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Genealogy of John Smith IV, Marion, SC

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: (Marion), Cheraws District, South Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Smith, Ford, Commander, Johns, Tart, Harrelson, Berry, Finklea, Bryant, Watson, Buckholts Marion, South_Carolina
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The Parents and Family of John Smith IV of Marion, South Carolina. Born in Chowan, NC, lived in Craven County, SC/Prince Fredericks Parish, Georgetown District, SC. Including Revolutionary War information.


The Smith Family

Generation 1

John Smith I (25), born 1614 in England (26); died Aft. 1694 in Isle of Wight, VA. He was the son of William Smith and Ann Bassett. He married 17. Ann Jones Abt. 1640 in ?26.

17.Ann Jones, born Abt. 1620 in ?; died Aft. 1694 in ?.She was the daughter of Anthony Jones and Unknown Spouse.

Notes for John Smith I: From Boddie's Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight VA: Page 573:

John Smyth, planter, and wife Anne sell to Peter Best his plantation that he lives on 100 acres adj. Robert Coleman and his brother Thomas Smyth form the Cypress for a mile into the woods.July 31, 1675. Page 578: John Smyth and Anne his wife sold 500 acres land adj. Robert Coleman and Thomas Smith to Robert Coleman. 3 Nov 1677. Peter Best assigns this to Robert Coleman, 3 Nov 1677. James Tullaugh, Jno. Wingate.Anne Best makes Wm. Thompson of Nansemond her atty. to sigh deed to Robert Coleman. Page 602:

John Smith and Ann Smith bequeath to John Mackmihill 20 acres of land bought of Capt. Wm. Oldis, late of Nansemond and Robert Ruffin of Surry adj. upon Capt. Geo. Norsworthy lat of the County of Nansemond and the other side of Mather Tomlin'sland. 9 Dec. 1689. Teste, John Brownne, Robert Lawrence. Page 672: Mr. Tristram Norsworthy, 670 acres Upper Norfolk Co, Dec. 6, 1645. In the main river behind Ragged Island Cr., down by a great marsh on Mount Lawsons Bay, to an oyster point on the Rich Island, and along New Town Haven River Bay crossing Canady Island Cr. Said land commonly known by the name of Ragged Islands. 100 acres hereof formerly granted to John Smith Aug 20, 1633 and purchased of said Smith; 50 acres pat. by Norsworthy May 10, 1638 and the residue for trans. 9 pers.

Child of John Smith and Ann Jones is:

8 i. John Smith II, born 1640 in Isle of Wight, VA; died 1683 in Isle of Wight, VA; married Elizabeth Ball 1680 in ?.

Generation 2

John Smith II, born 1640 in Isle of Wight, VA; died 1683 in Isle of Wight, VA. He was the son of 16. John Smith I and 17. Ann Jones. He married 9. Elizabeth Ball 1680 in ?.

9.Elizabeth Ball, born Unknown in ??; died Unknown in ?.

Notes for John Smith II: After the birth of John Smith, III, they moved from York County in SE Virginia, to NC. (Boddie's Isle of Wight County, Va). John Smith II bought 2000 acres of land on Black Water head of Chowan River, NC.Elizabeth signed the deed.

Child of John Smith and Elizabeth Ball is:

John Smith III, born 1683 in York County, VA

Generation 3

4 i. John Smith III, born 1683 in York County, VA; died Unknown in Chowan County, NC; married Ann Jasper Abt. 1709 in Chowan County, NC.

Ann Jasper's Lineage

Richard Jasper, born Bef. 1665; died Abt. 11 June 1698 in Richmond County, VA27.He was the son of John Lancelet Jasper and Sarah Sheppard.He married 21. Mary Unknown in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA27. 21.Mary Unknown, born Bef. 1665. Notes for Richard Jasper: In the reference by Nugent, "Pioneers and Cavaliers," Patent Bk. Part II, page 277 is noted the "Transportation of ten persons, among which was JOHN JASPER, who came on the Mary of Bristol in 1634." This is most likely the first Jasper of our line to come to the United State, then only a colony. According to N. Roy, "We have NO PROOF that JOHN JASPER came from Suffolk but we do know that in the middle 1800's certain Jaspers came to UTAH from Monmouthshire.It is probable that JOHN JASPER came from that area asMonmouth is much nearer the port of Bristol than Suffolk.Most of the young unmarried male immigrants were between the ages of 16 and 25 years, but the age of JOHN must be a surmise as there are NO records. "RICHARD JASPER, probable son of the immigrant, is the ONLY JASPER we find in Virginia at this time who left a record.He appears to have been born ca. 1636-1638. and to have married Mary, (surname unknown) about 1660. Shedied prior to 1680 when he married second, Sarah (surname unknown). There were two children by the first marriage and four by the second."(Roy) Will Book II. p. 60--Richmond County, Virginia (Richmond is one of the counties made from Old Rappahannock)Will of RICHARD JASPER, dated June 11, 1698, gives to his son, Thomas Jasper, and his legally begotton heirs, "All the tract of land I now live on.To son Richard Jasper, Jr. and his heirs, "the piece of land which I bought from Richard Dudley.To daughter Sara, one feather bed, a rug and two blankets," and states that the sons should maintain her until she is sixteen years old and afterwards "that my sons should yearly pay her, the said Sara, each of them 250 pounds of Tobacco." Personal estate is to go to my two grandchildren, William and Mary Dudley."I give to my son Richard Jasper, Senr., one shilling." Tes:Marks of Wm W. Leehis Mary M. Lee Hen. HayesRichard R. J. Jasper Mark Probated: p. Sacrement Hen. Hayes in Circuit Court Richmond, 3 tr. die mart ii. 1702 and Record r Test: James Sherlock, Blk. Sur. From this will, one can only surmise that either Richard's son who was left only one shilling was "being punished" by being willed such a pittance, or that he was wealthy in his own right and did not need the inheritance, but his father felt a need to include him in the will for a legal purpose.

Children of Richard Jasper and Mary Unknown are: 10 i. Richard Jasper, born Bef. 1685 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA; died Abt. 30 October 1722 in Chowan County, NC; married Sarah Unknown Unknown in ?. ii. Mary Jasper, born Bef. 1685 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA27

Anne Jasper's Parents

10.Richard Jasper, born Bef. 1685 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA24; died Abt. 30 October 1722 in Chowan County, NC24.He was the son of 20. Richard Jasper and 21. Mary Unknown.He married 11. Sarah Unknown Unknown in ?. 11.Sarah Unknown, born Bef. 1685 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA24; died Unknown in ?. Notes for Richard Jasper: In Hathaway's "Historical and Genealogical Register," Vol. 1. p. 330 and also Grimes "Abstracts of North Carolina Wills," p. 184, Richard willed to his son, Samuel Jasper, "All my lands" and named sons:William, Jonathan and Israel and daughters Hannah Leath (Her children--Kenzia and John Leath) Ann Jasper, Mary Jasper, Lydela Jasper, and wife, Ann Jasper. Executors:Testators, Roger Mason, Jr., John Slade, Jr., and Dorcas Leath.Thomas Jordan, C. C. State of South Carolina, Horry Co., National Archives Richard died between 30 Oct. 1722 and 30 March 1723, the writing and proving of his will.

