- Profile
- Images
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Bishop, Jarboe, Ledbetter, Montgomery, Rowntree, Taylor
Contents |
1. Add Vernie info
3. add records of SA struggle to get into the tribe
Hello. My name is Linda Rowntree, and I am looking for the parents of ___________ . JESSE was my gggrandfather. I wrote about him here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Montgomery-13214 JULIA was my gggrandmother. I wrote about her here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bishop-15596. MARION was my great-grandfather. I wrote about him here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ledbetter-2197 ELIZABETH was my gggrandmother. I wrote about her here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Baldwin-14576 You match lots of people in the this line, and I am hoping that you have a tree somewhere that might help me.. If not, could I have the names of your parents or grandparents, so I can build a tree? I have looked a LONG time, am in my 70's and want to solve this mystery! Thank you so much for any snippet of help! Sincerely, LInda. PS. MY email is lvrowntree@gmail.com if you prefer that.
Password=Linda+GEDmatch2023 John Sloan Montgomery Kit Number: EA2719041 Bentley Kit Number: AW4712044 Linda's GEDmatch PL701308C1
Other important # Mark Montgomery Kit # XZ2469724 Amy Bruton Bluemel Kit# YS5280987
Linda Rowntree Kit # B431143 Password F57748 Haplogroup U5b2b4
John Sloan Montogmery FTDNA 989745 Password A59379 Y-DNA Haplogroup: R-S588
Bentley Page FTDNA Kit Number Kit Number: B981181 Password: CB2F59
Wesley Kenneth Rowntree Wesley Rowntree Kit No. MK68996 Password WesleyY1950 lvrowntree@gmail.com
Jim Patrick (Amarillo - related to the OTHER Jesse J) FTDNA kit 985920 Password 19A176
DNA Portal
https://www.yourdnaportal.com/user/sign-in DNAportal LINa490b0ac,
Password= LVR+23+Me2024 DZ3097999
Family Search
Password= LVR+Tree2024 Family Search Lab - https://www.familysearch.org/search/full-text
My Living DNA
https://my.livingdna.com/signin Password = Mytree123
NEW CM and Segment Predictor https://dna-sci.com/tools/SegcM/
Pedigree Collapse https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/38258592/posts/45444
How to Understand One-to-Many Results on Gedmatch https://whoareyoumadeof.com/blog/understand-one-many-results-gedmatch/
DNA Painter - Shared cM Project https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4
In my never-ending (it seems!) search for the parents of JESSE J. MONTGOMERY, I sometimes add a person / link on ANCESTRY that is merely suspected, but not proven, in order to help Ancestry's DNA algorithm find leads for me to explore. I have had a few successes this way, and I always mark them as TRIAL or UNPROVEN. PLEASE DON'T COPY THEM!
I have added information about JESSE to: Wikitree - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Montgomery-13214 Find a Grave - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/27166682/jesse-j-montgomery Family Search - https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/157294108?c=my-memories Ancestry - https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182342190/family My Heritage - https://www.myheritage.com/site-family-tree-77313211/lindas-kinfolk
In addition, I have an FTDNA tree, and my GEDmatch kit numbers are: UC450543C1 Linda V Rowntree MD5069742 Wesley Kenneth Rowntree (son) AW4712044 Bentley Page (1st cousin EA2719041 John Montgomery (3rd cousin)
I greatly appreciate and welcome any questions / challenges / edits / builds to my trees. I have been "wrong" enough to know that I will likely never have it "right" but it is only through our collective efforts that we will get a clearer picture of history.
JJM Wiki https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Montgomery-13214
JJM Monty History Notes http://genealogy.montyhistnotes.com/genealogy/familygroup.php?familyID=F12040&tree=MontyHistNotes_II
CMSI Genealogy Database http://clanmontgomery.org/Genealogy/index.php
John Montgomery who died in Red River County (father of Jesse J.?) http://www.montyhistnotes.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I62540&tree=Rountree
Stewart Rowan Montgomery (brother of Jesse J.?) http://genealogy.montyhistnotes.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I15448&tree=MontyHistNotes_II
Coorespondence re Jesse
Cay House (903-473-8914) 3/24/2024 I hope this finds you well. I'm still trying to find Jesse's ancestors, and I remember you mentioned that you believed that Jesse was Welsh. I have been active in a Y DNA project, as I did find a direct male descendant to test. The project languished for a bit, but has become active recently. I received an email about it, and it seems the mystery matches I have to Ewings, Ewens Gilmores, and Owens are confirmed.
