
Gary and Lyrae - Grandparents Pre-1600

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Your Grandparents Pre-1600 (1600 AD - ~4000 BC)

Down Through the Ages
Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Important note: Even though we have multiple shared Great Grandparents, we're not of close consanguinity since our most recent mutual relative (direct or indirect) dates back to 542 years ago. ; )

I'm including a link to page I am working on that gives a brief history of the early battles of England and Europe. I will be highlighting Great Grandfathers in the passage and eventually tie together with links to our own family pages. Here's the link: Battles of Britain and Europe

Lyrae - Dad and Mom

King of Scotland Robert the Bruce I (1274-1329 AD) - 21st GGF Robert the Bruce

Click on this link to see the line that leads back to this Great Grandfather: Screenshots of Relationship to Robert the Bruce

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

House of Plantagenet

Coat of Arms House of Plantagenet

There are over 50 Kings and Queens of "The House of Plantagenet" shown in the image above in Blue/Pink that are GGF and GGM.

Gary's GGF/GGM are orange where the ancestors are the same.

For a complete list and links to their individual pages click the link below for our project space we've devoted just to this:

House of Plantagenet-Anjou

I am listing 2 from this chart above on this page because the Queen had an interesting background and the character of the other was noteworthy!

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine (abt. 1122 - 1204) - 26th and 24th GGM Eleanor of Aquitaine

Screenshots of Relationship to Eleanor of Aquitaine

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

William Marshal - 28th and 25th GGF signed and helped create Magna Carta William Marshal

Coat of Arms William Marshal

I just really liked this Great Grandfather...his story is one of character. I will be adding a whole page to this Great Grandfather in the future... Screenshots of Relationship to William Marshal

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom
Magna Carta
King John and Barons

Signing of the Magna Carta: 1215 AD

This took place toward the beginning of chart above.

2 Signatories of the Royal House were both of our Great Grandfathers

17 of the 25 Surety Barons have traceable lines. Of the 17 with traceable lines...17 are Great Grandfathers! How's that for fun research! : )

Click on this link to see the complete list of Great Grandfathers and their profiles: Magna Carta

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

William I the Conqueror - Guillaume Normandie about 1027 - 1087 William the Conqueror

Screenshots of Relationship to William the Conqueror

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

King of Germany and Roman Empire - Otto The Great Liudolfinger (912-973 AD) 36th and 33rd GGF Otto The Great

Screenshots of Relationship to Otto The Great

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Ælfred (Wessex) of Wessex (abt. 0849 - 0899) Alfred the Great Ælfred of Wessex

House of Wessex

Almost all signers of Magna Carta have this Great Grandfather in common.

I am counting both of our different family lines leading back to this Great Grandfather...there are over 25 so far.

I have a page devoted to this Great Grandfather because he had a tremendous impact for what today is considered England. Magna Carta Grandsons of King Alfred the Great

Coming soon... Screenshots of Relationship to Ælfred of Wessex

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Arpad (Arpadhazi) of Hungary (0845 - 0907) 37th and 31st GGF Arpad of Hungary

Screenshots of Relationship to Arpad of Hungary

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Charlemagne King of Franks - Karolus Magnus Carolingian (742-814 AD) Emperor of the Romans Charlemagne

Together we have 7 lines to King Charlemagne :

Screenshots of Relationship to Charlemagne

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Viking Kings - (793 AD to 1066 AD)

We both have numerous Great Grandfathers that were Viking Kings. Just loading a few for now but thought it would work best to just list them on a "project page" of their own for later uploads... Viking Kings

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom

Charles (Pippinid) "the Hammer" Martel (0676 - 0741) 41st GGF Gary and 36th/35th Lyrae Charles Pippinid Martel

Screenshots of Relationship to Charles Pippinid Martel

I am going to be devoting a page to the Middle Age time period since it was a time of immense change after the Fall of the Roman Empire. I will be detailing more about how Kingdoms were set up and divided.

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom
Attila the Hun

Attila the Hun (~0406 - ~0453) - 48th and 43rd GGF Attila the Hun Screenshots of Relationship to Attila the Hun

Lyrae - Dad and Mom

King of Scotland Bruce I (1274-1329 AD) - 21st GGF Robert the Bruce

I am repeating this Great Grandfather (Robert I) because this is the point where our Family History intersects with Royal Family Tree and can then be traced back to King David and then to Adam.

I am uploading Wikitree family line to 7 BC as well as a Royal Lineage Chart that shows this complete Royal Family Line to Adam.

Our family intersects at #132. (K. Robert I. Bruce) on the Royal Line chart.

Royal Line to King David

Click on this link to see the line that leads back to this Great Grandfather: Screenshots of Relationship to Robert the Bruce

A Work in Progress

Lyrae - Dad and Mom

From Princess to Queen of Ireland Princess/Queen Tea-Tephi - ( ~580 BC)

Princess Tephi is one of my absolute favorite relatives and the journey she went through.

Here is an interesting website that gives some insight of her history and eventual marriage to the King of Ireland which unified the line of Judah (twin sons Pharez and Zarah) : [1]

If you would like to look at online Archive of "The Book of Tephi" published in 1897 click this link: [2]

On the chart above (The Queen's Royal Descent from King David) look at: #50. K. Heremon (fl. B.C. 580), Tea Tephi.

Lyrae - Dad and Mom
Boaz and Ruth - Great Grandparents of King David

Boaz and Ruth - Great Grandparents of King David

On the chart above (The Queen's Royal Descent from King David) look at: #29 Boaz, Ruth.

Gary-Dad Lyrae-Dad Lyrae-Mom
Hector of Troy

Hector of Troy - ( ~1250 BC)

On the page Queens Royal Line look at the top of the Family Tree on the left side (Judah's son Zarah): Hector - House of Troy

I will be setting up a Projects Page with a few individual links that I find interesting. Something to note is that every single person on this Queens Royal Line page is a Great Grandparent from Robert the Bruce back to Adam. My hope is that this will help you start to relate more personally to names from history! : )

Inserted Links in this Page



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