Children of Richard Jasper and Sarah Unknown are: 5 i. Ann Jasper, born Abt. 1682 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA; died Aft. 1722 in ?; married John Smith III Abt. 1709 in Chowan County, NC. ii. Samuel Jasper Jasper, born Bef. 1722; died 29 March 175224 iii. Mary Jasper, born Bef. 1722. iv. William Jasper, born Bef. 1722. v. Richard Jasper, born 1687 in VA24 vi. Thomas Jasper, born 1689 in VA24; died 1748 in Richmond County, VA24 vii. Israel Jasper, born 1720; died 178424 viii. Jonathan Jasper, born Abt. 1722 in NC24 ix. Hanna Jasper, born Abt. 1722 in NC24 x. Elizabeth Jasper, born Abt. 1722 in NC24

Child of John Smith and Ann Jasper is:

John Smith IV, born Abt. 1710 in Chowan County, NC

Generation 4

2 i. John Smith IV, born Abt. 1710 in Chowan County, NC; died Abt. 1802 in Marion District, SC; married

(1) Abigail Commander 4 October 1737 in Prince Frederick Parish, SC

(2) Jane Ford 10 September 1742 in SC

One of these two wives of John Smith are the Mother's of Ann Smith Berry and Elisabeth Smith (Watson) Deer. As for Anne, it is believed that Jane Ford was her Mother.

(3)Mary Johns

Generation 5

2. John Smith IV, born Abt. 1710 in Chowan County, NC; died Abt. 1802 in Marion District, SC4.He was the son of 4. John Smith III and 5. Ann Jasper. He married 3. Mary Johns Abt. 1748 in ?5.

3.Mary Johns, born 1722 in Marion District, SC; died Aft. 1802 in Marion District, SC.

Notes for John Smith IV: He provided supplies to soldiers in the Revolutionary War and therefore can be used as a Revolutionary ancestor on joining the Daughters of the American Revolution.

According to the History of Marion County by W. W. Sellers, pages 492 and 493, John Smith settled and lived about six miles above Marion Court House near the place known as E.J. Moody's Mill, long before the Revolution.During the Revolution, it was known as Tart's Mill.The Mill was the property of John Smith before the Revolution

Stub Entries to Indents for Revolutionary Claims Book Y-Z, page 143 reads: "Nu 960) Issued 26th Jan. 1785 to Mr. John Smith Sen. for nineteen pounds 18/9 Stl. for provisions and forage supplied in 1780 and 1782 Acct. audited Principal L 19..18..9 Interest L1--7-10".

The Battle of Bowling Green was fought June 3, 1782.(History of Old Cheraws, page 596).A leaflet and map prepared for Marion County Celebration of South Carolina Tricentennial show this battle or skirmish between Patriots under General Frances Marion and Loyalists under Major Micajah Ganey took place on land owned by John Smith.(Some ancestors claim John took part in this battle).

On file in the office of Judge of Probate, Marion County, SC, Book I, pages 16-18, also roll number 721, may be found the will of John Smith.It is dated the 10th of June, 1797, and probated the 20th of January, 1802.Persons mentioned in the will are: Wife - Mary Sons - Samuel, John, and James Daughters - Anne Berry, Elizabeth Watson, Mary Buckholts, Sarah Tart, Martha Finklea, Morning Bryant, Cealey Harrelson. The will was witnessed by John Finklea, John Deer, and Peter Kingley.Sons Sam Smith, John Smith and friend Enos Tart were appointed Executors in the will.However, when the will was probated, Peter Kingley evidently had died for John Finklea and John Deer testified that Peter Kingley did witness will; and at the same time qualified Sarah Smith as an executor.On March 30, John Finklea and John Deer qualified John Smith as executor of this will of John Smith. (SEE BELOW FOR FULL TRANSCRIPTION OF WILL) His Will dated 10 Jun 1797, proved 20 Jan 1802 mentions: Known Children: Samuel, eldest son-650 a on Gully & Buck Swamp, includes one fifty a purchased from William HARRALSON, & bounty a purch from William ROSEYEAR. John (d. bef 10 Nov 1824) - 250 a whereon he now lives. James-750 a purch from Benjamin HARRALSON, Jr on NE side of Buck Swap and 100 a near Catfish Joing E side of a survey of 200 a joins WRAGGS land. Anne BERRY - 104 a on Catfish whereon Joseph JONES and one BRYANT now lives joining one of another. Elizabeth WATSON - 300 a bought of COLLINS where KELLY now lives on the Road and 150 a purc of W. STUDDIVANT on the Bay joining Land held by Frederick JONES. Mary Buckholls (BUCKHOLTS)-100 Pounds St.g and 400 a on the NE side of Little Peedee, purch from John CLARKE. Sarah TART - 750 a joining to the Plantation & Mill Seat whereon I now live part of the old tract I purch from Evan EVANS. Martha FINKLEA - 100 a purch of George GIBSON lying in the wat side of Catfish. Mourning BRYANT - the Plantation and mill seat whereon I now Live containing 100 a prt of tract purch from Evan Evans. Cealey HARRALSON - 500 a where she now lives. Executors: Samuel Smith, John Smith and Eaneas Tart. Wit: John Finkly, John Dear, Peter Keighley, Roberta. and possibly Hannah Smith. Judging from the will, John Smith owned much land and many slaves.It is interesting to note in the will that all real estate deeded to each child was not only described in detail as to boundaries but also from who purchased or how acquired. In November, 1971, issue of the D.A.R. Magazine, page 829, we find where the grave of Smith, John Sr, three miles north of Marion, SC, had been marked by Blue Savannah Chapter of D.A.R. A land grant to John Smith, Sr., dated October 10, 1778, for Revolutionary Service was supposedly recorded in book YYYY, page 5373, Secretary's Office, Charleston and entered for 400 acres bought by John Smith, Sr., April $, 1773, recorded in Book PPP, page 33, Secretary's Office, Signed by Sir William Bull.This had not been verified. John Smith's oldest son, Samuel, was born May 1, 1753 and died April, 1843.He married Mollie Rice.Gregg's "History of Old Cheraws", page 245 states that Samuel Smith was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Col. Powell's Regiment of Militia, St. Davido parish, 26th Day of September, 1775 and page 269 gives account of a battle between Long Island and Sullivans in which Lt. Smith took part."South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783", by McCrady, page 359, states: "Samuel Smith listed a prisoner on Board the Schooner Pack Horse."Samuel Smith is buried in the old Smith Cemetery about three miles east of Latta, SC.The marker reads:"2nd L. Samuel Smith, Colonel Powell's Regiment---Rev. War".No dates are shown. Samuel Smith had three children.One daughter married Captain William Page, a son of Thomas Page.The otherdaughter, Elizabeth (Betsy), married Robert Moody.The son, Samuel, was married twice;first to a miss Lane, daughter of Osborne Lane and second, to Sallie Hayes, daughter of Benjamin Hayes. Very little is known about James Smith, another son of John IV.It is known that he had one son, Hugh Smith who married Miss Chloe Perritt.They had five sons and four daughters, all of whom had large familes.One of the sons went to Mississippi and a daughter lived in Texas.The others settled in or near the section where they had lived all their lives. John Smith V (or Jr. in the SC clan) was born in Craven County, now Marion County, SC in 1756.He married Sarah Ann (Sallie) Godbolt who was born in Georgetown District and died in Marion District in 1820.John died in Marion District in 1825.Sellers' History states that John, Jr. lived before and after the Revolutionary Warbetween the two Reedy Creeks, west of Gapevay Baptist Church and east of Marion Court House.it also states that he was well-to-do, and that during the War, he reportedly buried considerable money near the Little Reedy Creek.He served as a private in Capt. Ellebris Co Benton's Regiment (Gregg's History, page 413).There is a John Smith buried in Moody's Pond Cemetery near Marion, SC.Marker reads as above and has Rev. War. Much of the above information was contained in material prepared by Mrs. Virginia Rogers Smith of Bowman, SC and sent to me by Linda D. Smith, 1000 Cold Branch Drive, Columbia, SC 29223.I received this information on Feb. 17, 1995. !SOURCES:Bryan, Gus & Ruby, Bryan Family History 1753-1973.Also see Dunn, Doris Allen O'Neal, Allen and Allied Families, p 17.Haralson, Danny K., Haralson-Harrelson Family History and Lineage, p 97.Letter from Mrs. F. C. Cain, ex State Regent SCDAR, St. Matthew, SC to Mrs. Kenneth Troy Trewhella, Registrar General NSDAR, Washington DC, dated 15 Oct 1951.That letter lists marriages and children and includes a copy of the will dated 1787. !BURIAL: Per Cemetery Inscriptions Old Marion District, SC, V I, 1953-1954, P4 John Smith buried in Moody's Mill Pond Cemetery.Was Pvt. in Capt. Ellerbee's Co., Benton Regt./Rev. War. !MARRIAGES:Register Book for the Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw; p. 51 (Abigail Commander) and p 53 (Jane Ford). !CEN:1800 Liberty Co SC (Marion District), p 461. !SOURCE:Watsn, S. Lawton, Ancestors of Isham and Mary Watson, ur Own Early Forebears; Hal D.Watson, Printer, Latta, SC, p 2. (All above information obtained from the notes of James O. King of Kentucky. NOTES:Ordinance dates for baptism and endowment obtained from Janet Beazell. No sealing date on her records.

