
Fulton Fire Insurance Company

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New-York Evening Post April 17, 1819, Page 3

FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Books for receiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of this company, will be opened at 10 o'clock on Tuesday next, at the Fulton Hotel, No. 136 Fulton street. 5 per cent to be paid at the time of Subscribing DIRECTORS: A.L. Underhill, Ferdinand Suydam, Jacob Drake, John Morse, Stephen Allen, Wm. H. Ireland, David Cargill, Peter Lorillard, Thos. R. Smith, Peter Stagg, Alex. L. Stewart, Corns Dubois, Thos. T. Woodruff, Geo. B. Thorpe, Stephen P. Brittan, Jas Palmer / ap 12 1w

New-York Evening Post November 1, 1819, Page 3

FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY in the city of New-York, (33 Park, near Beekman-street) insure against loss or damage by fire, dwelling houses, warehouses, and buildings in general; also, on merchandize, household furniture, and other personal property, on terms as favorable as any similar institution in this city. This company is incorporated solely for the purpose of insuring against losses by fire, with a capital stock of 500,000 dollars. Parties who may please to favour this company with their business may rest assured that any losses or damages sustained will be settled with promptness and liberality. A.L. UNDERHILL, President. O. H. HICKS, Secretary. Directors: A.L. Underhill, William H. Ireland, John Morss, Cornelius Dubois, David Cargill, Peter Stagg, Jacob Drake, Thomas R. Smith, A.L. Stewart, Stephen P. Brittain, Ferdinand Suydam, Henry M'Farlan, Thomas T. Woodruff, John Targee, George B. Thorp, Stephen Allen

Seen here also: December 9, 1819, December 10, 1819, January 4, 1820, January 7, 1820, January 8, 1820, January 10, 1820, January 21, 1820, February 2, 1820, February 5, 1820, February 10, 1820, February 11, 1820, February 17, 1820, February 18, 1820, March 8, 1820, March 9, 1820, March 10, 1820, March 15, 1820, March 16, 1820, March 22, 1820, March 23, 1820, March 24, 1820, March 25, 1820, March 29, 1820, March 30, 1820, April 13, 1820, May 2, 1820, May 3, 1820, May 4, 1820, May 9, 1820, May 12, 1820, May 17, 1820, May 18, 1820, May 19, 1820, May 20, 1820, May 22, 1820, May 25, 1820, May 30, 1820, June 1, 1820, June 2, 1820, June 3, 1820, June 7, 1820, June 9, 1820, June 10, 1820, June 13, 1820, June 15, 1820, June 16, 1820, June 22, 1820, June 23, 1820, June 24, 1820, June 29, 1820, July 1, 1820, July 7, 1820, July 18, 1820, July 27, 1820, etc etc.

New-York Evening Post.,January 27, 1823, Page 2

The following gentlemen were elected this forenoon, directors of the Fulton Fire Insurance Company: --Anthony L. Underhill, Stephen Allen, Peter Stagg, Richard I. Tucker, Cornelius Du Bois, David Cargill, William H. Ireland, Jacob Drake, Thomas R. Smith, John McComb, Henry McFarlane, James Benedict, John Morss, John Lang, Ferdinand Suydam, Thomas T. Woodruff, George B. Thorp, Augustus Wynkoop, Reuben Munson, Peter Sharpe, Nathaniel Weed, Isaac Amerman, Robert Euloid, Peter I. Nevins, George Gallagher.

Kinderhook Herald., June 10, 1825, Page 3

Fulton Fire Insurance Company, Wall Street, New-York. CAPITAL, $500,000 Insurance against loss or damage by FIRE! on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Merchandize, and Furniture, at the lowest rate of Premium. The affairs of the Company will be conducted with such fairness, candor and liberality, as they trust will insure them public confidence and patronage. A.L. UNDERHILL, President. OLIVER H. HICKS, Secretary.

