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Genealogist Research - Wards of Ernestown prior to 1840

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ernestown Township, Upper Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Ward EARLY_UPPER_CANADA
Profile manager: Daniel Ward private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 79 times.

A genealogist, Linda Corupe, was contracted in the Spring of 2019 to conduct research into the Wards of Ernestown prior to the year 1840.

She was asked to look for all Wards in the Ernestown area and also for Gideon Shurtliff and David Perry. (husbands of Mary Ward and Elizabeth S Ward, respectively)

Here is a compilation of her findings from the emails she sent back. Subsequent emails resulted in an iterative collection and refining of sources, so the information on this page contains the latest information determined.

This entire list constitutes a To-Do list where the sources need to be collected, cited, and attached to their respective profiles.


Midland District Land Board

Hastings County - Deeds Book C

  • #248: Gideon Shurtleff purchases lot 10, conc 7 of Huntingdon Township, from Archibald & Mary Nicholson in 1812. [1] He sells it to William Ward in 1816 (witnessed by Amos Martin).[2]
  • #332: William Ward witnessed sale of land from Archibald Nicholson, Camden Twp to Amos Martin, Ernestown on Mar 16, 1816.

Midland District Surrogate Records

  • no wills for the Ward family in the appropriate years.

Wills filed with Land Records - Lennox & Addington County

  • Margaret Ward - Will filed with the land record [3]
  • Samantha Ward - Will filed with the land record
  • Samuel Ward - Will filed with the land record (Camden, dated 1878)
  • Gideon Shurtliff - Will filed with the land record

Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Lennox

  • no records for the Ward family in the appropriate years.

Langhorn's Marriage Registers

  • Mary Ward
    • Witness for marriage of William Willcox (Augusta) and Sabra Fairfield (Ernestown) on Aug 28, 1797
    • Married Gideon Shurtliff - both of Ernestown on Feb 1,1798. Witnesses: William Ward, David Lockwood, Rufus Shorey
  • William Ward
    • Witness for marriage of Mary Ward and GIdeon Shurtliff Feb 1, 1798

McDowall Marriage Registers

  • Moses Ward of Ernestown married Polly Colton of Richmond on Apr 20, 1802
  • Elizabeth Ward married David Perry, both of Ernestown - Oct 18, 1802
  • Samuel Ward married Elizabeth Smith, both of Ernestown - Sept 17, 1805
  • John Ward married Chistiana Hough, both of Ernestown on July 26, 1807
  • Timothy Stancliff of Loughborough married Jane Campbell of Kingston on Nov 27, 1809

McDowall Baptism Registers

  • Sabara- born to parents Samuel Ward and Lydia Smith on Sept 25, 1810
  • Chester Ward - born to parents Samuel Ward and Lydia Smith on Apr 27, 1812

Rev David Wilson Baptisms 1856

  • No Wards listed

Midland District Court Records

Assize Court - Serious crimes

  • no records for the Ward family up to 1829

Quarter Sessions Court - Middle Court

  • John Ward was on the jury in January of 1802, and in April 1811
  • There was a dower barring for the wife of Joel Huffman on the sale of Lot 22, Conc. 7 of Ernestown to John.
  • In 1816, John Ward was appointed constable for the King's Ground on Point Frederick
    • Linda noted: Interestingly, in a book on the history of Freemasonry, is a note that an emergency meeting of the Kingston Lodge was called on September 15th, 1819 for the purpose of burying a Brother Ward, who had died at Point Frederick.
  • Moses Ward sued Donald McDonell for assault and battery in 1803 and won
  • Moses Ward was on two juries in October of 1814
  • William Ward's wife, Sarah, was barred of her dower when her husband sold lot 24, conc. 6 of Ernestown to Jacob Kesler in 1809.
  • William Ward served on two juries in April of 1801 and again in October of 1802.
  • When Gilbert Storms sold lot 27, conc 7 of Ernestown to William Ward in 1807 - Gilbert's wife was barred of her dower.
  • Gideon Shurtliff served on a jury in October of 1801, in October of 1802, and in April of 1811.
  • All records are missing
  • Gideon Shurtliff Jr served on a grand jury in Oct 1834. His father had been summoned as well, but was excused because of his age.

