 Rebecca J. Short 1828 children 9
...........3. Jane Hutchins b. 12-17-1828; d. 9-28-1829.
...........4. Nancy Hutchins b. 8-25-1830; d. 9-17-1832.
...........5. Brasswell Hutchins b. 7-8-1832 d. July 1878
..............m. Caroline children 11
...........6. Balis Hutchins b. 8-18-1835; d. 7-7-1836.
...........7. Mary Talitha Hutchins m. b. 7-29-1838 ; d.
..............m. Samuel Hill children 7
...........8. Ellis B. Hutchins b. 7-21-1841 ; d. 1890.
..............m. Almira Starland children 4 (30)
...........9. Permeally Quintilla b. 1-29-1843 : d. 4-2-1849.
.........10. Delania Elkania b. 12-11-1845; d. 1893.
..............m1. 1871 Sarah Bell children 3
..............m2. 1876 Lucy Anderson children 3
..........11. Elmyra Hutchins b. 1852; d.
...16. Ellis Hutchins b. 1805. N. C d. Ark
.........m. Mary Shores b. 1812 children
.......1. Caroline Hutchins b. about 1832
........ m. Shelly Edmeston
.......2. John W. Hutchins b. 1834 d. 1916
.........m Jane Shumate
.......3. Anderson Hutchins b. 1839; d. 1864 (war)
.......4. Adeline Hutchins b. 3-7-1842 d. Apr 1910
........m1. 1862 Anderson Hutchins 1840-1863 children 2
........m2. 1865 William Hutchins 1842 children 3
.......5. Talitha Hutchins b. 1845
.........m. Warren Moore
.........m. 1868 J. R. Holland
.......6. Eliza Hutchins b. 1848
........m. Joseph Hughes
.......7. Jeanette Hutchins b. 1852; d. about 1864.
.......8. A. E. Hutchins b. 1855
..........m1.1874 Florence Happlman
..........m2. Maggie Hama (Hanna?)
........9. E. W. Hutchins b. 1859
...........m1. 1879 Antonia Hanna
...........m2 Marie Graham
...........m3. Annie Maxwell

Who Were the Parents of the Following?

  • William Hutchins m. 1808 Elizabeth Whitehead
  • Isaac Hutchins m. Catherine (Joiner) b. 1814 children 4
  • Ellis Hutchins b. 1814 m.1 Eliza b. 1816 children 8 m2. Sarah b. 1845
  • Alexander Hutchins b. 1815 m. Catherine b. 1825 children 11
  • Strangeman Hutchins b. 1815 m. Delana b. 1813 children 7
  • William Hutchins b. 1815 m. 1832 Milly Pendry b. 1815 children 5
  • Patrick Hutchins b. 1825 m. Mary b. 1825 children 6
  • William L. Hutchins b. 1821 m. Letta D. b. 1833 children 6
  • William G. Hutchins b. 1824 m. Mary A. b. 1823 children 3
  • Frederick Hutchins b. 1825 m. 1844 Elizabeth Hunter b. 1825 children 3
  • Thomas Hutchins b. 1805 m. 1821 Nancy Steelman
  • Dr. Johnson Hutch b. m. 11818 Susanah Adams children 2
  • Elizabeth Hutchins m. 1831 Daniel Branson
  • Nancy Hutchins m. 1830 William Brown
  • Isaac Hutchins m. 1837 Sarah Clingman
  • Thomas Hutchins m. 1826 Rachel Lundy
  • Enoch Hutchins b. 1800 m. 1821 Sarah Branson
  • Rachel Hutchins b. 1808 m. Thomas Gross b. 1806 children 2
  • William Hitchins b. 1823 m. 1848 Martha Mills b. 1831 children 3
  • Sylvia Shugary b. 1802