Stephen Allen || John Lang, [dam,
Peter Stagg, || Ferdinand Suy-
Richard R. Tucker, || Thos. T. Woodruff,
Cornelius Dubois, || Geo. B. Thorp,
David Cargill, || Aug. Wynkoop,
Jacob Drake, || Peter S. Nevius,
Thos. R. Smith, || Geo. Gallagher,
John M'Comb, || Reuben Munson,
Henry M'Farlan, || Peter Sharpe,
James Benedict, || Nathaniel Weed,
John Morss, || Isaac Amerman,
Wm. H. Ireland, || Robert Buloid.
The subscriber has been appointed AGENT and SURVEYOR for this Company, for Kinderhook and its vicinity, and will promptly attend to the duties of his office when called upon.
signed by the President and Secretary, will be delivered to the insured, without any charge beyond the premium.
At the Post-Office.
Kinderhook, June 10, 1825.

Seen also here: June 23, 1825, June 30, 1825, etc etc

New-York Evening Post., January 31, 1827, Page 3

FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY At a meeting of the Directors of the Fulton Fire Insurance Company held at their office on the 29th January, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year:

A.L. Underhill, | John M'Combe
Isaac Amerman, | John Morse
Robert Buloid, | Peter I. Nevius,
James Benedict, | Peter Stagg,
David Cargill, | Peter Sharpe,
John Drake, | Thomas R. Smith
Cornelius Dubois, | Ferdinand Suydam,
George Galagher, | Richard I. Tucker,
William Howard, | George B. Thorp,
William H. Ireland, | Thos. T. Woodruff,
John Lang, | Augustus Wynkoop,
Henry M'Farlan, | Nathaniel Weed,
Stephan Allen.

At a subsequent meeting of the Board, A.L. Underhill was elected President. j31 1 w

Kinderhook Herald., December 27, 1827, Page 4

Fulton Fire Insurance Company, Wall Street, New-York. CAPITAL, $500,000 Insurance against loss or damage by FIRE! on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Merchandize, and Furniture, at the lowest rate of Premium. The affairs of the Company will be conducted with such fairness, candor and liberality, as they trust will insure them public confidence and patronage. A.L. UNDERHILL, Pres't. OLIVER H. HICKS, Sec.

Directors. -Stephen Allen, Peter Stagg, Richard R. Tucker, Cornelius Dubois, D. Cargill, Jacob Drake, Thomas R. Smith, John M'Comb, Henry M'Farlan, Jas Benedict, John Morss, Wm. H. Ireland, John Lang, Ferdinand Suydam, Thos. T. Woodruff, Geo. B. Thorp, Augustus Wynkoop, Peter S. Nevius, George Gallagher, Reuben Munson, Peter Sharpe, Nath'l Weed, Isaac Amerman, Robert Buloid.

The subscriber has been appointed AGENT and SURVEYOR for this Company, for Kinderhook and its vicinity, and will promptly attend to the duties of his office when called upon. --POLICIES, signed by the President and Secretary, will be delivered to the insured, without any charge beyond the premium.
June 10--53tf At the Post-Office.

Seen here also: January 03, 1828, Page 4, March 06, 1828, Page 4, Kinderhook Herald., April 03, 1828, Page 4, Kinderhook Herald., August 21, 1828, Page 3

Kinderhook Herald., June 04, 1829, Page 4

FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New-York. -Persons wishing to insure their property against loss or damage by fire, are respectfully informed, that the subscriber, who is an agent and surveyor for the above company, with ample power to effect insurance, will promptly attend to all applications made to him by residents in this town and vicinity. All losses will be promptly and honorably settled. The large capital of the Company, ($500,000,) and the wealth and integrity of the Directors, are a sufficient guarantee to the public for a faithful performance of all their contracts.

L. VAN DYCK, Ja. Surveyor.
Directors. -Stephen Allen, Cornelius Dubois, Thomas R. Smith, James Benedict, John Lang, George Gallagher, Geo. B. Thorpe, Nathaniel Weed, Peter Stagg, David Cargill, John Moras, John McComb, Ferdinand Suydam, Augustus Wynkoop, Reuben Monson, Isaac Amerman, Richard I. Tucker, Jacob Drake, Henry McFarlan, William H. Ireland, Thomas T. Woodruff, Peter i. Nevius, Peter Sharp, Robert Buloid.

