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G2G post prep place

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Profile manager: Greg Clarke private message [send private message]
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This Free Space page is a place where I can put together thoughts to go into a G2G post in advance of actually posting it.

DRAFT: Future 'thons and GEDcoms - Discuss

The use of GEDcoms in various WikiTree community events, such as the Connect-a-thon, or the most recent amazingly organized first ever WikiGames, has been discussed in the past, but there has never been an official ruling about it. The purpose of this G2G post, and the ensuing responses that I hope members of the WikiTree community will provide, will help shape a decision that echoes the community's goals and be what is best for the Tree.


Before going any further, though, let me be clear that there has never been an official rule against using GEDcoms during a 'thon, just as there is no rule against using them to load ancestors into the tree itself during any other time. There is a process in place that has developed over time, and while not easy, or perfect, it can work. People who have found that using GEDcoms was the most efficient way to add people have not bent the rules, or cheated, and should NOT be the targets for derogatory comments or harassment.

However, despite that, there have been some negative reactions and, even if not directed at individuals, there have been some community members who have been left with a feeling of unfairness that the high scorers did "pull a fast one" and got away with doing something the easy way. This is a common type of reaction after a competition, even a friendly one, and very natural to have. But, as mentioned above, there has been no rule against this method, and to use GEDcoms is in fact far from easy.

PRO argument - in favour of allowing GEDcoms

  • To use GEDcoms in a 'thon requires quite a bit of planning and organization. This level of detail should result in good news for the Tree. Someone has to export the names and dates and places from a tree they have elsewhere on the web, or home computer, and then import it into WikiTree. Following the import process, they then have to go through the GEDcompare process to validate each person in the file. This is not a process for the weak of heart!
  • Why do this? The primary reason that using GEDcoms during a 'thon is attractive is that this allows users to add a person quickly with the names, dates, and places already entered. The data is entered automatically and without typos (assuming the original database was correct).
  • Sources still need to be added - at least one per profile
  • Many people who use GEDcoms spend a good deal of time preparing for the 'thons in advance to ensure high quality as well as quantity for their contributions during the weekend.
  • Some have also indicated that they spend time after each 'thon to revisit their profiles created during the event to further clean up and enhance them.
  • This process can be an efficient way of adding to the tree and the quality of the profiles can be consistent with WikiTree standards.

WikiTreers who are PRO use of GEDcoms would suggest you vote YES to this proposal. Register your vote by hitting REPLY to the Answer below that says YES and leaving a note there.

NAY argument - against the use of GEDcoms

  • Albeit the time and preparation required to use a GEDcom in a 'thon, there is much room for abuse and sub-standard profiles as a result.
  • There are already many profiles on WikiTree that have GEDcom junk in them, and an army of WikiTree volunteers are constantly working their way through those to clean them up. We don't need more of those created during a 'thon.
  • With the advent of and latest features of the WikiTree Sourcer extension, you can quickly and easily create a WikiTree profile based on an existing FamilySearch profile or Ancestry person profile.
  • As well, you can also copy over any or all of the valid sources from either of those existing profiles - OR - from a myriad of other supported sites.
  • The WikiTree Browser Extension also has many features that help you speed up the data entry / editing of profiles including the Auto Bio / Auto Categories features, the Bio Check logic built into it, the Notepad for storing commonly used text, and more.
  • It is arguable that you could be as quick and efficient using these extensions as with importing GEDcoms, without the hassle of the prep work, and the headache of the cleanup needed afterwards.

WikiTreers who are NAY use of GEDcoms would suggest you vote NO to this proposal. Register your vote by hitting REPLY to the Answer below that says NO and leaving a note there.

Register your vote by hitting REPLY to one of the Answers below - YES / NO / MAYBE if you're not sure. Do NOT click the comment button immediately underneath this post. This post will close on September 30th, 2023.

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