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b. 1-9-1740 d. 10-4-1325, N. C.
…….. m1. 7-1-1764, Va. Sarah Ladd, d. 2-22-1808, N. C.
.....… m2 12-20-1809, N. C. Lydia Carter.
1. Strangeman Hutchins b. 12-17-1765, Va 11-19-1835, N. C.
.......m. 1790, N. C. Mary E. Holcomb b. 1768 d. 3-18-1838, N. C.
…...1. David Hutchins b. 7-15-1791 d. 2-10-1857
....….m. Martha P. Bales 1804-1888 children 8
…...2. Simeon Hutchins
..… 3. Mararet Hutchins b. d.
.....… m. 1810 William Stanley children 4
…..4. Amos Hutchins b. 4-22-1809; d. 2-29-1890
.....… m. Sarah Rhodes 1800 children 8
.....5. George Hutchins b. 7-10-1809; d. 2-29-1890
.....… m1. 1829 Linda Harvel children 8
.....… m2. 1848 Jessie Snead 1825-1899 children 10 (5)
2. Mary Hutchins b. 10-1-1767, Va d.
........m. 2-7-1785, N. C. Archelaus Johnson b. 7-15-1764, Va. d. Living north of Dayton, Ohio., 1829
…....1. Sarah Johnson b. 11-7-1788; d,
…....2. Elijah Johnson b. 6-13-1790 ; d.
…....3. James Johnson b. 7-1-1792; d.
…....4. Gideon Johnson b. 3-9-1794 ; d.
…....5. Mary Johnson b. 11-20-1795 ; d.
…....6. Robert Johnson b. 3-15-1798; d.
3. James Hutchins b. 1-13-1772, Va. d. 3-14-1840, Ohio
........m. 1-10-1793, N. C. Sarah Hough b. 10-22-1770 d. 12-18-1860, Ohio
......1. Hezekiah Hutchins b. 10-14-1793; d. 10-5-1877
........m. 1813 Clara Spain 1791-1879 children 9
......2. Keziah Hutchins b. 5-9-1796; d. young
......3. Darius Hutchins b. 12-3-1798; d. 8-22-1878
........m. 1864 Mary E. Ennis 1838-1886 children 2
.....4. Mary Ann Hutchins b. 2-4-1801 ; d. 4-26-1884 Perhaps Mary and Ann.
........m. 1821 James Johnson 1792-1871 children 12
4. Elizabeth Hutchins b. 11-30-1774, Va. d. 9-30-1840, N. C. Unmarried.
5. John Hutchins b. 6-30-1777, Va. d. 6-3-1856, N. C. He was a Friends minister.
.......m.7-1-1802, N. C. Elizabeth Vestal b. 4-15-1785 d. 9-30-1840, N. C.
.......m.11-18-1841, N. C. Anna Bond b. 8-26-1794 d. 3-10-1868. N. C.
…1. Rachel Hutchins b. 5-18-1803; d. about 1864.
.…......m. 1822 Elijah Stanley 1798-1864 children 6
…2. Sarah Hutchins - b. 10-3-1804; d.
........m. 1822 John Adams -1836 children 7 (10)
…3. Nicholas Hutchins b. 2-1-1806; d.
........m. Elizabeth Rhodes 1809- children 6
…4. Vestal Hutchins - b. 2-2-1808; d.
........m. 1838 Betty Jester 1818- children 12
...5. Judith Hutchins b. 12-8-1809; d.
........m. George Potts
…6. Thompson Hutchins b. 9-3-1811 ; d. 9-9-1884.
........m. 1834 Sarah C. Phillips 1818-1907 children 16
...7. Charles Hutchins b. 11-10-1813; d.
........m. 1835 Lydia Vestal 1816- children 8
...8. Zachary Hutchins b. 9-18-1815; d.
........m. Peggy Jester
...9. Amy Hutchins b. 11-23-1817; d.
........m. William Mikels
...10. Elizabeth Hutchins- b. 2-11-1821; d.
........m. Thomas Caudle
...11. Rhoda Hutchins b. 3-8-1824 ; d.
........m. Nathan .T. Bond
...12. John B. Hutchins- b. 12-18-1825 ; d.
.........m. 1846 Elizabeth Tolbert-1827- children 7 (15)
...13. Isaac Hutchins b. 9-21-1828; d. 4-9-1893.
........m. Susan Norman 1833-1920 children 8
6. Benjamin Hutchins b. 9-13-1779, Va d. 4-15-1830, N. C
........m. 2-23-1809, N. C. Rebecca Thompson b. 12-8-1792
...1. Joel Hutchins b. 1-14-1810; d.
........m. 1833 Polly Calloway b. 1-14-1810; d. children 6
...2. Nicholas Hutchins b. 4-22-1812; d.
........m 1831
...3. Daniel Hutchins b. 10-30-1814 ; d
........m. 1836 Lydia Johnson 1812- children 4
...4. Sarah Hutchins b. 5-19-1817; d.
.........m. 1836 Joshua Williams 1811 children 11
...5. Phebe Hutchins b. 10-14-1822 ; d
........m. Pleasant Williams
...6. Gideon Hutchins b. 4-25-1825; d. 4-10-1902
........ m. Elizabeth Bimum ... -1852
........ m. Cleo Corum 1836-1885 children 7 (20)
...7. Benjamin Hutchins b. 10-25-1825 ; d
........ m. 1847 Margaret D. Vestal .1829- children 5
...8. Rebecca Hutchins b. 8-5-1828; d
........m. Daniel Mackie b. 1827- children 1
7. Sarah Hutchins, b. 8-3-1782, Va. d. 1806 (?)
m. 8-9-1802, N. C. Silas Hobson.

