Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Fuller Notables Mayflower
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Fuller Noteworthies
This is a rough outline of this page.
Fuller Noteworthies is an information page related to the Fuller Name Study. It is a place to:
- Learn about FULLERs who are noteworthy even if they are not part of the WikiTree projects: Notables, Mayflower, Puritan Great Migration, etc..
- Research lineages of these FULLER Noteworthies and what influences, if any, were made to the development of the FULLER name.
NOTE: Collaboration is encouraged from Fuller Name Study or any WikiTree projects interested in FULLERs. At this early stage of development of this page privacy has been set to public. Therefore, trusted list requests are required for those who want to edit this page. Research notes can be added to the individuals below. Please cite your sources:
Not in WikiTree Project
Which Project? If any profiles in this section become part of a WIkiTree Project they should be moved the appropriate WikiTree Project section.
- Fuller Mayflower passengers
- First and second generation descendants and descendants born before 1700 in either of these two groups:
- Descendants of Edward and Samuel Fuller (Any Surname) list relationship to FULLERs who sailed on the Mayflower.
- Those descendants of any Mayflower passenger who has FULLER surname. list the Mayflower passeger.
- First and second generation descendants and descendants born before 1700 in either of these two groups:
- Early New England colonists who arrived between 1621 and 1640.
Mayflower Project
The Mayflower Project currently covers
- the passengers of the Mayflower who arrived in 1620.
- their descendants for two generations or born before 1700, which ever is more inclusive.
Edward Fuller, Mayflower passenger
Samuel Fuller, Mayflower passenger
Mayflower family members
Includes to-do list for the next generation to have bio upgraded and be added to Fuller Name Study to start process of upgrading the profiles of their descendants.
- Capt. Matthew Fuller, grandson of Edward and brother of Samuel
- Mary (Fuller) Jones, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Matthew END
- Elizabeth (Fuller) Rowley, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Matthew END
- John Fuller (1631 - 1692), grandson of Edward and son of Matthew ?
- Lydia (Fuller-799) Dimmick [half] END Bertha Fuller-797 END
- Lt. John (1689 - 1732) great grandson of Edward and grandson of Matthew
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines:
- Hannah Fuller Smith: Added CATEGORY - MA; Needs link for source and more sources. Started bio mprovement. Add template after bio improvement.
- John Fuller married first cousins, Temperance Gorham-148 Fuller;
- Received template MA - begin improving his profile and his descendants beginning with his children.
- Bertha Fuller Bursley: Added CATEGORY - MA - Cleanup Gedcom
- Mary Fuller Lathrup: Added CATEGORY - MA - Cleanup Gedcom
- Nathaniel Fuller: Added CATEGORY - MA - Cleanup Gedcom
- Thankful Fuller Bassett: Added CATEGORY - MA - Needs Cleanup Gedcom
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines:
- Reliance (Fuller-798) Prince END
- Lieut Samuel Fuller (1635 - 1676), grandson of Edward and son of Matthew
- Thomas Fuller-1179
- Hannah (Fuller-2318) Bursley, Joseph Fuller-2319, Mary (Fuller-2320) Greene, Benjamin Fuller-2321, Elizabeth (Fuller-2322) Crocker, Samuel Fuller-2323 and Abigail (Fuller-182) Chipman
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: NOTE: all children of above are either born after 1700 or are unknown.
- Hannah (Fuller-2318) Bursley, Joseph Fuller-2319, Mary (Fuller-2320) Greene, Benjamin Fuller-2321, Elizabeth (Fuller-2322) Crocker, Samuel Fuller-2323 and Abigail (Fuller-182) Chipman
- Jabez Fuller-1183
- Jonathan Fuller-4935
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: Jabez Fuller-105.
- Mercy (Fuller-6254) Wood END
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: Lois (Fuller-1297) Foster
- Jonathan Fuller-4935
- Anne (Fuller-903) END
- Timothy Fuller-1189
- Timothy Fuller-6537
- Mary Fuller-6538 END
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: Matthias Fuller-3447, Sarah (Fuller-3419) Gates, Abigail Fuller-6539, Ann (Fuller-6540) Gates, Samuell Fuller-6541, Timothy Fuller-6542, Mary Fuller,-6543 Abigail (Fuller-6544) Gates, Hannah Fuller-6545, Timothy Fuller-6546, Noadiah Fuller-6547, Thomas Fuller-6548 and Mary (Fuller-6549) Spencer
- Matthias Fuller-1177
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: NONE moved to Canada
- Samuel Fuller-2621
- These follow the Mayflower families as heads of their own ancestral lines: Rebecca (Fuller-1088) Allen, Rhodolphus Fuller-2642, Ruth Fuller-2634, Elkanah Fuller-2641, Waitstill (Fuller-352) Heath, Mary Fuller-2638, Judah Fuller-2626 and Noah Fuller-2633
- Thomas Fuller-1179
- Anna Fuller Fuller, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Matthew
- children of Samuel Fuller-156 Jr Married first cousins; Benjamin Fuller-725, Barnabas Fuller-455, Joseph Fuller-748, Matthew Fuller457, Desire (Fuller-756) Taylor and Sarah Fuller-768.
- John Fuller, grandson of Edward and son of Matthew (1644 - abt. 1691) ?
Just started:
- Samuel Fuller, son of Edward
- Hannah (Fuller) Bonham, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Samuel END
- Samuel Fuller Jr., grandson of Edward and son of Samuel
- Elizabeth (Fuller) Tayler, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Samuel END
- Mary (Fuller) Williams, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Samuel END
- Thomas Fuller, grandson of Edward and son of Samuel
- Sarah (Fuller) Crowe, granddaughter of Edward and daughter of Samuel END
- John Fuller, grandson of Edward and son of Samuel
- Unknown Fuller, grandson of Edward and son of Samuel
Notables Project
Alvan Tufts Fuller
- 27 Feb 1878 Boston, Massachusetts - 30 Apr 1958
John Trayton Fuller
- 1723 England - 1811
Levi Knight Fuller
- 24 Feb 1841 Westmoreland, New Hampshire - 10 Oct 1896
Richard Buckminster Fuller
- 12 Jul 1895 Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts - 1 Jul 1983
Sarah Margaret Fuller
- 23 May 1810 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts - 19 Jul 1850
Solomon Carter Fuller
- 11 Aug 1872 Monrovia, Liberia - 16 Jan 1953
Puritan Great Migration Project (PGM)
Puritan Great Migration Project (PGM) researches early New England colonists, including non-Puritans, who arrived between 1621 and 1640.
Lt John Fuller Sr
- abt 20 Feb 1619 Parish of Olney, Buckinghamshire England UK - abt 29 Apr 1695
John Fuller
- 19 May 1617 Chelmsford, Essex, England - 4 Jun 1666
Matthew Fuller
- 16 Oct 1603 Redenhall, Norfolk, England - 22 Aug 1678
Robert Fuller
- abt 1615 Southampton, Hampshire, England - 10 May 1706
Thomas Fuller
- 16 Apr 1618 Redenhall, Norfolk, England - 3 Jun 1698
See also:
Name Origin:
Puritan Great Migration >
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