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Gellert, Immigrant Voyage to South Australia 1847

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Date: 28 Aug 1847 to 20 Dec 1847
Location: South Australiamap
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The voyage of the immigrant ship Gellert to the South Australian Colony in 1847

The ship Gellert, 600 tons, Captain Fhlert, from Bremen, Germany 28th August 1847, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 20th December 1847. With Surgeon-superintendent Ludwick Wilhelm Schültzen and 247 German emigrants. The Ships List

This page is part of Prussian Settlement in Australia - German Australians. There is also a category page to collect individual profiles (Category:Gellert, Arrived 20 Dec 1847).

Cabin Passengers

  • OTTLING/OETLING Carl (merchant)
  • OSTER Phillip Jacob Jacques, Pastor from Posen (b 1804, France, died at sea of tuberculous 24 Oct 1847), Sophia Amalie nee STAMM (b 1801, France), Philipp Jacob Jr (b 1830), Pauline Renate (b 1837), Anna Victoria (1839 - 1917)
  • STAMM Sophie Friedericke (30) sister of Sophie OSTER

Steerage Passengers

  • ADAM Johann (37), Maria (33)
  • ADAMKOWSKY Friedrich Wilhelm (27) from Thorn, West Prussia
  • AMMACHER Susana Amalie (20) from Posen, maid of the Zerbst family (married Adolph ZENNER in 1848)
  • BARTSCH C, Mr. merchant returning to Adelaide after collecting belongings from his homeland (died at sea, 4th Nov 1847)
  • BECK/BOCK Matthias (65) from Bromberg West Prussia, son Carl (1818-1908)
  • BECK Johannes August Georg (36, b 1811 Posen), Christiane Elisabeth nee LASKOSKE (35), Emil Robert (14, b 1832), Gustav Rudolph (b 1839), Adolph Paul (b 1846)
  • BEHRENS F (J?).G. (30) from Mecklenburg
  • BEINKE Johann Friedrich August (1810-1875) miller from Sanniki, Posen, Theodora nee KRESCHEVSKA/KRASZEWSKA, (1816-1905), Gustav Emil (1836-1874), Carl Joseph (1839-1918), Anna Julianna (1841-1899), Caroline (1843-1936), Johann Friedrich (1844-1933), Louise Christiane (1846-1906)
  • BEINKE Friedrich August (37) bricklayer from Margonin, Posen
  • BIRKENHAGEN George (34, b 1809) a cabinetmaker from Posen
  • BLACKALL Richard (30) British subject
  • BÜCK/BOCK Johann Gottlieb (31) from Karge, Posen with his wife Henriette Wilhelmine nee KRUGER (30, b 1817) Uhrunstadt, Posen, daughters, Johanne Elise Amalie (8, b 1838), Julie Karoline Agnus/Agnes (b 1845) and a daughter (born at sea 27 Oct 1847).
  • BOEHM/BöHM Johann Gottlieb (37) cloth cutter, wife Susanne Maria Josephine nee ROSENBERG (25, daughter of Juliane Christiane SCHULZ also on Gellert) and daughters Auguste Bertha (1845-1926) and Christiane (infant, died at sea, 7 Sept 1847)
  • BOTHE/BOTEN Anna Rosina (35) from Brandenberg, servant with Tschirpig family, (married Anton SEMLITZSKY in 1851).
  • BRUEL Peter (30) from Gross-Hanchen, Saxony
  • BRUNNER Carl (31) coppersmith from Silesia, wife Auguste (36) and son Franz (6)
  • CLAUSSEN Asmus (b 1823) clerk from Hamburg
  • DOLLING Johannes Gottlieb (60, 1786-1884), Elisabeth (60, 1786-1868) from Brandenburg, Prussia
  • DOLLING Johannes Gottfried/Gottlieb (37, 1810-1887, farmstead owner from Keitschen, Brandenburg, son of Johannes Gottlieb) with
    • his wife, Johanne Louise nee WOIDT (31,1816-1895) and five children,
    • Anna Maria (9,1838-1908, married Wilhelm Boehm in 1858),
    • Friedrich Wilhelm (7, 1840-1912, married Johanne Luise Wittwer in 1863)
    • Johanne Martha (5, 1842-1876, married Gottlieb August Boehm in 1863)
    • Friedrich Carl (3, 1844-1924)
    • Johannes Gustav (9 mths, 1846-1936)
    • and a servant, Johanne aged (25), unknown surname.
