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Free e-Book Sources

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Surnames/tags: e-books, google books Clapp, Davis, Sanders
This page has been accessed 62 times.

The is a list of sources with links to free e-books or other links. The list is arranged alphabetically by surname. It is most useful to use the edit tab so that you can copy and paste the source' code into your profile.

- C -

Ebenezer Clapp, compiler. The Clapp Memorial: Record of the Clapp Family in America : Containing Sketches of the Original Six Emigrants, and a Genealogy of Their Descendants Bearing the Name : with a Supplement and the Proceedings at Two Family Meetings, Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1876 (436 pages).

- D -

Francis Y. Davis, compiler. Genealogy of the Ancestry and Descendants of Captain Francis Davis, Founder of Davisville, New Hampshire, and of Some of the Posterity of His Brother, Gideon Davis: With Records of Many Other Descendants of Francis Davis, the Emigrant from Wales to America, Dayton, Ohio: The Otterbein Press, 1910.

- S -

George Rich. Genealogy: Ancestors and Descendants of John Sanders, Fort Covington, N.Y., Cleveland, Ohio: n.p., 1922.

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