The following was taken from the Marion cnty, SC Tax returns for 1786-Jesse Bryan (land ) 50 acres (negroes) (0)Willis Finklea 183 (a) (0) negroes- Saml. Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-James Johnson 25 (a) (0) negroes-Isaac Atlinson 425 (a) (0) negroes-Thomas Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-Joseph Jones 50 (0) negroes- Kphm Martin 200 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith 100 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith Sr. 1450 (a)(8) negroes-Samuel Smith 200 (a) (5) negroes From Early Colonists in SC, Rootsweb SC Colony

SMITH, John1779 Colony, SC ResidentOld 96th DISTRICT SMITH, John1779 Colony, SC ResidentOld 96th DISTRICT

Will of John SMITH, 1797 Contributed to the Marion County SCGenWeb site by: Roberta Hayes King<Bertienc@aol.com> In the Name of God Amen. I John Smith of Liberty County Georgetown District in the State of South Carolina,being in Perfect health both of Body and Mind, considering the infirmity of my Age, thanks be to the Almighty God for the Same, But calling to Mind the Mortality of this Body, and that it is appointed for all Men once to die, do therefore Make and Constitute this my last will and Teatament, But first of all I commit my spirlt into the hands of God, My Creator, from whom I first received my being, nothing Doubting but I Shall receive the Same Again at the Great day of the Resurrection of Quick and Dead,. and be again reunited by the Altmighty power of God, and as for such worldly goods as it hath Pleased God,. of his Great Goodness,. to endow me with,. I do hereby dispose of in Manner and form following, that is to say after My Just Debts and funeral Charges are all well satisfyed and paid -- Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Well belovedWife Mary Smith One negro woman named Pegg Two Hundred Acres ofLand lying & being on the N East side of Buck Swamp, which I bought of William Parker , One Riding Mare, Saddle and bridle Four Cows and Calves & one year old lieifer , Thre Sows and Piggs Supposed to be twenty Head Swine, 1 Feather Bed and Furniture , And a Lott of Pewter worthSeven Pounds St.g. to her only use and behoof to hold unto her the sd Mary Smith and her heirs & Asigns forever -- Item I give and Bequeath unto my Eldest Son Samuel Smith six Hundred and fifty acres of Land in Five tracts all Joining One of another lying and being on the Gully and Buck Swamp Mostly Granted in my Own name except one Fifty acre Tract which I purchased ofWilliam Harralson (sic) and another whieh came out in the name of William Roseyearbeing a Bounty which I purchased, and also one Feather Bedand Furniture seven Head of Stock Cattle & thirty Head of Sheep, to Hold unto him the sd Samuel Smith and to his heirs & afsigns in Perpetual succefsion absolutely for Ever -- I Give and Bequeath unto my son John Smith Two Hundred and fifty acres of Land whereon he now lives which he ia to give me, One Hundred Pounds St.g to be paid to my Daughter Mary Buckholls in the Country Produce as he shall think most proper agreable to her nesefsity(sic), Also Four Hundred acres of land Lying and being on the N East side of Little Peedee which I purchased of John Clarke, one Megro lad named Hall and Eighteen Head of Stock Cattle to Hold unto him the said John Smith and to his heirsd & afsigns in perpetual Succefsion of ages to Come actually For Ever -- Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Son James Smith Seven Hundred & Fifty acres of Land which I purchased of Benjamin Harralson Jr lying &being on theN East side of Buck Swamp also One Hundred acres of land lying on or near Catfish Joing on the East side of a Survey of Two Hundred Acres which joins Wraggs Land Granted in my Own Name Two Mares or horses six head of Stock Cattle Twenty head Swine one Feather Bed & Furniture and a Set of Black Smith Tools, to hold unto Him the said James Smith & to his heirs & Afsigns in perpetual Succesfsion of Ages to come absoluley For Ever-- Item I Give a Bequeath unto my Daughter Anne Berry One Negro woman named Dinah which she had in her Own Pofsefsion and Also one Hundred and Four Acres of Land on Catfishwhereon Joseph Jones and one Bryant now lives on being two tracts nearly Joining One of another Sixty seven acres in One Tract and thirty seven in the Other One Horse or Mare Fifteen head of Stock Cattle Ten head of Stock Hoggs One Feather Bed & Furniture a Lott of Pewter to be worth Ten pounds & lott plantation Tools to amount of Thirty Eight Shillings to Hold unto the said Anne Berry & to her heirs /of her body/ in perpetual succefsion of Ages to Come actually For Ever-- Item I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Watson one tract of Land of Thre Hundred Acres which I Bought of Collins beingthe place where Kelly now lives on the Road and Also one Hundred & Fifty acres Purchased of W. Studdivant lying on the Bay Joining Land held by Frederick Jones. Also One Negro woman named Fibb and her Child and Twenty four head of Stock Cattle To Hold unto her the said Elizabeth Watson & to her heirs /of her body/ in perpetual Succefsion of Ages to Come Actually For Ever-- Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Buckholts One Hundred Pounds to be paid by the Hands of my Son John Smith in Produce at Market Price as her Necefsity Shall require as the Last Part of her Portion Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Tart, Seven hundred & Fifty acres of Land Joining to the Plantation & Mill Seat whereon I now live being Part of the Remaining part of the Old Tract which I purchased of Evan Evans which is One Hundred & Fifty acres more in Two other tracts all Joining One of another Observing to take off that one Hundred & fifty acres of the Old Evans Tract on the sd East side Joining to the other Two Tracts &next to the woodland part Reserving One HundredAcres More or lefs of the Said Old Evan's Tract for the use of the aforsed . Plantation & Mill whereon I now Live One Negro man named Tom one Negro woman Named Dinah, to Hold unto Her the sd. Sarah Tart and to her heirs /of her body/ in Perpetual Succefsion from Generation to Generation absolutely and Forever -- Item I Give and Bequeath Unto my Daughter Martha Fincklea OneHundred Acres of Land which I purchased of George Gibson lying in the west side of Catfish, One Negro man Named Harry one Horse or Mare Ten Head of Stock Cattle, One Small Negro Girl to Hold unto her the said Martha Fincklea and to her Heirs /of her body/ in perpetual Succefsion from Generation to Generation absolutely For Ever -- Item I Give and Bequeath unto My Daughter Mourning Bryant the Plantation and mill seat whereon I now Live Containing One Hundred Acres being that Part of the Tract which I had & purchased of Evan Evans which is Situated at the Dwellings and Mill and One Negro Girl One Horse or Mare, Fourteen Head Stock Cattle, Twenty Head Stock Hoggs To Hold unto Her the said Mourning Bryant and to her heirs /of her body/ perpetual Succefsion of Ages to Come actually & absolutely for Ever -- Item I give and Bequeath unto my My Daughter Cealey Harralson One Negro man named Caroline One Negro Boy named Joe also Five Hundred acres of Land whereon she now Lives and Granted in my Own Name. Thre Head of breeding Cattle, and Household Goods to amt of fifty four Shillings & nine Pence St.g. To Hold unto her the said Cealey Harrelson and to her heirs /of her Body/in perpetual Succefsion of ages to come actually and Absolutely For Ever -- And I do hereby Nominate, Constitute and appoint my Trusty Friends, my sons Samuel Smith and John Smith and Eaneas Tart to be my true and Lawful Executors to this my Last Will andTestament, Denying all other wills or Testaments heretofore made Signed or executed by me in any wise, Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this Tenth day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven his Sighnd Sealed Published DeclaredJohnSmith mark In the Presence of__________ Interlined before afsigned the words of her Body John Finkly John Dear Peter Keighley Notes for Mary Johns: Mary Johns was a neighbor or relative of John Smith's previous wife, Jane Ford.They were married within days after the death of Jane.John Smith had two small children at the time. !Will of John Smith IV in Marion Co SC.Mary is given in the will but not her maiden name.Michael Bryant has her name as Polk.Mourning is their child and also James Smith according to his records. Info on Mary obtained from Michael Bryant.He had her birth year as 1722 of Georgetown, SC and that she died after 1802. !NOTES of James O. King."The only published genealogy that I was able to locate that included a surname was compiled by Danny K. Haralson in his Haralson-Harrelson Family History and Lineage, p 97.It refers to her as Mary Johns (the mother of Celia Smith who married Benjamin Harrelson)."