Page 9


...b. 12-13-1742, Va d
.....m. 9-12-1767, John Barnett, b. 1712, Va. d. 1797, Va.
We have been unable to find this family. The marriage is recorded in the Cedar Creek Meeting records. These records, fourth month. 1786, show that they had a daughter. Obedience.


Thomas W. Barnett, who lived in Fulton County, Ind., and who is named in the family of Jane Barnett, wrote a short history of the family in 1857.

He says—“John Barnett, my great, great grandfather, was born 1680 in the vicinity of James town, Va., and died there 1765. My great grandfather was named John also. He was born 1712, and died 1797. He was born, lived and died in the land of his fathers. Each of them was the only son in his family.”

Thomas W. Barnett’s mother was Elizabeth Hutchins. Of this family he says: “My great grandfather’s name was Strangeman Hutchins. Why that singular name was given him, I know not, unless it was because his parents thought it strange that a man child should be born unto them, for I believe he was their only son. He was a minister of the Friends Faith. His word was law among his children, and they obeyed him to the letter. His wife lived to the ad¬ vanced age of 103 and died in N. Carolina.”

Elizabeth Barnett Mendenhall, aunt of Thomas W., left the record that John Barnett, 1712, had for wife, Ann. His children were Arthanacious, who married Jane Hutchins; Ann, who married John Epperson; and Martha, who married Frank Epperson. There were two other children whose names were not known.


...b. 12-3-1744, Va. d. about 1805, N. C.
.....m. 10-16-1773, Va. William Harding, b. 1745; d. 1797
1. Renne Harding b. 8-15-1774. Va. d. 1811. N. C.
..... m. 9-0-1803, N. C. Rebecca Patterson b. 9-15-1774 d. 10-24-1837 N.C (She m. 6-27-1814 Joshua Creson)
..... 1. Nancy Harding b. 5-29-1805; d. 7-24-1829.
..... m. 1829 William Lash
..... 2. Keziah Harding b. 5-29-1805; d. 3-31-1838
.......m. 1827 John J. Conrad 1805-1872 children 4
..... 3. Elizabeth Harding b. 8-6-1807: d. 12-31-1807.
......4. William Harding b. 11-30-1808; d. 11-7-1876
.......m. 1838 Jane Speer 1815-1886 children 11
..... 5. Greenberry Harding b. 10-30-1810; d
......m. 1834 Rebecca Miller children 1