  • FECHNER Anna Elizabeth nee KLUGE (b 1783) widow, mother of Johanne Louise Tschirpig.
  • GOLNIEWITZ Joseph (30)
  • GRAUE Johann Heinrich (40, b 1807) Luhnde, Hanover) and
    • wife, Julie (50) formerly Bergmann,
    • BERGMANN Louise Emilie (19) daughter of Julie GRAUE
  • GRIESCHE Johann Gotthelf (38, 1810-1874) farmer and smith from Tirschtiegel, Posen,
    • wife Caroline Beate nee KLEMKE (36,1811 Eschenwalde-1882) and 3 children
    • Auguste Pauline (9, 1837 Tirschtiegel - 1916)
    • Anna Juliane (7, 1839 Tirschtiegel- 1904)
    • Pauline Emilie Florentine (5, b 1842 Tirschtiegel - 1926)
  • GROCKE Johann Christoph (46, 1801 - 1889), gardener from Möstichen, Brandenburg
    • his wife, Anna Dorothea nee HAHN (44, 1803-1876) and children
    • Anna Dorothea (19, 1828-1908)
    • Johann Gottlieb (15, 1831 Spiegelberg-1894)
    • Ernestine Elisabeth Wilhelmine (9, 1838 Spiegelberg-1874)
  • GROSSE Johann Traugott (33, b 1814 Silesia), townsman and linen weaver from Sorau, Brandenburg, and wife Johanne Christiane nee PUSCH (29, b 1818 Silesia) and son Johann Gottlieb (6, 1841-1886)
  • GUTSCHE Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (25) and wife Caroline Ottilie nee THIELE (23, b 1824) - daughter of Johann Georg THIELE also on Gellert
  • HAMDORF Friedrich Gottlieb (42, 1806 Posen-1876) with
    • wife Eleanore Dorothea Elisabeth nee WILHELM (40, 1807-1875) and children,
    • Hermann Robert (8, 1838 Tirschtiegel -1890, who married Florentine Krüger),
    • Heinrich Adolph (7, 1840 Tirschtiegel-1884) and
    • Albertine Emilie (5, 1842-1895, later married Johann Gottlieb Mattner who was also on Gellert)
  • HEINRICH Friedrich Wilhelm (1808-1880) from Brandenburg with wife
  • HELBIG Johann Carl Adolph (32), Clara nee FRITSCHE / FRIESZCHE (44), Maria (10) and Carl (7)
  • HIRTHE Andreas (51) from Brandenburg, Anne Dorothea nee HEINRICH (51, b 1790) and Johann Gottlieb (27, b 1819)
  • HOFFMANN Johann Samuel (52, 1795-1878) farmer from Reichenau, Silesia, his wife
  • JORDAN Franz (32, b 1815)
  • KLAU Carl Jonathon (50, 1797 Posen- 1884) brother of Wilhelm Julius, and his wife Marie Therese (53, 1794-1870)
  • KLAU Wilhelm Julius (47, 1799 Posen-1875) brother of Carl Jonathon, and his children
    • Emma Louisa (14, 1831 Posen-1911)
    • Hermann Immanuel (12, 1834 Posen-1907)
    • Georg Daniel (10, 1836 Posen - 1920)
    • Rudolf Joshua (8, 1838 Posen - 1906)
  • KLEMM Johann Gottfried (48, 1799 Posen - 1879), and his wife
  • KLIEM Anna Rosina (65) mother of Emilie KLOSE also on Gellert
  • KLOSE Johann Carl (36) and his wife Emilie nee KLIEM (44) daughter of Anna Rosina KLIEM also on Gellert
  • KRUGER Gottlieb (37) and his wife Eleonore (38)
  • KRUSCHEL Johann Gottfried (1806-1871) and his wife
  • KIEFERT Anne Dorothea Charlotte nee HERMTH (71, b 1776 Posen, Prussia) mother of Helene Oehm also on Gellert
  • KÜHN Gottlieb (37) and wife Auguste (30)
  • LASSOW Johann Andreas (30, b 1820 Posen)
  • LAUBE Johann Gottfried (52, 1795 Silesia - 1862), labourer, from Tschirskau, kreis of Sagan, Silesia
    • with wife Anna Elisabeth nee REIMANN (48, 1799 Prussia - 1850) and children
    • Christiane (19, 1828-1896)
    • Carl Benjamin (11, 1836 Silesia - 1896)
    • Gottlob (6, 1841 Silesia - 1926)
  • LINDE Hakan (27, 1820 Sweden - 1907)
  • LINKE Johann Christian (30, 1816 Posen - 1898), with wife
    • Johanne Eleonora nee HEMMERLING (30, 1817 Klastawe - 1893) and children
    • Johann Wilhelm (6, 1841 Klastawe - 1920)
    • Johann Gottlieb (4, 1844 Klastawe - )
    • Johanne Louise (2mths, 1847 Klastawe - 1929)