Generation 6

Children of John Smith and Abigail Commander or Jane Ford are:

Anne Smith Berry

1. Anne Smith b. Circa 1740, married to Andrew Berry. They settled, before the Revolutionary War, at Sandy Bluff, Craven County, South Carolina (today known as Marion, Marlboro, Dillon Counties +).

Elizabeth Smith Watson, Deer

2. Elizabeth Smith, Watson, married to John Deer after her first husband passed.

Children of John Smith and Mary Johns are:

1 i. Mourning Smith, born Abt. 1758 in Georgetown District, SC; died 1841 in Marion County, SC; married Jesse Bryan, Sr Abt. 1771 in Georgetown District, SC. (See Below)

Mary "Polly" Smith Buckholts

ii. Mary (Polly) Smith6, born 19 September 1750 in Prince Frederick, Winyaw, SC7; died Abt. August 18168; married Major Buckholts; born Abt. 1750. Notes for Mary (Polly) Smith: Baptized by Rev. Michael Smith, May 29, 1753.

Sarah Smith Tart

iii. Sarah Smith9, born 1 December 1751 in Prince Frederick, Winyaw, SC10; married Enos Tart, Sr.; born Abt. 1750; died 18 January 1801 in Gum Swamp, Marion, SC. Notes for Sarah Smith: Sarah was baptized May 29., 1753.She married Enos Tart (History of Old Cheraws, page 393;Seller's History of Marion County, page 193; and Kinfolks by Harlee, Vol. III) Sellers narrative on page 193 says that the daughter of John Smith was the mother of Enos Tart and brothers--not his wife Sarah was baptized May 29, 1753 according to FGS from Dianne Moore.

Notes for Enos Tart, Sr.: See Seller's History of Marion County, page 193; and Kinfolks by Harlee, Vol. III) Sellers narrative on page 193 says that the daughter of John Smith was the mother of Enos Tart and brothers--not his wife. He says that he was a very large man but not corpulent.He was more than once the Representative of his district in the State Legislature;was Sheriff of the county, and Clerk of the Court when he died, in 1828.Enos Tart married a Miss Susanna Johnson, of the county, the results of the marriage were four or five daughters and three sons.One of his daughters married Jack Finklea;one married Willis Finklea; one, Elizabeth, married, first Alfred Kirvin and had two children for him..... (The Enos Tart above is the son of Enos,Sr.....bfb note) !Enos Tart is mentioned in the will of John Smith IV as the husband of Sarah Smith and he was named as an executor of the will of 1797 so his name appears on it. Sarah was a daughter of John's as is mentioned as Sarah Tart. Will was dated 18 Jan 1801, probated 1 May 1801; Marion Co Probate Records, Vol II, pages 101-102 by Lucille Utley and Danny Smith. !Sellers, W. W., History of Marion Co SC p 195-197. !Family Group Record prepared by Mrs. Janet H. Woodard, Charleston, SC (Records of James O. King). !NOTES of Wade Campbell of Greenville, SC.He says "Liberty County name was changed to Marion District in 1798.Enos Sr. died in 1801.He and/or John Smith IV built Tart's Mill.Without doubt they were charter members of Tarts Meeting house in 1786, when organized, merged with Ebenezer Church in 1835 (now Old Ebenezer).See Historical marker at Old Ebenezer.Bowling Green was on the Smith-Tart Land.Francis Marion camped on their land.See Historical marker on Hwy. 501. Contributed to the Marion County, S.C. website by: Linda D LDKT@InfoAve.Net Tue, 13 Jan 1998 This will is typed as it was written.I did not correct any of the spelling or punctuation.I also left blank any words I was not able to make out. Linda D Will of ENOS TART SEN In the name of God Amen I Enos Tart Senr being indisposed in body but of sound memory well seeing and hearing and calling to mind the mortality of this body that it is appointed for all men to die I do therefore make ordain and constitute this my last will and Testament but first of all. I commit my spirit unto the hands of God who gave it Nothing doubting but I shall receive the same again at the Great day of the Resurrection and be again reunited by the power of Almighty God and as for such worldly Goods as hath pleased Almighty God to endow me with I do hereby dispose of in manner and form following (that is to say) after my Just debts and funeral charges are all well satisfyd and paidSt Item 1 lend to my well beloved wife Sarah Tart Two negro Slaves named Hannah and Mingo four Cows and Calves being the Choice of my Stock three Sows and pigs one feather bed and furniture one white faced mare named Julip one Saddle and Bridle One Pewter dish four pewter plates one Iron Pot four.Tables with all the West part of my plantation begining at the So End of my house Mill dam and Running a Strait course agreeable to a Row of Apple trees nearly direct.from the end of my mill dam to my son John Tarts upper line Except one half acre of Land nearest to the Mill dam to my son Nathan Tart for the use of the Mill dam with my dweling Houses Smoke hous. barns. and Stables also the privileges of timber for Repairing the Houses or fences or fierwood for her the said Sarah Tarts use on any part of my land two plow hoes one or two weeding hoes also provision for her the said Sarah, Use and her Creatures the Form. of twelve. months after my decease with all my Geese and poultry and at the death of my wife Sarah Tart the above memtioned houses and land so lent to return to my son John Tart to be his Rite and property forever agreeable to my last Will and Testament and the rest of her property so lent to return to my two daughters Mary Crawford and Martha Maloys to be equally divided. and I do give and beqneath unto well beloved John Tart all the land on which I now live on the South side of my Mill pond and Creek from the High water mark Strait a West course to Jas Crawford Senr line Except one half acre Nearest to the mill dam and adjoining to the above mentioned half acre of land before mentioned to my son Nathan Tart3rdly. To my well beloved son Jonathan Tart I do give and bequeath all the lands that I now pofssfs on the North side of the Wattery branch Bay. which I bought of Soloman Bolton and John Saunders also one negro man Slave named Ben4thI do give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Enos Tart Junr the plantation and Tract of land which I bought from John Smith Senr containing three hundred and fifty acres and Mil- also One white faced Stout horse called Stockings One feather bed and furniture (5th) I do give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Mary Crawford four hundred acres of Land lieing and being on Buck Swanp which I bought from John Saunders 6th I do give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Martha Malay Three hundred and fifty acres of land lieing and being on Bee Branch adjoining lands Granted to Issac Hovel which was Granted to myself7th I do give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Nathan Tart all the lands from my son John Tarts upper line (that I now will to him) and Mill and pond that I am now pofssefs also Two negro Slaves Heter and Will also one. feather bed and furniture four Cows and Calves.one horse Colt named Naught his negroes to be hired out and lands Rented once every year being up to the highest bidder and his cattle to be Kept on Stock and himself put to Schooll on the money gained untill he is capable to go into a store then bound to some man in the Mercantile businsfs untill he becomes to be Twenty one years of age also fifty acres of land which I purchased of Samuel Pouncy one Black horse called Jack with all the rest of my property whatsoever it may be that I am pofsefsed with at my decease to be sau up to the highest bider and the money to be equally divided after my lawful debts to be paid out of the same and my book. accounts between my two daughters Mary Crawford and Martha MaloyAlso I leave the legacy or sum of Money now prescribed to be paid unto Nancy Tart my Granddaughter first John Tart Fifty dollars secondly Jonathan Tart Fifty dollars Thirdly Enos Tart Junr Fifty dollars fourthly Mary Crawford Twenty five dollars Fifthly Martha Maloy Twenty five dollars Sixthly Nathan Tart Fifty dollars the above money to be paid to the said Nancy Tart Fifty dollars at the time that she becomes to the age of Twenty one years Also I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my three Eldest sons John. Jonathan and Enos Tart to be my true and lawful Executors to this my last Will and Testament Ratifying and confirming this and no other to beMy last will and Testament denying Revoking and disannuling all other Wills or Testaments by me heretofore made done or executed either by word or writing In Witnefs whereofI have brount to set my hand and Enterechangeably affixed my Seal this Eighteenth day of January and in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and one and in the Twenty fifth year of American Independancy. Enos Tart (Seal) Archibald Kerby his James. X.Grantham mark his Andrew. A. Berry Senr mark Recorded in Will Book 1, Page 14 Sworn to on May 1, 1801 - Hugh Giles Ordy. M. D. Role No. 767 Subj: [SCMARION-L] Re: [SCMARION] Britton family Date: 11-Mar-00 11:25:44 AM Eastern Standard Time From: JoChurchD@aol.com Reply-to: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com .............Marion County SC Deedbook D page 176; on 2 Feb 1795 Samuel Pouncey of Georgetown Dist sold 50 acres of land, including land he lived on, to Enos Tart. The land was on NE side of Pee Dee river near Bair Branch, and a chain of title was given: part of 100a grant to William Middleton 21 Apr 1775... sold to William Rickets & from Rices (sic) to Peter Tilor to William Patrick to Jessey Patrick to William Hughs to Saml Pouncey to Enos Tart...(From "Marion County, South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds, Volume One, Books A - E. 1800 - 1811" abstracted by Lucille Utley, published by Alita White Sutcliffe.)