2. Jesse Harding. b. 9-15-1775, Va.

3. Elizabeth Harding b. 6-28-1778. Va. d. Oct. 1840, N. C.
.......m. 11-4-1793. N. C. Thomas Williams b. 9-15-1772 d. 11-19-1857. N. C.
......1. Jesse Williams b. 5-26-1795 ; d. 1-21-1878.
.......m. Ruth Martin 1802-1890 children 9
..... 2. Mary Williams b. 12-14-1796: d
......3. Rebeccn Williams b. 11-1-1798 ; d
......4. William Williams b. 7-2-1800 ; d.
......5. Zacharinh Williams b. 10-3-1802 ; d.
.......... m. unknown children 4
......6. Obedience Williams b. Oct. 1804 ; d.
.........m. Thomas Vestal children 8
......7. Jonathan Williams b. 5-8-1807 ; d. 7-11-1836.
......8. Lewis Williams b. 12-9-1809 : d.
......9. R. Harden Williams b. 3-9-1813; d m. Susanah b. 1820 children 6
....10. Thomas E. Williams b. 12-21-1818; d.

4. Thomas Harding ..... b. 8-28-1781. Va. d.
.....m1. 2-14-1801, N. C. Elizabeth Cove.
.....m2.10-25-1803. N. C. Kurya Cook.
5. Sarah Harding m. b. 1783. Va. d.
......m. 8-5-1801 NC Joel Patterson
6. Jean Harding m. b. 9-10-1784. Va. d.
......m. 5-5-1801 NC Eli Shugart

The great grand children of Obedience Harding corresponding to the numbers at the right
(1) Eugene, William Alexander, John, Elizabeth Ann Conrad.
(2) Samuel, Keziah Ann, Ruth Elizabeth, Greenberry, Essa Boon, Rebecca, Alice, Joseph, Thomas R., * Mary Jane, Dora Harding.
(3) Franklin Harding.
(4) Mary A., John M., Margaret Matilda, Thomas H., Sanford, J. Franklin, Lewis C., Alvis R., Ellis Williams.
(5) Squire Thomas, James, John, Daughter Williams.
(6) William, Louis, Hardin, Mary, Sarah, Lucinda, Anna, Thomas Vestal.
(7) Thomas, John A., Ellis, William Lewis, Millard F., Robert H. Williams.

Page 10


b. 7-20-1746, Va. d. 1802, N. C.
m1. 6-12-1773, Va. Patty Chile., b. 3-9-1757
m.2 4-1-1780, Va. Sutanah Ladd, d. 1806