Magistrates / Summary Court - Minor Crimes

  • Most records did not survive. Of the records that survived - Nothing found

Court of Common Pleas

  • (1789-1792) - Asahel Ward listed

Court Records Lennox & Addington

Quarter Sessions Court

  • Frontenac - Mention of James and Mary Anne Ward
  • Marshall Ward and a Seth Ward mentioned

Cemetery Records

Ernestown Area

  • Bath United
  • Ernestown Cemetery
  • Morven Cemetery
  • Snider Cemetery
  • St. John's Anglican in Bath
  • Union Presbyterian & Methodist
  • Bayview Cemetery
  • Bicknell Cemetery
  • O'Hara Cemetery
  • Burleigh Cemetery
  • Davy Farm Cemetery
  • Fellows Cemetery
  • Loyst Perry Cemetery
  • McIntyre's Corners
  • Miller Millhaven Cemetery
  • Shibley Farm Cemetery
  • St. Linus R.C. Cemetery
  • St. Mary's R.C. Cemetery
  • Switzerville Cemetery
  • Union Lutherlan Cemetery
  • Violet Cemetery
  • Wilton Cemetery

Only Wilton Cemetery had records:

  • #448:
    • Adeline Ward - wife of John Simpkins, died 1915, age 65 years
  • #286:
    • Charles Ward, 1834-1914. His wife Nancy Irish, 1839-1925.
    • Mary Eldda E. Ward, daughter of C & N died April 18, 1881 age 12 years 2 months 5 days.
  • #100:
    • Francis C Ward, 1853-1919 - Rowinda Davison his wife 1853-1919.
    • George Frederick Ward 1878-1918
    • Sarah Ann Ward, wife of John Hurley, died April 11, 1885, aged 49 years
    • Christopher Ward died June 24, 1873, age 64 years, 2 months Margaret Robe his wife died Mar 2, 1887, age 78 years, 9 months.
  • #172:
    • William Ward, died July 28, 1860 age 88 years. Wife Sarah Stantliff died Oct 2, 1842 age 62 years
    • William H Pringle b. Mar 26, 1842, died Mar 19 1916 - his wife Sarah E. Ward born Dec 19 1846 and died May 10, 1924
    • Joseph Ward. Born Dec 12, 1821. Died Mar 18, 1903. Wife Margaret Ann, born Nov 13 1826, died Dec 20, 1903
    • David Y. Died May 11, 1878 - 2 yrs old.
    • Infant son of William and Eleanor
  • #150
    • Ezra Ward - Died April 25, 1839 age 26 years

Heir & Devisee Records

  • In 1797, Benjamin Seymour claimed lot 12 and half of lot 13, concession 4 of Loughborough Township. These, along with other lots were granted to Esther Ross. She got a total of 1000 acres in July of 1794. She then sold 500 acres of this (even though she technically didn't own it - she was selling the rights to the lots) to William Ward Sr. She sold the rights to the other 500 acres to Benjamin Seymour and William Hunter of Kingston in 1796. The sale to William Ward Sr. was undated.
  • In 1803, Samuel Ward claimed Lot 25, conc 7 of Ernestown Township. These had originally been located to David Williams and Widow Raymond, but the tickets were returned. The claim says that the same by Williams and Mary Cotter (formerly Widow Raymond) was confirmed. This appears to be a little contradictory, as if the tickets were returned, then how could the sale take place? Regardless - the abstract deed indicates that the claim was successful.
  • In 1802, William Ward claimed lot 24, conc 6 of Ernestown. It was originally located to Nathan Williams and John Burley. They sold the rights to the west half of it to William Ward in 1790. The transfer was witnessed by Gideon Shurtliff and Eli Peters. Again, this appears contradictory as Robert Peters again sold the west half of it to Eli Peters in 1795. The abstract deed indicates that this claim by William Ward was successful.
  • In 1797, William Ward and Samuel Ward claimed lots 14 & 16 and the east half of lot 13 conc 5 of Loughborough Township. This is the other half of Ester Ross's land. This claim was allowed to go through.
  • In 1803, Gideon Shurtliff of Ernestown claimed lot 26, conc 1 of Camden Township, originally located to Henry Davy. He had acquired it by purchase.
  • In 1803, Daniel Perry of Ernestown claimed the east half of lot 6, conc 3 of Ernestown, originally located to Christiana Hough. The land then went through a whole string of purchases until it reached Daniel Perry. This claim was successful.