Samuel Smith

iv. Samuel Smith11, born 1 May 1753 in Prince Frederick, Winyaw, SC12; died April 184313; married Mollie Rice; born Abt. 1755. Notes for Samuel Smith: Baptized May 29, 1753.John (his father) calls him his eldest son in his will. John Smith's oldest son, Samuel, was born May 1, 1753 and died April, 1843.He married Mollie Rice.Gregg's "History of Old Cheraws", page 245 states that Samuel Smith was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in Col. Powell's Regiment of Militia, St. Davido parish, 26th Day of September, 1775 and page 269 gives account of a battle between Long Island and Sullivans in which Lt. Smith took part."South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783", by McCrady, page 359, states: "Samuel Smith listed a prisoner on Board the Schooner Pack Horse."Samuel Smith is buried in the old Smith Cemetery about three miles east of Latta, SC.The marker reads:"2nd L. Samuel Smith, Colonel Powell's Regiment---Rev. War".No dates are shown. Samuel Smith had three children.One daughter married Captain William Page, a son of Thomas Page.The otherdaughter, Elizabeth (Betsy), married Thomas Moody [NOT Robert Moody as Sellers states].The son, Samuel, was married twice;first to a miss Lane, daughter of Osborne Lane and second, to Sallie Hayes, daughter of Benjamin Hayes.(Betsy married Thomas Moody--Robert's brother.See notes for Thomas...bfb) the following was taken from the Marion cnty, SC Tax returns for 1786-Jesse Bryan (land ) 50 acres (negroes) (0)Willis Finklea 183 (a) (0) negroes- Saml. Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-James Johnson 25 (a) (0) negroes-Isaac Atlinson 425 (a) (0) negroes-Thomas Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-Joseph Jones 50 (0) negroes- Kphm Martin 200 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith 100 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith Sr. 1450 (a)(8) negroes-Samuel Smith 200 (a) (5) negroes OLD SMITH CEMETERY Highway # 917-3.2 Miles East of Latta, Dillon County, S. C. Now owned by Murray Rogers Copied December 1951 By D. L. E. McCollum 2 Lt. Samuel Smith/ Powell's/ Regt./ S. C. Mil./ Rev. War/ Several graves with wooden markers. Tradition informs us that John Deer, the noted Tory of Old Marion District, is buried here. Subj: Re: Martin family of Marion County Date: 11/15/99 10:50:52 AM Eastern Standard Time From: Hbmoody To: BBryan84 Bob, OK, for your information we found the Samuel Smith, Sr.Rev. soldier in the middle of a cow pasture on somebody's farm who I can't recall the name of it right now.I will have to ask my husband.I suppose at one time there were other markers there but they have let the cows have full reign and the only one left is the Samuel Smith marker.This is truly a shame.I am assuming the markers of this type were placed by some organization like DAR or DAC. We also found one for Charles Moody.The Samuel SmithSr.,and it says Sr.) is actually Jr that the marker is in the Smith Cemetery in Smithboro. Helen

More About Samuel Smith: Burial: Old Smith Cemetery, 3 miles east of Latta, SC. Marriage Notes for Samuel Smith and Mollie Rice: Marriage documented in History of Old Cheraws.

John Smith V

v. John Smith V14, born 1756 in Craven County, SC (Now Marion County)15; died 1825 in Marion District, SC15; married Sarah Ann (Sallie) Godbold Abt. 178116; born Abt. 1750 in Georgetown District, SC16; died 1843 in Marion District, SC16. Notes for John Smith V: Contributed to the Marion County SCGenWeb site by: Roberta Hayes King<Bertienc@aol.com> 2 May 2000 WILL OF JOHN SMITH (State of South Carolina Marion District) In the name of God amen I John Smith of the State and District aforesaid Having Advanced in years Knowing the frailly of Human Life the venture and uncertainty of it but being of perfect Sound memory do Here by Declare this my Last will and testament and first of all Give my sole unto the Hands of the almighty God that give it me and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Heirs and Executors and my Worldly Estate to be Disposed of In following manner and Form that is to Say After my death I give unto my belved Wife Francis Smith all my Lands and plantations and after Her death all my Land to go to James D Turner hir Son Except She should have and Heir Borned in the time prescribed in Law after my Death If she has my Land to be Equal Divided Betwen it and her Son Before mentions What item at my Death I give to my Belvd Wife Francis all of my hous hould and kitchen funer Horses Cattle Hogs and plantation tools at the decretion of my Executor Who as my Wife Francis Smith who I appint to be my whole and Sole Executor of my Last will and testament I do hereby Declre Latify and confirm this and no other to be my Last will and testament In Witnefs where of I have here unto Set my Hand and Seale this twelveth day of December In the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty fore Sined and Seeled In the presents of ----------------------- William S hannahJohn Smith (SEAL) Benjamin Turner her Elizabeth I Turner mark Recorded in Will Book 1, Page 16 Recorded Oct 1, 1853 Role No. 733

James Smith

vi. James Smith17, born Bef. 1762.