1. Ann Hutchins b. about 1776, Va. d.
...m. 1793. Archelnus Elmore, b. d. 1832. To Lost Creek Mtg. Tenn. 11-2-1801. Archelnus, twice married, had twelve children. Probably most or nearly all were children of Ann. Order of births not known.
.....1. Martha (Patty) Elmore married Jacob Coppock.
.....2. Elizabeth Elmore married Branson Mills,
.....3. Earah Elmore married David C. Martin.
.....4. Joel Elmore.
.....5. Mary Elmore.
.....6. Nancy Elmore.
.....7. Jesse Elmore.
.....8. Thomas Elmore.
.....9. Allen Elmore.
....10. Benjamin Elmore.
....11. John Elmore, b. 1820,
....12. James Elmore, b. 1823.
2. Elizabeth Hutchins Elizabeth Smith, formerly Hutchins was disowned by Deep River Meeting, 3-6-1797, M. 0. U.
3. Mary Hutchins b. about 1781, Va. A Friends marriage at Deep Creek Meeting.
......m. 9-0-1802, N. C. Thomns Brown.
4. Gulielma Hutchins b. 10-18-1783. Va. d. 5-2-1859 Ind.
.....m. Jonathan Hough 6. b. 4-6-1784. d. 9-28-1867, Ind. Buried at Fountain City
......1. William Hough b. 8-12-1805; d. 2-2-1876
..........m1.1826 Keziah Huff .1804-1862 children 6
..........m2. 1869 Eliza Clingtrman.
......2. Thomas Hough b. 10-29-1806; d. 7-21-1834. Unmarried.
......3. Israel Hough b. 12-29-1808; d. 10-10-1850.
...........m. Lydia Woodard 1814- children 4
......4. Hiram Hough b. 12-16-1810; d. 7-19-1878.
..........m1. Anna Hubbard .1812-1860 children 2
..........m2. Sarah Jones 1821- d. 6-2-1869, Ind.
..........m3. Hannah Mendenhall.
......5. Mary Hough b. 6-3-1813; d. 1836 Unmarried.
......6. Lydia Hough b. 1-16-1816 ; d. 11-1-1838
..........m.1838 Levi Jessop
......7. Zeri Hough. b. 12-27-1817
..........m. Miriam Hubbard.
......8. Moses Hough b. 5-26-1820; d. 5-20-1888.
..........m. Peninah Woodard .1823-1904 children 7
......9. Susanah Hough b. 1-20-1822; d. 4-8-1855
..........m. Thomas Teas children 2 (5)
....10. Gulielma Hough b. 7-28-1825 ; d. 2-21-1912.
..........m. John Benson children 3
5. Thomas Hutchins b. 4-7-1787, N. C d. 3-11-1856 ; Ind. Buried at Williamsburg.
..........m. 7-30-1806, N. C. Susanah Hutchins b. 8-23-1784 Va. d. 9-6-1865 Ind.
....1.Denson Hutchins b. 7-14-1807; d. 9-10-1861
.......m.1831 Mary Hollingsworth .1810- children 10
....2. Jonathan Hutchins b. 1810; d. 1883.
.......m.1831 Jane Cranor 1810-1879 children 3
....3. Gulielma Hutchins b. 8-17-1812; d. 2-23-1855 Unmarried
....4. Elizabeth Hutchins b. 1816; d.
.... m. Joseph Study .1807 children 2
....5. Benjamin Hutchins - b. 3-23-1818 ; d. 2-23-1892
........m1.1839 Louisa Cox 1822-1855 children 1 (10)
........m2. Dorcas 1827-1889
....6. Strangeman Hutchins b. 4-14-1821; d. 8-5-1903
.......m1. 1847 Levisah Turner 1827-1869 children 9.
.......m2. Martha Mace.
.......m3. 1874 Zerilda Routh 1828-1896
.......m4. Sency Jenkins.
....7. Mary Hutchins b. 10-20-1824; d. 5-23-1912.
.......m.Robert Aiken 1814-1902
6. Benjamin Hutchins - b. 4-3-1793, N. C d. d. 2-18-1875, Ind. Buried at Williamsburg.
.... m.11-10-1817 Martha Johnson b. 6-16-1795 d. 12-14-1870 Ind.
.....1. William Hutchins b. 1818: d. 1853.
.... m. Amy 1821 children 3
.....2. Susanah Hutchins b. 9-19-1820; d. 6-1-1896
.....m. 1844 Drury Davis 1823-1899 children 5
... .3. Thomas Hutchins b. 4-16-1823; d. 3-18-1899.
.....m. Letitia Veale 1827-1891 children 4.
.... 4. Jason Hutchins b. 1828;
.....m. 1851 Sarah Study children 2 (15)
.. ..5. Sarah Hutchins. b. ; d. 1-24-1829.,
....6. Stephen Hutchins b. ; d. 2-27-1832.
....7. Samuel Hutchins b. 9-11-1834; d. 2-23-1871
.....m. 1861 Ann Eliza Maule 1839-1875 children 3
....8. Mary Ann Hutchins b. 8-12-1837; d. 4-10-1844.


