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Freedmens Land Certificates Edisto Island, South Carolina

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1865 [unknown]
Location: Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Freedmens Slavery
This page has been accessed 75 times.

South Carolina Plantations

Plantations of Edisto Island


This profile is part of the Edisto Island, South Carolina One Place Study.

In 1865 the following Free Persons had a certificate for a plot of land on the following plantations on Edisto Island.[1] Although they have the land certificates, eventually a lot of this land was returned to the former plantation owners.

3 Aug 1865

Page Date No. Name Owner Location
1 3 Aug 1865 1 James Hutchinson Wm Eddings Sea Side
2 Primus Morrison Evens Eddings Sea Side
3 Samuel Miller Mary Seabrook Sea Side
4-Aug 4 Cyrus Jenkins Evens Eddings Sea Side
5 John Major Const Bailey Palmetto
6 James Gibbs Const Bailey Blue House
7 Wm Howard Evens Eddings Sea Side
8 Robert Holmes Constantine Bailey Palmetto
9 Moses Jenkins Constantine Bailey Palmetto
10 Edwin Hutchinston Evens Eddings North Edisto
5-Aug 11 Abraham Fraser Evens Eddings Sea Side
12 Toney Gettes Evens Eddings Sea Side
13 Ned Wilconson Evens Eddings Sea Side
14 Ishmael Block E Baynon (Baynard) Palmetto
15 Jonas Rasael J. J. Mikell Fullers
16 Aleck Bryan Constantine Bailey Palmetto
17 George Burkhorn Constantine Bailey Palmetto
7-Aug 18 Dick Richards Mary Seabrook Sea Side
19 George Spisel Tom Mikell Bailey's Isl
20 Peter Bright Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
21 Sampson Simmons Tho Mikell Bailey's Isl
22 James Scott Mary Seabrook Sea Side
23 Guy Manning? Jos Whaley Crawfords
24 Richard Bowles Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
25 Horry Walker Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
26 Straphton Gibbs Const Bailey Blue House
27 Mrs Peggy Gibbs Const Bailey Blue House
2 7-Aug 28 Liberty Bagnon E Baynon's (Baynard) Sea Side
29 Caroline Bugnon E Baynon's (Baynard) Sea Side
30 Jennette Baynard E Baynon's (Baynard) Sea Side
31 July Gillion Joseph Whaley Crawfords
32 July Gilliord Sr Joseph Whaley Crawfords
33 James Walker J. J. Mikell Fullers
34 Paddy Johnson Evens Eddings Sea Side
35 Louis Baun Townsend Public Landing
8-Aug 36 George Simmonds Thomas Mikell Bailey's Isl
9-Aug 37 Wm Manigault Jabez Westcott The Plantation
38 Isaac Manego Jabez Westcott The Plantation
39 Scipio Polilt Jabez Westcott The Plantation
40 Benj Manego Jabez Westcott The Plantation
41 David Drayton Jas Murray Public Landing
42 London Lewis Jabez Westcott Bleak Hall
43 Cyrus Johnson Townsend Bleak Hall
44 Crelious Miller Wm Eddings Sea Side
10-Aug 45 Colonel Scott Evens Eddings North Edisto
46 Samuel Murray E Baynords (Baynard) Sea Side
47 July Becket T. A. Beckets Bachelor's Retreat
48 Rente Mikell E Baynon (Baynard) Little Edisto
49 Mrs James Delesten E Baynon (Baynard) Sea Side
50 Titus Baynard E Bayorum (Baynard) Rabbit Point
51 Jerry Puall Jabez Westcott Dill Farm
11-Aug 52 London Eddings Wm Eddings Sea Side
53 York Flood Wm Eddings Sea Side
54 Frederick Armstrong Mary Seabrook Sea Side
10-Aug 55 Aleck Pinckney Tho Mikell Bailey's Isl
56 Anthony Hoyte Tho Mikell Bailey's Isl
14-Aug 57 John Williams Mary Seabrook Sea Side
58 Hager Jenkins Mary Seabrook Sea Side
59 Tho Williams Mary Seabrook Sea Side
60 Plenty Green Chas Bailey Point of Pines
61 Peter Campbell Chas Bailey Point of Pines
62 Peter Bennet Chas Bailey Point of Pines
63 Tilus Bailey Chas Bailey Point of Pines
64 Ben Maxwell Townsend Bleak Hall
65 Edwin Bailey Wm Eddings Sea Side