Martha Smith Finklea

vii. Martha Smith17, born Abt. 1750; married Willis Finklea Abt. 1772; born Abt. 174618; died 28 August 1837 in Monroe County, AL18. Notes for Martha Smith: From: ednaray@tstar.net (Edna H Cheatham), 2/22/98 Reply-to: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com ('SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com') Another Willis FINKLEA: s. ca 1746, d. 28 Aug 1837 Monroe Co AL; m. ca 1772 Martha Smith, daughter of John and Mary ? Smith. The 1790 census for Georgetown Dist, Prince George Parish indicates Willis is head of a household of 11 members. Known children were: John, Willis, Jr., Thomas, and Samuel J. Edna Cheatham ednaray@tstar.net

Notes for Willis Finklea: From: ednaray@tstar.net (Edna H Cheatham), 2/22/98 Reply-to: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com ('SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com') Another Willis FINKLEA: s. ca 1746, d. 28 Aug 1837 Monroe Co AL; m. ca 1772 Martha Smith, daughter of John and Mary ? Smith. The 1790 census for Georgetown Dist, Prince George Parish indicates Willis is head of a household of 11 members. Known children were: John, Willis, Jr., Thomas, and Samuel J. < Edna Cheatham, ednaray@tstar.net the following was taken from the Marion cnty, SC Tax returns for 1786-Jesse Bryan (land ) 50 acres (negroes) (0)Willis Finklea 183 (a) (0) negroes- Saml. Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-James Johnson 25 (a) (0) negroes-Isaac Atlinson 425 (a) (0) negroes-Thomas Gasque 100 (a) (0) negroes-Joseph Jones 50 (0) negroes- Kphm Martin 200 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith 100 (a) (0) negroes-John Smith Sr. 1450 (a)(8) negroes-Samuel Smith 200 (a) (5) negroes

Cealey Smith Harrelson

viii. Cealey Smith19, born 2 January 1739/40 in Marion District, SC20; died 21 December 185420; married Benjamin Harrelson 2 January 176821; born Bet. 1735 - 174021; died Aft. 184022. Notes for Cealey Smith: Dianne Moore has her name as Celia.

Mourning Smith Bryant

Mourning Smith1, born Abt. 1758 in Georgetown District, SC2; died 1841 in Marion County, SC.She was the daughter of 2. John Smith IV and 3. Mary Johns.She married (1) Jesse Bryan, Sr Abt. 1771 in Georgetown District, SC.He was born Abt. 1746 in Unknown, and died 7 November 1822 in Marion County, SC3. Notes for Mourning Smith: According to information from Michael Hugh Bryant of Clearwater, the children of Jesse Bryan, Sr. and Mourning Smith spelled their name "Bryant".This is not shown in the data compiled by Gus and Ruby Bryan of Opp, AL, however, it is corroborated by the spelling in the 1860 census of Covington County, AL for Jesse Bryant. !NOTES:Info gathered by Ruby Bryan of Opp, AL."Mourning Smith Bryan was born in the Georgetown District about 1758.She was the daughter of John Smith IV born about 1710 in Chowan County, NC.John Smith IV died in 1802.He had settled on Buck Swamp before the Revolutionary War.He was married three times. First to Abigail Commander, second to Jane Ford, and third to Mourning Bryan's mother Mary ____(maiden name not recorded). John Smith III was born in York County, Virginia in 1683.He died in Chowan County, NC.He married in 1709, Ann Jasper who was born about 1690 and died after 1732.Ann was the daughter of Richard Jasper.John Smith III and Ann Jasper were the parents of John Smith IV. John Smith II and his wife, Elizabeth ____, were the parents of John Smith III. The above John Smith was born in the Isel of Wight, Virginia in 1640 and died there after 1683. John Smith II and wife Elizabeth were married 1680. The parents of John Smith I were William Smith and Ann.John Smith I was born in England in 1614, died in Isle of Wight, VA after 1694.He married Ann Jones, born about 1620, and died after 1694.Ann was the daughter of Anthony Jones who in his will of 1694 left 2,000 acres of land in Chowan Co, NC to his grandsons John II and Thomas Smith. William Smith born in England about 1590 died in Isle of Wight, VA before Sept 1645, came to VA about 1621.He was a cousin of Langrave Thomas Smith of SC, and also of the Smiths who settled in Boston.William Smith married Ann ____ born about 1595 in England.William and Ann married in England in 1609. She later married second, Anthony Jones and married third Nathaniel Bacon, Sr. [The above information was found in book SEVENTH CENTURY ISLE OF WIGHT, VIRGINIA by Boddie, pages 253, 254, 535, 614m 573, 602, 516, 573, 517. Another book NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, Vol 2, No 1, p 151.Will of John Smith IV in Marion County, SC.Will by Richard Jasper and of Anthony Jones, Chowan Co, NC. Mourning's birth date is shown as 1763 in the book, "Allen and Allied Families", page 17. Middle name may have been Nancy (according to FGR from Joan R. Cardon, 443 N. Hobson Plaza, Meza, AZ85203, phone 602-962-9166) To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com From MarionSC mail list, 5/21/98: Jo H. wrote: << Jo...hi!If Solomon and Smithy Huggins' children were: Mary Annborn 5 Oct 1829 Mourning Carolinaborn 20 Aug 1831 Nancy born 27 Oct 1835 Clarissaborn 12 Aug 1837 Johnborn 24 Aug 1839 Ann Elizaborn 22 Jun 1843 then my understanding of the name "Mourning" is wrong.I read somewhere (on the internet, so not so reliable?) that the name was given to a child whose mother had died during the birth.>> Reply from Jo C: Not necessarily. But in this case she would seem to be named for her mother's mother. Smithy Bryant Huggins was daughter of Jesse Bryant Sr and Mourning Smith per probate records of Jesse Bryant Sr, and per will of Mourning Smith Bryant's father John Smith who died c1799/1800. Perhaps Mourning Smith Bryant was named for a dead mother? I have seen reports that John Smith was married at least two times, perhaps three. There are Bryant and Smith researchers on the list who know much more about those families than I do. Hi! back, Jo... Jo C. Subj: [SCMARION-L] Aaron Martin vs Mourning Bryant Date: 3/9/99 12:36:10 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Bertienc@aol.com Reply-to: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com Ref: Marion Co. Probate, pg8, #27. Aaron Martin et ux et al vs. Mourning Bryant and others. Bill for Relief and Injunction. Filed 5 Jan 1834 (or 1838). Aaron Martin and Elizabeth his wife, William Bryant, Willis Finklea and Mary his wife, David *Perritt and Sally his wife, Needham Perritt and Citsy his wife, Henry Gasque and Milly his wife, Jonathan Harrell and Mourning his wife and Solomon Huggins and Smithy his wife, that Jesse Bryant of Marion Dist. died 1822 testate, that he appointed Aaron Martin of Marion Dist. and Jesse Bryant, one of the defendants, exors thereof. Among other things testator bequeathed as follows, " I give to my beloved wife Mourning Bryant all the remainingpart of my estate real and personal her lifetime and at her death my whole estate to be divided amongst my surviving children, vis: Elizabeth Martin, William Bryant, James Bryant, Jesse Bryant, Mary Finklea, Sally *Perrett, Mourning Harrell, Citsy Perrett, Milly Gasque and Smithy Bryant." The widow Mourning Bryant took possession of the whole of his personal estate except a negro girl named Iris (?) bequeathed to his daughter Smithy. She (Mourning) has wasted and mismanaged the estate.