The dates given have been taken from the Quaker Records, from Grave Stones, from the Census Records, from Bible Records, from Marriage Bonds, from County Records.

It is not always possible to get the exact date of marriage from the Quaker Records. The Intentions were declared at church. But often the marringe took place at home and was reported to the next monthly meeting as accomplished. We have often used the dntc of the intentions as the nearest we could find.

When a Quaker married contrnry to the discipline, often the only date of record wus the date complaint was made, which might be months after the marriage.

The date on a marriage bond might precede the marriage by days.

Page 11


b. 6-10-1748, Va. d. 11-30-1833, West Newton, Ind. Moved to N. C., 1796. To Ohio, 1805. To Indiana, 1827.
m. 12-12-1767, Va. Arthanacius Barnett, b. 1749, Va.; d. 1808.

1. Hutchins Barnett b 1771, Va d. 1852, Mo. Was living in Fluvanna County, Va., 1810. Five children. Emigrated to Missouri at an early day and raised a large family.
.....m. 7-30-1791, Va. Polly H. Matthews.

2. Thomas Barnett b. 9-1-1772, Va. d. 8-25-1839, Ind Both are buried in West Newton, Ind.
.....m2 10-11-1798. N. C.Theodate Varnon . b. 3-3-1781 d. 6-2-1848, Ind
.....1. Jesse Barnett b. 9-6-1800 ; d. 10-9-1899.
.........m. 1823 Elizabeth Baily 1792-1869 children 6
.....2. James V. Barnett b. 5-14-1802; d. 12-26-1868
........m1. Susnnah b.1804-1839 children 3
........m2. 1841 Sarah Cook 1810-1870 children 3
.....3. William Barnett b. 3-10-1804 ; d.
....... m1. 1825 Mary Bailey.
........m2. Juliann children 11
.....4. John Barnett b. 10-23-1805
.....5. Jane Barnett b. 4-31-1808; d. m. 10-11-1798. N. C.
.... 6. Nancy Ann Bnrnett b. 4-30-1810; d. 6-23-1889
........m. 1829 Joel Ballard children 7 (5)
.....7. Millicent Barnett b. 4-3-1812; d
.......m. John Mendenhall 1811-1847 6 .
.....8. Wilson Barnett b. 7-30-1817 d.
.......m. 1836 Mary Allen children 4
.....9. Thomas Barnett b. 11-20-1817; d.
.......m. 1839 Almeida Ballard 1815-1902
....10. Amos Barnett b. 3-8-1820 : d.
....11. Curtis Barnett b. 1824 ; d.
.......m. 1843 Sidney George b. 1827 children 6
....12. Isaac Barnett b. 7-25-1827; d. 7-13-1828.

3. Millicent Barnett b. Virginia, d. Ohio. m. William Adams

4. John Barnett b. 6-16-1778, Va. d. 10-7-1854, Ind. Both are buried near Kewanna, Ind.
......m.4-14-1801. N. C Elizabeth Hutchins b. 4-15-1782, Va. d. 12-16-1850, Ind
.....1. Judith Barnett 1817 b. 4-23-1802; d. 8-14-1838.
.......m. Absalom Waymire --1797-1865 children 8
.....2. Jane Barnett b. 11-13-1803; d. 9-22-1846.
........m1. 1820 Jacob Yount children 3 (10)
........m2. 1831 Andrew Robinson children 3
........m3. 1842 Stephen Kennedy children 1
.....3. Dorothy Barnett b. S-26-1806; d. 12-10-1841
........m. 1826 Thomas Elliott children 6
.....4. Jesse Barnett b. 8-26-1806 d. 12-10-1841
........m. 1831 Sarah Biddleman children 9
.....5. Anderson Barnett b. 2-11-1811 ; d.
....... m. 1832 Mary Mason children 13 (15)
.....6. Hutchins A. Barnett b. 12-11-1812; d. 12-23-1852
........m. 1836 Sarah Baker children 2
.....7. Susan Barnett b. 11-20-1814; d.
.......m. 1832 John Hikes children 7
.....8. Thomas W. Barnett b. 6-6-1817; d. 10-29-1882.
......m. 1837 Mary Troutman 1818-1891 children 10
.. ..9. John Barnett b. 6-20-1819; d. 10-5-1843. Unmarried.
...10. Isaac Barnett b. 10-7-1821 ; d.
.......m. 1844 Laura Musselman children 3
...11. William C. Bnrnett b. 7-20-1824: d. 8-28-1851
. .....m. Mary Campbell children 3 (20)