66 August Days Wm Eddings Sea Side
67 Moses Bailey Joseph Whaley Crawfords
68 Mrs Amelia Whaley Joseph Whaley Crawfords
69 Ned Whaley John Seabrook Seabrooks Neck
70 Josiah Brown John Seabrook Seabrooks Neck
71 Kit Perry Jabez Westcott Bleak Hall
72 Prince Heywood Townsend Bleak Hall
73 Wm Seabrook Townsend Bleak Hall
74 Frank Mikell Townsend Bleak Hall
75 James Waits Jabez Westcott Bleak Hall
76 James Bailey Chas Bailey Point of Pines
77 Richard Hutchman Wm Murray's Public Landing
78 Ephraim Fraser Tho Mikell Bailey's Isl
79 Stephen Commodore E Baynard Sea Side
80 Joe Edwards Gehosa Island Jehosee Isld
81 Daniel Spearing Gehosa Island Jehosee Isld
4 14-Aug 82 Jack Cartwright Wm Eddings Sea Side
83 Joe Bryant Jabez Westcott Plantations
84 Major Ladsen Evens Eddings North Edisto
85 April Eddings Evens Eddings Sea Side
86 Limas Mike Wm Eddings Sea Side
87 Taffy Wright Joe Whaley Pine Barren
15-Aug 88 Scipio Grimble Evens Eddings Sea Side
89 Sam Fraser Joe Whaley Pine Barren
90 Jas Whaley Joe Whaley Pine Barren
91 Morris Watson Joe Whaley Pine Barren
92 Morris Steplight Joe Whaley Pine Barren
93 Anthony Whaley Joe Whaley Pine Barren
94 Raphael Robinson Joe Whaley Pine Barren
95 Cololina Watson Joe Whaley Pine Barren
96 Stanley Simmons Joe Whaley Pine Barren
97 Philip Gadsen Joe Whaley Pine Barren
98 Cooper Judge Joe Whaley Pine Barren
99 Andrew Washington Joe Whaley Pine Barren
100 Adam Mike Joe Whaley Pine Barren
101 Robert Richons Joe Whaley Pine Barren
102 Sire Grimball Joe Whaley Sea Cloud
103 Will Days Joe Whaley Pine Barren
104 Andrew Multrie Jabez Westcott Plantations
105 Jacob Multrie Jabez Westcott Plantations
106 Sam Gasden Jabez Westcott Plantations
107 Joe Brown Joe Whaley Pine Barren
108 Robert Fraser T Becket Bachelor's Retreat
5 15-Aug 109 Mrs. Hettie Small Townsend Bleak Hall
110 Scipio Becket T Becket Bachelor's Retreat
111 George Owens T Becket Bachelor's Retreat
112 Jack Becket T Becket Bachelor's Retreat
113 Jerry Richardson Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
114 London Richardson Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
115 Andrew Brightman Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
116 Joe Bennett Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
117 Toby Richardson Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
118 Morris Judge Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
119 David White Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
120 Billy Hurtley Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
121 Horry Davison Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
122 Jack Whaley J. J. Mikell Fullers Place
16-Aug 123 Boston John Jenkins E Baynon (Baynard) Sea Side
124 August Parker Mary Seabrook Sea Side
125 Sancho Eddings Evens Eddings Sea Side
126 Prince L. Seabrook Henry Seabrook Brookland
127 John King Wm Eddings Sea Side
128 Chas Williams Wm Eddings Sea Side
17-Aug 129 Peter Bailey Chas Bailey Point of Pines
17-Aug 130 Manual Blessing Chas Bailey Point of Pines
131 Horry Freerson Mary Seabrook Sea Side
132 Jerry Dallis Jehosn Island Jehosee Isld
133 Mrs. Diana Richardson Jos Whaley Crawfords
134 March Prime Mary Seabrook Sea Side
135 Toney Jenkins Mary Seabrook Sea Side
6 17-Aug 136 Ben Steward T Becket Bachelor's Retreat
137 Horry Moultrie W Whaley Seabrooks Neck
19-Aug 138 Peter Black Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
139 Prince Maxwell Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
140 Thomas Shearing Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
141 Simon Baggs Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