  • MATTNER Johann Gottlieb (49, 1797- 1870), with wife
    • Maria Elisabeth nee STEINBORN (45, 1802-1872) and children
    • Johann Wilhelm (19, 1828-1908)
    • Johann Gottlieb (11, 1835 - 1922)
    • their eldest daughter Johanne Eleanore migrated with her husband Carl Heinrich THIELE on the Gellert
  • MATTSCHOSS Johann Gottlieb (50, 1799 Silesia - 1866), with his wife
  • MEYER Mr (Wilhelm Heinrich Elias?) (28) from Eschede
  • NEUMANN Carl (30) surgeon from Silesia
  • NIEJALKE/NIESALKE Johann Carl Gottlieb (26, 1821-1851), with wife
    • Anna Rosina nee KLEMM (24, 1823-1895) - parents also on Gellert
    • Wilhelmine (1, 1846-1924, later married Johann Friedrich Wilhlem GUNTHER)
  • OEHM/OEHME George Friedrich Wilhelm (54, 1794-1879) Brandenburg, with wife
    • Helene nee KIEFFERT (50, 1797-1882) - mother also on Gellert and children
    • Johann Ferdinand (22,1826-1917, later married Maria Elisabeth ELSHOLZ)
    • Friedrich August (20, 1829-1900, later married Anna Maria Auguste LANGE who originally migrated to New Zealand on St Pauli)
    • Ernestine Wilhelmine (14, 1833-1850)
    • Dorothea Amalie (11, 1835-1879, later married Johann August ELSHOLZ)
    • Emilie Mathilde (6, 1841-1920, later married Wilhelm Joachim Heinrich SCHARNBERG)
  • OTTO Carl Friedrich (29) musician and a cooper from Lubeck
  • PAHN Alwin (30)
  • PREUSS Carl Johann Samuel (32) possibly brother to Juliane Wilhelmine
  • PREUSS Juliane Wilhelmine 20 (b 1824 near EBLING, West Prussia) maid of Pastor & Mrs Oster
  • RIEGER Gottfried (47, 1800-1878) from Posen, with his wife
    • Johanna Beate (50, 1797-1880) and children
    • Carolina Willhelmina (20, 1828, later married Carl Theodor POLLACK)
    • Pauline (16, 1832-1916, married Carl Diedrich VOSS)
    • Amalie Emilie (11, 1838-1918, later married Phillip Jacob OSTER who also migrated on the Gellert)
    • Friedrich August (1839-1881, later married Luise Mathilda HOFFMANN)
    • Johann Gottlieb (1843-1910)
  • ROSENBERG family of master tailor Georg from Grünberg, who died before 1847, and Juliane Christiane nee PEITZ/PELTZ (later married Johann Gottlieb SCHULZ) (1801-1870)
    • Eldest daughter was married and travelled with Johann Gottleb BOEHM on Gellert
    • Franz Joseph Ehrhard (24, 1824-1879, later married Ernestine Wilhlemine GELLERT ) Grünberg
    • Henriette Elisabeth (22, 1826-1886, later married Friedrich Johann Christian JUERS) Grünberg
    • Auguste Bertha (20, 1829-1883, later married Johann Hermann MENKENS) Grünberg
    • Joseph Adolph (17, 1839-1894, later married Anna Marie LAUTERBACH) Grünberg
  • RUSS Johann Gottlieb 30 (a servant from kreis of Sorau, Brandenberg, listed with Johann Traugott Grosse as receiving an emigration permit in 1847)
  • SCHONFELD Ferdinand (24) possibly Alexander Ferdinand Schonfeldt
  • SCHUBERT brother-in-law of MATTSCHOSS
  • SCHULZ Franciscus Friedrich Carl (b 1824) from Silesia
  • SCHULZ Johann Gottlieb (42 b 1805) wagoner-for-hire from Grünberg, Silesia and his wife Juliane Christiane nee PEITZ/PELTZ (46, b 1801) widow ROSENBERG, mother of Mrs BOEHM and 4 other ROSENBERG children also on the Gellert
  • SIRAKOWSKI Eugen von - Polish Officer
  • STEINBERG Carl Paul (30)
  • SOMMER may have come to SA on Gellert [family history SA].
  • STREMPEL Carl Friedrich Adolph (1832-1908) Posen
  • STREMPEL Carl Ernst Ferdinand (1824-1904) Posen, older brother of Carl Friedrich Adolph
  • STREMPEL Anna Maria Louise (1826-1883) Posen, older sister of Carl Friedrich Adolph
  • TEPPER Johann Christoph (1815-1891) master baker, mill owner and farmer
    • Johanna Wilhelmina nee PROTSCH (1816-1856)
