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Four and Fifty Years, the timeline from 1835-1860

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Date: 1835 to 1860
Location: Australiamap
Surnames/tags: A brief summary of events In the life of JOHN LOCKE By Marie & Allan Jackson,
Profile manager: Kev Thompson private message [send private message]
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Four and Fifty Years

1835 Some time during 1835 all Tickets of Exemption are withdrawn.

25th March Application for the publication of wedding banns at Maitland prospective bride & groom Ann Elliot (assigned servant to Mr. Dixon) and William Barron. Request for permission to marry sent by Rev. George Keylock Rusden, Convict Chaplain, Maitland. Permission granted, however .............

30th November Application for the publication of wedding banns at Maitland, prospective bride & groom Ann Elliot (assigned servant of Wm. Harper of Oswald) and John Lock, T. of E., overseer to Wm. Harper. As before, the request for permission to marry was forwarded by the Rev. G. K. Rusden.

15th December Letter to the Colonial Secretary from the Police Magistrate, Maitland, recommending John Lock for a Ticket of Leave.

25th December (Christmas Day) John Lock, overseer to Wm. Harper of Oswald, lends the key to the store to Wm. Barnes, an assigned servant. George Tuckey, farm constable, informs Harper that goods have been stolen from the store and trouble follows ..........

29th December John Lock convicted before the Bench of Magistrates, Maitland of "highly improper conduct in his capacity of overseer to Mr. Wm. Harper of Oswald", to be detained in Newcastle Gaol pending the Governor's decision.

A deposition re events on Christmas Day submitted by Wm. Harper, whom before Campbell, J.P. and H. Mitchell, J.P.

30th December John Lock admitted to Newcastle Gaol waiting the decision of H. E. the Governor.

1836 lst January Letter to the Colonial Secretary's Office from Campbell.

Wm. Barnes receives 50 lashes for absconding. Arthur O'Brien receives 50 lashes for absconding and 50 lashes for assaulting a special constable.

9th January Letter from the Col. Secretary's Office stating that the Governor approves the recommendation of the Maitland Bench that Lock be returned to Government service and assigned in the district of Maitland until he merits a Ticket of Leave by his future good conduct and his name to be submitted to the board accordingly. Signed by the Acting Principle Superintendent of Convicts T.C.H.

22nd January John Lock granted a Ticket of Leave, No. 36/129

26th January Ann Elliott, assigned to Wm. Harper is charged before the Bench of Magistrates at Maitland with being "drunk and disorderly" and sentenced to 14 days in the cells (solitary confinement). Same for Ann Davis, Elizabeth Cauly and Mary Ann .........

27th January Ann Elliott admitted to Newcastle Gaol for 14 days solitary confinement.

6th February John Lock assigned to Mr. Lewis, Hunter River.

15th March Ann Elliott assigned to Mr. Dunn, Hunter River.

1Oth May Williarn Harper dies at Oswald.

  • 1836 7th June John Lock and Ann Elliott married by the Rev. G.K. Rusden at Maitland.

Both are working for Housten Mitchell, younger brother of T. L. Mitchell, Surveyor General of N.S.W.

John is described as T. of L. Ann is described as Bond, age 19. Thomas Parker and Mary Carr are witnesses.

  • 1836 7th September William Locke born at Maitland. John Lock's occupation given as overseer to H. Mitchell, Esq.

27" November William baptised at Maitland by the Rev. G. K. Rusden.

1837 14 th June John Lock before the Police Magistrate at Maitland. Convicted of "dishonest conduct in withholding money which had been given to him for the purpose of being changed". 16t1' June Letter to the Principal Superintendent of Convicts from E. D. day notifying him of Lock's conviction & recommending that he be deprived of his Ticket of Leave.

71 July John Lock's Ticket of Leave Cancelled

1840 22nd May An order in council abolishing transportation to NSW was issued although convicts continued to arrive until 1841.*

  • 1840 14th July 1-1-3. Ann Locke born at Harpers Hill.

25th August John Lock has Ticket of Leave restored for Maitland District.

  • 1843 1Oth August Louisa Locke born at Harpers Hill, Oswald, father described as a tenant farmer.

20 September Louisa baptised.

  • 1845 10th January James Locke born at Harpers Hill, Oswald

9 th March James baptised

1847 28th May N.S.W Government Gazette, first official use of the name Warwick for the locality in Canning Downs.

15th October Petition received by the Col. Secretary for a conditional pardon for John Lock.

29th October Emily baptised, father described as farmer.

20th December Governor Fitzroy signs a Conditional Pardon for John Lock.

1849 1st February Conditional Pardon No. 49/197 entered on record.


Abbreviations W.A. "The Warwick Argus & Tenterfield Chronicle". E. & T. "The Warwick Examiner & Times"

1849 The Locke family sails on the P.S. TAMAR to Moreton Bay & from Ipswich travel via Spicer's Gap to Warwick on the bullock drays of Ned Collins; the journey occupying three weeks

John Locke from Lochinvar is under engagement as Overseer of Rosenthal Station whose Manager is John Deuchar

The Locke children attend the first school in Warwick.

1854 21st July John Locke purchases 22 ac. 5 rd. of land at the Warwick Land Sales.

1855 30th January 7 acres purchased by John Locke

1857 7th February 7 acres purchased by John Locke

1858 31st August 7 acres purchased by Walter Locke

7th September 2 acres 2 rd. purchased by Ann Locke 2 acres 2 rd. purchased by William Locke

8th November 1 acre 6 per. Purchased by Williarn Locke

1859 10th December Queensland made a separate colony.

  • 1860 12th February Alice Locke born at Warwick; she was the last child to be born to John & Ann Locke


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This is an extract from a pre-published version of Four and Fifty Years that was passed out to some close family members showing John and Ann Locke's timeline from 1835-to 1860 covering the births of their children as researched by Marie and Allan Jackson. Marie was born Marie Valencia Locke, John and Ann's great great grand daughter.
posted by Kev Thompson