5. Jesse Barnett b. 1780, Va d. 1830, Ky.
....m. 4-30-1803, Va. Sarah B. Matthews.
Moved to Kentucky at an early day, probably Greenup County. Raised a large family, all girls except one.

6. Arthanacius Barnett b. 5-24-1786, Va. d. Iowa
...m. Margaret Mendenhall b. d. This family to Iowa 1850-1855
...1. John Barnett b. 3-7-1815 : d, 12-13-1845.
.......m. 1839 Ruth Coppock children 2
...2. Ruth Barnett b. 3-27-1816
...3. Jesse Barnett b. 6-21-1817: d.
...4. Katherine Barnett b. 10-31-1818: d.
.......m. 1840 Wm. Mendenhall-1810-1892 children 10
...5. Joseph Barnett b. 8-10-1821 d.
.......m. Katherine Mendenhall
...6. William Barnett b. 12-16-1822; d.
.......m. 1843 Abigal George
...7. Jane Barnett b. 1-18-1827: d.
.......m. Reubottom.
...8. Elizabeth Barnett b. 11-26-1828: d. 1-30-1846.
...9. Benjamin Bnrnett b. 11-26-1828 ; d.
..10. Levi Barnett b. 4-9-1831; d.

Page 12

7. Elizabeth Harnett .b. Va d. age 97, Iowa. To Iowa 1852
m. 1808 Richard Mendenhall
.....1. William Mendenhall b. 10-27-1810; d. 1-10-1892
.........m1. Nancy Hayworth children 4
.........m2. 1840 Catherine Barnett 1818 children 10
......2. Isaac Mendenhall b. 8-31-1812 ; d.
........m1. Anna Thurman children 4 (25)
........m2. Asenath Sheridan children 5
......3. Mary Mendenhall b. Va. b. 10-12-1814 ; d.
....... m1. Edward Walton children 2
....... m2. George Smith.
......4. Millie Mendenhall b. 3-13-1817 ; d. 10-2-1873.
........m. 1808, Ohio. Edward Hayworth children 6
......5. Marirnret Mendenhall b. 7-18-1821 ;
.......m. John Allen children 4.
......6. Nancy Mendenhall b. 11-22-1823; d.
.......m. John Males 1815 children 6 (30)
......7. Richard Mendenhall b. 11-21-1827; d.
.......m. Ruth Bingman children 4
......8. Nathan Mendenhall b. 6-29-1830 ; d
.......m1. Mary A. Macy children 2
.......m2. Malinda Sheridan. children 4

8. Ann Barnett b. 3-15-1790 Va d. 1-6-1877 Ind.
...m. 8-20-1808 Joseph Mendenhall. b. 10-2-1787, Va. d. 7-31-1872 Ind.
......1. Jesse Mendenhall b. 10-30-1809 ; d. 1887
........m. Phebe Haworth children 13
......2. John Mendenhall b. 1-7-1811; d. 3-8-1847
.......m. Milly Barnett 1812 children 6
.....3. Jonathan Mendenhall b. 7-17-1813 ; d. Sept. 1813.
.....4. Ruth Mendenhall b.



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