    • Johann Gottlieb Otto (1841-1923)
    • Johann Paul (1843-1906)
    • Phillip Nathaniel (1, died at sea 19 Sept 1847)
  • THIELE Johann Georg (52, 1795-1859) shoemaker from Brandenburg, with his wife
  • THIELE Carl Heinrich (26, 1821-1879, Brandenberg) son of Johann George, with
  • TSCHIRPIG Johann Gottfried (35, 1811-1876), gardener from Padligar, Züllichau, Brandenburg, with his wife, 4 children, mother-in-law, Anna Elisabeth neé Kluge and sister-in-law Fechner (35).
    • Johanne Louise neé FECHNER (31, 1815-1874)
    • Johanne Eleonore (13, 1834-1909)
    • Johann Gottlieb (11)
    • Johanne Louise (5)
    • Johanne Maria Elizabeth (1)
  • UNGER Karl Friedrich August (23, b 1822) Posen
  • VIED H (31) from Oldenburg
  • VORWERK Carl Ernst (1803-1884) Schoenwalde, Prussia
    • Louise nee DORNSKE (1805-1866) Posen
    • Adolf (14, 1833-1903)
    • Carl Heinrich Ferdinand (11, 1835-1917, later married Johanne Auguste SEIDEL) Posen
    • Friedrich Wilhelm (8, 1836-1880, later married Johanne Louisa Christina PATZEL) Posen
    • Hermine (7, 1838-1907, later married Johann Wilhelm Ernst PATZEL) Posen
    • Ernst Leo (4, 1843-1893, later married Johanne Louise NITSHCKE) Posen
    • Johanna Auguste (3, 1844-1899, later married Johann Carl Wilhelm LOECHEL)
    • Emilie (nearly 2, died Oct 28, 1847)
  • WEBER Gottlieb Erdmann (37, 1820 Posen -1883) brother of Johann Christian, son of Johann Christian who migrated from Klastawe, Meseritz, Posen, Prussia on Bengalee in 1838.
    • Eleonore nee PESCHEL (30, 1817 Posen- 1866)
    • Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (4, 1843 Posen - 1908, later married Johanna Pauline KRAUSE)
    • Johanne Louise (1, 1845 Posen - 1929, later married Johann Gottlieb STEICKE)
  • WEBER Johann Christian (24, 1824 Posen) brother of Gottlieb Erdmann
  • WEBER Carl (20, 1827-1884, brother of Gottlieb Erdmann. Carl later married Anna Rosina KLEMM)
  • WIEBKE Theodor 24
  • WINDERLICH Johann Gottlieb (36, 1812 - 1907) gardener's son, from Klein-Dobritsch, kreis of Sagan, Silesia.
  • WITTIG Franz Carl (38, 1809 Silesia - 1885), with his wife
    • Ottilie Wilhelmine nee MIETTICH (28, 1819 - 1889) Posen
  • ZENNER Adolph Moritz Julius (30) portrait painter and mason
  • ZERBST Daniel Traugott (1806-1862 ) Posen, farmer and miller
    • Anna Maria Elizabeth nee HIRSCHFELD (b 1813)
    • Ferdinand Michael (b 1835)
    • Johanne Friedericke Wilhelmine (b 1837)
    • Julius Heindrich (b 1839)
    • Carl (Charles) Friedrich (b 1842)
    • Caroline Emilie (Emily) (b 1844)
  • ZIEGLER possibly Richard Friedrich (30)
  • ZIMMERMAN Johann Daniel (44, b 1803) daily wage earner from Meseritz, Posen
    • Maria Dorothea nee LAUBSCH (43, b 1804)
    • Friedrich Wilhelm (b 1828)
    • Johann Ferdinand (b 1832)
    • Maria Dorothea (b 1840)
    • Ernstine Wilhelmine (b 1843)
    • Johanne Caroline Wilhelmine (b 1846)
  • ZWECK Friedrich Wilhelm (32, b 1815) West Prussia
    • Wilhelmine Auguste nee BECK (26, b 1820) West Prussia
    • Wilhelm Friedrich (3, b 1844) West Prussia

Sources of Passenger Lists

  • ship Gellert, 600 tons, Captain Fhlert, from Bremen, Germany 28th August 1847, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 20th December 1847. transcribed and submitted to The Ships List by Robert Janmaat. first accessed online on the 15th of March 2020 at: http://www.theshipslist.com/ships/australia/gellert1847.shtml
  • Gellert 1847 Results for South Australia, Passenger Lists 1847-1886 from the Find My Past website. first accessed online on the 18th of March 2020 at: [1]

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