This unofficial FAQ was compiled, beginning in August 2018, from numerous questions posted to G2G, with answers provided by many WikiTreers. To avoid embarrassing any members, this FAQ does not provide links to actual posts.
Around early April 2021, an official G2G FAQ Help page was created. It can be found on the G2G question form, once you "Ask a question."
1. How do I search for a person with a known WikiTree ID?
2. Why does the profile show full siblings as half?
3. How do I add another spouse?
4. Help, I'm logged in, but I can't add my parents and grandparents!
5. How can I delete a profile?
6. How do I remove an image from a profile?
7. Can I create a tree for Frodo/Harry Potter/Bruce Wayne/Sisyphus?
8. Profiles merged in error! How do I unmerge them?
9. How do I change the last name?
12. How do I upload my DNA data to WikiTree?
How do I search for a person with a known WikiTree ID?
- To find any profile using the ID number, enter the ID into the “Last Name or ID” search field at the top of most WikiTree pages. Leave the other fields blank, and click the magnifying glass symbol. Or use this method:
- Go straight to it using its URL.
- Open any profile (your own, for example, or whichever one you happen to be working on).
- In your browser's URL box at the very top of your screen, the WikiTree ID is the end part of the site address, e.g., Buckley-1768.
- Suppose you want to go to Jennie-8675309. Click on the URL box and replace Buckley's ID with Jennie's. Hit [enter].
Why does the profile show full siblings as half?
- The siblings' profiles are connected to only one common parent. The other parent is either missing or incorrect on one or more of the 'half' siblings.
- Open each sibling's Edit tab, and check his or her parents. Each one must have the correct WikiTree IDs for both father and mother. If one is missing or incorrect, look to the right-hand side of the Edit page. Under the parents' names, there is a link to [add father (mother)] or [replace/remove father (mother)]. Add or replace as appropriate, using the correct WikiTree ID for the missing/incorrect parent.
- Depending on Privacy settings, Project Protections, and pre-1500 status, corrections might require collaboration.
- Note that duplicate profiles often reveal themselves through a false half-sibling's incorrect parent (parent is duplicated), or through half-siblings that have the same name (sibling is duplicated).
How do I add another spouse?
- Open the profile's Edit tab.
- On the right-hand side, under Spouses, click [add/remove spouse].
- If the new spouse already has a profile, enter his or her WikiTree ID in the field provided. Otherwise, create the new spouse's profile.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Add Spouse of....
Help, I'm logged in, but I can't add my parents and grandparents!
- You are probably enrolled as a Guest member, and you have to complete your membership to move forward. This involves confirming your e-mail address, selecting Tags, and Volunteering for WikiTree.
- Go to your Nav Home Page (under the My WikiTree pull-down menu, top right of any screen). You should have boxes for 'Tag' and 'Comment.' Tags indicate your genealogical interest, like family names or ethnic origins. The Comments are simply brief descriptions of why that interests you.
- After adding at least one Tag, click 'Add Tags and Volunteer.' A Greeter will confirm you as a WikiTree Family Member. Please check your e-mail inbox and spam filters. Once confirmed, you'll be able to add your family members.
- Tutorials are available at New Member How-To.
How can I delete a profile?
- Except in certain narrow circumstances, you can't delete a profile.
- Instead of deleting, you can disconnect, merge, or save the profile for later.
- Duplicate profiles must be merged.
- Valid profiles incorrectly placed within a family should be disconnected. Use the [replace/remove (relative)] links on the profile's edit page to correct family relationships.
- Recycle a profile by removing all the data – first name, dates, biography, etc. Use the shell to create your next profile with the same last name. According to the Recycling Help page, this is almost never appropriate.
How do I remove an image from a profile?
- On the profile page, click the Images tab.
- Above the image you want to remove is a title line that includes 'Image #.' Click that.
- Scroll down almost to the bottom, where it says 'People & Things in the Image.' Click the button for 'REMOVE from image.'
- Scroll all the way to the bottom, and click 'Save Changes to Image Details.'
Can I create a tree for Frodo/Harry Potter/Bruce Wayne/Sisyphus?
- No. WikiTree only allows profiles of 'real, individual human beings who were born on Earth in the past two thousand years.'
Profiles merged in error! How do I unmerge them?
- Merges cannot be undone.
- The only cure is to re-create the profile that was merged away.
How do I change the last name?
- Only those on the Trusted List can change the Last Name at Birth (LNAB).
- Go to the profile's Edit tab.
- To the right of the LNAB, click the [edit] link.
- If there is no [edit] link, you are not on the Trusted List. Contact the Profile Manager.
I have added sources, so why does my profile still have the big orange box at the top saying it lacks source information?
- The template is added and deleted manually. If you have added sources, just delete the {{Unsourced}} template right above the Biography header.
Why isn't the text or source information I have added in the edit window showing up on the profile view?
- This is usually caused by a missing or incorrect tag with an inline source citation. Make sure every opening <ref> tag (or <ref Name="something"> if you're citing a source that will be repeated) has a corresponding closing </ref> tag at the end of the source citation.
- Make sure you have a <references /> tag placed immediately under the ==Sources== header.
- A missing </ref> tag can prevent the display of any following text. You may find it helpful to open the Preview window and click the 'Turn On Enhanced Editor' box at the bottom of the Edit window to highlight the content of the inline citations.
How do I upload my DNA data to WikiTree?
- You do not upload actual DNA data to WikiTree. You simply state what tests you have taken.
- To do that, go to your own profile.
- Click on the "DNA tested" link on the left side of the gray area near the top of your profile.
- Scroll down to "Add New Test Information" and select from the drop-down menu.
- Click Save when you're done.
- For more information, see Help:DNA FAQ.
See Also
- Some issues and questions are too complex to address here:
- DNA issues have their own set of help files, such as How to Get Started with DNA.
- Importing tree information from third-party sites, using a GEDCom file.
- Adding your medieval ancestors, which requires Pre-1500 certification.
- Thanks to Herbert Tardy for creating this page.
- How can we help more people on G2G? May 2, 2020.
- G2G Frequently Asked Questions! Aug 12, 2018.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
I didn't realize you had put this together. It's great!
Very good anything/free space page.
All these answers can be found in the WikiTree Help Category and Index Pages under the drop-down menu at the right top of all profiles.
Also the Integrators Project has been working on a page very similar to your which can be found here: G2G Integrators Project - Best Answers.
Thank you, Herbert, for all your contributions to WikiTree!
David ~ Integrators project Coordinator
For more complex questions, add a link in the last section to the appropriate Help pages.
Please post feedback for this page to the G2G discussion about it: