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Garrett - Land Transactions

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List of Transactions recorded about Thomas Garretts

Possible Timeline of Thomas Garretts in same family?

  • Thomas Garrett Sr born abt 1669
  • Thomas Garrett Sr purchased land 15 May 1697 on Catherine Creek
  • Thomas Garrett Jr b 1687
  • Thomas Garrett Jr appointed Justice of the Peace 20 Jul 1715
  • Thomas Garrett Sr d abt 1720
  • Thomas Garrett (son of Thomas Garrett Jr?) appointed Justice of Peace 15 Jul 1731
  • Thomas Garrett Jr dies between 1 Jan 1733 and Jan 1734

Date Description of Transaction Source
1697 May 15 Thomas Garrett. Book I, page 79, May 15, 1697; 500 acres on Catharine Creek (the present boundary between the counties of Gates and Chowan). "The North Carolina historical and genealogical register", p. 5
1701 Sep 14 Thomas Garrett Book I, page 112, September 14,1701; 411 acres betwixt Catharine Creek and Stoping Creek. "The North Carolina historical and genealogical register", p. 8
1702 Dec 1 Edward Smithwick, and wife Africa, to Jon Jones. Tract of land mentioned in patent assigned to me by Smithwick Warburton, heir of Robert Warburton; December 1, 1702. Test, Thomas Garrett, Nath'l Chevin "The North Carolina historical and genealogical register", p. 87
1703 Apr 24 Thomas Garrett, and wife Bethiah, to Will Thomson, of Nansemond County, Va. 106 acres land on Cataren Creek, as by patent dated September 14, 1701. Deed dated April 24, 1703. Test, Richard Malpas, Joshua Odem. "The North Carolina historical and genealogical register", p. 88, 89
1703 Apr 24 Thomas Garrett, and wife Bethiah, to Will Thomson, of Nansemond County, Va. 106 acres of land on Cataren Creek, as by patent dated September 14, 1701. Deed dated 1703. Test, Richard Malpas, Joshua Odem Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1707 Apr John Dawson, and Edward Williams, to Frances Cambridge. Done with consent of my wife Mary; assignment deed, April Court, 1707. Test, Thomas Garrett, James Beasley Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1707 Mar 28 Thomas Garrett and wife Bethiah, to William Thompson. 100 acres land south side Catharine Creek; March 28, 1707. Test - Thomas, - Ashley. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1708 Jan 5 John Harrison, to Argyle Simons. Plantation adjoining on ye northward Mr. John Porter; January 5, 1708. Test, Thomas Garrett, Stephen Swaine. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1708 May 11 At a Vestry met at the Chapel on Tuesday, May 11, 1708. Present, Wm. Duckinfield, Esq., Edward Moseley, Esq., Mr. Edward Smithwick, Capt. Thos. Luten, Mr. Nicholas Crisp, Mr. Wm Banbury, Mr. Thomas Garrett, John Ardern, Esq., Mr. John Blount. Contents - April, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1709 Jul 2 Edward Smithwick and wife Jane, to Jeremiah Vail. 560 acres land patented by Thomas Guilliam, 17 Apl, 1697. Deed dated July 2, 1709. Test, Thomas Garrett, Sr, James Beasley Contents - April, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1713 Apr 25 Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., and wife Thomasin, to Christopher Dudley, April 25, 1713; 250 acres on Warwick Swamp. Test, John Keaton, Wm. Crawford. Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1714 Jan 18 At a Court held at the house of John Hill, 18 January 1714; present: Leonard Loftin, John Bird, Thomas Garrett, R'd. Lanier, Justices. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

'Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1714 Jul 20 Thomas Garrett Sr., to Isaac Zehhenden. 100 acres on Catharine Creek; July 20 1714. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., Christopher Dudley Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Apr 19 At a Court held at the house of Mr. Henry King, April 19, 1715. Present, John Byrd, Thomas Garrett, Robert Lanier. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Apr 21 Susanna Johnson, to her grandchildren, Jacob, Susanna, and Elizabeth Parrott, son and daughters of Thomas Parrott, all my personal estate; April 21, 1715. Test, James Bate, Thomas Garrett Jr Contents - April, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1715 Jul 18 Bethia Garrett, to her son Thomas Garrett Jr. Power of Attorney; July 18 1715 Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Jul 18 Thomas Garrett, and wife Bethia, to John Gooddin. July 18, 1715; 100 acres on Warwick Swamp. Test, Stephen Dudley, John Standiford. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Jul 18 John Goodwin, and wife Mary, to Edward Wood, of Upper Parish of Nansemond, Va. July 18 1715; 50 acres, part of a patent to Thomas Garrett, for 614 acres adjoining Christopher Dudley. Test, John Standiford, Christopher Dudley. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Jul 18 Thomas Garrett, Sr., and wife Bethia, to John Sturdifort. 200 acres S. E. side Catherine Creek, near a little field called Dawson's Old Field; July 18, 1715. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., Christopher Dudley, John Gooddin Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1715 Jul 20 July 20, 1715. A commission from ye Hon'ble the Governor, appoints John Bird, Wm. Charlton, James Beasley, John Jordan, Thomas Garrett Jr., Robert West, John Worley, Edward Phelps and Edward Howard, Justices of the Peace, for Chowan Precinct, being read and published then met John Bird, James Beasley, John Worley, Thomas Garrett Jr., and Edward Howard. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1716 Jan 8 Thomas Garrett Sr., and wife Bethiah, to Walter Draughan. 150 acres on south side Katharine Creek, adjoining lands Michael Brinkley; 8 Jany. 1716. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., James Fleming, Thos. Roundtree Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1716 Jul 1 Thomas Garrett, Sr., and wife Bethiah, to Wm. Freeman; July 1 1716. 250 acres on South side Katharine Creek Swamp, adjoining lands of Walter Draughan. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., Michael Ward, John Goodwin. 'Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1717 Apr Ordered, that Joseph Hare, 6 years old, be placed under the tuition of Thos. Garrett, until 21 years of age. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1717 Apr A Commission of the Peace, directed to James Beasley, Wm. Charlton, John Jordan, Thomas Garrett Jr., John Holbrook, Edward Phelps, Edward Howard, Thomas Pollock, Jr., Lewis Bryan, John Dare and Thos. Luten, Jr., was read and published. In pursuance of which they took the oaths of office. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1717 Apr 16 At a Court held, for Chowan Precinct, 16 April, 1717, at the house of William Bonwick. Present, James Beasley, Wm. Charlton, Thomas Garrett Jr, John Holbrook, Henry Speller, Thos. Luten, Jr., Esq., Justices. Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1717 Jul 16 Richard Berryman to John Rice. 100 acres bought of Thomas Garrett, Sr.; July 16, 1717. Test, Daniel Halsey, Henry Hill Contents - April, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1717 May 30 Thomas Garrett Sr., to Richard Berryman. 350 acres on Warwick Swamp; May 30 1717. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Michael Ward. Contents - April, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1718 Jul 10 Richard Berryman, and wife Martha, to John Rice. 100 acres on North side of Warwick Swamp; July 10, 1718. Test, Thomas GarrettSr., Thomas Garrett Jr Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - October, 1900.

1718 Jul 11 Wm. Freeman, and wife Mary, to Michael Ward. 100 acres on South side Katharine Creek; July 11 1718. Test, Thomas Garrett Jr, Jr., Thomas Garrett, Sr., John Goodwin Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - April, 1900.

1718 Jul 18 Thomas Garrett Jr., and wife Thomasin, to Thomas Hobbs. 100 acres adjoining land of Rountree and others; 18 July 1718. Test, Thomas Garrett, Sr., Michael Ward, James Goodwin. Contents - October, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1718 Mar 1 Thomas Garrett Jr, Book — , page — ; 510 acres land north side Warwick Swamp, March 1, 1718. "The North Carolina historical and genealogical register", p. 8
1720 Death of Thomas Garrett, Sr.
1731 Jul 15 Commission of the Peace appointing Col. Henry Bonner, William Badham, Henry Baker, Thomas Luten, Sam'l Pagett, John Ismay, Jacob Blount, Sam'l Spruell, Francis Pugh, Aaron Blanchard, William Rodes, Thos. Garrett, Richard Parker, John Sumner, John Blount, and Francis Branch, Justices for Chowan Precinct (July 15, 1731) Contents - July, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - July, 1900.

1733 Jan 9 Same to James Hinton. 500 acres adjoining Jacob Hill; January 9 1733. Test, John Alston, Thomas Garrett, Thos Carman, John Thomas. (Gates.) Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1734 Apr 11 Same, to Thomas Garrett. 400 acres on Gum Branch; April 11, 1734. Test, Michael Ward, Henry Hill. (Gates) Contents - January, 1900: North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. I

Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 12 January 2024) citing Contents - January, 1900.

1733 Jan - 1734 Jan Death of Thomas Garrett Jr


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