Jack Montgomery' shrinkrappers2@gmail.com Casey's Pond 2855 Owl Hoot Trail, V-403 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 +1 801-209-7817
Tina Bruton DiToma (ditoma@yahoo.com) Stewart Montgomery is my gg grandfather. I have also been working on him for years.......... He is my brick wall. First I can find him is 1840 in Shelby Co., TN where he married Thulina and shows up in the census. William H Montgomery signed their marriage cert. I have done some collaborating with magsnell4, who is a descendant of William Houston Montgomery and Levicy Wirt. We share 37cm and are relatively confident that they are brothers or at the least, cousins, and as well pretty confident that Ann Montgomery Griffin, and Oscar D Montgomery are related in the same way. We have included James A. and John Montgomery to the sibling list because they either show up close in census and/or married other known family names. We are researching the possibility that Robert S. Montgomery was their father only based on the fact that William H was the executor of his will which was probated in July 1833. Another connection I have is that Oscar D Montgomery married Elizabeth Knox the sister of Thulina Knox, my gg grandmother who was Stewart's wife. My tree is the Bruton and Dunn Family tree and it is public. Also see GEDMatch YS52809987)
Hi, Tina - It was so good to hear back from you, and it was so interesting to hear what YOU have put together, and how similar it is to what I put together! . I did not know that that William H was the executor of Robert. S. will, only that we share DNA. Are you related to Mark Montgomery? He is at GEDmatch (kit XZ2469724) and his Dad Gerald is at WikiTree (Montgomery-1733) showing a path back to John Addison, but again we are stuck. He is also on Ancestry and it looks like you and I share several relatives with him. On Ancestry, his tree is just Montgomery Family Tree. Another person I hope you will check on is Phoebe James, who married William Montgomery. Again, I share lots of DNA with her, but his line is a brick wall. This William Montgomery was born about 1785 in Blount County, Tennessee, and married Phoebe Jane (James) Montgomery in 1806 in Blount County, Tennessee. He died in 1832. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Montgomery-13441 Please let me know if you discover anything, or if you see anything new on this chart that I put together a few months ago: Could MARY MONTGOMERY, (born between 1784 and 1786 in Virginia) be the mother of the five children below? Could ROBERT S. MONTGOMERY be her husband?
Reasoning: William Houston Montgomery, born about 1804, was the executor of ROBERT S. MONTGOMERY’s will probated in July 1833. William also signed Stewart and Thurlina’s Marriage Certificate I share 2 matches with William H. (20/1, 18/1 cM)
Circumstantial - Mary Adeline Montgomery married Samuel George in 1830. In 1838 - JESSE was a witness for Samuel George and several others. (Samuel George died in 1842 and Mary A is Admin. “Jess” buys items at the estate sale. A son, 5-8 in 1840 census, is possibly the William George, 19, who lived with James A. in 1850. Also JESSE named a daughter Mary Adeline. in May of 1862, he was in Lawrence Alabama, where he was executor of Mary’s will I can’t find much about them, and do not seem to share DNA.
Stewart lived near JESSE in Caddo/Harrison County (Caddo is on LA side, Harrison on TX side) I share 12 matches with Stewart through his daughters, Eugenia and Ellen (28/2, 28/3, 23/2, 19/1, 17/1, 17/1, 16/2, 15/1, 14/1, 13, 10, 10)
Circumstantial - James A lived right next door to MARY, Ann and Oscar, and lived near Stewart later in Upshur. Also, he died in Rains County.
Oscar D. also lived with Ann E.(Griffin) and MARY MONTGOMERY in the 1850 census. Oscar married Elizabeth Knox, Thurlina’s sister. Oscar lived in Harrison County near Stewart and JESSE in 1850 Oscar and I share 12/1 with Oscar through daughter Ada.
Ann E. (Griffin) lived with MARY MONTGOMERY in the 1850 census. I share 11 matches with Ann E. through her daughters, Lowella and Olivia, Eliza and Earl (37/1, 28/1,23/1, 22/2,21/1,19/1,18/1,14/1,13/1,10/1, 9/1)
NAME William Houston Montgomery Mary Adeline Montgomery (George) JESSE J. MONTGOMERY Stewart Montgomery
James A. Montgomery,
Oscar D. Montgomery,
Ann E. Montgomery (Griffin)
1802- 1804
In Blount County, TN
in ???