  • (Perritt/Perrett).

Maybe someone can glean something from this. Alexander Brown married Eleanor "Nellie" Gasque d/o Henry and Milly Gasque, part of my MC Browns. Roberta Hayes King Notes for Jesse Bryan, Sr: He lived on a plantation located on Catfish Creek between the little Pee Dee and the Big Pee Dee Rivers.It was all beautiful, level swamp land.He owned several slaves.Jesse made his will in 1818 and died Nov. 7, 1822.His will was not probated until 1828. The parents of Jesse Bryan are not known at this time.The following men are listed in the 1810 census of Marion County, SC and lived near Jesse:Sylas Bryan, Joel Bryan, and Lemuel Bryan.They are the right ages to be his brothers but this has not been established. The will of John Smith IV, the father-in-law of Jesse Bryan(t), mentions an "Arce (?) Bryant living on a tract of 104 acres of land belonging to Smith located on Catfish Creek.This land was bequeathed to his daughter, Ann Berry, along with with one negro woman named Dinah and various other possessions.It is not known if this Arce Bryan(t) is related to Jesse. Some records show his name as "Jesse Bryant" or Jesse Bryant, Jr.According to information from Virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC, (provided by Linda D. Smith, 1000 Cold Branch Drive, Columbia, SC 29223)Jesse served in the Revolutionary War. W. W. Sellers in "A History of Marion County", 1902,has the following: The Bryant family is an old family.Jesse Bryant is said to have been the first of that name in the county;he came from England, as it is said;he married a Miss Turbeville, supposed to have been the sister of Rev. William Turbeville, who, according to Bishop Gregg (pp. 70 and 71), came over about 1735, and settled at Sandy Bluff, on the Great Pee Dee, with the colony then and there settled, as their minister."Several brothers came with him, of whom sone descendants are now to be found in Marion."It may be presumed that sisters came too, and that one of them married old Jesse Bryant.Old Jesse had sons, William, Stephen and Jesse.Of these, William married Rebecca Miller;he lived and died some twenty-five or thirty years ago, on the road just above Ebenezer Church at the age of eighty-nine.Whether William, Stephen, or Jesse was the oldest, is not known.Jesse Bryant, son of the first Jesse, went West. Old Billy Bryant raised a large family, four sons and several daughters.Of the sons, John M. Bryant was the oldest;he died some years ago at the age of eighty-three;he married a Miss Drew, below Marion, and raised a large family--sons. Eli, Solomon, David, Pinckney and Hugh Bryant;and daughters, Mrs. David Johnson, Mrs. Hardy Johnson and Mrs. Addison Lane.Eli Bryant went West.Solomon Bryant married a daughter of Rev. David Edwards, first, and then a Miss McDonald.I do not know who David married;he has a son, named Curtis Bryant.Pinckney Bryant married, had a large family and is dead;I don't know who his wife was.Hugh Bryant married a daughter of the late Rev. David Edwards, and has a family;these are now our fellow-citizens, and are contributing their share towards populating and improving the conditions of the county.John M. Bryant was a solid, number one man, honest, truthful and reliable.Stephen Bryant was the father or grand-father of F. D. Bryant, Esq, of the Marion Bar.One of the daughters of the first Jesse was the wife of the late Charles Taylor.One of the sons of old William Bryant, named William, was a Baptist preacher;he went to Horry, and became the head of a family there.Also, did Stephen, the father of F. D. Bryant.The writer is not reasonably certain that this account of the Bryant family is correct in every particular--it is, however, in accord with the information obtained. !NOTES:The name Bryant was sometimes spelled Bryan. It was spelled Bryan when Jesse Bryan signed his will.His son Jesse signed his named spelled Bryan and so did his grandson Giles Bryan. Will of Jesse Bryant, p 213, Marion Co SC Wills.Mentions 11 children and his wife Morning.He made his will in 1818 and died 7 Nov 1822; however the will was not probated until 1828.Jesse Bryant married Mourning Smith and according to his will the following are their children:Elizabeth, born in 1772, married Aaron Martin; William, born 1774, married Rebecca Miller; James Jesse, Jr., married Elizabeth Johnson; Mary married John Finklea; Sallie married David Perritt, (a soldier of War of 1812); Mourning married Jonathan Harrell; Citsy married Needham Perritt; Milly married Henry Gasque; and an unmarried daughter who later married Solomon Huggins. Jesse was born about 1750 and wife Mourning Smith married about 1770.She was the daughter of John Smith IV and Mary Johns.John Smith furnished supplies to soldiers in the Revolutionary War and therefore can be used as a Revolutionary ancestor on joining the Daughters of the American Revolution. (This info was furnished and written by Ruby Bryan of Opp, AL. Will of Jesse Bryant (Copied from 3 Rivers Chronicle, Volume XX, Number 2EE, Summer, 1999) In the name of God, Amen. I Jesse Bryant of Marion District in the State of South Carolina being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and testament that is to say my principally and first of all I give and recommend my sole into hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body Irecommend to the Earth to be buried in decent christian burial at thediscretion of my Executors Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection Ishall receive the same again by the Mighty power of God and as touching suchworldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life Igive demise and depose of the same in the following manner & form. First I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Smithy one negro Girl named Jin. and the plantation where I now reside on Catfish Creek. Also I give to my well beloved wife Mourning Briant all the remainder part of my Estate real and personal her lifetime and at her death my whole estate to be equally divided among my surviving children vis Elizabeth Martin, Wm Briant, Jas Briant, Jesse Briant, Mary Finklea, Sally Perritt, Mourning Harrell, Citsy Perritt, Milly Gasque, Smithy Briant to be equally divided among them share and share alike. I likewise constitute make and ordain my son Jim Briant and my soninlaw Aaron Martin sole Executors of this my last will and testament In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of February 1818 and in the forty 2nd year of American Independence Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Jefse Briant to be and contain his last will and testament in the presents of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names. Jesse Bryant (Seal) James Crawford Levi Hays Willis Finklea Recorded in Will Book 1, Roll No. 33, page 204 Original Will missing Recorded June 15, 1829 Thomas Harllee Ordinary From Dianne Moore, June, 1998 In the Marion Co., SC, deed and equity books, there is record of Aaron and Elizabeth contesting the will and division of the estate of Elizabeth's father, Jesse Bryant.It appears that Mourning, Jesse's wife and Elizabeth's mother, sold property to her son, William, which was bounded on the west side by Aaron Martin's property.The children of Jesse and Mourning (with their spouses) contested the sale and the division of estate.Commissioners were appointed by the court to divide the estate and the heirs agreed to abide by the decision of the Commissioners. At the conclusion of the Commissioners review, Elizabeth Martin was given an amount due from her husband, Aaron.When the property was sold, Aaron Martin was one of the purchasers.He received 1 tract of land for $175.00. In the copy of Deed in Roll # 116, roll # 33, and roll # 904 1/2, : "We, Elizabeth Martin, William Bryant, James Bryant, Jesse Bryant, David Perritt, Needham Perritt, Jonathan Harrell, Henry Gasque and Smith Huggins wife of Solomon Huggins, legatees under the will of the late Jesse Bryant decd. to whom certain property after death of Mourning Bryant was by the will of Jesse Adkinson, shall claim an equal share with the rest of the heirs viz. Hugh Adkinson, Jesse Adkinson, Ebenezer Adkins, Sarah Ann Godbold wife of Vincent and also the children of Mary Finklea to wit 4 in number.Witness our hands and etc." "We the heirs and legatees of Jesse Bryant decd solemnly swear and affirm that we will stand to and abide by the award and arbitrament of the named commissioners on the settlement of the estate.Before me, Mr. I. Watson, being substituted in place of Col. Durant.Signed:Elizabeth martin, William Bryant, James Bryan, Jesse Adkinson, Solomon Huggins, Henry Gasque, David Perritt and Elly Finklea.Before Edwd. B. Wheeler, CCP, 12 Nov. 1845." "Mourning Bryant in consideration of $310 paid by my son, William Bryant, planter, tract of land containing 310 acres more or less, it being land that M. Bryant bought at sheriff sale 6 Sept. 1830 bounded on south by Susan Tart; west by Aaron Martin; east by John Deer land; north by Willis Finklea, Sr. land.24 Feby 1840.Signed:Mourning Bryant.Witnesses:Jesse Lee and B. Moody.Probated 18 March 1845. We the commissioners, have --- that this deed is of no force and, therefore, null and void and, consequently, have brought the land which purpots so have conveyed into the division. Nov. 14, 1845.B.K. Henagen, A.L. Scarborough, R.H. Reaves, Isham Watson and E. Egett." "Commissioners:Dr. Henagan, A.L. Scarborough, W.W. Durant, R.H. Reaves and E. Legett to divide estate 12 Nov. 1845.We Commissioners selected by the heirs of Jesse Bryant, Sr. and Mourning Bryan to divide the estate of Jesse Bryant and Mourning Bryant by leave respectifully to report follows:We find the estate above mentioned to be worth $6,665.45 as per exhibits A, B, C, D.Division among eleven legatees.Adjustments among heirs.1.Wm. Bryan2.James Bryan3.Jesse Bryan4.Elizabeth Martin amt due by A. Martin5.heirs of Ann Adkinson6.heirs of Mary Finklea7.David Perritt8.Needam Perritt9.Jonathan Harrell10.Henry Gasque and 11. Solumon Huggins. Notes:Widows note, Willis Fincklea, Wm. Bryant, Aron Martin, Moody note, McDaniel and Jones." "Sales recorded in Sales Book A, page 51.Purchasers:Mourning Bryant, Aaron Martin, Willis Fincklea, William Bryant and Randal McDaniel:(No date)" "Sale of land of Jesse Breyan.1 tract sold to widow where she lives $525.00.1 tract to Willis Fincklea $275.00.1 tract to Wm. Bryant $241.00.1 tract to Aaron Martin $175.00 and 1 tract to Randall McDaniel $60.00.Sales Book A, page 50.Jesse Adkinson 13 Nov. 1845.Rec'd from Commissioners share of Ann Adkinson $601.00.Received $601.40 as share of Mary Fincklea signed Elly Finckle.Receipt of $601.40 as share of William Bryan 14 Nov. 1845.Rec'd from Commr. his share of estate of Jesse Bryan 14 Nov. 1845 signed James Bryan.Rec'd from Commissioners her share of Jesse Bryan Estate $601.40.Signed Elizabeth Martin.Witness by John Collins 14 Nov. 1845........" Sources 1.Genealogy of Wade B. Campbell, Greenville, SC. 2.Genealogy of Gus and Ruby Bryan, Opp, AL. 3.Marion Co., SC, Deed Book.Roll # 116, Roll # 33, and Roll # 904 1/2. 4.Marion Co., SC, Sales Book.A, pg. 51. Marion cnty, SC Tax returns for 1786-Jesse Brian (land ) 50 acres (negroes) (0) Subj: [SCMARION-L] Aaron Martin vs Mourning Bryant Date: 3/9/99 12:36:10 PM Eastern Standard Time From: Bertienc@aol.com Reply-to: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com To: SCMARION-L@rootsweb.com Ref: Marion Co. Probate, pg8, #27. Aaron Martin et ux et al vs. Mourning Bryant and others. Bill for Relief and Injunction. Filed 5 Jan 1834 (or 1838). Aaron Martin and Elizabeth his wife, William Bryant, Willis Finklea and Mary his wife, David *Perritt and Sally his wife, Needham Perritt and Citsy his wife, Henry Gasque and Milly his wife, Jonathan Harrell and Mourning his wife and Solomon Huggins and Smithy his wife, that Jesse Bryant of Marion Dist. died 1822 testate, that he appointed Aaron Martin of Marion Dist. and Jesse Bryant, one of the defendants, exors thereof. Among other things testator bequeathed as follows, " I give to my beloved wife Mourning Bryant all the remainingpart of my estate real and personal her lifetime and at her death my whole estate to be divided amongst my surviving children, vis: Elizabeth Martin, William Bryant, James Bryant, Jesse Bryant, Mary Finklea, Sally *Perrett, Mourning Harrell, Citsy Perrett, Milly Gasque and Smithy Bryant." The widow Mourning Bryant took possession of the whole of his personal estate except a negro girl named Iris (?) bequeathed to his daughter Smithy. She (Mourning) has wasted and mismanaged the estate.

