Location: Caspano, Civo, Sondrio, Lombardei, Italien

Surnames/tags: Malacrida Paravicini Werthemann
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Preparatory collection of notes and sources pertaining to the MALACRIDA family, ancestors of Maria Magdalena Malacrida, wife of Samuel K. Guldin, who emigrated to Philadelphia in 1710, and other leading families of CASPANO / TRAONA, including the PARAVICINI. Perhaps eventually also the VERTEMATE / Werthemann Family[1][2][3]
Sources include: Chronistoria di Caspano (1926).[4]
Dissertazioni critico-storiche...Valtellina
Note that many of these families lived in Caspano primarily during the summer and came down from the mountains to Traona[5] during the winter months.[4]
== Chronology ==[4]
- 1352
- First recorded Parish Priest (Parroco) of Caspano: Dionisio da Musso
- 1353
- 2nd Parish Priest: Francesco da (Brienno?)
- 1354-1356
- 3rd Parish Priest: Giovanni di Mornasco
- 1356-1387
- 4th Parish Priest: Zan fu Martino (vacant after his death)
- 1401-1438
- 5th Parish Priest: Tomasso Paravicini
- 1439-1470
- 6th Parish Priest: Bertramo de Menno
- 1447 occupation by Venice - many "heretics" from France and Lombardy escaped the Inquisition of the Dominicans by fleeing to the Valtellina.
- 1447 death of duke Filippo Maria Visconti, proclamation of the "Ambrosian Republic". Morbegno asked for certain privileges from the new Republic, because of the efforts made against the Venetians. The Republic only lasted until 1450, when Francesco Sforza was elected and restored as Duke of Milan.
- 6th Parish Priest: Bertramo de Menno
- 1470-1477
- 7th parish Priest: Donato Paravicini fu Antonio.
- 1479-1497
- 8th Parish Priest: Gabriele de Castello
- 1497-1549
- 9th Parish Priest: Giovan Maria Paravicini (Son of a Benedetto and from Caspano... discussion of possible links to Ardenno)
- 1498-12-25 foundation of the "Beneficio dei Nobili" notarized by notary Battista Malacrida.
- 1499 Invasion and occupation by FRANCE (12 years) "In 1508 a picket of those discontented soldiers, crossing Morbegno, stopped, robbing provisions; but the worst of it was that it dragged away two maidens of the village, at the desperate cries of which the populace levied in uproar, wounding and killing some soldiers. Gruerio, their commander, who was quartered in Como, with rapid and precipitous march came to the revenge and swooped down on Morbegno, set fire to many houses and carried away much livestock." (p. 41)
- 1499-08 "Nell'agost del 1499 Lodovico Moro, Duca di Milano, visto arrivare i forti eseciti francesi contro di se fin sotto Pavia, era fuggito sbigottito in (p. 45) Germania a raccoglier truppe onde far fronte ai nemici. E avendome raimolate alcune, mise loro al capo il caspanese General di ventura Badino o Bernardino Paravicini la cui bronzea corazza doveva risonare nei più aspri fatti di quell'età.(p. 46)[6]
- 1506-02-16 Pietro Malacrida fu Biagio da Caspano mentioned as notary (p.41)
- sac. Andrea Paravicini mentioned as "curato di Dubino (p. 42)
- 9th Parish Priest: Giovan Maria Paravicini (Son of a Benedetto and from Caspano... discussion of possible links to Ardenno)
Contents |
- Paul Malacrida (b. Caspano, d. 1592)[7]
- Tiberius Malacrida (1589)[12]
- Son of Paul Malacrida (d. 1592)
- born before 1589 in Caspano
- died before 1621
- Children
- Josef Malacrida
- Paul Malacrida (unmarried partnership with Vicedomini)
- Celio Malacrida (unmarried partnership with unknown Paravicini, occupation: Notary)
- Elisäus Malacrida (born after 1589 in Caspano)
- Elisäus Malacrida[13]
- Son of Tiberius Malacrida
- born after 1589 in Caspano
- Children
- Peter Malacrida
- Magdalena Malacrida
- Paul Malacrida (b. 1634 in Zürich)
- Peter Malacrida[14]
- Son of Elisäus Malacrida und N.N..
- naturalized 1671 in BERN
- Pastor in Reutigen, Schlosswil, field pastor with Erlach regiment
- d. 1684
- Further info HL-M13
- partnership with Esther Fischer (b. 22 Dec 1636), daughter of Niklaus Fischer and Johanna Tribolet
- Children
- Elisäus Malacrida
- 1. Ehe mit Guldin,
- 2. Ehe mit Barbara Dorothea von Werdt
- Geb. 1657 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE
- Gest. 2 Dez 1719, Alter 61 oder 62 Jahre
- Beruf: Theologe, Pfarrer zu Nattwerder/DEU, Professor der griechische Sprache und Ethik in Bern. Quelle zur Person 1)
- Malacrida Elisaeus 1657-1719 QM.jpg
- Elisäus Malacrida 1657-1719| BBB
- weiterführende Info: HLS GND VIAF
- Beschreibung HL-M14
- Niklaus Malacrida
- verheiratet mit Johanna Maria Zehender
- Geb. berechnet 1658 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE
- Gest. 21 Dez 1742 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE, Alter ungefähr 84 Jahre
- Beruf: Uhrmacher, Gründer der Bank Malacrida, Bankier
- weiterführende Info: HLS
- Anna Rosina Malacrida
- verheiratet mit Vinzenz Wagner
- Geb. 1662 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE
- Gest. 18 Feb 1744 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE, Alter 81 oder 82 Jahre
- Johanna Esther Malacrida
- 1. Ehe mit Ludwig Zehender,
- 2. Ehe mit Hans Jakob "gen. der Grosse" Rupprecht
- Gest. vor 1688
- Maria Magdalena Malacrida[15]
- verheiratet mit Samuel Karl Guldin[16]
- Geb. ca. 1668
- Gest. nach 1745 in ,,, USA
- Johanna Katharina Malacrida
- verheiratet mit Hans Rudolf Tillier
- Geb. 13 Mai 1674 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE
- Gest. 27 Mai 1762 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE, Alter 88 Jahre
- Maria Malacrida
- verheiratet mit Johann Anton Koch
- Gest. vor 1699
- Petermann Malacrida
- Geb. 14 Jul 1678 in Bern, Bern, BE, CHE
- Elisäus Malacrida
Valtellina / War / Massacre
Valtellina War
Theatrum Europaeum p. 435ff.