In TN or AL
1814-16 in TN
1817-1819 AL
1822-1825 AL
Levicy Wirt
Samuel George 3/1830 Lawrence, AL
JULIA A. BISHOP 1834 Lawrence, AL
Therlina Knox
1/1840 Shelby TN
Louisa Higgins (Holman) 1845,Limestone AL
Elizabeth Knox
1854 Harrison, TX
G. W. Griffin
1844 Shelby TN
Shelby County, TN.
6 Under 20
4 20 thru 49
Lawrence, AL
0 females? 1 5-9 male, 1 20-29 male, 1 30-39 male
Lawrence, Alabama
2 Males under 5; 2 males - 15 thru 19 (a brother???) 1 Female under 5 Shelby County, TN
2 under 20
2 20-49 unknown Oscar would have been about 18 so still at home? Ann would have been about 15 so living at home? 1850 CENSUS LOCATION Shelby, Tennessee
Living with Wife and kids: Wyatt 10 William 7
5-9 male from 1840 would be 15-19. Could this be the William George living with JAMES A. ?
Caddo, LA
with wife and kids: Frances, 14; John K.,12;
James W.,11;
William F.,10
Eliza Jane,8;
Mary A(deline),5;
S A(Sarah Amelia), 2; ALICE VERNON (myggm), 0
Harrison TX with wife and kids:
A, 16 J, 8 J, 4 Lawrence AL, next door to MARY and sister ANN With wife and her kids from 1st marriage + William George, 19 (son of Mary Adeline?) Lawrence, AL. living WITH MARY and sister ANN
Lawrence, Alabama w. husband and kids:
Olivia L. 4
Eliza, 2
+ mother MARY, 66, and brother, Oscar D. 27
Also unknown: Thadeus B McConnell, 25, S M Oldham, 23 1860 Shelby, Tennessee Post Office Memphis Lovicy died in ‘52 William, 17
Died 1865 Shelby, TN Possibly living in Shelby TN?? Springville, Wood County, LATER Rains County TX With wife and all kids EXCEPT John K.
Upshur, TX with wife and kids John, 16 James, 14 William, 9 L? 7 Ellen, 5 Eugenia 0 Gilmer, Upshur, TX Boardinghouse? Port Caddo, Harrison County, TX w. wife and kids: District 11,Germantown, Shelby TN with husband, 4 kids + mother, MARY, 73 (1787) 1870 x ? Precinct 5, Dallas, Texas
With wife, two youngest kids. Upshur with wife and kids Cant find him in 1870 but in May 1867 he was Upshur TX Port Caddo, Harrison, Texas with wife Elizabeth (Bettie) Knox,36 and kids. Fayette, Tennessee, with husband and E G, 21 J M, 19 Llewella,15 J O, 10 E D, 7 B N, 3
MARY must have died? 1880
Montague, TX near a daughter with wife
Upshur, Texas
Does not list mother but says father was born in Virginia
Rains County with wife Eliza Hallonquist and daughter Mica.
Father born in Tennessee Mother born in Virginia Precinct 4, Dallas, TX with wife and 3 children.
Mother was born in Virginia, father was born in Maryland
Shelby, Tennessee, with husband and Geo. O., 19
Earl V., 17
Ben N., 11
LDS Genealogy - Rains County
FT DNA Cenel Eoghain Y-DNA Project
March 2024 from Dwayne O'Neill <dloneill@protonmail.com>
FT DNA has identified your kit as haplogroup R-S588. This is the focus of the FT DNA Cenél nEógain Y-DNA Project. Here is a link to the current Y STR summary with the group. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CenelEoghainy-dnaproject?iframe=yresults
I replied - I understand the chart in theory, but my ancestor's name is not on the chart. My ancestor is Jesse J. Montgomery, born in either Alabama or Tennessee in 1807. My only male cousin who is a direct ancestor took the test for me, and his name is John Sloan Montgomery. I have looked for Jesse's ancestors for years, and am very hopeful your project can point me in the right direction.
Dwayne replied - I have tentatively placed your kit in that group R-S588 > A5388 Clann ?? (O'Neill/Neill Wilson Love Gilmore Haslett Clade) since 4 of your 37 matches that have completed Big Y are in that group (two Gilmore surname kits and 2 Neel surname kits). https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CenelEoghainy-dnaproject?iframe=yresults Jim Wilson at jim_wilson1@comcast.net is the focus person for that group.