21-Aug 142 Ben Rivers Murray's Public Landing
143 Ceasar Brown Jas Whaley Crawfords
144 Bob Brown Jas Whaley Crawfords
145 Erving Thompson Jas Whaley Crawfords
146 Wm Smith W. Jas Whaley Seabrooks Neck
147 Jeffrey Bunkam Evans Eddy Sea Side
148 Adam Mack Evans Eddy Sea Side
149 Peter Brown Evans Eddy Sea Side
150 Joe Williams Evans Eddy Sea Side
151 Sib Eddings Evans Eddy Sea Side
152 Jacob White Evans Eddy Sea Side
153 Ned Wright Evens Eddings North Edisto
154 Wm Wright Evens Eddings North Edisto
155 Dick Bowman Evens Eddings Sea Side
22-Aug 156 Robert Lance Dr. Jenkins
157 Richard Campbell Joe Jenkins Brick House
158 Catharine Brown Joe Jenkins Brick House
23-Aug 159 Joe Seabrook Wm Seabrook Oak Island
160 Paul Gilliard Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
161 Ishmail Moultrie Jas Clark
162 Wm Clark Jas Clark
7 23-Aug 163 Joe Hamilton Jas Clark
164 Isaac McDaniel Jas Clark
165 Wrento Gerdon Evens Eddings Sea Side
166 Stephen Fraser Chas Bailey
167 Abram Brown Joe Jenkins Brick House
168 David Bailey Wm M Whaley Bailey's Isl
169 Ben Bailey Wm M Whaley Bailey's Isl
170 James Brown Trescott
171 Kit Washington Constantine Bailey Blue House
172 Rachel Crofford Constantine Bailey Blue House
173 Huckey Coles Constantine Bailey Blue House
174 Tom Simmons Constantine Bailey Blue House
24-Aug 175 Josiah Grant Lagure Seabrook Landing
176 Albert Brown Mike Whaley Little Edisto
177 Jacob Baynard E Baynon (Baynard) Little Edisto
178 Philip Brown E Baynon (Baynard) Little Edisto
179 Kit Brown J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
180 Front Lester Tom Baynon (Baynard)
181 Henry Chapman Mary Seabrook North Edisto
182 Joe Chapman Mary Seabrook North Edisto
183 Cyrus Grant Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
184 Sam Singleton Wm Aiken Jehosee Isld
185 Joe Lambert Wm Seabrook Sea Side
186 Corolina King E Baynard Rabbit Point
187 Wrents Wright John Seabrook Sea Brooks Neck
188 Ben Whaley John Seabrook Seabrooks Neck
25-Aug 189 Tom Bailey J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
8 25-Aug 190 Jack Wering Bailey's Isld
191 Peter Lockwood Peter Honton
192 Rente Hanahan Peter Honton
193 Moses Hanahan Peter Honton
194 Henry Bram John Jas Hanahan
195 T. C. Derveney Joe Whaley
196 Lagere Clarks
Chas Simmons John's Island
Abram Madden John's Island
26-Aug 197 Sam Simmons E Baynon's (Baynard) Palmetto
198 Stephen April Townsend
199 Tom Jones J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
200 Neptune Scott J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
201 Cain Ford Ret Forolt Peter Point
202 Pompey Edmonds Ret Forolt Peter Point
203 Scipio Mikell Bailey's Isld
204 James Brown E Baynon (Baynard)
28-Aug 205 Hamlet Jenkins Vinegar Hill Vinegar Hill
206 Toney Jenkins Vinegar Hill Vinegar Hill
207 William Legare Vinegar Hill Vinegar Hill
208 Aleck Chisholm Mary Seabrook North Edisto
209 Amos Legare E Baynon's (Baynard) Rabbit Point
210 Jonnily Townsend J Townsend Bleak Hall
211 Mrs. Tenah legare E Baynon (Baynard) Rabbit Point
212 June Whaley Wm Whaley Tom Seabrook Place
213 Peter Williams Michael Whaley Little Edisto
214 Wm Wright Michael Whaley
9 28-Aug 215 Stephen Whaley Mikell Whaley Little Edisto
216 Mrs Eliza Whaley Wm Whaley Tom Seabrook Place
217 Tom Jones Edw Whaley
218 Abram Brown John F. Townsend Sea Cloud
219 Jacob Holmes John F. Townsend Sea Cloud
220 Billy Williams John F. Townsend Sea Cloud
221 Shem Butler Wm B Whaley Tom Seabrook Place
222 Elijah Blijing Wm B Whaley Tom Seabrook Place
223 Wm Green Hopkins
224 London Major E Baynon (Baynard) Rabbit Point
225 Daniel Baynard E Baynon (Baynard) Rabbit Point