  • (Perritt/Perrett).

Maybe someone can glean something from this. Alexander Brown married Eleanor "Nellie" Gasque d/o Henry and Milly Gasque, part of my MC Browns. Roberta Hayes King Marion District, SC Deed book F, page 271, 17 Jul 1813 Mary Johnson, Sherid Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, John Turbeville, William Turbeville, Unity Woods, Robert Moody, Jessey Bryan and Enos Tart to Samuel Johnson for $305, 172 a part of 200 a grant to Samuel Johnson, Sr., decd on 14 Sep 1789 and other grant to John Owens 1 Sep 1770 for 100a.Wit:Thomas moody, Roger Moody.Signed Mary (x) Johnson, Sherid (x) Johnson, Benjamin (B) Johnson, John (x) Turbeville, William (x) Turbeville, Unity (x) Woods, Jesse Bryan, Enos Tart. [1]

1800 Marion District Census:

Head of Household: BRIAN, JESSE

Males 0-9 0

10-15 1

16-25 2

26-44 0

45&up 1

Female 0-9 4

10-15 2

16-25 1

26-44 1

45&up 0

Other 0

Slave 0 [2]



  1. martygra@icomnet.com on 8 Aug 1997.
  2. 1800 Marion District Census: Stamped Page Number:452, Handwritten Page No: 796 Transcribed by Marty Grant, September 1999. [1]
  3. Genealogy.com - Bobby F. Bryan


1.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

2.Ruby Bryan supplied information

3.Will of Jesse Bryant, p 213, Marion Co SC Wills

4.virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95

5.Virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95

6.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

7.virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95

8.Dianne Moore info

9.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

10.virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95;also info from Diane Moore

11.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

12.virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95;also info from Diane Moore

13.Seller's History of Marion County, 496.

14.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

15.virginia Rogers Smith, Bowman, SC;via Linda D.Smith, Columbia, SC , 2/17/95

16.Joan Cardon Pedigree Chart in Pee Dee Queue, July-August, 1988.

17.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

18.See notes.

19.Will, Mentioned in father's will.

20.Dianne Moore info

21.Dan Griggs Internet Web Page @ Lineage.net

22.Will, See notes.

23.Hathaway NC Historical and Genealogical Register

24.Dianne Moore info

25.Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight VA, by Boddie, 254. 26.Boddie's "Isle of Wight County, VA"

27.Dianne Moore info

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