Jim Wilson replied - I posted a welcome note for your kit in the Activity Feed of Cenel Eoghain Project this morning. Jim Wilson, Co-administrator R-S588 > A5388 Clade FamilyTreeDNA Group Project - Montgomery https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/montgomery
FamilyTreeDNA Group Project J-Z35794 - Montgomery Founder https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/j-z35794
Terri Stern Communication April 2023 mygenealogytutor@gmail.com
Terri, basing it on FTDNA and GEDMatch, thinks: Margaret Montgomery b 1756 Jones Co GA, could be JESSE's ancestor. She is the daughter of John Montgomery & Margaret Morrison 1735, Chester, PA, wife of Caleb Todd 1751. There is NO record showing this. In trying ran into BUMPASS connections that would possibly
January, 2024 John Sloan Montgomery's matches with R-S588 have these last names: Ewing, Gilmer, Gillmore, Coleman, Campbell, MacKenzie, McDermott, Ransom, McLaughlin, Quinn, Reed, Brown, Kidd and McLennan. Oddly enough none of them match him at 67 or 111 markers.
John Montgomery and Martha Finley Montgomery or John and Martha Montgomery
Genealogical Study of Montgomerys https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=2E06AAAAMAAJ&pg=GBS.PA52-IA2&%3Bprintsec=frontcover&%3Boutput=reader&%3Bhl=en&%3Bpg=GBS.PA397+*****
Difference in JMMM and JMMF https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Finley-1796
This is the wrong Montgomery-18716
Specific Note re Julia
In my never-ending (it seems!) search for the parents of JULIA A. BISHOP (MONTGOMERY), I sometimes add a person / link on ANCESTRY that is merely suspected, but not proven, in order to help Ancestry's DNA algorithm find leads for me to explore. I have had a few successes this way, and I always mark them as TRIAL or UNPROVEN. PLEASE DON'T COPY THEM!
I have added Wikitree information about JULIA here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bishop-15596
In addition to my Ancestry Tree: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182342190/family, I have a My Heritage Tree: https://www.myheritage.com/site-family-tree-77313211/lindas-kinfolk, as well as a FTDNA tree.
My GEDmatch kit numbers are: UC450543C1 Linda V Rowntree MD5069742 Wesley Kenneth Rowntree (son) AW4712044 Bentley Page (1st cousin EA2719041 John Montgomery (3rd cousin)
I greatly appreciate and welcome any questions / challenges / edits / builds to my trees. I have been "wrong" enough to know that I will likely never have it "right" but it is only through our collective efforts that we will get a clearer picture of history.
Kim Rhoades <k.rhoades@sbcglobal.net> Sat, Aug 26, 2023, 3:40 AM Linda, I did a bit a research today on Elisha Bishop to find out if he was actually a she and Ancestry is correct. Elisha Bishop is male and was the son of Elijah Bishop 1790-1840 and Lavina Clark 1795-1886. His brother is named Elijah Spottswood Bishop 1833-1914. The only way I can put this all together is to map it out. My father had started the research on his family tree back in the 90’s. Joseph Abner Bishop’s name was in an old family Bible. I have access to FindaGrave.com and to Newspaper.com. I will search there for any new information and pass on what I can find. It may take me awhile to get this done. I am going to California to help my niece who just had a baby and I may be leaving sometime next week. I will definitely be keeping in touch with you. Kim Rhoades
to Kimberley I apologize that it has taken me a long time to get back to you, but I know you have also been busy with your father. Hope you had a wonderful time. I wish I still had my parents!
I sometimes add a person / link on ANCESTRY that is merely suspected, but not proven, in order to help Ancestry's DNA algorithm find leads for me to explore. I have had a few successes this way. So, I added Abner as Elijah's brother, and waited.
After several weeks, I feel pretty sure that you and I are related to the same people, but I do not believe that Abner was the son of Wyatt, band I honestly am not sure that Elijah was either, based only on the DNA I get from Ancestry (which I realize is not the end all and be all) I am attaching 3 screenshots that I hope will show you what I mean. There are links from Elijah down to his descendants (us), but NO links between Elijah or Abner and Wyatt.
In realiity I only think Abner was the father of Julia because on 1 Aug 1839, Abner Bishop “of Lawrence County” purchased 80 acres in 1 W½NW HUNTSVILLE Township 5S Range 6W Section 27. JESSE J. MONTGOMERY, JULIA's husband, bought adjoining land that same day. I'm not sure that is the greatest basis for the belief that JULIA is his daughter; it is just all I have!