Veltliner Mord
Theatrum Europaeum Malacrida
- Anna Romegialli, biblioteca civica "ezio vanoni", via cortivacci, 4 23017 morbegno
- Luca Scarpellini, Consorzio Turistico Valtellina di Morbegno
- Stephan Paul Kernen, Gemeindechronist Reutigen
- Dr. Nilolaus Linder, Universität Luzern (Dissertation über Malacrida Bank)
- Vinzenz Bartlome, wiss. Mitarbeiter, Staatsarchiv, Staatskanzlei des Kantons Bern, Falkenplatz 4, 3012 Bern
- Professor Dr. Dellsperger, Universität Bern
- I. Caruso, WikiTree genealogist extraordinaire.
- ↑ See "Vertemate" in the Historic Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS
- ↑ Vertemate was also a leading family of Traona, with both protestant and Catholic branches. See Palazzo near Traona
- ↑ See also Werthemann in HLS
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Libéra, Giovanni. Cronistoria di Caspano e dei Paesi Limitrofi Como, Tipografia "Volta" - S.A. Caccia E C., 1926. Ristampa anastatica in occasione del 350° anniversario della nascita del pittore caspanese Giacomo Paravicini detto il Gianolo - 2010 -
- ↑ See Traona Historic Lexicon of Switzerland
- ↑ In August 1499 Lodovico Moro, Duke of Milan, having seen the strong French armies coming against him all the way below Pavia, had fled stunned to (p. 45) Germany to gather troops in order to face the enemies. And having rallied some of them, he put at their head the Caspanese General of fortune Badino or Bernardino Paravicini whose bronze armor was to resonate in the bitterest events of that age. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
- ↑ See Paul Malacrida in hfls
- ↑ Listed as a heretic in Vescovo Niguarda's report of his visit to Caspano in 1594: "Item D. Plinius Malacrida cum uxore et tribus filiis et quator filiabus ex alia uxore." [with his wife and three sons and three daughters from another wife] (Cronistoria di Caspano, p. 73)
- ↑ Listed as a heretic in Vescovo Niguarda's report of his visit to Caspano in 1594: "Item D. Bartholomaeus Malacrida frater supradicti cum tribus filiis et tribus filiabus, quorum tamen mater est catholica." [brother of the aforementioned with three sons and three daughters, whose mother, however, is Catholic] (Cronistoria di Caspano, p. 73)
- ↑ Listed as a heretic in Vescovo Niguarda's report of his visit to Caspano in 1594: "Item D. Hortensius Malacrida supradictorum frater cum uxore et unico filio ac duabus filiabus." [the brother of the above with his wife and only son and two daughters.] (Cronistoria di Caspano, p. 73)
- ↑ Listed as a heretic in Vescovo Niguarda's report of his visit to Caspano in 1594: "Item D. Tiberius Malacrida frater pariter supradictorum cum uxore et duobus filiis." [the brother of the aforementioned with his wife and two sons.] (Cronistoria di Caspano, p. 73)
- ↑ See Tiberius Malacrida in hfls
- ↑ See Elisäus Malacrida in hfls
- ↑ See Peter Malacrida in hfls
- ↑ See Maria Magdalena Malacrida in hfls
- ↑ See Samuel Karl Guldin in HLS
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Werder, Ernst. Schloss und Herrschaft Wil : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Amtes Konolfingen. Bern: Paul Haupt, 1938. p. 173
All "Leutpriester und Pfarrer" are listed (1239-1934), and among them: .... 1628 - David Walther 1659 - Peter Malacrida, aus einem Veltinergeschlecht, das 1620 nach Bern kam, wo es mehrere tüchtige Geistliche hervorbrachte und dem der bekannte Banquier Malacrida angehörte. Er diente 1671-1673 im Regiment von Erlach. 1684 - David Jenner
It is unclear if Peter Malacrida remained priest until 1684 or if there are no sources between 1659 and 1684. I would assume they had another priest during Malacrida's absence in 1671-1673?
I can't find it anymore, but I think it was in this book were a "Schliffscheibe" (painted glass, often in church windows) was mentioned. I also looked the source for this up: Rodt, Eduard >. Bernische Kirchen : ein Beitrag zu ihrer Geschichte. Bern: Francke, 1912. p. 136.
It has the image of the Schliffscheibe with Peter Malacrida's name, but nothing else about him.