226 Ferry Blake E Baynon (Baynard) Rabbit Point
227 Jack Baynon (Baynard?) E Baynon (Baynard) Rabbit Point
228 Rachel White Evens Eddings Sea Side
1-Sep 237/239 Cyrus Sumter Michael Seabrook
240 Benj Gadsen Michael Seabrook
241 Jas M Daniel Michael Seabrook
242 Andrew Mang
31-Aug 229 Sam Small E Baynon (Baynard)
230 Edward Brown E Baynon (Baynard)
231 Chas Thompson E Baynon (Baynard)
232 Raif Hopkins Hopkins Jenkins Farm Brick House
233 Ben Hopkins Hopkins Jenkins Farm Brick House
234 Lonely Hopkins Hopkins Jenkins Farm Brick House
235 Sampson Gadsen Chas Bailey
236 Joe Bailey Chas Bailey
237 Hector King Evens Eddings Sea Side
10 238 Chas L. Bradwell E. Parsonage
1-Sep 239 Cyrus Sumter Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
240 Benjamin Gadson Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
241 Jas McDaniel Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
242 Andrew Manigault Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
243 Dick Richards Evens Eddings Sea Side
244 Jock Mickell Tom Mikell
245 Ceasar Nelson Jas Whaley Seabrook Neck
246 Mingo Simmons Jas Whaley Seabrook Neck
247 Chas Gadsen Major Murray Fenwick Isld
248 Paul White Lagore
249 Isaac Sumter Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
250 Francis Weathers Michael Seabrook Sea Cloud
251 Clainda Eddings Evens Eddings Sea Cloud
252 Walt Brown E Baynords (Baynard)
253 Joe Brown E Baynords (Baynard)
254 Sibey Green E Baynords (Baynard) Little Edisto
255 Brister Brown Joe Townsend Bleak Hall
256 John Hutchins J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
257 Richard Fraser J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
258 Patrick Watson Betsey Seabrook
159 Lymus Brown J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
260 Joe Flood T Price Mikell Plantation
261 Toney Flood Jenkins Mikell
262 Henry Bailey Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
263 Frank Butter Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
264 Peter Bright Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
11 5-Sep 265 Abram Hornes Jenkins Mikell Peter Point
266 Isaac Bailey Jenkins Mikell
6-Sep 267 Breter Hamlinton E Baynords (Baynard)
268 Bob Robinson E Baynords (Baynard) Sea Side
269 Primus Simmons E Baynords (Baynard) Sea Side
270 Stephens Stetlight E Baynords (Baynard) Sea Side
271 Dick Richards Evens Eddings North Edisto
272 Stephen Mack John Jenkins Vinegar Hill
273 Joe Williams John Jenkins
7-Sep 274 Jack From Jno Jenkins
275 Isaac Simmons Dr. Jenkins
276 Mrs Lizzie Flood E Baynard Rabbit Point
277 Hettie Pinckney John Jenkins
278 Tom Gadson John Jenkins
279 Willie Burkan Murray's Public Landing
280 April Reny J. J. Mikell Bailey's Isl
8-Sep 281 Jas Baynon (Baynard) E Baynard
282 David Fraser E Baynard
283 Caser Small Wm Seabrook Oak Island
284 Betsy Coles Constantine Bailey Blue House
285 Jas McEllery Wm Seabrook
286 Celia Brown Const Bailey Blue House
287 Smart Mannway Bailey's Isld
288 Anthony M. Farlin Bailey's Isld
289 Andrew Yonge Bailey's Isld Bailey's Isl
290 Andrew Bull Bailey's Isld
12 12-Sep 291 Jim Scott Tom Baynon (Baynard) Ravenswood
292 Aleck Ford Tom Seabrook Tom Seabrook Place
293 July Street Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
294 Jonas Black W B Whaley Tom Seabrook Place
295 Dick Richardson Ep Baynard Little Edisto
296 Gage Williams Evens Eddings Sea Side
297 Titus Gibbs Eph Baynard
298 Mosias Johnson Jno Townsend Bleak Hall
1/2 Henry Johnson Jno Townsend
299 Chas Bailey Dr Bailey Old Dominion
300 Richard Bailey Dr. Bailey Old Dominion
301 Sam Crawford Dr. Wm M Bailey Maxey Place
302 Wm Manigault John Jenkins Black's House