As to Abner's relationship with Elijah, it is again based on land (and I guess on a bit of DNA). The 1820 State Census of Lawrence County Alabama lists Abner and Elijah next to each other. George W. Rose is also listed. I think he might be Arianna's father, and somehow I share DNA with some the children.
In 1832 Elijah Bishop bought 80 acres in Lawrence County (Township 05S Range 06W in Section 26; basically right beside Abner. As to Arianna "Hannah" Rose (Bishop) (1794–1850 - FamilySearch G3HC-YNS) was born in 1794 to George W Rose (1745–1835 - G3HZ-9W4). Her brother, James A Rose was born in 1797. Another brother, George Rose, was born in 1798. (9QHH-TLZ)
She married Elijah Bishop in 1811 in Virginia. According to the 1850 Federal Census, Elijah Bishop was born in 1791 in North Carolina, the son of Unknown and James.
In 1811 Elijah and Arianna’s first son Mirah was born in Virginia, then in 1814 another son, Joseph Muhlenberg "Berg" was born in Lee, Virginia. By 1817, the family had moved to Alabama where daughter Catherine Ann "Kitty” was born on May 22, 1817.
Elijah registered his certificate to purchase land in Alabama on 23 Oct 1818, and by 1820 Elijah was living next to Abner Bishop.
Arianna and Elijah’s son Lewis B. was born in 1824 in Lawrence, Alabama. Alexander M was born on October 15, 1827. That same year, Elijah was commissioned as a constable in Lawrence County. Daughter Ann was born in 1830.
The 1840 Federal Census shows Elijah living in Lawrence, Alabama with 1 Male - 10 thru 14 (Alexander) ; 2Males - 15 thru 19 (Merah and Lewis B); and 1 male- 40 thru 49 (Elijah), as well as 1 Female - 5 thru 9 (Ann); 1 Females - 20 thru 29 (Kitty) Arianna is not listed, but she shows up again in the 1850 census.
The 1850 Federal Census shows “Elizah Baskap” 59 years old and living in District 8, Lawrence, Alabama, with Arianna, 56, Merah and Ann. According to family trees, Arianna died soon after this census and is buried in Frankfort, Franklin, Alabama. Elijah is thought to have died in 1859 in Mississippi. (I can find NO records of either)
Please do stay in touch!
MARION T. LEDBETTER, my great-grandfather
Specific Note re Marion
In my never-ending (it seems!) search for the parents of MARION T. LEDBETTER, I sometimes add a person / link on ANCESTRY that is merely suspected, but not proven, in order to help Ancestry's DNA algorithm find leads for me to explore. I have had a few successes this way, and I always mark them as TRIAL or UNPROVEN. PLEASE DON'T COPY THEM!
I have added Wikitree information about MARION here https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ledbetter-2197I
In addition to my Ancestry Tree: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182342190/family, I have a My Heritage Tree: https://www.myheritage.com/site-family-tree-77313211/lindas-kinfolk, as well as a FTDNA tree.
My GEDmatch kit numbers are: UC450543C1 Linda V Rowntree MD5069742 Wesley Kenneth Rowntree (son) AW4712044 Bentley Page (1st cousin EA2719041 John Montgomery (3rd cousin)
I greatly appreciate and welcome any questions / challenges / edits / builds to my trees. I have been "wrong" enough to know that I will likely never have it "right" but it is only through our collective efforts that we will get a clearer picture of history.
Coorespondence re Marion
Georgia Walsh gewfebee@yahoo.com 817-907-1960
Specific Note re Elizabeth
In my never-ending (it seems!) search for the parents of ELIZABETH BALDWIN (PAGE), I sometimes add a person / link on ANCESTRY that is merely suspected, but not proven, in order to help Ancestry's DNA algorithm find leads for me to explore. I have had a few successes this way, and I always mark them as TRIAL or UNPROVEN. PLEASE DON'T COPY THEM!
I have added Wikitree information about ELIZABETH here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Baldwin-14576
In addition to my Ancestry Tree: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/182342190/family, I have a My Heritage Tree: https://www.myheritage.com/site-family-tree-77313211/lindas-kinfolk, as well as a FTDNA tree.