"Early Methodist Records"

  • Joseph Johnson married Mary Ward, daughter of Asahel

"Stovewood and Clubs"

  • (Story of a riot in Napanee) - No Wards listed

"The Hard Road Ahead, the story of the Addington Colonization Road"

  • Found Hester Ann Ward

"Napanee Letters of James McKitterick"

  • Found Patrick Ward

"Lennox & Addingotn Historical Society Papers and Records"

  • Found a Dr. Ward in Vol. 3

"Historical Glimpses of Lennox & Addington"

  • Nothing found

"Ernestown, Rural Spaces and Urban Places" by Larry Turner

  • Nothing Found

"More Notices from Methodist Papers, 1830-1857

  • Canada Christian Advocate, Oct. 6:
    • Mrs. Christiana, wife of John Ward of Ernestown, was born Aug. 30, 1788 in Troy, N.Y., and moved with her parents to Canada early in life, being amongst the earliest settlers in Ernestown. A short time before her death, she left home with her youngest daughter on a visit to Pennsylvania, where her eldest son now lives. On June 28th, she walked down to the wharf at Erie, in company with her brothers and sisters, in order to take the boat for Buffalo. Being disappointed, she started to walk back to her brother's, and suddenly collapsed and died: age 57 years, 10 months. Predeceased by one son in the spring of 1839, survived by her husband and children, brothers and sisters
    • Linda notes: I think this is Christina, nee Hough. Her oldest son was John Ward who married Hanna Snyder. Her youngest daughter would be Sarah Ward. According to a tree on Ancestry, John Ward, the widower of Christina, died in 1854 in Erie County, PA

"Away Back in Clarendon and Miller" by Charles A. Armstrong. (1908-)

  • This is what was found:
    • The 1871 census recorded a William Ward born in 1792, his wife Nancy, born in 1794 and a daughter Jane, born in 1841, living in the area. Other Wards in the area were Luke, born in 1829, arrived in the area in 1861 with a wife and four children, James, 1822-1899, married Lynda Jane Vankoughnet (1834-1897) and they had three children with them in 1871: James, 1861-1921, Nancy, 1863 and Jane, 1867. James married Amelia Flieler and Nancy married Edward Fleiler. James and Amelia stayed in the area and raised seven children: Edward, a veteran of World War I, married Ethel Killingbeck, a daughter of Daniel, and when she died, he married her sister Olive. Cassey remained single and is living at Plevna. Other members of the family were: Hannah, Mrs. Wm Wood; Violetta, Mrs. Elmer Davy; Alpha, Mrs. Albert Martin and William and Otto who moved to Western Canada as young men.



  • William Ward:
    • Notices for letters to be picked up:
      • June 14, 1818 - Ernestown Post office
      • Oct 24, 1823 - Bath Post office
      • April 8, 1825 - Kingston Post office
      • Feb 3, 1844 - Kingston Post office
      • Sept 11, 1844 - Kingston Post office
    • His signature is on an address to Lt. Gov. Peregrine Maitland, dated Jan 29, 1819.
    • A notice that a William Ward married Susannah Dell - dated Sept 22, 1820. Location not given.
  • Moses Ward:
    • Notices for letters to be picked up:
      • Dec 21, 1842 - Kingston Post office
    • Notices that he has a farm for sale in the 7th concession of Ernestown, about 6 miles from Napanee Mills, dated Sep 2-23, 1817
  • John Ward:
    • Notices for letters to be picked up.
      • Kingston Post Office
      • two at Napanee
      • one at Bath
    • Notice that John Ward of Kingston has married Catherine Tenike
    • A notice that a reward is being offered for John Ward, calico printer, dead or alive, Oct 1, 1842
    • the death of John Ward of the 67th Regiment by drowning, June 16, 1841


  • Send an email to the Lennox and Addington Museum and Archives, asking them what they have in their family files for the Ward family.
    • They also have an index to the Napanee Standard vital stats. All we need is the index entries--I can get the papers at the Archives.
  • check the Burleigh papers at Queen's University Archives.

Source References

  1. Deeds Book 'C', Hastings County. Entry #248. Page 52.
  2. Deeds Book 'C', Hastings County. Entry #333. Page 138.
  3. "Will of Margaret Ward" - Land Records of Lennox & Addington County, Ernestown District. Book 16 / v. 194 (1897-1900). Page 314. Memorial 7098. Microfilm 1731067. DGS 8638966, Image 53 (Online at FamilySearch.org Image 53.)

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