303 John Sumtors Ed Seabrook
304 Abram Morgan Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
305 David White Jehosee Isld
306 Gabriel Sanders Jno Jenkins
307 Aaron Sumpter Wm Baynard
21-Sep 308 Tobey Ben Jas Eddings Gun Bluff
309 Jeffrey Jenkins Ed Jenkins
310 Powell Providence Jas Eddings
311 Aaron Stuart Jas Eddings
25-Sep 312 Solomon Jones Jas Eddings Gun Bluff
313 Hardtimes Smith Jas Eddings
314 Tom Jones Tom Mikell
25-Sep 315 Tobey Freor Tom Mikell
316 Jerry Seabrook Tom Mikell
317 Ceyrus Bailey Wm Bailey Bailey's Isl
318 Quash Bailey Wm Bailey Bailey's Isl
13 25-Sep 319 Simon Bailey Dr. Bailey Bailey's Isl
320 Larry Bailey Dr Wm Bailey Bailey's Isl
321 Billy Bailey Dr. Wm Bailey Bailey's Isl
322 Bram Bailey Dr. Wm Bailey Bailey's Isl
323 Sam Wright Jas Eddings Gun Bluff
324 Tom Judge Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
325 Stephen Richardson Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
326 Rennie Bennett Jehosee Isld Jehosee Isld
327 Jack Willerton Baynard
328 John Miller Baynard
329 Chas Miller Baynard
330 James Bradley Dr Bailey Old Dominion
331 Langworth Wright Dr. Bailey Old Dominion
332 Abram Brown Tom Mikell
333 Katie Seabrook Tom Mikell
334 Dennis Bailey Dr Wm Bailey Maxey Place
335 Mike Wright Dr Wm Bailey Maxey Place
336 William Wright Wm Seabrook Oak Island
337 Gilbert Stroman E Bailey River Side
338 Cuffee Bailey E Bailey River Side
339 Sam Bailey E Bailey River Side
340 Jimmy Clark Andy Clark
341 Virgin Clark Andy Clark
30-Sep 342 Henry Brown E Baynard Sea Side
343 Sam Eddings Vinegar Hill
2-Oct 344 Harry Ankum J. J. Mikell Fullers Place
345 John Scott J Townsend
14 Oct 346 Patrick Stephens Jos Eddings
4-Oct 347 Georg Harris J. J. Mikell Fullers Place
348 Roland Brisbone Wm Eddings Sea Side
349 Tobey Jenkins Jos Eddings Gun Bluff
350 Peter Small Mary Seabrook
351 Henry Smith Evens Eddings
352 Peter Smosh Chas Bailey
353 Sam Blinging Tom Baynard Ravenswood
354 Aflred Geddes Tom Baynard
355 George Managoult Chas Bailey
356 Henry Mack Major Murray Public Landing
357 Adam Mack Major Murray Public Landing
358 Moses Knight Jehosee Isld
359 Adam Nials Chas Bailey Point of Pines
360 Elias Jenkins Chompy Gordon Champions Gardens
17-Oct 361 Abel Small Chompy Gordon Champions Gardens
362 Peter Loggnes Chompy Gordon Champions Gardens
363 Israil Parker Ed Baynard
364 John White Mike Whaley Little Edisto
365 Wm Howard Mike Whaley Little Edisto
366 Quash Campbell Mike Whaley
19-Oct 367 Jack Murray Major Murray Public Landing


  1. United States, Freedmen's...t Commissioner, 1865-1872: "United States, Freedmen's...t Commissioner, 1865-1872"
    Catalog: Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the state of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1870 Personnel rosters 1868. Requests for transportation 1865-1866. Register of signed transportation, orders given to officers 1866-1867. Registers of orders authorizing transportation 1866-1867. Transportation requests received 1866. Transportation orders issued 1866. Monthly transportation reports 1866-1868. Other records 1865-1867. (NARA Series M869, Roll 44)
    Image path: United States, Freedmen's Bureau, Records of the Assistant Commissioner, 1865-1872 > South Carolina > Roll 44, Other records, 1865-1867 > image 22 of 70; citing multiple NARA microfilm publications; Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1861 - 1880, RG 105; (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1969-1980).
    FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-C9TZ-D98D-B (accessed 15 May 2023)

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