My GEDmatch kit numbers are: UC450543C1 Linda V Rowntree MD5069742 Wesley Kenneth Rowntree (son) AW4712044 Bentley Page (1st cousin EA2719041 John Montgomery (3rd cousin)
I greatly appreciate and welcome any questions / challenges / edits / builds to my trees. I have been "wrong" enough to know that I will likely never have it "right" but it is only through our collective efforts that we will get a clearer picture of history.
Research on Elizabeth
1830 CENSUS William Baldwin Hawkins, Tennessee Free Females - 5 thru 9: 2 Hawkins in far NE of TN (this family is also in 1840)
Moses Baldwin Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Free Females - 5 thru 9: 3 A good ways directly East
Elisha Baldwin Carter, Tennessee Free Females - 5 thru 9: 1 on the East Coast
Lewis Baldwin Henry, Tennessee Free Females - 5 thru 9: 1 a good ways northwest
1840 CENSUS [William Baldwin]1840 Hawkins, Tennessee, USA Free White Females - 15 thru 19: 2 Hawkins in far NE of TN
R H Baldwin1840 Warren, Tennessee, USA Free White Females - 15 thru 19:1 Warren right next to DeKalb
Levi Baldwin 1840 Warren, Tennessee, USA Free White Females - 15 thru 19:1 Warren right next to DeKalb
Lewis Baldwin1840 Henry, Tennessee, USA Free Females - 15 thru 19:1 a good ways NW of Smith and DeKalb
Eliza Baldwin 1840 Henry, Tennessee, USA Free Females - 15 thru 19: 2 a good ways NW of Smith and DeKalb
James Baldwin 1840 Meigs, Tennessee, USA Free Females - 15 thru 19: 1 a little way South and East of Smith and DeKalb
[Aaron Baldwin]1840 Perry, Tennessee, USA Free Females - 15 thru 19: 1 Several counties directly West
Abr Baldwin or [Alx Baldwin]1840 Robertson, Tennessee Free Females - 15 thru 19: 1 A few counties NW
Wm Baldwin 1840 Robertson, Tennessee, USA Free Females - 15 thru 19: 1 A few counties NW
1. Given that both Smith and DeKalb counties are about 300 square miles each, thinking R H Baldwin1840 Warren, Tennessee, USA Free White Females - 15 thru 19:1 is the best bet.
According to the 1840 census, R H Baldwin in Warren County was born between 1801 and 1810, as was his wife. They have 2 males under 5, 1 males 5-9, 1 male, 10-14, and 1 female 15-19. So guessing they might have married abou 1822? R.H. was employed in Agriculture with no slaves. I did not recognize any names on the page of the pages before or after. https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/8057/images/4410646_00677?treeid=&personid=&queryId=ba02d394-4710-4021-bc5c-adeaf1fb5380&usePUB=true&_phsrc=dbk42&_phstart=successSource&pId=1869988
Ancestry - there are NO All Public Member Trees results for R H Baldwin born ANYWHERE during this time, but if you broaden the name search there are 397. Narrowing to TN nothing. Nothing in NC or Kentucky either.
2. Levi Baldwin (or maybe Baldin?) 1840 Warren, Tennessee, USA Free White Females - 15 thru 19:1 is also a possibility. Levi was born between 1801-1810, and his wife was born between 1790 and 1800. They have 1 male 5-9, 3 males 10-14, and 1 female 15-19. The family is employed in Agriculture with no slaves. There is a Gideon (maybe older brother next door)
Truckee Meadows Research Site - go to Student Resources, then to Library, then to Databases, then to ebook collections. For some collections you have to get a new password from Suzanne. https://www.tmcc.edu/
TMCC Library Open Genealogy Lab Guest Speakers https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcWk1BcihnIj1wCTdNUU4uR-C1TP8uVZ
Genealogy TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcvpi8XvOScBogIxmarmADwDAR - Daughters of the American Revolution Database https://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search/
Family Search Wiki https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Main_Page
Library of Congress Digital Collections https://www.loc.gov/collections/
BLM Land Records all states except Texas https://glorecords.blm.gov/default.aspx
U.S. GenWeb Project https://www.usgenweb.org/
Google by Using Your Family Tree https://www.genealogy-search-help.com/
Google Books/Newspapers https://news.google.com/newspapers
Newspapers.com https://go.newspapers.com/
FOLD - sign in with Ancestry https://www.fold3.com/search?view=BROWSE&columnStates=!((facetType:general.title.id))
Genealogy Trails - the National Site - some states may be "worth it" http://genealogytrails.com/
Legal Age https://genfiles.com/articles/legal-age/
