
A Full Moon to Note: Friday the 13th

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 13 Sep 2019 to 14 Sep 2019
Location: Most of the United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Lunar calender Moon phases
This page has been accessed 64 times.

Harvest Moon 2019

A Note For Friday the 13th

September 2019 blessed us with the most ominous date of the monthly calendar, Friday the 13th.

September's full moon is known as a “Harvest Moon,” as well as a "Mini Moon" because the moon is at it's furthest point from away Earth in its orbit, so at which time the moon appears to look smaller than any other full moon.

The full moon, of course, always appears full for about three days, and this month we we're lucky enough for the full moon to appear to us on Friday the 13th. A full moon on Friday the 13th is an pretty rare occurrence. But, for a person to witness one in their lifetime it is a more extremely rare occurrence, given they happen on average every 20 years or so.

This was the first full moon visible across the U.S. on Friday the 13th since Friday, October 13, 2000, the year I graduated high school. When I was 18 years old. Today, I am 37, and was lucky enough to get some really good, awesome pictures of this Friday the 13th full moon.

It just so happens that the next Friday the 13th full moon to illuminate the US won't be for another 30 years, in August 2049. I got my girls out to look at it with me, which I find very special. They of course didn't get as excited as I did about it, but they did see the significance in it because they took their own pictures of it with their smartphones!


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