C. Zabriskie, Sec'y.

Kinderhook Herald., October 28, 1830, Page 3

Fulton Fire Insurance Company. CAPITAL $500,000 The subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of this town and its vicinity, that he continues to act as an agent and surveyor for the above Company, with full power to effect insurance on dwelling houses, furniture, barns, an hther outhouses; stores, merchandise, &c. All applications made to him by persons residing at any reasonable distance from this village, will be punctually attended to. All losses sustained by the company will be promptly and honorably settled. The large Capital of the Company, and the wealth and integrity of the Directors, are a sufficient guarantee to the public for a faithful performance of all their contracts. LAWRENCE VAN DYCK, Jr. Agent and Surveyor DIRECTORS. -Stephen Allen, Cornelius Dubois, Thomas R. Smith, James Benedict, John Lang, George Gallaher, Geo. B. Thorpe, Nathaniel Weed, Peter Stagg, David Cargill, John Morss, John McComb, Ferdinand Suydam, Augustus Wynkoop, Reuben Monson, Isaac Amerman, Richard I. Tucker, Jacob Drake, Henry, McFarland, Wm. H. Ireland, Thomas T. Woodruff, Peter I. Nervius, Peter Sharp, R. Bulcia. A. L. UNDERHILL, Pres't. C. ZABRISKIE, Sec'y. [Oct. 28, 1830.

New-York Evening Post., February 03, 1831, Page 3

At the annual election for twenty-five directors of the Fulton Fire Insurance Company, held at their office No. 33 Wall street, on Monday, the 31st January, the following gentlemen were elected directors of said Company:- Stephen Allen, Robert Buloid, James Benedict, David Cargill, Cornelius Dubois, John Drake, George Gallagher, William Howard, John Lang, Peter I. Nevius, Peter Stagg, Thomas R. SMith, Ferdinand Suydam, Peter Sharpe, Richard I. Tucker, George B. Thorp, Thomas T. Woodruff, Augustus Wynkoop, Nathaniel Weed, Andrew C. Zabriskie, ANthony L. Underhill, John Ferguson, James N. Wells, John Mason, Moses H. Grinnell. And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, Anthony L. Esq was unanimously re-elected President for the ensuing year. 12 3t C. ZABRISKIE, Secretary.

Kinderhook Herald., March 31, 1831, Page 3

Fulton Fire Insurance Company. CAPITAL $500,000. The subscriber has been appointed Agents and Surveyor for the above company, for the town of Kinderhook, and its vicinity, with full power to effect insurance on Dwelling Houses, Furniture and other personal property, also Stores, Merchandize, Barns and other Out-houses, against loss or damage by Fire.

Applications for insurance may be made to the subscriber, at the office of Wilcoxson & Van Schaack, in the village of Kinderhook, which will be promptly attended to. The large capital of the Company, and the wealth and integrity of the Directors, are a sufficient guarantee to the public that all losses will be promptly adjusted.

DAVID VAN SCHAACK Agent and Surveyor.

DIRECTORS. - Stephen Allen, Cornelius Dubois, Thomas R. Smith, James Benedict, John Lang, George Gallaher, Geo. B. Thorpe, Nathaniel Weed, Peter Stagg, David Cargill, John Morss, John McComb, Ferdinand Suydam, Augustus Wynkoop, Reuben Menson, Isaac Amerman, Richard I. Tucker, Jacob Drake, Henry McFarland, Wm. H. Ireland, Thomas T. Woodruff, Peter I. Nervius, Peter Sharp, R. Bulcia.

A.L.UNDERHILL, Pres't. C. ZABRISKIE, Sec'y. [Oct. 28, 1830. Those persons who have heretofore obtained policies from L. Van Dyck, Jr. late agent for the above company, can have the same renewed, on application to the subscriber.

March 31, 1831.] D. VAN SCHAACK.

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