Processioning https://genfiles.com/articles/processioning/
Deeds https://genfiles.com/articles/deeds/
Naming Patterns https://genfiles.com/articles/comments-on-naming-patterns/
Digital Public Library of America https://dp.la/
My Maps - Google https://www.google.com/maps/d/
Family Search Migration Routes https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/US_Migration_Trails_and_Roads
United States Digital Map Library http://usgwarchives.net/maps/maps.html
TopoView Maps https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/topoview/viewer/#4/39.98/-100.06
Map Geeks - Free Maps of Most States https://mapgeeks.org/
Township and Range search by Description 'https://www.earthpoint.us/TownshipsSearchByDescription.aspx
Texas Cattle Drives http://genealogytrails.com/tex/state/cattledrives.html
The Portal to Texas History https://texashistory.unt.edu/
"Linkpendium" https://linkpendium.com/wood-tx-genealogy/cen/ http://files.usgwarchives.net/tx/rains/land/rains.txt https://www.usgenwebsites.org/TXRains/
https://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/GLOHCM/ - Historic Map Section Texas State Library and Archives Collection https://www.tsl.texas.gov/
Texas Gen Project - Although some counties are in need of a volunteer some have great info" http://www.txgenweb.org/tx/txmap.htm
Texas Escapes http://www.texasescapes.com/default.htm
Jack County https://www.jackcountytexas.info/
Genealogy Trails - I have JESSE's bio here http://genealogytrails.com/tex/prairieslakes/rains/bios.html
The Texas General Land Office - you only have to fill in the last name
https://s3.glo.texas.gov/glo/history/archives/land-grants/index.cfm?sa=z Red River Historian - Red River Historian - see blog as well as presentations tabs for AMAZING stories
https://www.redriverhistorian.com/ Warriors of the Lone Star - quirky site has great list of other quirky Texas sites http://warriorsofthelonestar.blogspot.com/p/about.html
Texas Postcards - some good photos http://www.txgenweb.org/postcards/
Rusk County - Jesse's Bio https://www.txrusk.com/bios/rowntreejh.htm
Texas Digital Archive https://tsl.access.preservica.com/
Alabamd Department of Archives https://archives.alabama.gov/
Alabama Maps - shows changing boundaries' http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/contemporarymaps/alabama/historical/index.html
Alabama Maps and Blueprints Collection https://digital.archives.alabama.gov/digital/collection/maps
TLC Search https://tslaindexes.tn.gov/
Tennessee Library and Archives https://sos.tn.gov/tsla
TLC Genealogical "Fact Sheets" About Tennessee Counties https://sos.tn.gov/tsla/guides/genealogical-fact-sheets-about-tennessee-counties
TLC for Genealogists https://sos.tn.gov/tsla/researchers-genealogists Tennessee Census Maps https://www.dncr.nc.gov/programs-services/family-history-genealogy
Tennesseeans at War https://ezproxy.tmcc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e000xna&AN=759553&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Tennessee Virtual Archive https://teva.contentdm.oclc.org/customizations/global/pages/index.html
South Carolina Roots and Recall (maps by county) https://www.rootsandrecall.com/blog/buildings/pattern-book-links/
South Carolina State Historical Maps https://www.sciway.net/hist/maps/mapsstate.html
South Carolina Record Search (Jesse, James, and Turner) great site https://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/
Carolana - this site covers BOTH North and South Carolina. Lots of info, oddly arranged. https://www.carolana.com/
North Carolina Ancestral Trackers https://www.ancestraltrackers.net/nc/counties.htm
North Carolina Research Sources really not a great site but.... https://www.dncr.nc.gov/programs-services/family-history-genealogy
Georgia Digital Library https://gahistoricnewspapers.galileo.usg.edu/
Southern Appalachia Digital Collections https://southernappalachiandigitalcollections.org/browse/collections
Louisiana State Library - death, disease, and mourning https://www.crt.state.la.us/louisiana-state-museum/online-exhibits/the-cabildo/antebellum-louisiana-disease-death-and-mourning/index
MontyHisNotes (both Montgomery and Rowntree) http://www.montyhistnotes.com/genealogy/index.php
Bob's Filing Cabinet https://genfiles.com/rountree/
Richardson Rowntree http://www.montyhistnotes.com/MorePages/RichardsonRountree_files/RountreeRichardson_FGS.pdf
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